January 25, 2012
Jan. Header
In This Issue
Catholic Schools Week 2012
Matthew Kelly to Speak at St. A's
4th Annual Run for the Son 5K
Pre-K Post
Second Grade News
Sixth Grade News
Sports News
Spring Break News
Tuition Reduction Opportunity
Yearbook News
School Advisory Council News
Band News
Protecting God's Children Workshops
Anastasia's Attic News
St. A's Wish List
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Congratulations to the Honor Roll & Principal's List Students for the Second Quarter 2011-12


Congratulations to the Honor Roll and Principal's List students for the second quarter of the 2011-12 school year. Keep up the good work!



High Honors

Fifth Grade

Josh Kimmelman


Sixth Grade

Hannah Morris, Justin O'Leary, Beatrice Reyes, Maddie Stromak,  

Ryan Trabulsy, Thomas Ivey, Eric Matamoros, Reese Perretta, Jake Stapleton, Emma Titus


Seventh Grade

Jessica Goldstein, Kaitlin Zrallack


Eighth Grade

Nishanth Chalasani, Koushal Rao, Claudia Reyes, Scott Stacy




Fourth Grade

Francisco Barros, Alex Giraldez, Leo Hojnowski, Orla McQuaid, Matthew Miller, William Picchiarini, Jonathan Plata, Bryce Shevak, Bennett Suba, Angeli Assaly, Kellen Brown, Ryan Busby, Abbey Capezza, Kate Capezza, Michaela Chmilarski, Olyvia Church, Julia DeMott, Jaxon Grimes, Colton Hamilton, Brandon Jones, Jacob Krauza, Kaitlin Mathey, Kyle Trabulsy, Emilio Van Cotthem, Alexys Weideman


Fifth Grade

Brooke Gagliano, Dylan Hendrickson, Emma Johnson, Rebecca Noelke, Mackenzie O'Loughlin, Chris Pantano, Samantha Priest, Manuel Rodriguez, Taylor Siringo, Christine Westenhaver, Becky Ageeb, Hannah Barbare, Nicholas Celidonio, Michael Cheyne, Mia Chmilarski,

Casey Daigle, Austin Evans, Drew Hicks, Jacob Hoeffner, Dylan Morales, Emma Niemczyk, Sophia Palmeri, Andrew Priest, Lindsey Richmond, Alek Urrutia, Hunter Wegelewski


Sixth Grade

Cole Brugnone, Zoe Fisher, Brian Jacobus, Derek Piccininni, Shannon Recor, Garrett Stacy, Shannon Gonzalez, Anna Guettler, Dalton Hegedus, Kristopher Lippard, Gabriel Macias, Mary Perone, Anais Piquion, Emily Schwerer, Vincent Ventulan


Seventh Grade

Kristyn Brolmann, John Fitzgerald, Taylor Leander, Julia Luoma, Kaitlyn Richmond, Allison Russakis, Abby Alonzo, Kate Glasner, Brianna Hoeffner, Kayelee Kimmelman, Brenna McPherson, Madison O'Loughlin, Taylor Ratti, Ben Tompkins


Eighth Grade

Corey Alves, Carl-Michel Fevrius, Alexandra Glenn, Logan Jones, Chelsea Keen, Amanda Piccininni, Samantha Presti, Cameron Weideman, Megan Presti, Victor Rodriguez, Natalia Stromak



Principal's List

Sixth Grade

Cole Brugnone, Carly Bush, Ryan Christopher, Tayaih Culbertson, Zoe Fisher, Joel Guettler, Robert Hennis, Kara Kelly, Hunter Kraaz, Adan Luna, Hannah Morris, Justin O'Leary, Derek Piccininni, Shannon Recor, Beatrice Reyes, Garrett Stacy, Maddie Stromak, Latoya Tanilus, Ryan Trabulsy, Sal Zeno, Rylee Zirwas, Arthur Aiello, Ariel Cumerma, Shannon Gonzalez, Dalton Hegedus, Thomas Ivey, Kristopher Lippard, Gabriel Macias, Eric Matamoros, Genesis Mejia, David Moore, Bridgette Murphy, Mary Perone, Reese Perretta, Ben Rider, Emily Schwerer, Jake Stapleton, Jackie Thybulle, Emma Titus, Vincent Ventulan


