| Citron Campus 121 S. Citron Street Anaheim, CA 92805
Preschool-Kindergarten 714.533.3930
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Citron Campus Newsletter
March 23, 2012 |
PHOTO OF THE WEEK David F. proudly shows off his work at Open House last Friday
News & Announcements
Teacher Appreciation Week The Citron Campus will celebrate Teacher Appreciation March 26th - March 29th. During this week the Fairmont Parent Association has organized special activities to help make the Citron staff feel truly appreciated. A letter will be sent home today with the FPA activities for the week. These gestures are simple to do and the FPA asks for your help during the week by having your child participate. If you are interested in helping with any activities please contact Courtney Conant at fairmontmom@hotmail.com.
Spring Extra-Curricular Classes The spring session for our Extra-Curricular classes will start Monday, March 26th. We are excited to be offering two new classes: Junior Detective and the Young Music Co. Our extracurricular classes allow your child to enjoy fun and enriching courses while broadening their experiences without even leaving the campus. Please note there was a misprint in the brochure. Mad Science will run from March 27th through May 22nd. We apologize for any confusion. Don't wait too long to sign up because some classes have limited space. Full payment for classes should be submitted by Monday, April 2nd (to the wooden Activities box). There will be no adds, drops, or refunds after Friday, April 6th. Don't miss out! The sign-up sheets are located in the Office Lobby. Please contact Ms. Dodson for more information at cdodson@fairmontschools.com.
Fairmont Parent Survey An e-mail for the annual Fairmont Parent Survey went out last week. Your feedback is valuable, and we appreciate you taking the time to provide it to us. This year we are hoping to increase parent participation so we are raffling a $1,000 tuition discount good for the 2012-2013 school year. One winner will be drawn and all survey participants will be eligible.
Chalk Talk: How to Parent Your Kids (Without Losing Your Mind) Tuesday April 3, 2012, 7:00pm - 8:30pm Fairmont Edgewood Campus
If you've ever dreamed of being a better parent or educator, this is the event for you! Learn how to make the most of your parent/child/school relationship from acclaimed speaker, Scott Peebles, M.A., MFCC, H.B. Scott was one of the youngest licensed Marriage, Family & Child Counselors in California, and he has been deemed one of the most exciting and entertaining parenting speakers in the country. Scott calls his method "Slightly Off the Wall Parenting." We think you'll call it amazing! All Fairmont parents, faculty and friends are welcome!
Click here to RSVPHomestay Program Info Session
Wednesday, March 28 6:30-8:30pm Fairmont Anaheim Hills Campus
The Fairmont Homestay Program is looking for Fairmont Families to host an international student for our short-term, long term, and summer programs at our Mable, Anaheim Hills, and Preparatory Campuses. Fairmont has a variety of student programs ranging from two weeks to an entire academic year allowing any family the opportunity to participate in this rewarding experience. Families will also receive financial compensation for their participation.
March Lunch Menu
Feature Article
Summer is around the corner and it's never too early to sign up for Fairmont's Summer Programs. Summer time is a special time for children to have fun, play with friends and make memories. It's what summer is all about. At Fairmont Private Schools, summer is especially fun with a variety of summer camp activities, exciting excursions and enrichment opportunities for all grade levels. We mix the best parts of summer with the academic preparation to start the school year right!
Save 10% on Fairmont Summer Camp and Summer School registration through April 30th. The discount will be automatically applied at the time of registration. Make sure to visit our website at www.fairmontsummerprograms.com to receive more information.
For your convenience, a laptop will be available in the lobby and we are happy to assist you with your summer application. You can also follow our summer program on Facebook; just go to www.facebook.com/fairmontsummer and "like" our page.
We would like to give a big thanks to everyone who stopped by our summer table and participated in our guess-timation M&M jar. Congratulations to Vincent Chau for winning a free week of summer during our Open House. He guessed the exact number of M&M's in the jar!
Mable Campus Corner
Kindergarten Tree Planting
Citron to Mable Campus Tours If you have not yet had the opportunity, there is a chance for parents to have an Open Tour of the Mable Campus every Wednesday from 10:00am to 11:00am. Mrs. Christie DuVall, Mable's Director of Admissions, will be glad to show you around the campus. You are welcome to come and take a look at where your children will be next year. Please let us know if you have any questions at (714) 563-4050, extension 1110.
