GavelDon't Miss Out On This . . . 
Training Hosted    in Georgia
 3-Day Advanced Instructor Course, July 26 - 28
 2-Day Extreme Accuracy Course, July 29 & 30
 5-Day Intensive Instructor Course, Nov. 8 -12
 This      to      That 
Rob 1Rob 2Rob 4 
In Less Than 20-Minutes
Guaranteed !
Revolutionary Logo
Discover How To Get Anyone Shooting 1-Hole Groups
 Matt Demo
Video of Insight's Founder Matt Seibert in Action
"Matt Demonstrates Insight's Precision Accuracy Process for Shooting One Hole Group"
It only took 3 min. and 56 sec. on the range to achieve this accuracy.

Decatur County Sherriff's Office

 July 26th, 27th, 28th
Location: Bainbridge, GA
Act Now and Get Huge Savings
 We're Honoring 2009 Prices 
Tuition Only $599  SAVE $700  Reg. $1299
Insight Firearms Training Development
 PO Box 12293, Prescott, AZ  86304-2293
(928) 708-9208  Fax (928) 776-4668
Range & Class Location:
912 Spring Creek Road, Bainbridge, GA 39817 
 Times: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Discover The Secrets To Shooting Faster And More Accurately
 Neuro Psy Pic
Video of "Insight Law Enforcement Training Results" and the Accuracy You Will Achieve
 Notice How "Machine Like" You Will Become !


Decatur County Sherriff's Office

 July 29th, 30th
Location: Bainbridge, GA
Huge Savings
 We're Honoring 2009 Prices
Tuition Only $599
  SAVE $700  Reg. $1299
Register NOW 
Insight Firearms Training Development
 PO Box 12293, Prescott, AZ  86304-2293
(928) 708-9208  Fax (928) 776-4668
Range & Class Location:
912 Spring Creek Road, Bainbridge, GA 39817 
 Times: 8:30am - 5:30pm


 Hosted by: Decatur County Sheriff's Office
Location: Bainbridge, GA
 July 26th - 30th
       What a Chief of Police had to say:
Jan Wright "As the Chief of Police of the Hamburg Police Department in New Jersey I could not recommended this program enough.  As a firearms instructor I learned more in five days than I have learned since I became an instructor in 1995.  I am shooting and instructing at levels that I could only dream of.  As the Chief of Police who is in charge of maintaining a budget this class was tops.  With minimal costs for the class and bullets it can not be beat.  What I noticed most was that students quickly learned the concepts and were able to implement the new skills with minimal rounds.  I shot less than 200 rounds to be proficient in the skills. I will now use the rounds saved to master my skills, not learn them.  I will be sending my instructors to this program as soon as possible."

 Jan WrightChief of Police, Hamburg Police Department, New Jersey

  ONLY $898   Save $1400   Reg. $2298
Take Advantage of these LOW 2009 Prices.
Insight Firearms Training Development
 PO Box 12293, Prescott, AZ  86304-2293
(928) 708-9208  Fax (928) 776-4668
Range & Class Location:
912 Spring Creek Road, Bainbridge, GA 39817 
 Times: 8:30am - 5:30pm - Both Classes
Discover How To Get Everyone Shooting With Precision Accuracy And Guarantee The Accuracy Will Transfer To The Street Where It Really Counts !
Now, using a revolutionary new teaching method based on the latest information on Brain Science, Biomechanics, and Psychology we've created a unique program that lets you master the ability to teach anyone how to shoot with absolute Accuracy . . . Instantly ! 

Matt Promo 5

Want to listen-in and take a quick look at how
 Matt Seibert highlights the secrets of Insight's method
to get your students shooting with
 Precision Accuracy in less than 20 minutes on the range.   Impossible ? . . . Check It Out !
 What is the difference between the 3-Day and 5-Day
 Instructor Course ?
We've expanded the 3-Day program to a 5-Day intensive course to give the instructor more time and hands-on experiance to implement the tools and concepts learned in the course.  It further expands the training on how to apply the teaching methods in more advanced tactical applications.

After 15 years of development and thoroughly proven for more than 5 years in a multitude of envirements, it's available to YOU today.
All that's required to make it work is just one thing ... 