Seventh Grade

Bill Baxley, Kristyn Brolmann, Gordon Cheyne, Alyssa Ellwood, John Fitzgerald, Santiago Garcia-Bahamonde, Madison Getgood, Olivia Glenn, Lana Jennings, Taylor Leander, Julia Luoma, Kaitlyn Richmond, Rachel Richmond, Allison Russakis, Erica Sessoms, Abby Alonzo, Luly Celdran, Beck Fox, Kate Glasner, Jessica Goldstein, Brianna Hoeffner, Kayelee Kimmelman, Brenna McPherson, Madison O'Loughlin, Daniella Ramirez, Taylor Ratti, Ben Tompkins, Kate Westenhaver, Kaitlin Zrallack


Eighth Grade

Corey Alves, Nishanth Chalasani, Carl-Michel Fevrius, Alexandra Glenn, Chelsea Keen, Amanda Piccininni, Samantha Priest, Nicholas Ramirez, Morgan Schuetz, Joseph Slack, Cameron Weideman, Elliot Zirwas,  

Kristi Carpenter, Jake Celidonio, Megan Presti, Koushal Rao, Erin Recor, Claudia Reyes, Victor Rodriguez, Chase Solesky, Scott Stacy,  

Natalia Stromak

Catholic Schools Week 2012

Catholic Schools Week begins Sunday. The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2012 is "Catholic Schools: Faith. Academics. Service."

Sunday, January 29 - In Our Parish
Our St. Anastasia students will host the 9:30 a.m. mass at St. Anastasia by participating in all aspects of the mass including choir, lectors, altar serving, gifts, ushers and Prayers of the Faithful. Students who attend mass in uniform will receive a free dress day on Monday, February 6. Students at St. Anastasia Church must find Dr. Hoeffner or Mrs. Richmond to qualify. Students who attend mass at another parish must get a bulletin (from their parish) signed by a priest from that parish to qualify.

Recognize the Teacher and Staff Member of the Year.

Varsity basketball games versus St. Helen's Catholic School at John Carroll High School gym (Boys and Girls). The cheerleaders will join us for the games!

Monday, January 30 - In Our Community
Grandparents Mass (8:15 a.m.) & Breakfast for students in grades 5th through 8th grade. After mass, students may join their Grandparents for breakfast in the school's auditorium.

Read-a-thon - Each grade invited a community member to read to them at the Read-a-thon. So far, the following community members have agreed to join us for this special day: Bonnie and Allen Ruppert of Vigor Chiropractic in W-6, Deputy Sessoms of St. Lucie County Sheriff's office and Trooper Timmons of the Florida Highway Patrol in W-5, Elizabeth Trachtman of St. Anastasia Church in first grade, Dr. Brian Jacobus of Team Ortho in second grade, Ms. Kait Parker of WPTV Channel 5 in sixth grade, Mrs. Stromak of Indian River Charter High School in eighth grade.

Tuesday, January 31 - In Our Faculty & Staff

  Lunch for staff/faculty provided by the PTO  



Wednesday, February 1 - In Our Vocations

Grandparents Mass (8:15 a.m.) & Breakfast for students in grades Pre-K (Breakfast in Parish Center for Pre-K and Kindergarten) through 4th grade (Auditorium). After mass, students may join their Grandparents for breakfast.


Students will have the opportunity to hear from different missionaries throughout the day.


Thursday, February 2 - In Our Ministries

Each grade learns about a Church Ministry and kicks off their own way of participating in a project or program.   



Friday, February 3 - In Our Students

Unique day! Students may wear any Catholic Schools Week (previous years) t-shirt shirt and P.E. shorts (or P.E. Uniform) plus whatever accessory that makes them unique (fun socks, necklaces, earrings, hair accessories)! This year, we won't be selling new CSW t-shirts. InsteDy-versead we will sell silicone bracelets that the students may wear throughout February. They will cost $2 each and will be available in blue, yellow or blue and white swirled. 


Concert by Catholic Rapper Dy-Verse Colombian Emcee at 2 p.m.!
(Click here to listen to some of his music; CDs will be available for purchase at the concert.)    

Matthew Kelly to Speak at St. Anastasia 

You are invited to join us on Friday. February 17th when Mathew Kelly, an internationally-known writer and speaker, will be speaking at our church and school. Many teachers from all over our Diocese of Palm Beach will be joining us to hear Mathew Kelly speak about: The "Trinity" of Raising Children Catholic (Counter-Culture Parenting and Teaching).


