The ADA Standards have several places where residential facilities are described. The following give you a summary of what is required. The ADA sections are provided for further reading
Section 233 outlines the requirements for residential dwelling units (as defined above):
1) The number of new units required to follow the technical standards are based on the total number of units.
a) If you have 15 or less, 100% of units must comply,
b) In facilities with 16 or more units:
- 5% but no less than one must provide mobility features and be on an accessible route, including that all doors must meet the requirements of 404
- 2% but no less than one communication features (including two way communication per 708 and fire alarms per 702)
- units should be dispersed.
2) In alterations and additions, the requirements only apply if there aren't enough units to begin with and the new one's would increase the number required.
3) Only the parts of the residential facility that requires access will have to be on an accessible route, including multi story buildings where the mobility feature rooms are on the lower floors, then the non-mobility rooms on the upper floors will not require an accessible route.
In multi-story facilities where the residential portion is located in floor above or below the ground level, Limited Use Limited Application elevators [408LULA Elevators] or Residential Elevators [409], are allowed to be used.

4) Parking for residents:
a) If parking is assigned per unit, the mobility feature unit must have accessible parking provided. They do not need signage but must be on the shortest route to the entrance.
b) If more than one parking space is assigned per unit, then 2% must be accessible
c) non-resident parking will have to meet the requirements for parking and table 208.2