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  May 25, 2011 

Trust God to Work for You  

Words of Wisdom from the Siri Singh Sahib

Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji
excerpted from Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path to Abundance 


SSS smile

Today I will share with you some human secrets that will shock you. First, I will ask some questions.


How many of you want to be divine and experience ecstasy?


Almost everybody. Is that true? So if you want it, then why don't you get it? Every religion-no matter what you practice-means ecstasy, right? And you want to experience ecstasy-that's true. You should see through the Third Eye and see above all. That's a natural human desire. It's a privilege as a human and the way of prosperity. There's no denying it.


But why don't you get it?


It is not a discipline. That's the tragedy of it. God has nothing to do with it. There are two ways to live. One way is that you will hustle for prosperity. The other way is that prosperity will come to you. In one way, you would like to have a man and have sex and that is it. The other is that you will be worshipped and respected and the right partner will come.


Everything that is right shall come to you. And everything that just looks right shall go wrong for you. There are only two ways. You can check your own life without me saying one word and you will find that this is true. You will grab things in your hand and they will go sour. But when you have nothing to do with it, things will become sweet to you.


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Teaching the Essence of Kundalini Yoga 

Words of Wisdom from the Siri Singh Sahib

Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji
Beads of Truth, Spring 1980, #4


Every wise man will be aware when he teaches Kundalini Yoga or talks about it that there are very strong do's and don'ts about it. You cannot teach Kundalini Yoga and tell every�body that they can just sleep in bed which ever way they like. (Sleeping in an East-West line will make vou less

Yogi Bhajan from Beads of Truth
Yogi Bhajan teaching in the late 70's

susceptible to the gravity and magnetic field of the earth.) You can't do that. You cannot play the fool with your psyche. You cannot teach Kundalini Yoga and tell a weird type of meditation to blow off the top of somebody's head. And you cannot teach Kundalini Yoga if you cannot come out of your psycho-electromag�netic field to protect your student in the universe.  


Kundalini Yoga is not dangerous for the person who learns it; it is dan�gerous for the person who teaches it. If he cannot project health, forget it. His end will be so miserable you can't imagine it. It is a link cycle, a layer of the vibration; you can't get out of it. Kundalini, the mother of awareness, the mother of fulfillment, of creation, is not an occult power; it is not a gimmick. It is not a circus which is happening.  It is awareness; it is a to�tality of the personality of the being. The total being is involved with no part left out. It is not one religion or one God we are going to meet.  A man who practices Kundalini Yoga neither meets nor seeks God. God seeks him. He does not meditate; God meditates on him. He is the center of the whole nucleus. When he vibrates, the universe vibrates with him.


To continue reading this article, click here. 


Copyright The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan.

  Work is a Worship
by Nirinjan Kaur


Originally published in Beads of Truth, June 1973 #18


Nirinjan Kaur with Yogi Bhajan
Chief of Staff, Nirinjan Kaur, with Yogi Bhajan in the 1970s.
What is the art of work? How does it af�fect this dharma we have been chosen to ful�fill? Many of us have perhaps never really grasped the significance of work, as it deter�mines the outcome of our evolution or how the constant practice of work acts as a curb for our emotions, a diligent protector of our bodies, a soothing oasis of comfort for our torment, an instinctive outlet of negativity, a sacred source of joy--an unmistakable guide to the gateways of the Universe...that is, until we met Yogi Bhajan and gratefully ac�knowledged these universal teachings.

Yogiji has said "that man can reach the highest ego achievement if he longs to work." In other words, the fastest and easiest way to pay off our karmas which we have accumu�lated and to reach God-consciousness, is to work. For our consistent efforts will reap the greatest rewards--His Eternal Blessings. There is such a creativity in work that pro�duces an ecstasy and a great fulfillment. In our efforts to serve ourselves and to serve others, be it selfishly or selflessly, God receives all vibrations and all results. Whether and however we relate to God, He, Who is the Reality, is the Benefactor of our ser�vices. Ultimately, the Creator is the One who is the Receptor of our work, of our deeds, of our dedication and through our longing for our Beloved, our highest aspirations through work are attained. Since He is within all and with�out all and is the Cause and Effect, then we are affected by our causes (work), for we are One with Him.  


