Cyril and Bonnie Walker have returned to Whitehorse, and have promised an article for the next issue!
Editorial Notes
The eNews is published 10 times per year for members of the Anthroposophical Society In Canada. Please send correspondence to the editor, Mark McAlister.

Preferred submission formats:
- unformatted text files
- separate jpeg files for images
- links to get more info (URLs or .pdf files)
Contact Info
Anthroposophical Society in Canada
*** NEW ADDRESS*** # 131 - 1 Hesperus Rd.
Thornhill, ON
L4J 0G9
Mark McAlister Administrator 416-892-3656
Council Jean Balekian QC (President)
NS (Secretary) QC (General Secretary)
School For Spiritual Science |
JOAN WALLACE, DIANE DENHART and D'ARCY MCKENZIE (all from Toronto) have joined the Society.
 | Meditation and the Earth with Michael Lipson |
A video recording of Michael Lipson's recent talk in Thornhill, about Meditation and the Earth, is available for download. (Click on the above image.) Thanks to Richard Chomko!
Please consider making a donation in the Tipbox to support future productions.
(We apologize for the misspelling of Michael's last name in the title credits.)
Download the current issue of The Pulse. FRED JANNEY lecture about Prison Outreach. Thursday, October 11, 7:00pm at Hesperus in Thornhill. Poster.FREDERICK AMRINE lecture on Justice, Reincarnation and Karma. Friday October 12, 7:30pm in Toronto. Poster. FREDERICK AMRINE lecture, Music as a Threshold Experience, Sunday, October 14 at 2:30pm in Thornhill. Details. GLEN WILLIAMSON visits the GTA. November 4-6. News Release.
 Sergej Prokofieff
The First Class of the Michael School and its Christological Foundations 620 pages, linen, with colored pictures. This book is only designed for members of the School of Spiritual Science and is unavailable through bookstores. 48 Euro plus shipping. email to order. |
* If you have not made your 2012 Financial Contribution, click here to download the form and payment instructions. (Francais)
A Humourous Sprinkling
JOURNEY TO SELFHOOD, Celebrating Rudolf Steiner through Eurythmy, Poetry and Music. Performances by Eurythmy Spring Valley in Toronto, Angus and Ottawa. Program includes SPARGEFACTION, an instructive poem for troubled meditants. See Upcoming Events. (Note: I saw this program in Ann Arbor and was deeply impressed. - Ed.)
Upcoming Events
MEETING POLARITIES IN INCARNATION - AN IMAGINATIVE APPROACH. A medical conference with Dr. Adam Blanning. 12-14 October, 2012 in North Vancouver. Contact Donna Martin at 604.926.1266. Details.
JOURNEY TO SELFHOOD. Celebrating Rudolf Steiner through Eurythmy, Poetry and Music. Eurythmy Spring Valley. $20. Thornhill Performance at Toronto Waldorf School on 19 October, 7:30pm. Poster. Angus performance at Novalis Hall on 21 October at 3:00pm. Reservations: 705-722-5408 Ottawa Performance. 23 October, 7:30pm Reservations and more info.
OPEN HOUSE to celebrate the newly renovated Rudolf Steiner Centre in North Vancouver. 21 October 2012, 2:30pm. Contact Michael Roboz 604.987.4935. Details.
EVIL AS A CHALLENGE. A Manichaean Journey to the Heart of Our Time - A Weekend Workshop with Christine Gruwez. 19-21 October 2012. Spring Valley NY. Details.
MUSIC AND TRANSFORMATION. The Performing Arts and Restorative Justice - Cambridge Music Conference. 30 November - 1 December 2012, Vancouver BC. Details.
