| Citron Campus 121 S. Citron Street Anaheim, CA 92805
Preschool-Kindergarten 714.533.3930
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Citron Campus Newsletter
NOVEMBER 11, 2011 |
PHOTO OF THE WEEK Room 8 Practices their smiles for Picture Re-take Day
News & Announcements
Thanksgiving Meal Project Citron Students & Families- In preparation for the celebration of the Thanksgiving Holiday the Fairmont Parents Association has decided to team up with the City of Anaheim's "Thanksgiving Meal Project". The food we will be collecting will help deserving families celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday directly in the community where our children attend school! The last day to turn in food is Monday, November 21st.
Santa Photos Citron Families, would you like to avoid standing in a long line inside a crowded mail this holiday season? Well here is your chance! The Citron FPA is offering the convenience and ease of professionally taken photos of your children with Santa at the Citron Campus on the morning of Wednesday, November 16th. We encourage you to bring all your children even if they do not attend Citron. We are delighted that a fellow Fairmont parent and professional photographer, Frank Salas, has generously offered his services. Extra forms are available in the front office.
FPA Bake Sale The Citron FPA is holding its Annual Winter Bake Sale on Wednesday, November 16th. Please support your FPA this year by donating baked goodies for us to sell. This will help raise funds to facilitate activities for the rest of the year. All baked goodies will be sold in the front lobby and at the curbside service gate. Please check your child's Friday folder for more information.
November Lunch Menu
Feature Article
The holidays are just around the corner. Instead of purchasing a gift card from the super market, you can use the FPA Scrip Program and avoid needless activation fees while helping Citron! Our Scrip Program helps support the Fairmont Parent Association activities throughout the year. For each card purchased, our school will get a percentage. Scrip is a popular fundraiser because families don't sell anything. Even if you don't plan on giving gift cards as gifts this holiday season, Scrip gift cards are great to have on hand. You can use them for every day shopping, gas, travel, eating out, wedding presents, birthdays, and thank you gifts. For more information contact Dana Wilson at bedredhead@mac.com.
Students were excited when they practiced their right to vote on Tuesday, November 8th. They had a tough choice to make between an Ice Cream Party or Donut Party. There was no doubt that Ice Cream came in as the clear winner when the count came back 106 to 57. Students will enjoy their party Thursday, November 17th.
This Week on Our Blog...
Dates to Know
November 1st - Monday, November 14th Food Drive Wednesday, November 16th Santa Photo Day Forms due to the front desk by Monday, November 14th FPA Bake Sale Items will be located in the lobby and available throughout the day Monday, November 21st Thanksgiving Feast PS/PreK - 11:00am JK - 11:00am K - 11:30am Tuesday, November 22nd Jacque Nunez Presentation 9:30am Wednesday, November 23rd School Closed - Staff Professional Development Day Thursday, November 24th School Closed - Thanksgiving Day Friday, November 25th School Closed - Holiday