The event begins at 8 a.m. in the church and runs until noon. The fee is $20 and includes lunch. We hope that you consider joining us for a morning of learning and reflection on February 17th.  

Click here to learn more about Matthew Kelly and his books. Click here to register for the event.  

4th Annual Run for the Son 5K Race 

Run for the son

The 4th Annual Run for the Son 5K is Saturday, Feb. 25. The race will begin at 7:30 a.m. near our pavilion and end with a quick run through our beautiful campus. The School Advisory Council is the host of this event. 


The race is $25 and includes breakfast provided by the PTO, a goody bag, prizes and a t-shirt to the first 100 registrants. There will also be a Kids Fun Challenge for children 10 and under. Please click here to register for the race.  


Thank you to our current sponsors:

Atlnatic Podiatry
Robert Tobar, M.D., P.A. 
White Electric
The Vogt Family
Mrs. Karina Priest, LMHC 
Coastal Limbs and Brace
Knights of Columbus Insurance - The Urrutia Family
A1A Sportswear
St. Anastasia PTO
St. Anastasia Advisory Council 

Sponsorships are still available for the race from $100 to $500. We would encourage you to consider advertising your business with us. Click here for more information about sponsorships.

We are seeking items for the goody bags. If you would like to promote your business to the participants of the race, please drop off the materials or items to Mrs. Trabulsy by Feb. 15. Thank you!
Pre-K Post 
Attention Pre-K parents! Pre-K has its own class page on our website that gives you important information and updates about all the happenings in Pre-K. Click here to go to the Pre-K Post! 

Thank you to all the parents, friends and family members who joined us for our Pajama Day last Friday. The children enjoyed the many "snowy" activities and the friendly guest readers who also came in their PJs!

pj day
Making snow angels in Mrs. Forget's class.

pj day
Working on snowmen pictures.

pj day 3
Mrs. Hillary Copsey, features editor for the St. Lucie News Tribune, read her favorite winter story, "A Snowy Day," to Mrs. Brown's class.

pj day 4
Dr. Hoeffner stopped by Mrs. Brown's class to read his favorite winter story.

pj day 5
Mrs. Casalaspro, Mrs. Forget, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Guettler smile for the camera on PJ day!
Second Grade News 
Congratulations to our second graders who are parishioners of St. Anastasia Catholic Church who received their First Reconciliation on Monday. Please keep all of the students in your prayers as they continue to prepare for their First Holy Communion.
Sixth Grade News 
Thank you to everyone who supported the 6th grade Big Apple Pizza night on Saturday. The sixth grade class raised money for their field trip to Medieval Times in April.

Big Apple 6th Grade 

Mrs. Lott's sixth grade science classes were busy last week learning about relative humidity and wind speed and direction. During class, they participated in a labs outside measuring humidity with psychrometers and determining wind direction by using weather vanes.

6th- weather

weather vane
Sports News 

Congratulations to the Girls & Boys Junior Varsity Basketball Teams  

~ Champions of the Treasure Coast Athletic Conference! ~ 


Girls JV


Congratulations to the St. Anastasia Catholic School Girls Junior Varsity Basketball Team on their First Place finish in the Treasure Coast Athletic Conference on Jan. 20. They defeated St. Edward's School in the tournament for an undefeated season. The talented group of 5th and 6th graders was coached by Coach Dave Raym. Pictured from left: Reese Perretta, Emma Niemczyk, Lindsey Richmond, Sophia Palmeri, Emma Titus, Shannon Recor, Rylee Zirwas, Latoya Tanilus, Mary Perone, Emily Schwerer, Coach Raym, Tiare Seibenick and Maddie Stromak.



jv boys


Congratulations to the St. Anastasia Catholic School Boys Junior Varsity Basketball Team on their First Place finish in the Treasure Coast Athletic Conference on Jan. 20. They defeated St. Joseph's Catholic School in the tournament for an undefeated season. The talented group of 5th and 6th graders was coached by Mike Leatherwood, Vic Ventulan and Peter Brugnone. Pictured from left (bottom) Ryan Christopher, Ryan Trabulsy, Vincent Ventulan, Nick Celidonio, Michael Cheyne and Justin O'Leary; top: Hunter Kraaz, Cole Brugnone, Ben Rider, Jacob Hoeffner, Hiram Garland and Derek Picinninni; Coaches Mike Leatherwood, Peter Brugnone and Vic Ventulan.




