eNews - October 2011 


Anthroposophical Society in Canada



 Editorial Notes 
The eNews is published 10 times per year for members of the Anthroposophical Society In Canada.  Please send correspondence to the editor, Mark McAlister.

 all star







Preferred submission formats:

- unformatted text files

- separate jpeg files for images

- links to get more info (URLs or .pdf files)

Contact Info
Anthroposophical Society in Canada 
# 131 - 1 Hesperus Rd.
Thornhill, ON
L4J 0G9

Mark McAlister

BC (President)
NS (Secretary)
Douglas Wylie ON (Treasurer)
Jean Balekian QC
QC (General Secretary)

School For Spiritual Science 

For list of Class Holders, click here.

Membership Update 

FLORENTINA COTOP (Toronto), JERRY ONYEGBULA (Kanata ON) and ARMELLE FERRANDIZ (Val Morin QC) have joined the Society.  WELCOME!


Refugee's Tale

taleDramatic performance based on Goethe's Green Snake parable, with Glen Williamson and Laurie Portocarrero.  30 October, 3pm in Angus ON.  Details.


Course For Members  In Thornhill 

Daniel Hafner is leading a new course for members, "The Three Calls For Anthroposophy".  Starts
9 October.  Details.


Thornhill Campus Bulletin 

Rutherford Marketplace


Internet Project For Cultural Creatives  

TRAILER - Cultural Creatives 1.0 - The (R)evolution
Click image for
"Cultural Creatives"
movie trailer
Video Message from Frigyes Fogel

Photos by Debbie Allen   

See Debbie's article in the Research Corner, and send her an email if you would like to get more (and better quality) photos...Ed.
Jupiter and Moon
Jupiter in Aries

Don Cruse
Oct. 22, 1933 - July 27, 2011

- by John Glanzer 


Don Cruse was the single most significant figure for Anthroposophy in Alberta. Don crossed the threshold on July 27th at home with his wife Eve. Since his arrival in Edmonton in 1955, he leaves behind a long string of initiatives ranging from the first public school Waldorf Curriculum project in North America, a long standing "Introduction to Anthroposophy" lecture series, the publication of "Evolution and the New Gnosis: Anti-establishment Essays on Knowledge, Science, Religion and Causal Logic" (with Robert Zimmer), and Inversion Machines Ltd., a cooperative organization producing industrial quality mixers based on spiritual science. Right up to his death, Don was working on water purification using similar inversion technology. A Memorial was held August 24th where decades of history and anecdotes were shared by those present, from his founding of the Kodoquai Judo Club in Edmonton (which is thriving today, over 50 years later) to his life-long love of opera and the human voice in classical song, and his spontaneous ability to quote poetry. Don is survived by his loving wife Eve, his three daughters Arwen, Rachel, Netta and son Laurin.    


 Link to a recent video


Upcoming Events
MYTHES ET CONTES: Un tr�sor y est cach�.  Avec Ir�ne Fran�ois.  6-9 Octobre, 2011, Val Morin, QC Lisez plus

THE SEVEN SECRET PROCESSES OF LIFE. Anthroposophic Medicine Workshop.  14-16 October, 2011, Vancouver. Details: Contact Donna Martin at 604 926-1266.

.  Annual Conference of the Anthroposophical Society In America, with Virginia Sease.  14-16 October, Portland OR.  Details.

FROM GOETHE TO STEINER: Pioneers of the Lifeworld.
With Fred Amrine.  16 October, 2:30pm.  Details.

FROM ORALITY TO LITERACY:  Best Practices for Mastery
Early Childhood to High School. 
RSC Development Conference With Linda Williams Ph.D.  4-5 November, ThornhillDetails.

1-4 March, 2012, Hotchkiss Colorado.  Details.

5th Christian Community North-South Conference, 21-29 July 2012, Vancouver Island.  Click here to complete a planning survey and give input to the organizers.

Thomas Meyer In Edmonton   

- by Debbie Allen 


Ann and Thomas
Thomas Meyer and Ann Watson
You might ask, "What brought Thomas Meyer to the Theosophical circle and how does that link up with Anthroposophy?" The answer lies in the person of D.N. Dunlop. It turns out that both Thomas Meyer and Ernest Pelletier have an interest in D.N. Dunlop and the Irish Theosophy of his time; both have researched D.N. Dunlop's biography; both are serious biographers, authors and publishers. Mr. Pelletier had some years earlier re-published Irish Theosophical journals that had come to the attention of Mr. Meyer, who then ordered these publications from Mr. Pelletier, long before they met in person....Enter on the scene Ms. Ann Watson, an Anthroposophist living on Salt Spring Island. Ms. Watson discovered in Mr. Meyer's book's, particularly in the biography of D.N. Dunlop, Anthroposophical history that was of value for Anthroposophists today. Through Ms. Watson's efforts, Mr. Meyer was invited to Vancouver in 2009 to speak on D.N. Dunlop and other topics. Ms. Watson gathered together sufficient interest in and supporters of Mr. Meyer to bring Mr. Meyer back to North America in several cities in 2010 and 2011. Read full article.


Class Conference In Fair Oaks  

- by Debbie Allen


RSC Pathway
Rudolf Steiner College Pathway
The deed was spiritually significant. To enter into hour long guided meditations three times a day, over a period of 6 days, with more than 200 other human souls, on deeply esoteric mantra, gives rise to busy soul life during the night.  Highlights:
 - the thoughtfully delivered personal renditions of Rudolf Steiner's 19 Class Lessons during the day
the lively public lectures on Rudolf Steiner's biography
- deep esoteric topics, music, eurythmy, and dramatic speech during the evenings
the daily karmic meetings at Clara's Counter caf� or in the dining hall
Read the full report.
Debbie also submitted the report by Philip Martyn from the 2009 Class Conference in UK.  Read it here.

Proposal To Form Toronto Branch 

Toronto- by Robert McKay


With several study groups now underway in the downtown core, a group of Society members and others interested in Anthroposophy will be meeting in November to discuss the idea of developing a Toronto Branch of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada.  In national societies around the world, local branches play a vital role in connecting individuals interested in anthroposophy, in supporting practical initiatives, and, in representing anthroposophy to the local community....Read more 


Northern Lights Update  

NL1- by Debbie Allen


Last year in the November Issue of the eNews Debbie Allen gave some stellar observations.  Click here for an update.



Anthroposophy Worldwide # 10     

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Here is the link to the current issue of Anthroposophy Worldwide.

If you prefer, you can access the archive on the Goetheanum website. Click on "User Login" (bottom right corner). User: awmail. Password: Steiner150.