St. Cyprian's
Weekly News
Thursday, April 26, 2012
BBQ & Rummage Sale Details
Thanks & Healing Circle
Nikola's Recital
Christianity After Religion
Rebuilding Together
May at Cyprian's arc
Summer at Cyprian's
From neighbors & friends
Weekly E-News Archive
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Dear Friends, Neighbors and Members of St. Cyprian's,

Lots of pals on Facebook are posting the following image,



This is wisdom that we're learning at St. Cyprian's as we seek to be a church that is "boldly going where no one has gone before." Striving to be both an interfaith, inter-generational, multicultural center for the arts, resilience & community and a thriving church in San Francisco that's rooted in the Episcopal/Anglican tradition deeply responsive and engaged with our neighbors whomever they are, whatever they believe. Earlier today, I was in a conversation with someone about promotion for next Saturday's (May 5) BBQ & Rummage Sale, a fundraiser for our Community Kitchen project. In this space (which sorely needs a renovation) currently 200 sandwiches get made a week for the homeless, nearby students learn how to use fresh veggies from their community garden down the street, & snacks get stored for a neighborhood after school program. We hope once completed the Cyprian's Community Kitchen will get used by additional groups and individuals for building community through sharing food, something people of all faiths do & have done for forever. The person I was connecting with works for a company that does this event promotion stuff really well, but there was apprehension about supporting us with this event, "I know it is a community wide event but it's raising money for a church, right?" I stated of course that everything that we raise at the BBQ & Rummage Sale goes to supporting the Community Kitchen, not the priest's salary, not candlesticks for the altar, or even bibles for the pews. We'll see what happens. 


I'll move out of mine, if you move out of yours?


As a minister in San Fransisco for 6 years now you'd think I'd be well accustomed to this hyper secularized city and folks anxieties and fears about church life and organized religion. Well, I'll be honest...I'm still shocked and surprised by how many folks of all ages in this city are turned off by anything church-y or religious, even when the thing your inviting them to isn't at all explicitly or even implicitly religious but just happens to be in a church.  


Let's talk...


So...all this is to say that this San Francisco priest welcomes being moved out of his comfort zone into where magic happens, and hopes that my fellow San Franciscans religious or otherwise are willing to do the get out of their own secular comfort zone and dip their toes into the waters of this strange hybrid of church and community center. I am serious when I say, I welcome being invited out of my own comfort zone. So you secular person out there reading this message --- I invite you to invite this priest to coffee, ask him the questions you've always had or wanted to ask an official ambassador of organized religion or tell him off for all the wrongs that religions have done and let's together see what magic may happen.


But whatever your faith, or no faith I hope you'll join us on May 5th for a rocking good time ---- delicious BBQ & amazing Rummage, there's sure to be some magic happening. 


See you soon at Turk & Lyon!




St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church




From Deacon Eric...

Easter Thanks on Saint Cyprian's blog & Tonight's Healing Circle

Deacon Eric and St. Cyprian's member Adrian Williams are participating in a Healing Circle this evening at New Liberation Presbyterian Church, near where a deadly shooting occurred just a few weeks ago.
The event begins at 7 p.m.
f you have questions please contact Deacon Eric at 


St. Cyprian's own Nikola Printz's
Senior Recital
TONIGHT at 8 p.m.
An evening of Love, lust, vagabond songs, gypsy-tendencies, rather raucous and surprising encores planned 
50 Oak Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
WHEN: 8:00 p.m.
Food and shmoozing to follow!


Author of "Christianity After Religion" 
 at Berkeley Arts & Letters
Tuesday, May 1st at 7:30 p.m.

Last year, St. Cyprian's members read "Christianity for the Rest of Us" next week the author Diana Butler Bass will be at First Congregational Church in Berkeley discussing her latest work, "Christianity After Religion". For more details and to get tickets click here.  



St. Cyprian's is very pleased to be a site for the annual Rebuild Together San Francisco on April 28th. THIS SATURDAY!  Every year Rebuild Together mobilizes hundreds of volunteers to donate their time, labor and financial help for repairs and renovations to schools, community centers and non-profits all over the city. The local chapter is a non-profit that has worked in over 260 community facilities since 1989. The group also upgrades low-income San Franciscans' homes.


