A Note From Denise
Spring cleaning at the lake.Hello Monday May 18. Spring is here? It was 41 degrees this morning. Brrrrrr, I had to turn on the furnace, but the flowers are blooming. My staff is back from vacation and grumbling non-stop about the cold. Pierre says it is too cold to type and didn't turn in his column. I think long naps are his real problem.

Francoise is not too happy with the new staff members--Odette and Ondine--who are in charge of the tea tray and odd jobs around the studio. The three girls are a bit competitive. Francoise went so far as to bake tiny apple tarts for the tea tray. Odette and Ondine were not happy, but the tarts were delicious. Competition can be a good thing.
Jacques is busy out of doors at this time of year. This morning he had to dress in three layers and borrow Pierre's scarf to keep warm while planting and transplanting daylilies and hostas in the gardens.
I am beginning the art for a concept book titled Shout! Shout it out!. I am combining pulp painting with colored inks, china markers, pastel pencils, and collage--a new look for me. But first, there is the cutting of stencils and dying of fiber for the pulp paintings.
The interior of our clay studio at the lake is finally finished--white stained wood walls, a pale green stained wood ceiling, and lots of windows. Soon, I will have photos of clay to post along with photos of recent art dolls. We have a new family member. Indigo adopted a dog, Sylvester, from a shelter in San Antonio. Sly is a character and can be quite naughty, but is wonderful company. Indigo is also fostering a bull calf, Booyah. Sly and Booyah are great buddies. Booyah will be a stud bull when he grows up. This is important, as Indigo is a vegetarian.
Send any comments, suggestions or project photos to denise@denisefleming.com. Cheers, Denise
Francoise - Owner of school for dance, former can can dancer, social butterfly
Out and About
While I was in the islands basking in the sun (note my fabulous tan), Denise and David were visiting their daughter, Indigo, in Texas. Unfortunately they did not buy a gift of bling for me. I do love bling. Diamonds are fabulous, but rhinestones will do. D and D did have some fun in the sun in West Palm Beach, FL, at The Palm Beach Literacy Workshop. Again, no bling. So sad.
At the Flint Institute of Arts, D and D had a fabulous time leading a papermaking workshop with some fabulous people who made fabulous pulp paintings.

 To celebrate Children's Book Week, Denise read to a fabulous group of preschoolers at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library and danced to In The Tall, Tall Grass.
Well off to Tan-a-lot, fabulous tanning salon. "Fabulous" is my new favorite word!
Denise's upcoming appearances:
May 28, 2009 South Charleston Public Library - South Charleston, WV
NOTE: Denise is taking time off from travel to work on new book ideas until April 2010, although you can book appearances now for April, 2010 and beyond.
Pierre - Self published poet
No interview. Pierre has been sleeping on the job. In the near future, there may be a job opening at The Chatter Chronicles.
Jacques - Former truck farmer, chef, and builder of recycled bottle homes.
Down to Earth
Even though it is a bit chilly, the weeds are flourishing. The wild garlic is the thug of the garden. Every day more of these plants pop up.
I am already hungering for tomatoes and basil from the garden-soft white bread slathered with mayo topped with thick slices of warm tomato from the garden, fresh basil, and lots of salt and ground pepper--the taste of summer.
The wrens are back and busy building nests in the gourds. The pond has been cleaned and the fish are happily swimming in the sunlight. It is time to add water lettuce and water hyacinths to the pond. Take a look at the magnificent ostrich ferns. They are so healthy!
Nuture, Jacques
Ollie - Mixed breed pup
Bark at Ya!
Ollie here. The big news is Sylvester, Indigo's new pup. We welcome dogs. We have too many cats in our family. Cats can be mean. They have sharp claws. Buster may have ended up liking Betty, but not all cats are as sweet as Betty.

As for the cow, Booyah, I am not sure about him, as I have never met a cow. I will keep an open mind about cows.
Denise Celebrate Reading and Writing
Celebration Lantern - 2 sheets of construction paper - yellow or orange plus another color - and a 1" x 11" strip of construction paper. Stapler. Scissors.
  Fold two sheets of paper lengthwise together with orange or yellow paper inside.    Cut on folded edge about halfway to opposite edge. Unfold and roll into cylinder. Staple top and bottom. Add handle.  Celebrate reading!
Scribe Hat - 1 and 1/4 sheets of construction paper - two colors. Stapler. Scissors.
 Fold 1/4 sheet of paper in half lengthwise. Cut feather shape and then fringe.
 Staple feather to top edge of whole sheet. Overlap top edges of paper and staple.  Fold bottom edges up and feather down.
Celebrate writing!
Wednesday, May 20th, it was 84° this afternoon. I guess Spring is here!
Cheers, Denise