Clayton County Police Deptartment

  November 8th - 12th
 We're Honoring 2009 Prices 
Tuition Only $898  SAVE $1400  Reg. $2298 
Insight Firearms Training Development
  PO Box 12293, Prescott, AZ  86304-2293
(928) 708-9208  Fax (928) 776-4668
Range & Class Location:
 Times: 9:00am - 5:00pm
 This Method Is Going To Change Firearms Training As You Know It Today !
Renown LE Firearms Instructor & Sniper TrainerPeter Tarley
This is the most valuable firearms training program I have attended in over 30 years."
Peter M. Tarley, Academy Range Master
Ed Santos
Renown LE Firearms Instructor & Author
Ed SantosGavel
Author of the Cutting Edge Book
Rule the Night   Win the Fight
 "I have been to my share of shooting schools. I've been a Firearms Instructor for over 30 years.  This has been the best two days I have ever experienced in a firearms training course . . . "  Ed Santos
 CLICK HERE: To see what else Ed Santos had to say in a Video Interview after taking Insight's 2-Day Advanced Instructor Course.
Lt. Ennis Dyer, Anderson Security, AZ
Ennis "I am a Lieutenant with Anderson Security Agency.  We had 15 recruits go through a 16 hour Armed Guard Course.   Mr. Matt Seibert had everyone pass with a score of 100%  on
the Arizona Department of Public Safety's Qualification Course in less than 5 hours on the range using less than 100 rounds per person.  Many of the recruits were first time shooters."
 Ennis Dyer
Rosemary Caruso, NYC Dept. of Investigation  
 Firearms Instructor
 "A breakthrough in law enforcement training.  It is based on a wonderful blend of two disciplines, Psychology and Police Science as it relates to firearms training.  It is the most innovative training I have attended in all my years as a firearms instructor."   Rosemary Caruso
Tyrone McNeill, Orangetown PD, NY 
 Firearms Instructor
 "I'm a Firearms Instructor and have been a firearms instructor for 20 years now.  Excellent program, probally the best program I have ever attended. . . Any firearms instructor out there, it is to your advantage to take this course" Tyrone McNeill 
 CLICK HERE: To see a video on what Officer McNeill said about Insights Instructor Program.
Igor Ledochowski
 World Renown Master Hypnologist and
Author of "Conversational Hypnosis"
 Igor 1                   
 "Matt's system is spectacular.  I have never seen anyone be able to teach something this difficult, but make it so easy so quick and look at the results . . . " Igor Ledochowski
 CLICK HERE: To see an Exclusive Video Interview.
The Process Holds-Up Over Time
6 Months Later
After not touching a gun for 6 months. . . 
"I literally didn't touch a gun.  I didn't think about it.   And then walked in here and on my very first trial I was shooting 1-hole groups . . . . This just doesn't just work, it sticks . . . It is truly amazing !" Igor Ledochowski
 CLICK HERE: To see an what Igor had to say about Insight's ability to program the skills to the unconscious in his 2nd Interview and how the skills transfered to the carbine.
Anthony Capek,  NYC Dept. of Investigation 
 Firearms Instructor
Tony Capek
"This was an excellent course and it will drastically decrease the amount of time spent in remediating challenged shooters.  It will decrease the number of practice rounds needed to achieve precision accuracy."   Anthony Capek
Steve Harris, Federal Officer 
 Firearms Instructor
Steve Harris

"Coming into this program I was a skeptic.  I'm no longer a skeptic.  This is not trick shooting or any kind of hokey thing like that, it's good solid training.  I would recommend it."

 Steve Harris
CLICK HERE:  To see a Video Testimonial of what Steve thought about Insight's training.
Robert Thomas, PA State Police
 Pennsylvania State College Sheriff
 Academy Firearms Instructor
Rob PA 

"We train Deputy Sheriff's at our Deputy Sheriff Academy.  I really enjoyed the 2 day training I received.  The system really works."


CLICK HERE: To see what else Rob had to say about Insight's Training in a Video Interview and how this process can dramatically affect the quality of your Academy training.

