St. Cyprian's
Weekly News
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Meet Kristina
Summer School
LGBT PRIDE with St. Cyprian's
June @ Cyprian's
Summer School
Weekly E-News Archive
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Dear Friends, Neighbors and Members of St. Cyprian's,

Three years ago, I began a journey with the people of St. Cyprian's and the North of the Panhandle neighborhood. My enthusiasm and energy are focused on the exciting work in front and ahead of us, but there's some wisdom to be gained by reflecting on where things were and where we are now. When I started serving St. Cyprian's, the below graphic was a fairly apt picture of how things looked. There were three distinctive entities: a building, a congregation and a neighborhood.

Today, as parents drop children off for The Village Project or Shakespeare Camp, a hardworking neighborhood volunteer sends emails to a growing community center's advisory council, and a neighborhood artist (aka head of a revitalized Altar Guild) imagines a new mural for one of our sanctuary walls...things are beginning to come together--more like the next graphic.

In early 2010, St. Cyprian's began a set of conversations with our new neighborhood friends (folks from the neighborhood association, local businesses, activists, artists and a nearby university).  We called the gatherings "Common Era" with the idea that by coming together, finding ways to collaborate and share we would all have something to gain. We aspired to get to this:

And we're well on our way to creating a set of overlapping relationships that respect the distinctiveness of each entity but also create something new and uniquely San Franciscan. Cyprian's arc, St. Cyprian's community center initiative, is helping connect our congregation with our diverse neighborhood and as a congregation, we are much more attentive and aware of the needs of those around us. Neighbors are also joining our congregation, and the line between insider and outsider is slowly dissolving. Church in any form is still and may always be a hard sell in San Francisco. As David Talbot's recent book on San Francisco reminds us, in 1866, "there were thirty-one saloons for every place of worship." The people of St. Cyprian's and our allies are showing that there's new life for the old urban church, even in the most secular and cosmopolitan of cities.

On Sunday in my sermon, I referenced an online article by a visitor to one of SF Live Arts concerts a few months ago.  She described St. Cyprian's as "a San Francisco kind of Jesus joint." I cannot think of a more lovely description for a people of faith, action and community in the heart of the city of St. Francis.

See you soon at Turk & Lyon!




St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church







Like us on Facebook
St. Cyprian's & Cyprian's arc have active Facebook pages where you can read more about what's happening at Turk & Lyon. Please "Like" our pages and share with your network.

Would you like to commemorate or honor a loved one at an upcoming Sunday service at St. Cyprian's? Flower arrangements may be given for a special birthday or anniversary, or to honor a loved one, whether living or deceased.
For more information email Dustin Cole
Meet the coordinator of this
summer's Free Community-Created Dinners

"Hello everyone! My name is Kristina Lacayo and I study Environmental Studies and Urban Agriculture at the University of San Francisco.  I love to cook and bake so naturally I became ecstatic when I found out I was becoming the lead coordinator for the Free Community Dinners at St.Cyprian's.  This summer I am also working in the USF Garden doing maintenance work and working with Upward Bound's outdoor cooking class.  I believe in eating as locally and wholly as possible, so I also harvest vegetables and herbs from the garden to cook with!  This summer I'm really looking forward to the next two community dinners on July 26th and August 16th.  The dinners are too much fun!" 

  photos above of Thursday, June 14th's Free Community-Created Dinner by Michael Helquist.  Produce almost entirely gleaned from local
Farmer's Markets and gardens.

USF Graduates Coordinate
Summer Programs

We're very pleased to announce that three recent University of San Francisco graduates will join us at Turk and Lyon this summer to develop and coordinate events. From boosting our promotion, helping with community outreach, designing new kids programs and continuing the always-packed community dinners, Allison Schaub, Grace Rahn and Kristina Marie Lacayo are making our corner of the neighborhood buzz. We'll share Allison & Grace's bio in future weekly e-news letters.

SUMMER SCHOOL @ St. Cyprian's
"Why we do what we do" introduction to liturgical worship in the Episcopal Church
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Facilitated by CDSP seminarian Hannah Elyse Cornthwaite 

June 10th: History of the Christian 
Church and Anglican Church  We will be looking at the history of the early Christian Church and creeds. Then we will look at the early beginnings of the Anglican/Episcopal church.

June 17th: Vestments & The Book of Common Prayer 
 We will discuss the history and theologies behind vestments and the liturgical seasons. Also, we will familiarize ourselves with the Revised Common Lectionary and the structure of Morning and Evening Prayer.
This week, June 24th: Liturgy of the Word 
 We will be walking through the liturgy of the word (from the beginning of the service through the passing of the peace), discussing the various symbols and various history and theology in this part of worship.
July 1st: Eucharist
We will walk through the Eucharist considering the history and theologies found in this part of worship, as well as the various actions and symbols within the Eucharist.

Celebrating LGBT PRIDE with
St. Cyprian's & welcoming
faith communities

Check out a few events happening around the city this month where
St. Cyprian's members and leaders will be attending, singing & participating.

34th Annual Pride Concert
Friday, June 22 at 7 & 9 p.m. 
St. Cyprian's member Dale Danley will be performing as part of the LGCSF Chorus at the 34th Annual Pride Concert. The Lesbian/Gay Chorus of San Francisco and The San Francisco Lesbian/Gay Freedom Band present the  Annual Pride Concert and this rousing musical celebration of pride features the Bay Area's best LGBT community music groups.

The evening begins at 6:15 pm with a FREE pre-concert talk about the world premiere of the major new choral work "Harvey Milk: A Cantata." Audiences will experience this work at the early and late show, performed jointly by the Lesbian/Gay Chorus of San Francisco and special guest, the chorus of Lick-Wilmerding High School.

 For more information and to buy tickets click here.  


Oasis to be up front at the 2012 SF Pride Parade with Bishop Christopher Senyonjo
Ugandan Bishop Christopher Senyonjo has been named a Grand Marshall of the 2012 SF Pride Parade. He will be the first Anglican Bishop to be so honored and he has selected Oasis California as the group that walks with him. Note: the time and location of the annual Pride Eucharist will be changed. Please register (below) and Oasis will email you the new time and location of this open air liturgy. Bishop Senyonjo will preach.
For more on Bishop Christopher Senyonjo visit click here.
When: Sunday, June 24
Registration: Click here   

June @ cyprian's arts. resilience. community


We Do Better When Together

Cyprian's arc -- our center for the arts, resilience & community thrives with the insight and guidance of our advisory council who meet every month. Their impressive commitment and generosity of spirit, time and effort
 keeps this start-up operation on track with steady momentum.

Thanks to all the members who make things better at Turk & Lyon:


Kyle Brunel                        

Melinda Stone                         

Stephen Zavestoski                    

Kevin Bernard           

Michelle Moghadassi                    

Steve Prutsman

Nancy Botkin

Morgan Fitzgibbons

Lenore McDonald

Grace Rahn

Nancy Allison Schaub

Kristina Maria Lacayo

St. Cyprian's                                                 

Bruno Peguese                       

Tommie Collie                        

Jarie Bolander                                                            

Rev. Will Scott, Vicar                                                                

Michael Helquist, Director of cyprian's arc


Weekly E-Mail Archives

St. Cyprian's

In January, 2011 St. Cyprian's began sending weekly e-newsletters. You can find an archive of all these messages here. Forward messages and invite friends, neighbors, and distant congregants to join our list.  
St. Cyprian's is a congregation emboldened by the opportunity to engage with our energized urban neighborhood to create a community
where everyone matters.