The Liberty Beacon
The Official Newsletter of the Libertarian Party of Indiana

January 13, 2009
LPIN Outreach 2010
Libertarian Party of Indiana to Staff Booth at Indy 1500 Gun and Knife Show

The Libertarian Party of Indiana will have a large presence at the State's largest gun and knife show, the Indy 1500 Gun and Knife Show at the Indiana State Fairgrounds. Paul Morrell (Rush County Temporary Chair), Jerry Titus (Howard County Chair), and Tim Maguire (Marion County Chair) have collaborated to organize party members to promote the libertarian message of upholding the full Bill of Rights to the thousands in attendance.

Visit the Indy 1500 Gun and Knife Show's website at http://www.indy1500.com/.


January 15th-16th-17th
Friday 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

The Indiana State Fairgrounds
1202 East 38th Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46205

To continue to plan and properly execute great outreach events, we need your financial support! It takes contributions to pay for booth space and outreach materials! Please help us do more of these types of outreach by joining the 1994 Society here: http://lpin.org/membership!

You may not have the time to reach out, expounding the Libertarian Message to thousands in a weekend, but our membership does! We cannot do it without your support.
A Message from the LNC
Free OPH Kits for Libertarian Student Groups
World's Smallest Pol QuizDear Friend of Liberty,

The Advocates for Self-Government recently made this very generous offer:

FREE OPH KITS FOR LIBERTARIAN STUDENT GROUPS: We're giving our acclaimed OPH (Operation Politically Homeless) outreach kits to libertarian student groups FREE -- if they simply promise to use them a minimum of three times a year and send us photos documenting their OPH activity. OPH -- praised as the best recruiting tool in the libertarian movement -- normally sells for $50.00. Contact us for information on getting your free OPH kit. Email: info@TheAdvocates.org

These kits feature the world-famous World's Smallest Political Quiz. I think the World's Smallest Political Quiz is by far the best marketing tool ever created to help Libertarians quickly explain the difference between Democrats (liberal), Republicans (conservative), and Libertarians.

Almost every time I've ever been asked to present to a student group, I bring an OPH kit, and that's true whether it's a college or high school class. Administering the World's Smallest Political Quiz is such a great way to get the conversation started.

Right now, I think the greatest opportunity for using OPH kits is at Tea Party protests. Simply set up a poster chart on an easel, or attach it to a pole to attract attention. Administer the Quiz to attendees (who are often looking for something interesting to do while standing there) and collect the email addresses of attendees who score libertarian.

I urge all Libertarian activists, especially student activists, to take a look at these OPH outreach kits offered by the Advocates for Self-Government.


Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee
Help the LPIN Grow!
LPIN recruits three interns
Last month, LPIN Executive Director Chris Spangle put out the call for interns to learn the essential ropes of grassroots organizing and Indiana politics.
Please thank them for their hard work as they help the LPIN grow in 2010:
  • Keith Palmer is a Johnson County Libertarian that attends Ivy Tech, and will be working with Chris Spangle to create 2 to 4 major, unique fundraising events in 2010 for the LPIN. Keith has a background in fight promoting, and his biggest event was an MMA fight at Conseco fieldhouse.

  • Brian Bean will be working in the office to learn the basics of grassroots organizing by continuing to develop LPIN membership and media lists. He is a Poly Sci major at Butler.

  • Chris Bowen will be working with County Chairs and the LPIN membership  to organize, call, and encourage potential candidates. He will be keeping track of all candidates that have asked, or will file, to run for office. He'll be helping to ensure that all our candidates start their race correctly. Chris has managed several restaurants, and eventually wants to run for office. He attends Ivy Tech.
Libertarian Party of Indiana
Libertarian Party of Indiana
156 E. Market Street Suite 405
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 920-1994

Join and Support the Libertarian Party of Indiana: