A Note From Denise
Hello It has been a while since the last Chatter Chronicles so I have a lot to cover in this issue. I am on my own for this edition. Francoise, Pierre, Jacques and Ollie all are enjoying warmer climates, so I will be filling in for them. It is winter here in Ohio. We had twelve inches of snow until a few days ago when the temp soared into the 50s. The snow melted and then it was rain, rain, rain. It is now a muddy, sticky, mushy mess out of doors. My pup, Georgie, has to have a bath after every walk. David and I are counting down the days until February 17th when we fly off to Texas to visit our daughter Indigo. We visit via Skype, but it has been six months since we were last together. Our first stop in Texas--a used book store Indy has been raving about for months. We are taking spare suitcases as we will need extra space for books on our return.

I finished and sent in the art and mechanicals for my next book-Sleepy, Oh So Sleepy. I sometimes felt that I would never finish the book. Several pages did not feel right. So, I kept redoing the pages. Finally--success! Sleepy will be in the stores in Spring 2010.
Ideas are never my problem, it is the execution of the idea that sometimes puzzles me. I get so far along and then--zap--it feels like nothing works, so I have to put that idea away and start on another one. That is where I am now, working on three different book ideas and techniques until one moves ahead of the crowd. Great news-Buster Goes To Cowboy Camp was chosen as a Notable Children's Book by the ALA and a Best of the Best 2009 by Chicago Public Library. And even better news--my friend Kathi Appelt was awarded a Newbery Honor for her book, The Underneath. Kathi and I met years ago when she contacted me to speak at a SCBWI conference. She is a fantastic person.
A HUGE Banner of my art is hanging on the fire station in Ithaca, NY in celebration of the Read To Me organization. Read To Me supports literacy in the community and has some wonderful outreach programs.

Dilys Evans has written a fascinating book, Show & Tell. Ms Evans profiles selected illustrators and explains why their illustrations are successful. I feel honored to be included in Show and Tell.

Because my staff deserted me when the thermometer dipped below 50, I have hired two office temps--Ondine and her sister, Odette. Unfortunately, the sisters have no office experience and cannot type, but they set up a lovely tea tray and have great stories of their youth. They were wild things!
Send any comments, suggestions or project photos to denise@denisefleming.com. Cheers, Denise
Francoise - Owner of school for dance, former can can dancer, social butterfly
Out and About
Francoise is in the islands, so I am writing her column.

This fall we visited the Lexington Public Library in Lexington, KY. We told stories around the campfire and made bear masks from Time To Sleep. I am the big bear in the back. David and I hit the new Ikea store in Cincinnati on the way home.
 We visited the Fundamentals bookstore in Delaware Ohio. There is a great group of book lovers in that area. I invited them up to my studio to make paper and have tea--we had a fine time. I enjoyed their visit so much that I invited them back.
David (husband) and I traveled to Florida for the Florida Reading Assoc. Conference. I spoke at a lovely luncheon with very creative centerpieces-beetles (Beetle Bop) and such. Next it was Canton, Ohio, AEYC conference--lots of enthusiastic folks who spend their time teaching and guiding young ones. On to Mahoning Valley IRA and reading teachers. We love reading teachers. Then off to Arkansas for the UALR conference--a great group and quite a few folks I'd met when I visited Arkansas years ago.
On March 6th I travel to West Palm Beach, Florida, where I will share how I create my books, book crafts, and creative ways to use books with readers. I will be presenting March 7th at the Palm Beach Literacy Coalition Workshop at the Palm Beach Airport Hilton. If you are in the area and would like to attend, call 1-800-273-1030 for information.
Francoise will be back in the spring with gossip.
Denise's upcoming appearances:
March 7, 2009 Palm Beach Literacy Coalition Workshop - Palm Beach, FL
April 25 & 26, 2009 Flint Institute of Arts - Flint, MI
May 29, 2009 South Charleston Public Library - South Charleston, WV
NOTE: Denise is taking time off from travel to work on new book ideas until April 2010, although you can book appearances now for April, 2010 and beyond.
Pierre - Self published poet

I am sorry to say there is no interview, as Pierre accompanied Francoise to the islands, where he is sunning and relaxing while I am here in muddy old Ohio, working! Pierre, here is a picture of what happens when you get too much sun!
Jacques - Former truck farmer, chef, and builder of recycled bottle homes.
Down to Earth
Jacques is teaching a craft class on a cruise ship in the Caribbean, so I am writing his column.
  Mary Sheridan sent some great pictures of glitter beetles her art class created. You gotta love an art teacher who lets the kids use glitter. I love glitter! I also love glow-in-the dark paint--which would make great lightening bugs (Beetle Bop). Mary is a fabulous art teacher. Years ago, I worked with her as an artist in residence at her school. I was blown away by some of the projects she worked on with the kids. She also is an amazing grant writer.

Laini Bostian sent this photo of the fantastic snowman display she created for the Culpepper, VA Library (The First Day Of Winter). I am so pleased when people send photos of their projects. It makes my day!
 For valentine's day or any special day make a breakfast of heart pancakes. Just follow the directions for "squeeze beetle" pancakes on the website. Growing up I was always making "art food." Presentation is everything!
 The amaryllis bloomed beautifully this year. Flowers in the winter always cheer me up, especially when I feel that spring will never come. When we get back from Texas, I think I will plant flats of wheat grass. The cats will be happy to munch some fresh greens. One school I visited hid the creatures from In The Tall, Tall Grass in the grass they planted.
I can't wait until Jacques returns with his plans for the gardens.
Ollie - Mixed breed pup
Bark at Ya!
Ollie is visiting his friends so I am writing his column.
 Georgie, the giant Yorkie, is quite the sailor, but not such a great swimmer. For that reason he wears his life jacket whenever he is out on the boat or on his floatie. Note how windswept his hair is-- he aspires to the cover of Bark! magazine.
The outdoor cats are keeping warm and toasty in individual heated houses and the indoor cats are curled up sleeping, dreaming of bugs and butterflies.
Ollie will return with tales of his travels in the next Chatter Chronicles.

A particular person commented that my newsletters were a tad too long. It is hard to listen to someone who can't find a hat to fit his head. Sorry, Mr D.