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In This Issue
Opening a New Business in this Economy
Medical Tourism Marketing book
Upcoming Presentations
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With fewer marketing dollars available during tough economic times, returning to the fundamental principles of marketing and applying them consistently and creativity can help your organization survive and thrive. Marketing basics work.  Keep reading and see how.
Opening a New Business in this Economy? Crazy or Savvy?

The Proof is in the Marketing
When Dennis and Elissa Sargent contacted Stackpole & Associates to help them launch Windsor Place of Wilmington, a new assisted living residence, Irving Stackpole felt confident that focusing on the fundamentals of marketing would ensure the success of this new venture.  By applying marketing basics aggressively and in an integrated manner, the marketing campaign created by Stackpole & Associates has set the foundation for long-term success at Windsor Place.

WIndsor Place

The marketing campaign clearly focused on the five Ps of marketing to integrate all the media outlets - direct mail, advertising, radio, billboard, and outreach events - for consistent messages and uniform visual appeal.  In addition to the standard components of the marketing campaign, Stackpole & Associates added a dash of creativity to the marketing mix.  Promotional portfolios were created containing information about the amenities and benefits of Windsor Place and were mailed to Elder Law attorneys whose clients would be likely clients for Windsor Place
The marketing campaign is paying off.  Windsor Place opened on October 8th and is filling up as residents begin to move in.  The marketing campaign continues strong and inquiries arrive every day from individuals interested in learning more about the residence.
Crazy or savvy?  The economy may be crazy but the Sargents are savvy.  Stackpole & Associates' solid market research demonstrated that there is a demand for assisted living housing even during uncertain economic times.  An intelligent, focused and aggressive marketing campaign demonstrates that a business can succeed even in this crazy economy.
Let Stackpole & Associates work with your organization to apply marketing basics to marketing campaigns that work.  Contact us today at istackpole@stackpoleassociates.com
Medical Tourism Marketing
A First of its kind book from Stackpole & Associates
In anticipation of the World Medical Tourism and Global Health Conference in Los Angeles, California on October 26 - 28, 2009, the team at Stackpole & Associates has published Medical Tourism Marketing
MedTour Book CoverWritten by the marketing experts from Stackpole & Associates, Medical Tourism Marketing includes the five Ps of marketing, creating effective marketing messages, crafting emails that work as well as developing and maintaining effective web sites.  Also provided is an article by immigration attorney, Elizabeth Ziemba, describing the in's and out's of medical tourism visas.
A special bonus feature is "Ten Terrible Marketing Mistakes Made by Medical Tourism Businesses".  Don't commit these marketing mistakes that undermine the success of your organization!
Complimentary copies of Medical Tourism Marketing will be available at the World Medical Tourism & Global Health Conference from representatives of Stackpole & Associates who will be attending the conference.  Irving Stackpole is presenting a marketing workshop at the conference on Monday, October 26th and all attendees to the workshop will receive a free copy as part of Irving's presentation.
The book will go on sale on the Stackpole & Associates web site on Sunday, November 1st for the price of $9.95 USD plus postage.  You can order copies through PayPal on the web site or contact eziemba@stackpoleassociates.com to pay by check.
Order your copies now and start growing your medical tourism business today!
Upcoming Presentations:
Please join us

IrvingIrving Stackpole will be speaking at the following conferences and events:
"Medical Tourism Marketing", October 26th, World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress, Los Angles, California

"Marketing to International Dental Patients", November 2 and 3, 2009, Ramada Plaza Herradura Hotel, San Jose, Costa Rica, by invitation only.

"Medical Tourism Marketing", November 5, 2009, International Congress of Medical Tourism, Cartagena, Columbia 

"Chicken Little Was an Optimist; Marketing & sales on low or no budget" November 12, 2009, ACHCA, New Hampshire Chapter, Manchester, New Hampshire

"Marketing in Difficult Times", December 5, 2009, and
"Ethical Influence: Selling Your Services without Selling Your Soul", December  6, 2009, Winter Marketplace, ACHCA, Las Vegas, Nevada
Stackpole & Associates provides marketing, market research, training, and business development services to health care, human services, medical tourism, and senior living organizations in North America, Central America, Asia, and Europe.  
To learn more about market research, marketing, feasibility studies and services related to organizational development, please contact me directly by telephone at (617) 739-5900 extension 11, or send an email to istackpole@stackpoleassociates.com.

Thank you and speak with you soon.

Irving Stackpole, RRT, M Ed
President, Stackpole & Associates, Inc.