Rebuild Together's scope of work for St. Cyprian's is still being finalized, but we hope to receive help with improved accessibility for our community hall including an entry ramp and enhanced wheelchair access to one of the restrooms. We're also looking to receive assistance with re-tiling floors in two of our meeting rooms and, possibly, more interior and exterior painting.


For more information about Rebuilding Together San Francisco, please visit their website at or phone 415 905-1611.  




St. Cyprian's Episcopal Church is excited to invite you to our Bazaar BBQ & Rummage Sale on Saturday, May 5th noon to 6 p.m. You may not know this, but St. Cyprian's members paid off our mortgage in the 1970s in part with the proceeds raised from BBQ and Rummage Sales. On
May 5th, we're reviving those traditions to raise funds for our Neighborhood Community Kitchen. St. Cyprian's BBQ & Rummage Sales worked back then & we know they will work again. Join us for this exciting event & help us raise funds for our dream of a new shared kitchen space in the heart of San Francisco.

How can I help?
* Bring us your valuable washed, gently used clothes & items for our Rummage Sale we'll take your clothes, bikes, carpets, toys etc. between April 28th at noon & May 1 at 6 p.m. call 415-987-3029 to schedule your drop off.
* Come out on May 5th, bring family & friends, & spend lots of $ on BBQ and wonderful gently used stuff.

What can I expect on Saturday, May 5th?
* Fun for your whole San Francisco family, entertainment & live music
* Delicious food, BBQ & homemade fix-ins with meat donated generously by Bi-Rite Grocery. Vegetarian options will be available.
* Take part in a Rummage Sale Fashion Show for all ages organized by our neighborhood's own guerrillas of sustainability "The Wigg Party" from 4-4:30 p.m.

What will it cost me?
Whatever your size, taste, & style "we'll fix you up a plate" of delicious food,
Small Plate $10 (includes one meat, one side & cornbread)
Medium Plate $15 (two meats, two sides, & cornbread)
Large Plate $20 (three meats, three sides, & cornbread)

Thanks for your support of the Neighborhood Community Kitchen & this exciting revival of these glorious traditions of St. Cyprian's Church.
For more information email or call 415-987-3029  

What's happening in May @ Cyprian's arc -  a center for the
arts, resilience & community



For the latest on all the events and programs at Cyprian's arc -- a center for the arts, resilience & community, sign up for monthly events newsletter at and visit


SUMMER Youth Programs at Cyprian's

The Village Project Returns 
St. Cyprian's is honored to have The Village Project return this year with its exceptional Summer Program. Starting June 18 and continuing through August 9th, up to 30 kids start their day at St. Cyprian's before heading
out to swimming lessons, field trips and outdoor play in the city. Under the leadership and guidance of St. Cyprian's member Adrian Williams,
the Village Project steps up to provide kids a healthy, active summer.

Shakespeare Camps Come to Cyprian's

Kids get into the act at Bay Area Shakespeare Camp! This summer the SF Shakespeare Festival will present three sessions of two-week courses at St. Cyprian's. Kids get have to have fun with their friends while learning all about the world of performances from trained theater professionals. Campers stage a show for family and friends on the final day of the session, followed by a celebratory cast party.


Shakespeare camp provides training in

  • Shakespeare's rich language
  • Acting and improvisation
  • Voice and movement technique
  • Stage combat  (sword fights!)
  • Set and costume design and more
(need-based scholarships available -- call SF Shakes for info).

A huge thank you to our new collaborators at SF Shakespeare Festival.

from our neighbors & friends...  


Saturday, April 28
New Traditions Elementary School Carnival 2012
11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
New Traditions is a school committed to multiculturalism, diversity, creative arts and the development of our students into responsible, active participants in the world. 2049 Grove Street between Cole & Clayton.


Weekly E-Mail Archives

St. Cyprian's

In January, 2011 St. Cyprian's began sending weekly e-newsletters. You can find an archive of all these messages here. Forward messages and invite friends, neighbors, and distant congregants to join our list.  
St. Cyprian's is a congregation emboldened by the opportunity to engage with our energized urban neighborhood to create a community
where everyone matters.