Citron to Mable Campus Transition Conference As we complete re-enrollment, we would like to invite you to complete your Junior Kindergarten into Kindergarten or Kindergarten into First Grade transition conference at your earliest convenience. These conferences offer an excellent opportunity to learn about the Mable Campus' First Grade program and have all of your questions answered. Please call or e-mail Ms. Rafat to schedule your conference as soon as possible.
Kindergarten Readiness PanelThursday, March 29th 5:00pm-6:00pm Mable Campus Is your child ready for Kindergarten? This presentation focuses on the importance of Kindergarten prep, highlighting key aspects of a structured preschool experience. Learn about developmental milestones, and what to expect as you prepare for your child's Kindergarten year. Click here to RSVP or call Sheila at 714.533.3930
Mable Students Advance to Nationals in Toshiba ExploraVision Competition Four fifth graders from Fairmont's Mable Campus demonstrated their talent for scientific innovation in Toshiba's national ExploraVision Competition. The team, led by science teacher Kathryn Baham, was named one of 24 regional winners in the country and will now take their project "Hearing the World's Silent Side" to the national round of the competition. The team members include Chloe S. of Fullerton, Taylor T. of Orange, Riya B. of Buena Park and Raj S. of Anaheim.
The ExploraVision competition challenges fourth through sixth graders to propose how a current technology might be used 20 years in the future. Fairmont's team of students studied the cochlear implant (hearing aid) and was shocked to discover that with today's technology doctors are still unable to help patients with deafness caused by auditory nerve damage. To find a solution, the students looked to the technology that is currently being tested for spinal cord injuries and wondered if that technology could be re-purposed in deaf patients. The answer, it turned out, was yes. Applying this creative thinking, the students came up with their product: "Hearing the World's Silent Side" [HWSS]. HWSS is a mixture of two components: nanofibers used in Spinal Cord technology and a 2012 Cochlear Implant. In HWSS the nanofibers are used to coat the auditory nerve. When sound waves enter the ear they are able to bypass the nerve damage. Combining this nanofiber technology with the regular cochlear implant results in a perfect solution for any type of hearing loss. "I am so proud to be coaching this team of students. They are innovative thinkers who explore new ideas with enthusiasm. Cochlear implants and spinal cord procedures are complicated technologies to understand, but these students did their research and became experts on the topic, because they had a passion for helping the deaf to hear," said Kathryn Baham, Fairmont Mable Campus Science Teacher and ExploraVision Coach. Each of the regional winning teams receives a Toshiba laptop for the school and each member of the regional winning teams will receive a Toshiba HD Camcorder. Toshiba will visited the Mable Campus to recognize the students in an awards ceremony on Thursday, March 22. Each of the regional winners will now move on to the national phase of the competition, where they will compete to be named among the eight national winner teams, including four first-place and four second-place winners. Students on the four first-place ExploraVision national winner teams will each receive a $10,000 US Series EE Savings Bond valued at maturity. Students on second-place teams will each receive a $5,000 Savings Bond valued at maturity.The eight teams will also receive an expenses-paid trip with their families, mentor, and coach to Washington, DC for a gala awards weekend in June 2012. Activities will include a visit to Capitol Hill to meet with members of Congress, a Science Showcase during which the students will display and demonstrate their winning ideas, and sightseeing around the nation's capital. This is the third year Fairmont Private Schools has placed in the annual Toshiba ExploraVision competition. Past awards include:
* 2010: 2nd Place Nationally for Automatic Correcting Eyeglasses by John W. and Valerie N. * 2009: Regional Winner for The Smart Cane by Tera G., Justine G. and Victoria N. -Contributed by Alyssa, Fairmont Private Schools |
This Week on Our Blog...
Dates to Know
Monday, March 26th Spring Extracurricular Classes Begin
Teacher Appreciation Week Begins Bring your teacher's favorite flower
Tuesday, March 27th Wear your teacher's favorite color
Wednesday, March 28th Homestay Info Session Fairmont Anaheim Hills Campus 6:30-8:30pm
Thursday, March 29th Teacher's Favorite Basket Check the front lobby for your teacher's basket
Kindergarten Readiness Panel Mable Campus 5:00pm-6:00pm
Friday, March 30th School Closed - Teacher In-Service
Monday, April 2nd JK & K Field Trip - Cinderella Depart: 9:00am and Return: 11:30am (All students must return the permission slip and have an emergency card on file)
Thursday, April 5th Spring Egg Hunt Events - More Information to Follow
Friday, April 6th Minimum Day 8:30am Flag Salute Assembly 9:00am FPA Meeting