Reclaiming The Heart Of Anthroposophy
Report from the Conference in Great Barrington MA, 24-26 August - by Heidrun Vukovich
 | Peter Selg |
About 200 people, including a handful of Canadians from Quebec and Ontario, came together in the auditorium of a public high school in Great Barrington. This was a purely functional, large hall - a kind of soulless, empty space. Peter Selg modestly requested us to work together and transform it by our own thoughts and feelings - to create a mood that would be receptive for esoteric content...he spoke freely and spontaneously, out of a deep and intimate - also often very personal - understanding. His extensive research into the above-mentioned themes affected the mood of his presentation. It could almost be called a conversation with a particular subject matter, a conversation imbued with a living reverence for the human beings he spoke of. Some of us experienced in the unfolding of these "conversations" a growing earnestness, but also a deep joy, possibly also shared by the invisible participants, somewhat in proximity. Read full article Visit Peter Selg's author page at Steinerbooks
Reconqu�rir le cœur de l'anthroposophie
Compte-rendu d'un congr�s avec Peter Selg tenu � Great Barrington, au Massachusetts du 24 au 26 aout 2012 - de Heidrun Vukovich Pr�s de 200 personnes, y compris quelques Canadiens du Qu�bec et de l'Ontario, se sont r�unies dans l'auditorium d'une �cole secondaire publique de Great Barrington. La salle �tait grande, mais purement fonctionnelle, vide et sans �me. Peter Selg nous a enjoint humblement de travailler ensemble pour la transformer par nos propres pens�es et sentiments en un espace propre � recevoir un contenu �sot�rique...il a parl� librement et spontan�ment, � partir d'une compr�hension � la fois intime et souvent tr�s personnelle. Ses recherches approfondies sur ces � th�mes � ont donn� � toute sa pr�sentation une couleur particuli�re. On pourrait presque dire qu'il entretenait une conversation intime avec le sujet qu'il traitait, conversation impr�gn�e d'une v�n�ration vivante pour les �tres dont il parlait. Quelques-uns parmi nous ont v�cu durant ces � conversations � un sentiment croissant d'un extr�me s�rieux m�l� � une profonde joie - joie partag�e possiblement par des participants invisibles voulant s'approcher des �tres humains r�unis l�. Lisez plus Visit Peter Selg's author page at Steinerbooks
ART FOR LIFE Program. For those of you who have not already chosen biography this fall, you may be interested in an art course. I'm excited to work with the 100th return of the 52 meditations that Rudolf Steiner gave, one for each week. These short verses are beautiful and we will 'translate' them into visuals in various media on paper and canvas. For other courses please c lick here.. I'd love to welcome you this fall to a course that can inspire the senses and warm the heart. - Regine Kurek
In the previous issue, I reported that Virginia Sease had spoken about the American Verse during the Ann Arbor conference. Some readers have asked to see the verse, so I will publish it here...MM THE "AMERICAN" or "THREEFOLD" VERSE sent by Rudolf Steiner to Ralph Courtney for the Threefold Group in New York City, which later established the Threefold Community in Spring Valley (now Chestnut Ridge), NY.
May our feeling penetrate Into the center of our heart. And seek, in love, to unite itself With the human beings seeking the same goal With the spirit beings who, bearing grace Strengthening us from the realms of light And illuminating our love, Are gazing down on our earnest, heartfelt striving.
Research and Action: 21st Century Biodynamics
 - by Mark McAlister In April last year, Otto Sharmer brought refreshing influences to the Agriculture Conference at the Goetheanum. This year's conference, apparently, was also very invigorating. The theme of the year for the Agriculture Section is "Alliance For The Earth." One could say they are working with the creative tension between anthroposophy (as we are receiving it) and the needs of our time. ...Many of the articles in the Conference Report are excellent examples of how to write about Section work. The authors are grounded in practical work but never lose sight of the horizon. (They are farmers after all.) Reading the Report, I began to see how these strong individualities are learning to collaborate - not only with Section members, but with ever-growing networks of concerned people around the world. Read more... Download full Report of the 2012 Agriculture Conference at the Goetheanum.
Download Otto Sharmer's blog post from April 2011, last year, including comments on the 2011 Conference at the Goetheanum.
Anthroposophy Worldwide # 10
 I will send the link to Anthroposophy Worldwide #10 in a separate email as soon as it is published. -Ed. If you would like to see the archive of past issues, go to the Goetheanum website, click on user login at the bottom left of the page. Username: awmail. Password: eurythmie.