Mitch Jackson, US Customs Officer 
 "I've been in the Federal Goverment 14 years in the Customs Department and also been in the Military for 7-1/2 years as a Law Enforcement Officer . . .This training is irreplaceable and I think they should incorporate it at the Federal level and in every Law Enforcement Academy"   Mitch Jackson
CLICK HERE: To see a Video Interview with Mitch Jackson.
Matt Shozda, Lt. Colonel
US Air Force Para Rescue
 Instructor - Evaluator 
 Recently Retired From the Air Force After 24 Years of Service to Our Country
Matt Shazda
"The military could definitely benefit from this training.  This takes firearms out of the assembly line process and into an individualized results orientated training which I think would be much more effective training.  It's training that's going to last with the students a lot longer than the typical fire & brimstone assembly methods that we currently use." Matt Shozda 
CLICK HERE: To see what Lt. Colonel Matt Shozda had to say in a Video Interview about the training he and 9 units from Para Rescue's 48th Squadron received from Insight.
Jerry Heying, President and CEO of International Protective Service Agency, New York, N.Y.
 Firearms Instructor
Jerry Heying
 "I have been in private security for 35 years and have been a private security firearms instructor for 26 years.  This has been the best and most informative class for a firearms instructor that I have ever attended.  Thank you."  
 Jerry Heying
Sascha Cocron, Professional Educator
Former Dean of a Chicago College 

"The Seibert Method that I learned here today in a 2 day course is probably one of the most revolutionary methods I've ever seen; taking you from theoretical safety based principles to the gun range and having you shoot within an hour or less 1-hole groupings with a pistol and I had never shot a pistol before."  Sascha Cocron

CLICK HERE:  To see what a Former Dean of a College had to say about Insight's teaching process and the kind of results YOU can achieve with this teaching method.
Ken Delahunt
New York Transit PD (Retired)- Firearms Instructor and First Choice Body Armor Regional Manager Gavel
 "Your advanced Instructor Development Course, "The Neuro-Psychology to instant Precision Accuracy" in State College PA was absolutely "Transformational".  In my opinion, it goes beyond the form of any training I have ever taken.  Your credentials are impeccable, and the course content and the presentation of curricula you and Sherrie have developed over the years and your joint teaching method using Neuro Psychology is completely "Out of the Box".  You have taken the best of what has been taught over the years by some of the greats and gone not merely Transformational but Trans-dimensional, it was interesting, fun, and far beyond to the future of LE Firearms training.


I believe that those who train in your discipline and incorporate it into their respective departmental training, will allow them to deploy officers who are more confident and assured that they can handle any situation they may encounter. Most important, it will save lives."  Ken Delahunt

CLICK HERE: To see what else Ken had to say in a Video Interview about his experience when he attended Insight's Advanced Instructor training.
KEN'S RESULTS: After taking our Instructor course, Ken sent us these pictures of a Federal Officer who was about to loose his job because he was unable to qualify.  His accuracy PRIOR to Ken's tutelage was literally "all over the target".   Look at the accuracy Ken was able help him achieve in only a few short hours using Insight's revolutionary new process.
Ken's Student 3Gavel
1-Hole Group, 25 Rounds, at 25 feet,
 with only 1-shot that went a little low.
Dan Hawk, PA State Police - Retired
 Pennsylvania State College Sheriff
 Academy Firearms instructor 
Dan PA 

"We then brought in two local police officer self proclaimed "problem" /trigger jerk shooters. (confirmed by their FI as "difficult" shooters that qualify by the skin of their teeth each time.) They both were shooting one hole groups at five yards and 2" groups at ten yards within one hour!  No kidding...I saw it."  Dan Hawk