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Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path to Abundance
Look for it at Summer Solstice 2011!
Success and the Spirit

Come to the Success and the Spirit workshop during

3HO's Summer Solstice.

Join Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa on Friday June 17th from 2:00 - 3:30 pm for a wonderful workshop based on Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path to Abundance.

Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga and Siri Singh Sahib of Sikh Dharma, shared many sacred secrets in his teachings about success, spirituality and prosperity. Here, in Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path to Abundance, we have compiled a collection of his lectures on how prosperity is a natural expression of the human spirit; how the soul and the Creator work in harmony with each other to create success in life on all levels; and how our own fears and limitations block us from living our destiny.

Success and the Spirit: An Aquarian Path to Abundance from the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan will be launched at Summer Solstice 2011. Published by KRI. $24.95.

Read the most recent blog articles about Success and the Spirit:


Community Corner

Becoming Me a poem by Satya Kaur Khalsa, Bankok, Thailand.  

Adi Shakti
Painting by Gurukirn Kaur Khalsa.

Becoming me

How many lifetimes becoming me

all lead to this day

the day of surrender

Amrit - a blessing of the Khalsa

from the heart of the universe - 'Harimander'

Golden Temple - Amritsar

Akal Takhat


becoming me

I died that day

becoming me

Guru Ram Das said, 'Surrender - let go'

like a thunderbolt entered my solar plexus -

the heart

extending up to the heavens

down to the earth

like a rock - as light as a feather - as strong

as steel  

becoming me


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  Great Courses on the Technology of
Sikh Dharma
and Kundalini Yoga   

We are grateful to share this information with you. We hope you will take advantage of the wonderful teachers and opportunities out there.

Shabad Guru - Classes during 3HO's Summer Solstice

Shabad GuruAs we get closer to November 11, 2011 and the change to the Aquarian Age, the power and importance of the Shabad Guru is becoming more and more prominent. There are great opportunities to learn and study about the Shabad Guru during 3HO's Summer Solstice. Come chant, sing and uplift your spirit! 


Click here to see the list of classes. 


International Women's Camp!
International Women's Camp

What does it mean to be an Infinite being in a woman's body? What is the divine feminine presence, and does it exclusively belong to women? Why did Yogi Bhajan develop a set of teachings for women, and what is their relevance on the cusp of the Aquarian Age?


Come join other spiritually minded women and explore the answers to these questions and more - under the guidance of a great team of teachers. Visit the 3HO website for more information.  


Japji Sahib: The Song of the Soul. Composed by Guru Nanak

Toronto Workshop. Taught by Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa. 


Living as a human being is a very special gift. It is through the human body that the Divine Consciousness can know Itself.


Over 500 years ago, a great master, Guru Nanak, laid down a simple path for any person to find the God within. He recorded this path in a spiritual teaching-song called Japji Sahib.  In it, he gives a blueprint for how the Cosmos moves, and how the human identity flows within it. Join us for a weekend of meditation, study and community as we delve into the profound and timeless truths in Japji Sahib. 



Friday July 22-Sunday, July 24



Lotus Yoga Centre. 100 Harbord Street. Toronto, Canada.



Early Registration $225 plus HST (before July 1)
Regular Price $275 plus HST (after July 1)


For more information or to register, email Nirmal Singh at:


Journey to the Heart of Sikh Dharma:  

Sikh Dharma Minister Training

September 2011- April 2012 Telecourse


Do you have a desire to expand and deepen your relationship with yourself, your Dharma and the Shabad Guru? The focus of this small group tele-course will be to discover, deepen, and nurture your own experience of Sikh lifestyle and Sikh consciousness. This course serves those new to Sikhism as well as those interested in becoming ministers. 


For more information, visit

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Many blessings to you.

Sikh Dharma International
1-A Ram Das Guru Place
Espanola, NM 87532
(505) 629-4718

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