Mag imageDecember 2008 E-Newsletter
In This Issue
Women Leaders in the Ministry of Paul.
FutureChurch Synod Campaign Makes History
Women and the Word Conference
FutureChurch Asks Discernment Not Excommunication
Links to Other Actions Addressing Fr. Roy Bourgeois' Witness
More Groups Appeal Parish Closings
French Laity Run Parishes.
Upcoming Events

Paul (women in ministry of)
New! Women Leaders in the Ministry of Paul. Special resources educate and celebrate the women who founded house churches, evangelized, and  spread the good news  alongside their brother, Paul.  Click here for more info and free download

New! Women of the Word: Holy Week and Easter Contains tested resources to put women leaders such as Mary of Magdala, the anointing woman, and the faithful women from Galilee back in the biblical picture during Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Includes powerpoint CD. Cost: $12. Available Feb.1 Click here for more info or to order   or call 216-22800869 X5

Organize to keep
arishes Open!
SOPC image
Order the Save Our Parish Community packet here!

Email parishrights@futurechurch
to become a parish contact in your area and track parish closings and encourage best practices in a time of fewer priests!

Dear Friends of FutureChurch

Please remember us in your holiday giving, so we can continue current programming despite the recession.

share our December 2008 e-newsletter by clicking here. Thanks and Merry Christmas !  
FutureChurch Synod Campaign Makes History FutureChurch's Women and the Word Campaign can take credit for encouraging recognition of the ministry of women, and discussion of the hidden women of the lectionary at October's Synod on the Word. Aside from inviting the greatest number of women ever to the synod, Catholic Bishops approved two propositions addressing our other synod requests. Proposition 17 "recognized and encouraged" the ministry of women of the Word. A number of bishop small groups also discussed the need to restore women's stories to the Lectionary, resulting in the surprising approval of  Proposition 16 recommending reopening examination of the lectionary. Thanks to all of you for helping this amazing progress to take place. For more info click on the following:
Bishops Recognize Women of the Word
Women and The Word: Synod Reports
Women and the Word:  Bridging the Gap
June 13, 2009, Los Angeles CA.
elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza
Keynote Speaker:  Dr. Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza an internationally acclaimed scholar, lecturer, activist and teacher. P
Panelists: Women pastoral ministers from various cultural settings in Southern California.

A conference to raise awareness about the invisibility of women's biblical leadership and experience in Church preaching and scripture proclamation.
FutureChurch Asks Discernment and Dialogue Not Excommunication  As adult members of the Catholic Church, we, the leaders of FutureChurch, call on Catholic episcopal leaders to engage in open, mutual, faith-based dialogue with Fr. Roy Bourgeois and women who experience a call to priestly ordination in the Catholic Church, rather than impose the penalty of excommunication. Click here for full statement

Links to Other Actions Addressing Fr. Roy Bourgeois' Witness
Women religious "Break the Silence."
Joan Chittister:  In-between is a dangerous place.
More Groups Appeal Parish Closings.  Three new organizations are appealing scores of parish closings in Allentown, Camden and New Orleans. Nationally this makes a total of fifteen organized groups and designated websites working to preserve parishes. Peter Borré of Boston's Council of Parishes is providing advice and organizing support to new groups. To read more, click here:
French Laity Run Parishes  The priest shortage in France is among the most severe in Europe. In 2001 the diocese of Nice had to reduce its 265 parishes down to 47. In another northern diocese one priest serves 27 parishes, dropping by only rarely to celebrate Eucharist and consecrate hosts for communion services when he leaves.  To read more, click here:
Upcoming Events Click Here.
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(if using your checking account must send an endorsed and voided check to
FutureChurch at 17307 Madison Avenue, Lakewood Ohio 44107)

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