 CLICK HERE: To see what else Dan Hawk had to say about Insight's process after taking our 2-Day Advanced Instructor Course in PA on the "Defensive Handguns Forum" website.     
Wayne Padilla, Former AZ Peace Officer
Waynes Group
Wayne demonstrates how he is able to split a business card "on-edge" with only 1 shot, and shoot a 5 shot group using
 Insight's NEW methodology.
"Wow !!!  He did it.  Matt has created a re-learning system on par with Zen that can do more in one day, than what I've been striving for my whole life.  As a former Peace Officer and life long shooter I have attended numerous shooting schools including; Gunsite Training Academy, Defensive Training & Tactics,  GSGI (Global Studies Group Inc.), and Louis Awerbuck's Yavapai Firearms Academy.  I thought I was good, but never as consistent as I wanted to be.  But now I've accomplished what I thought was only possible by professional exhibition shooters.  1 hole groups each and every time no matter what.  This system is for everyone, young or old, shooter or non-shooter.  Everyone and I mean everyone has the ability to consistently fire 1 hole groups with this system.
Thanks to Matt I was able to achieve what I thought was only possible with years of practice and thousands of rounds of ammo.  Now it is available to anybody in just 1 day."   Wayne Padilla
 ALLAN MAllan Magno, Federal LE Firearms Instructor 
"I believe in this technology.  It goes way beyond the Army's "Project JEDI".*  This should be the standard by which all law enforcement and military guys shoot !"   Al Magno 
* "Operation Jedi" was a US Army marksmanship research project using an NLP modeling process that was lead by World Renowned Motivational Coach Anthony Robbins and co-creator of Neuro Linguistic Programing, Dr. John Grinder.
 NickNick Piccirello, AZPOST Firearms Instructor 
"As an AZPOST Firearms Instructor and an Arizona police officer for almost thirty years, Insight firearms provides some of the finest training I have ever attended.  The courses I have attended have greatly increased my confidence as an instructor and a shooter, which has greatly improved my accuracy and overall qualification scores.  I have been able to utilize many of the techniques provided by Matt and Sherrie for my students and fellow officers during our firearms training.  We recently had an officer who, for the last couple of years, consistently had difficulty in obtaining a satisfactory qualification score and would require remedial firearms training and/or additional qualification attempts.  In approximately ninety (90) minutes of utilizing the techniques and methodology provided by Matt and Sherrie with this officer, he then shot the qualification firearms course and achieved a 240 out of a possible 250 the first time.   I have utilized the methodology several times as an instructor and have consistently achieved positive results with every student I have exposed to it.  I suggest every AZPOST firearms instructor attend the Insight's course for the skills to improve our officers' confidence and qualification scores."   Nicholas Piccirello
Nicholas Piccirello
AZPOST Firearms Instructor
Maricopa County Attorney's Office
Ed Marsters, Firearms Instructor
 Alaska Dept. of Public Safety Training Academy
 Ed Marsters
 "No one has all the answers when it comes to firearms training.  Matt Seibert does not claim he does either.  What he does have is a very fresh and innovative way of teaching marksmanship.  No matter what style of shooting you subscribe to or what your firearms training doctrine is, marksmanship should be a critical component.  Take an open minded look at Matt's program and you just might learn something."  Ed Marsters
 Mark VolponeMark Volpone, LE Firearms Tactics Instructor 
"Just when you think you are on the top of your game, Matt showed me how to go far beyond my Instructor capabilities.  Very concise about his techniques and his system! My school and students will benefit from your expertise in teaching and consistency."    Mark Volpone
Mark Volpone, LE Firearms Instructor, Maricopa Tactical, Phoenix, AZ
 Bob BrownRobert Brown, Attorney-Firearms Instructor 
"I would be delighted to provide you with a sworn affidavit certifying that all members of our class were shooting one hole groups within one hour.  The level of integration of advanced teaching techniques with practical application was outstanding.  Your eye dominance research is going to change how this industry teaches marksmanship.  Your extensive reading in brain research, learning theory and vision is unparalleled in this industry.  Your class effectively shifted the teaching paradigm from WWI military technique into the Seibert Neuro Linguistic Learning Modality Paradigm."    Robert E. Brown 
 Bob BrownDaniel Nowak, Law Enforcement Instructor 
"The fundamental concepts discussed during this instructors course provided the mental glue that allowed cohesiveness for my 20 years of martial art and combat training.   Kudos to you, there is nothing else out there that compares."    Daniel Nowak
John Arnold, Arizona Ranger
1-Hole Groups with his
 .45 Cal. Pistol
 "I can shoot 1-Hole Groups all day long since taking Insight's course... Their training gave me the ability to shoot a perfect score of 250/250 on the AZPOST Night Fire Course."  John Arnold
Laura R. (Masters Degree In Education)
1st time shooter was able to split a Business Card at 15 ft. On-Edge with a Glock 9mm.  She blew-out the 10 Ring at 15 feet using a Ruger LCP .380 cal.
"Every learning style available to instruction (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic), is incorporated within Matt and Sherrie's programs, therefore touching every student's unique method(s) of learning.  The tools for "Shooting the perfect shot every time" are clearly explained and available to the learner."   Laura R.
Jeffery A. Litzman, Sheriff Dept. Firearms Instructor
"I have been a firearms instructor for the Sheriff's Office, Detention Services for about three years.  I feel that we have an excellent program, but as with anything there is always room for improvement.  Your methods truly impressed me and I feel that by using the tools you have given me I can improve our firearms program.  Our lives very well may depend on these skills and I can't wait to pass on some of these techniques to my fellow Officers.  Insight provides new and innovative training for the real world, with instructors that back up what they say.  Matt's eye dominance test was awesome and should be taught to everyone who carries a weapon period.  Insight has a well thought out teaching style that appeals to all walks of life.  It does not matter the level of training you have had, you will learn something new."  Jeff Leitzman
Jeffrey A. Leitzman, Yavapai County Sheriff Dept. AZ,  Firearms Instructor
Robbie Simpson, Federal Officer
"It was a great course.  I came in with an open mind and was able to go back and qualify with a Perfect Score !   You are ahead of your time.  The results speak for themselves."
  Robi Simpson
Janice Dorn
 Psychiatrist / Ph.D.  Brain Scientist
 Jannis Dorn
"I am trained as a M.D. (Psychiatrist) and Ph.D. (Brain Scientist). Matt and Sherrie have invested years of experience into understanding and reviewing the mind / body interaction.  The guided visualization was among the best of this type of relaxation method I have ever experienced.  I never shot a gun before this class.  At the end of the class I shot the side of a business card!  The lessons taught in their class were perfect in terms of the insight into the brain - body connection.   I recommend their class to anyone who wants to learn from the best instructors !" Janice Dorn, M.D., Ph.D.
    Officer Steve Farmer, Ohio
Firearms Instructor
 Split a Business Card "On-Edge"
  and Blew-Out the 10 Ring at
15 feet using a Glock 9mm.
"I have been to many Big Name shooting schools and this class far exceeds any other school that I've been too.  Using Insight's methodology I am able to have all my students shooting with this kind of accuracy in just 1-day."
Steve Farmer
More On What Others Are Saying About Insight's Training . . .

