Treasurer's Outlook
Anthroposophical Society In Canada
  July 2012
Douglas Wylie, P.Eng.
Doug Wylie

Douglas is a Professional Engineer who works to develop new materials and manufacturing processes in the industrial economy. He has been studying Rudolf Steiner's economics for many years, and has demonstrated its value in several practical projects such as the Carrville Community Garden.  He was appointed as our Treasurer in May 2010. 

2011 Financial Statements and Analysis
2011 Financial Statements
Fund Balance Pie
Revenue Pie
Expense Pie by Budget Categories
Expenses by CRA Categories
Contribution Histogram

Accounting is an artistic-scientific practice - a way to make the life and spirit of the an organization (such as our Society) visible.
I am not an accountant, but in my business experience I have learned how important it is to think clearly about money.  I am also a careful student of Rudolf Steiner's economics, and am keenly interested in developing helpful imaginations about how we can improve the way we work with money.

This Outlook is the first step in a dialogue with members about the finances of our Society, and I hope that you will find it interesting and stimulating. 

I extend thanks to all - Council members, Administrator, and Society members - for your interest and support.  Please reply to this email or contact me directly if you would like to ask questions, share insights, or make suggestions. 

Best regards,

Douglas Wylie
How We Do Things



Collaboration!  The Treasurer, Council members and Administrator work together to ensure that our finances are transparent and easily understandable. In accordance with our bylaws we use consensus on the Council on all money matters. Thanks to the Council for the work that we do together - it is truly group effort.



No-one on Council or staff is an accountant or bookkeeper by training. Perhaps there are members with professional financial experience - we would certainly welcome your help and advice.



For a summary of our key operating procedures, please click here.  



For some answers to frequently asked questions, click here


Thinking Visually
At the Annual meeting, I prepared pictures for my presentation about the 2011 finances.  (See links on the sidebar.)  Here is one of the charts we are now using to help us visualize our activities in 2012.  (Click here to see the spreadsheet with our full Budget worksheet.).  Budget Core Revenue
Discussion Points for 2012
  • We are developing Stewardship Agreements with members groups across the country.  This is not only necessary for legal reasons, but it also makes the dynamic activity of the Society visible in our accounts and reporting.
  • I am proposing to create a permanent fund to support member travel.  This is another way that we can help to stimulate and support membership initiatives.
  • The Government of Canada has passed a new Act governing non-profit corporations, and we need to comply by 2014. This means rewriting our charter and by-laws, among other things.
  • The future of the National Library is an important question and carries financial implications.  The Council is working with members to address this question in 2012.
  • We asked Black Tulip (a Bookkeeping firm) and our accountant to review our methods. They gave us overall approval, but suggested some updating, and reconfiguration of the chart of accounts. When this work is completed, I will present some suggestions regarding fund development and capital planning.
AGM Business Items


  • Financial statements were accepted as presented
  • Clarke and Kaprelian was confirmed as out accountants. (We find this firm skilled and we are happy with their service. They are experienced in in working with Charities.)
  • 2013 Budget was accepted
  • Council has authority to change the accountant if necessary over the year without a special meeting of members.
  • Name of Library is "National Library" (not Thornhill Library)


  • Shouldn't we get a full "Audit" ?
  • What is the tax status of our donations for the Goetheanum?
  • What's the policy for investing our assets?

See "FAQ" for some answers, 


Rudolf Steiner Foundation: There were no activities in 2011, except a few minor bank charges.