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This summer certainly has been a hot one.  Here at TAG Online we've taken to the great indoors and kept cool by diving into the social media pool on Twitter and Facebook! And of course, we're continuing to provide you with the same quality web building, hosting, and support you expect from TAG Online.


Join us next Wednesday, August 10 in NYC for our joint presentation: Jump into the Social Media Pool -- The Water's Fine! It's guaranteed to be fun and informative for all. Details are below -make sure to RSVP soon!   


In this issue we're featuring a great article by Andrew Gideon, TAG's Vice President/CTO. Andy shares his thoughts on software development, acquired during his years of experience in the field.  Also, take a look at what's been going on with some of the TAG Online team members.


As always, feel free to contact us with questions about your website, if you'd like to know more about our social media program, or just to touch base! Stay up to date and chat with us between newsletters on Facebook, Twitter, and the TAG Online Blog.  


Wishing you a wonderful summer,

Amy and Andrew Gideon & the TAG Online Team



Jump into the Social Media Pool -- The Water's Fine! 


Date: Wednesday, August 10th, 2011


Time: 8am - 10am


Location: The Hippodrome

1120 6th Avenue (btw 43rd & 44th), 4th Floor. 

Make a right off the elevators, through the glass doors, the room behind reception.


Please RSVP here by Monday, August 8th.


As a friend of TAG Online, attendance is complimentary. Light breakfast will be served. 

Measure Twice, Cut Once  by Andrew Gideon, VP/CTO

I've been writing software professionally since 1982. Over years of employment and education, I've learned a lot about how to build software well. Unfortunately, I've also learned a lot about how to fail. Some of the lessons I've learned along the way seem obvious. They should be obvious! Yet being obvious is apparently not enough. How many people reading this have regular and confirmed backups of all their important data. Their email? The videos of their children? Their medical records?...



Tag Online News 

Here are some exciting news items from the past year you may have missed:

Valerie Paik

Andrew Gideon

"Listening and its Effects on Learning" by Andrew Gideon, was featured in Creations Magazine.