John Bruch, Former FBI Special Agent
(John was Responsible for the FBI National Academy Program in AZ)
"I have been able to observe some excellent instructors through the country and I can say that I would rank you among the best! . . .
I sincerely wish this information could be presented to all law enforcement officers.  I am proud of the firearms training afforded to me in the Bureau over the years and I believe we have many talented instructors and marksman; however I can say that this is the first time I have ever heard any of the information relative to the neurological aspects of shooting.
Thank you again for a great training experience which I would recommend to any of my associates in law enforcement."

Captain David Starin, SWAT Commander, YCSO, AZ
"I have 14 years of firearms instructing experience and this is the first class I learned a methodology that was new and innovative in many years." 
Jeffrey Dokimascolo, Firearms Instructor, New York Dept. of Investigation, NY
"A different and fresh approach to achieve Extreme Accuracy in a short amount of time with minimal ammo use.  Excellent Course !  Highly recommend it for anyone in Law Enforcement."
Elliott B. Gilchrist, Director of Training,
Threat Management Institute
"I've been a firearms instructor for 25 years and in that time, I've taught a lot of people to shoot. The method that Matt and Sherrie are teaching is cutting edge. If you want to learn to shoot with near surgical precision and you want to learn to do it hours instead of days or weeks or months then you owe it yourself to take a closer look at the training being offered at Insight."

