Mark McAlister
Anthroposophical Society in Canada
GULISTAN SHARIFF (West Vancouver) died on Febraury 24, 2009. For Monica Gold`s contribution about her life, click here.
The passing of DOUG CASS was mentioned in a previoous issue. For more about Doug's life, including the bit about running around in an Indian headress, click here. |
New Members
We have receieved a membership application from:
Book launch at St. Michael`s College, Toronto, on Thursday, March 26 at 5:30pm, featuring recitations by the author. RSVP Treasa O'Driscoll
Rudolf Steiner Institute will be at a new location this year: Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts, from July 5-25.
ROSE BOYKO has been appointed to a seven-year term as a Judge at the UN Appeals Tribunal in New York City. Congratulations Rose! |
Here is a list of the most popular articles from the previous issue:
1. Anthroposophy Worldwide
2. Internet Stew
3. Zajonc podcast
4. Eurythmy in Canada
5. Article by Don Cruse | |
It seems that we may be settling into a rhythm. After sending out three issues of the monthly News by email, it is time to roll everything together into the edition which we send out to members who prefer to receive the material in print. We are trying our best to keep everybody happy!
 The image depicts a scene from the 1980s, with our Newsletter Mail Crew getting the job done.
Foundation Stone Meditation performed by the Northern Star Eurythmy group at the Toronto Waldorf School. Sunday April 5 at 2:00 pm. Call Maria Helms at 905-883-0323.
Art and the Search For Truth. Presentation by Larry Young at the Rudolf Steiner Centre, Thornhill on Sunday April 6 at 2:30pm (following the eurythmy performance). Call the Centre at 905-764-7570.
Thomas Meyer in Vanvouver, April 24-26, and in Duncan BC, April 28-29, 2009. Call Anne Watson 250-653-4184.
Annual Meeting and Conference, Toronto Waldorf School (Thornhill), May 15/16, 2009. Contact Monique Walsh
Mot du Secr�taire g�n�ral
Chers amis, En janvier, nous avons entam� notre rencontre des membres du Conseil avec les responsables de Classe en abordant le th�me et l'ambiance de l'intervalle. L'espace entre deux notes de musique, entre les vers d'un po�me, entre les courbes d'une sculpture, ou encore les espaces qui font d'une œuvre d'architecture un lieu humain - c'est l� o� la vie et l'art naissent, o� la substance terrestre se retient pour qu'une substance spirituelle puisse entrer. Et l'espace n'est jamais seulement de l'espace, mais toujours simultan�ment du temps qui se retient ou bien de l'espace en voie de devenir mouvement. Comme porteur de ces qualit�s d'espace-temps, l'intervalle permet la naissance d'une r�elle vie entre deux �tres humains... Lisez plus |
Letter From Philip Thatcher
 We began our January weekend meeting of the Council and Class Holders by taking up the theme and mood of the interval. The space between the notes in a piece of music, between the lines in a poem, between the curves in a piece of sculpture or the spaces that make a work of architecture a human place-these are where art and life happen, where earthly substance holds back and spiritual substance can enter in. And space is never space only, but also time holding back or space at the edge of movement. Bearing these qualities of space and time, the interval is where life between human beings can come to birth. Read more...
Anthroposophy Worldwide # 2

From Cornelius Pietzner:
This issue of Anthroposophy Worldwide once again includes a broad spectrum of reports-- as indicative of what takes place every day in so many regions of the world. We also share our suggestion for the Theme of the Year, which can serve as a unifying thread that unites the focus of groups, branches and study groups. Read more...
Click here for the link to the current issue. For a complete archive of previous issues, go to the Goetheanum site, click "English" (top right) and then click "login" (bottom right) (user name: awmail, password: darwin09) |
Mise � Jour : Congr�s Lumi�re Bor�ale
Au moment de cette mise � jour, un total de 123 participants provenant de 12 pays se sont inscrits au congr�s. Parmi ce nombre se trouvent 87 participants du Canada : de la Colombie Britannique, de l'Alberta, du Manitoba, de l'Ontario, du Qu�bec et de la Nouvelle �cosse en plus de 3 participants du Yukon... Lisez plus |
Encircling Light Conference Update
As of this update there are 123 participants in total, from 12 countries. Included in this number are 87 participants from across Canada: British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia, with 3 participants from the Yukon. Read more... |
Preparing For The Northern Conference
One of those rare convergences takes place when the last arrangements for this conference are on the way and a book appears that is a wonderful preparation for it: A Fair Country by John Ralston Saul... Read more of Ute Weinmann`s article... |
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