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More Regulations Laws Breed Less Economic Growth
A contender for Congress believes the G20 is misguided.

Jeff Scherschel is seeking the Libertarian Nomination to run for the Congressional 4th District.

While leaving my day job for my part-time job yesterday, I was listening to the local public access radio station. They were interviewing demonstrators at the G-20 summit in PA. The demonstrators were calling for massive reforms to our economic model that would guarantee basic necessities for all people world wide. As a former left-winger myself I heard the words and understood very well where they were coming from.

Most people don't understand that we have the power to have our needs met, to help others, and to make the world a better place by making America a better place. Here are my answers to the demonstrator's cries against poverty:

In America, government regulation adds $5000 per year to the cost of living for every man, woman and child. This is a massive burden for all Americans, and is especially hard for the working poor. Imagine a single mom with one child making $15,000 per year, minimum wage at 40 hours per week, and $10,000 of what she earns goes to the federal regulation of our economy.

Finish this article at, Scherschel: How Economic Liberty Can Meet the Demands of the G-20 Protesters.

Lake County Meets This Tuesday Night
From Lake County Chairman, Bruce Parisi:

We have scheduled a Lake County Libertarian Party business meeting for next Tuesday, September 29, 2009.  In accordance with our county by-laws, officer elections are to be held in odd numbered years, so we will use this meeting as a forum to nominate officer candidates for the upcoming annual convention.  The party officers are as follows:
Vice Chairperson
The incumbent persons currently respectively holding these offices are: 
Chair: Bruce Parisi
Vice Chair: Jeff Duensing
Secretary: Bert Bell
Treasurer: Linda Gunning
Any persons who wish to consider service for one of these offices should definitely attend for further details and possible nomination. 
The meeting is open to the public, as are all Libertarian Party business meetings.  It would be greatly appreciated if all eligible voters (dues paying members of the Indiana Libertarian Party) would attend to cast their votes.  Also, our state chairman from Indianapolis has stated his intention to attend our meeting, if his schedule should permit.  Please feel free to contact me for further information.        
When: September 29, 2009 7:00 PM

Uno's Chicago Grill
2385 Southlake Mall Drive East of I-65 on South Side of Rte 30
Merrillville, IN 46410

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Odds and Ends...

LP LOGO..... Please forward this email to all of your friends, and encourage them to sign up for the Liberty Beacon! Thank you.

..... How does one become a member of the LPIN or Libertarian Party? Find out at the LPIN's membership page:

..... Are you on Facebook? Join the LPIN's Group here. Or follow the LPIN on Twitter here.

..... Join the 1994 Society! The Libertarian Party of Indiana depends on your support of liberty in Indiana. The easiest way to consistently support the LPIN is to join our monthly pledge program, the 1994 Society. With membership comes privileges beyond voting rights at conventions. Monthly donors receive a regular newsclipping service of LP activities reported by the press from across the state. Members also receive invitations and discounts to special events and first-to-know access to news within the party. Contributions from the Society go toward staffing our LPIN HQ.

..... If you spot Libertarians in the local paper, please clip it out for the 1994 Society Clipping Service. Drop the clippings in the mail to Chris Spangle, 156 E. Market Street, Suite 405, Indianapolis, IN, 46204.

..... Become a member of the Libertarian Party of Indiana. In Indiana, you are considered a voting member of the party if you are a contributor to the LPIN or Libertarian National Party. A contribution of $25.00 qualifies you to run as a delegate for local, state and national conventions.

The LPIN affirms the following principles:

That all people possess certain unalienable natural rights, and that among these are rights to life, liberty, justly acquired property, and self-governance. That the only moral basis of government is the preservation and protection of unalienable natural rights. That no person or institution, public or private, has the right to initiate the use of physical force or fraud against another person, and that all people are bound, without contract, to abstain from infringing upon the natural rights of other people. That all people are entitled to choose their own lifestyles, as long as they do not forcibly impose their values on others. That the voluntary and unrestricted exchange of goods and services is fundamental to a peaceful and harmonious society.

Sam Goldstein, LPIN Chairman
Thank you for your interest in the LPIN and our message of personal liberty and small government!
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