Deputy Ed Philpott, Maricopa County Sheriff, AZ

"Just to update you, I graduated from the Deputy Academy last week and thanks to your teaching in the past took home the firearms award.  I finished with a 99.3% on my quals.  Everything you taught me I put to good use while on the range."
Officer Darrell Moerch, St. Johns Police Department, AZ
"I always felt I was missing something when I was working with students and trying to diagnose their shooting difficulties . . . Matt and Sherrie are masters of instruction. They provided the missing link in my ability to help improve not only my students but my own shooting ability."
Joe Tessitore, US Border Patrol
"Thank you for the instruction you gave me . . . it helped me excel in my firearms course at the Border Patrol Academy. . . I would like to let you know I was the top shooter in my class with much thanks to you.  I scored 357/360."
Deputy Doug Owens, YCSO, AZ
"It was Awesome !  Time and money well spent. . .  A fantastic course that can benefit any police recruit, as well as an advanced law enforcement firearms instructor.  Mr. Seibert is an outstanding instructor and I hope more of our comrades take advantage of his training opportunity.
Thanks Matt and Sherrie !!! "
F.W. Filkins, Prescott, AZ
"I have been a Firearms Instructor for over 50 years. Retired from the LUMPD after 18 years, where I trained over 3,000 recruits in the use of pistol, rifle and shotgun. Your instruction techniques and training aid use was outstanding. Better than the training I ever did as a teacher. Both of you are to be commended. It was a class act."
Rock Rakosi, Master Sergeant, Army National Guard 
"I have been in the Army for over 20 years.  I have taught many soldiers how to shoot, but I learned more in three hours than I learned in 20 years of being in the Army.  This is some of the best money I have ever spent ! "
Tom Halstead, Prescott Valley, AZ
"Matt Seibert's course is outstanding.  It combines and balances mental and physical training in a unique and extraordinary way.  I've shot the worlds best courses including the Israeli Anti-Terrorism facilities, and Matt's approach surpasses them all.  Few instructors get to the unconscious skill level.  Matt does it in fine fashion from the very first hour."

Kenneth R. O. Air Force Para Rescue,  AZ
"The only training I'd had was what we received at PJ school. We shot about 800 rounds a piece there, and in this training I learned more in the first day! This training will also transfer to a lot of other things we do. This is great mind conditioning!"

Donna Schmidt, Prescott, AZ
"Unbelievable!  The confidence, the accuracy - what a great achievement! - Smart training - So efficient - Great trainers!  So much fun - So exciting - Sharp shooting !"

Jim Clark, Dewey, AZ
"I've had over 50 years of shooting, from competition to military to law enforcement, and many shooting instructions (including FBI). This was by far the best instruction I've ever had!"

Bret, Firearms Training Supervisor

Major LE Agency/Academy in Arizona

"As a full-time professional law enforcement firearms instructor I believe it is my responsibility to attend training and study shooting and teaching techniques to gain more tools so I can better help those I train improve their skills to be prepared for the fight.  Over the years I have attended a lot of classes and all of them taught me.  Some provided simply bad information but I learned; some were only trigger time schools but I had the opportunity to work things out and learn; some gave me good information or tools to learn and incorporate into my training; and some were good enough to cause me to re-think how I am doing things and make me wonder if I can do it better.


Insight Firearms Training Development's 3-day Advanced Instructor Development, Teaching the Neuro-Psychology to "Instant" Precision Accuracy was one of the few classes that really made me stop and analyze how I am teaching some things and wonder if I can use their information to do a better job.  Some of their information reinforced what I am already doing; some information was a little different which I may or may not use; and some will have a direct impact on how I teach.  These are the types of classes I look for because if I am not being forced to question my techniques and knowledge I will become stale in my teaching, and my personal growth.


I recommend all firearms instructors continue to develop their knowledge and teaching skills, and look for people and classes that force them to re-examine their beliefs and understanding so they can continue to grow.  I believe this class is one that will make most instructors stop and wonder if they can be a better instructor, and I believe it can provide all firearms instructors tools to do a better job for their students."

