August 2009 |
Ahhhh, the dog days of summer have arrived! I know because each afternoon I come home to find our 10 year old mutt, Zoe, panting like crazy as she pushes past me to be the first in the air conditioned house. Other signs that, like Zoe, the rest of us are feeling the effects of 90 degree plus heat? Friends and business colleagues have disappeared to the mountains of Colorado, Montana and New England. There's a lot less traffic in the heat of the day, making it actually easier to get to appointments on time. And, am I possibly noticing more dawdling around the water cooler as though it is an oasis from summer doldrums? Mostly, I'm fascinated that I wear more sweaters in summer than I do in winter as office AC systems have been cranked down to the Arctic range. Maybe the Europeans have it right-maybe we should all take August off. But in case you, like most of us at Vollmerville, are busy keeping the business world running, take a little breather by enjoying this month's Vollocity. Be cool and "see you in September!"
Vollmer CEO & Founder |
Dr. Syntax or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Grammar by Ryann Malone, Austin
After the long, slow march up to the black-board you pick up the chalk with trembling fingers. Heart pounding, palms sweating, the hairs on the back of your neck begin to stand up as you realize your worst nightmare is becoming a reality. Read more Podcast |
August is the eighth month, renamed by the Romans to honor their emperor, Augustus. Among Roman rulers, only Julius and Augustus permanently had months named after them - though this wasn't for lack of trying on the part of later emperors. For a time, May was changed to Claudius and the infamous Nero instituted Neronius for April. But these changes were ephemeral, and only Julius and Augustus have had two-millenia-worth of staying power. |
Tips from the Desk Side in New York City by Kate Sutherland, New York
One of the best ways to build awareness for your client is by introducing them to key members of the media in New York City. When establishing relationships for your client at print publications, whether it's magazines or newspapers, a face to face introduction is a good approach. Read more Podcast |
Tackling the Green Giant! by Kiska Workman, Houston
We're not talking about the jolly guy in the green leotard selling peas, but about corporate America's desire to be environmentally friendly. Clients of all shapes, sizes and industries come to Vollmer so we can help them communicate and integrate their various green initiatives... Read more Podcast |
Adding a New Face & Singing the Benefits of Retail Healthcare by William Melendy with Nisha Gidwani, RediClinic
So how do you communicate a totally new concept in healthcare that matches the way that we live today, in a totally new way? Armed with this challenge, the RediClinic marketing team developed a social media strategy incorporating Facebook, Twitter and website enhancements to complement its traditional marketing tools. Read more Podcast |
Are You Following Me? by Mary Kate Smither, Dallas
At the end of July, millions of tweeters logged into their Twitter accounts and noticed a decrease, sometimes significant, in followers. For once, a drop was positive, as Twitter took measures to eliminate spam accounts and correct data inconsistencies. When I noticed the drop of about 40 followers from my account @mksmither and discovered the reason it brought to mind a question we often receive when working with clients to help them engage in Twitter: "How do I know if the people following me are the 'right' people and how do I attract them as followers?" Read more |
In Vollmer's World
- Welcome clients American Heart Association; ElectronicWarranty.com; City of San Marcos, TX; Texas Plus citywide Wii tournaments in Houston and the Golden Triangle; Mary Jo Rapini; Texas Podiatric Medical Association; and, Red River, New Mexico.
- Vollmer's new logo has been selected to be featured in the first edition of the brand-new LogoLounge Master Library series, titled Initials and Crests.
 Looking for a speaker for your next event?
Judy Haveson, General Manager of Vollmer PR's New York City office, brings a great perspective to the art of pitching your story to the national media. Where do you start? What do you do? What sends them running - or - keeps them coming back to you time and time again for more stories? Email for availability | |
Vollocity is intended for fellow professionals and clients, and the merely curious. We hope that you find our mailing informative and useful. However, should you wish to unsubscribe, we'll be heartbroken but will manage to go on. You may simply use the 'Unsubscribe" link below. Know you will be missed. However, if you think we are brilliant, pass this on for others to join the party! vollocity@vollmerpr.com | |