Fairmont Citron Campus

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Citron Campus
121 S. Citron Street  
Anaheim, CA 92805
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Citron Campus Newsletter
March 9, 2012

Director of Admissions for the Day

Meet Ms. Fletcher, the Director of Admissions for the Day
News & Announcements News 

Room 1's Bee HiveOpen House Preparations
The teachers and students are working hard finishing projects so everything will look perfect at Open House. Extended Care will NOT be available on Thursday, March 15th. Students will be dismissed at 3:00pm and curbside will stay open until 3:30pm.  

Citron Open House
Friday, March 16th, 2012
We would like to invite all of our families to Citron's Open House. We love to witness the joy on our student's faces as they proudly share their accomplishments with family and friends. The campus is a wonderland of bulletin boards and displays depicting a variety of themes. Our team of dedicated staff and teachers commit hours to making sure Open House highlights the best we have to offer. There are projects on the desks and an array of objects hanging from the ceilings. Let your children guide you around; this is their home away from home. Ask them questions about their work and school. Take this time to mingle with other parents and meet your student's friends.  


Character Counts Workshop: Bullying
Tuesday, March 13, 7pm-8:30pm
Fairmont Edgewood Campus, Allison Hall

Fairmont's Edgewood Campus is pleased to invite all Fairmont parents to a special Character Counts workshop on the topic of bullying. Fairmont believes in teaching students good character skills that will help them be positive contributors to our global society. We want to help our students learn how to interact in appropriate ways and to maintain our respectful campus environment. 

As part of this Character Counts program, we've invited Mr. Mike Dreiblatt, author of  How to Stop Bullying and Social Aggression and national speaker, to speak with our parents about bullying and show us how to address potential challenges. You'll leave with a better understanding of what bullying really is and some great tips for promoting good character in your home.  


March Lunch Menu 

Feature Article Feature 

Character Counts    


For the month of March our campus will observe the color green for RESPONSIBILITY. Responsibility means to do what you are supposed to do, persevere, keep on trying, think before you act, be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes. Students can learn responsibility by helping take care of a garden, a pet, or doing chores at home. We continue to recognize the children's' efforts in the area of Fairness, Respect, Trustworthiness, and Caring. Together with the help of our campus mascot Hero, the students will gain an understanding of the importance of good character.

Mable Campus Corner Mable 

Room 6 Poses with Rocky
JK Students pose with Rocky at JK Move-Up Day


Citron to Mable Campus Tours
We were so glad to host the Kindergarten and Junior Kindergarten students for activities here at Mable the last couple of weeks. Now it's the parent's turn! If you have not yet had the opportunity, there is a chance for parents to have an Open Tour of the Mable Campus every Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Mrs. Christie DuVall, Mable's Director of Admissions, will be glad to show you around the campus. You are welcome to come and take a look at where your children will be next year. Please let us know if you have any questions by calling (714) 563-4050, extension 1110.
Contributed by Mr. Palomino, Mable Campus Assistant Director

Citron to Mable Campus Transition Conference
As we complete re-enrollment, we would like to invite you to complete your Junior Kindergarten into Kindergarten or Kindergarten into First Grade transition conference at your earliest convenience. These conferences offer an excellent opportunity to learn about the Mable Campus' First Grade program and have all of your questions answered. Please call or e-mail Ms. Rafat to schedule your conference as soon as possible.

Mable Campus Open House
Mable's Open House is finally here! Please join us tonight, Friday, March 9th at 6:00pm. Mable's Open House will give you the opportunity to meet the faculty, staff, and families. You will be able to tour the campus and attend presentations to experience what makes Mable so special. There will be a special sneak preview for Citron families starting at 5:00pm. We hope to see you there.

Kindergarten Readiness Panel
Save the Date! We will be holding a Kindergarten Readiness Panel on Thursday, March 29th from 5:00pm-6:00pm. Stay tuned for more information.
This Week on Our Blog... Blog2 
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Dates to Know Date
Husky Pup

Thursday, March 15th
St. Patrick's Day Celebrations
Wear Green with Jeans
Open House Preparations
Campus Closes at 3:00pm
Extended Day is not available 
Friday, March 16th
School Closed
Citron Open House

Tuesday, March 20th
Mad Science Sneak Peak (JK-K)

Wednesday, March 21st
Mandarin Chinese Sneak Peak
2:45pm-3:15pm (PS-PK)
3:15pm-3:45pm (JK-K)

Thursday, March 22nd
Young Music Co. Sneak Peak
2:45pm-3:15pm (PS-PK)
3:15pm-3:45pm (JK-K)