October 27, 2011
A Special Message from Andy Wolf, Indiana's Libertarian National Committee Representative

As you are aware, the 2012 national LP convention will be held on the first week of May in Las Vegas, Nevada. Delegations will be credentialed from each state.


How big and how important do you want Region 3 to play in this?


YOU DO have influence on our standing at the national convention.




There are two factors in the size of the delegation.

  1. One relates to past presidential election results for the LP candidate in the respective state. The other is much more under our control and is directly based on "sustaining membership" in the NATIONAL PARTY.
  2. Sustaining membership is determined by a person having signed the "LP Pledge of non-aggression" and contributing $25 to the national party. 

But, there is ONE IMPORTANT DEADLINE - it is coming up FAST - the deadline to contribute to the national party will be October 31, 2011!!!!!!


Please go to and contribute $25 asap-especially if you have not contributed anything this year.


I am assuming you have signed the national pledge. If not, please do it again.


With a large delegation, we can control some of the activities and decisions being made, including the selection of the 2012 POTUS nominee. Even if we don't fill all the seats, we still have power.




Because there is a fixed overall number of delegates, which can not be exceeded. So for now, lets get our seat count allocation at the convention maximized and worry about filling those same seats later.


And let's not forget that we have positions on some important national committees at the convention, such as the Platform and Credentials.


Please understand that just because you contribute $25 to the national today, does not mean you are required to go to the convention. But it does help with the final delegation allotments by the national party.


Are you with me on this?  Will you go to TODAY and contribute $25.


Please NOW is the time to go to and pledge a minimum of $25.  

Let's not let New York State or other states pass us by.

Let's not lose a seat on some of the national committees.

Let's have a major voice in the direction of the national party!


Thank you.


Andy Wolf

District 3 Representative to the Libertarian National Committee and Chair of the Libertarian Party of LaPorte County

The Libertarian Party is America, and Indiana's, third largest political party founded in 1971 as an alternative to the two main political parties. Its vision is for a world in which all individuals can freely exercise the natural right of sole dominion over their own lives, liberty and property by building a political party that elects Libertarians to public office, and moving public policy in a libertarian direction.

The Libertarian Party of Indiana was formed in 1974, and has maintained ballot access since 1994. Sam Goldstein, an Indianapolis resident, currently serves as Chairman.

Learn what we stand for here.
Libertarian Party of Indiana
156 E Market St.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
(317) 920-1994

Sam Goldstein, Chairman
Christopher Spangle, Executive Director
Paid for by the Libertarian Party of Indiana