To discover more about what others have said about Insight's Training TESTIMONIALS Click Here

About the InstructorsGavel
Matt Seibert is a former law enforcement officer and has been training law enforcement in the use of firearms since 1976.  He is currently the President of Insight Firearms Training Development.  He is a former Instructor and General Manager for Gunsite Training Academy.  He has been a member of the International Academy of Sports Vision.  He is a trained hypnologist specializing in the use of hypnosis and has spent the last 15 years researching the visual skills and neuro psychology required to achieve peak performance in the use of the pistol and carbine.
GavelSherrie Seibert is also a firearms instructor, hypnologist and training specialist.  Matt and Sherrie specialize in conducting Advanced Firearms Instructor Development Programs for Law Enforcement and Military Special Op's.  They have developed and utilize an accelerated training methodology which programs the shooting process to the unconscious and actually "enhances" accuracy and speed with a pistol or carbine under extreme conditions.
Below are TYPICAL examples of the accuracy achieved by our beginning students in the first few hours of training.
Cindy V.
She learned to shoot and manipulate a Glock 19,
 a S&W Mod.19 with 38sp loads, and a Colt Detective Special with 38sp loads.
She is a first time shooter and was able
to shoot 1-Hole Groups at 9,15 & 30 feet in less than
2 hours.
Pam R.
1-Hole Group with her first 12 shots at
15 feet.  She was a first time shooter using a Glock 9mm.
Tina S.
Tina is a first time shooter.  She was able to shoot this 1-Hole Group in less than 35 minutes at a distance of
15 feet using a Glock 19.
 Ron D.
Ron blew out the center of his target with 100 rounds of 9mm with a
 Glock 19 and achieved consistent
1" Groups within the first hour at
9ft. and 15ft.
Linda C. GavelGavel
Linda, a first time shooter was able to shoot consistent
 1" Groups at 15 feet in less than
30 minutes. 
It only took 25 rounds of ammo to achieve this consistency.
Janet C.
The smile on Janet's face says it all as she shows off her 1-Hole Group as a first time shooter after just 1-hour shooting.  She shot a Glock 19, and a .380 cal. pistol at 15 feet.
Jeff T.
Jeff is a first time shooter and was able to blow-out the center of the target at 9,15 & 30 feet after only 2 hours of training on the range.  His accuracy stayed consistent using a Glock 19, S&W Mod. 19 with .38sp loads,
 and a 2" Colt Dective Special 38sp
 (First 100 rds. he ever fired!)
You have our commitment to provide you with the very best firearms training methodology available.  
Money Back GuaranteeYour investment is covered by our incredible Money Back Guarantee.  If you aren't blown away by the end of the 1st day of what you learn, you can drop out of the program and receive 100% refund of your tuition right then and there.  
PS: Still skeptical? I completely understand.  You may not know Matt & Sherrie Seibert and maybe you're not sure if this is the right program for you.  But consider this . . .  How powerful and "RESULTS ORIENTATED" must this process be if every student that participates in one of these programs are able to achieve these remarkable results every time and have gained valuable insight ?
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  Enroll NOW and take advantage of this training opportunity and help all of your Officers's maximize their potential and shoot with precision accuracy.   Your action in taking this course will save lives !
Cancellation: Tuition is nonrefundable.  However, if for any reason you must cancel, you may attend any future training at no additional cost, even if the tuition for that future training is higher.  No one has ever lost a dime investing in an Insight Program!
All The Best,
Matt & Sherrie Seibert
Insight Firearms Training
PO Box 12293, Prescott, AZ 86304-2293
(928) 708-9208
Fax (928) 776-4668
Gavel     Now it's up to you. 
You could continue on your own.  Looking for answers, hoping that you will eventually have ALL your officers shooting with precision accuracy and hoping they will have the confidence that goes with that, you desire.

Or you can accept this invitation and join our 3-Day Advanced LE Instructor Course,  2-Day Extreme Accuracy Course or our 5-Day Advanced Intensive Instructor Course and start on the path to assure ALL your officers master accuracy - and enjoy a life of power, influence and prestige - straight away.

It's easy to join, simply Register Now !

Insight Firearms Training
PO Box 12293, Prescott, AZ 86304-2293
(928) 708-9208