Sports Update

From Coach Jo


The school community is so very proud of its basketball teams. Father George mentioned to the middle school students in mass on Monday that our championship athletics was an impressive part of what makes our school great. The junior varsity boys and girls teams both finished the season undefeated in the Treasure Coast Athletic Conference. In a conference made up of Catholic, private and charter schools from Jensen to Fort Pierce, we were very proud to bring home the championships. Go Rams!


On Monday, January 30th, we will begin our girls softball and boys flag football season. This season will last through March and will be followed by the final season of golf and tennis. We have already begun skill-building training in softball and look forward to Coach Goldstein, Coach Jo and Mr. Kelly starting the official tryouts. Last year, we were able to field 14 fantastic, young players who represented our school well in the conference. I hope that the girls who enjoyed softball last year will try out again this year.  


We expect a large turnout of boys to try out for the blue and gold flag football teams. This is the first year that we are offering two teams (blue team and gold team) to accommodate more students who want to play St. Anastasia flag football. We plan to keep 16 students on the gold team and 16 students on the blue team. Both teams will be made up of students from grades 5th-8th coached by Coach Odom and Coach Raym. We will be playing teams that keep primarily 7th and 8th grade students on only one team per school. Our conference does not offer a junior varsity flag football league. Students will be selected based on their skills, speed, behavior during practice, and ability to keep a "C" average in the student's academic courses.


Tryouts for  

Girls Junior Varsity & Varsity Softball and  

Boys Blue & Gold Flag Football  

are on Monday, Jan. 30 from 3-5 p.m. &

Tuesday, Jan. 31 from 3-5 p.m.


The athletic fee of $100 per season will need to be paid after tryouts are complete. Students will need to have a wellness physical on file at the school and the proper athletic equipment to play on the team. We are looking forward to a great season of sporting competition and character building.  


If your child is between Kindergarten and 4th grades, you should consider participating in our Junior Athletic League on Saturday mornings at 8:30. They are currently playing soccer, with basketball starting in mid-February. We are always looking for parent volunteers to assist with coaching and the improvement of this Saturday program for the elementary students.




Sports Luncheon


Please mark your calendars as we will be having our sports luncheon to honor soccer, volleyball, cheerleading and basketball participants on Tuesday, February 7 at noon in the parish center. Pizza and drinks will be provided. RSVP forms will be sent home in this Thursday's folder. 

Spring Break News  

Mr. Fisher, better known as "Fish," is looking at the possibility of hosting a Spring Break camp for our students from March 12-16 for children in kindergarten through 8th grade. This camp will have activities on campus only and the times will be determined based on need. This camp will only take place if there is enough interest. If you are interested, please contact Fish at (772) 801-1575.

Tuition Reduction Opportunity  

If you are interested in reducing the cost of your tuition, we are in need of Bingo workers on Sundays. If you are interested, please call Mr. Dave Daigle at 772-201-2493.

Yearbook News  

The last day to purchase your 2011-12 school yearbook is Friday, Feb. 3. Make sure you reserve your copy by sending in a check payable to St. Anastasia Catholic School to the front office in an envelope labeled YEARBOOK. Each order must include the student's name and homeroom. The cost is $25 each. No orders will be taken after Feb. 3. If you have any questions, e-mail Mrs. Hamilton at lhamilton@stanna.org.  

School Advisory Council News 

The Mid-Year Uniform Exchange has been postponed until Thursday, Feb. 2. The forms with all needed information will go home in the Thursday folder. If you have any questions, please contact Karina Priest at 561-329-4515 or karinapriest@gmail.com  

Band News 
Attention Band Parents: The 2nd Annual Band World's Finest Chocolate Candy Sale is coming up soon. The sale will take place from Feb. 6-21. All band members are asked to participate in this important fundraiser supporting the band program. The candy will sell for $2 per bar. Thank you for your support.
Protecting God's Children Workshop Information 

The location for volunteers and employees to have their fingerprints scanned for their background check is Holy Cross Catholic Church in Vero Beach. The address is 500 Iris Lane and the phone number is 772-231-0671. Please call to make an appointment.



St. Joan of Arc Church (Boca Raton)

Friday, January 27, 2012

8:00 a.m. (2½ hours)

Adults only - please do not bring children

The workshop will be held in Mercy Hall


St. Joseph School (Stuart)

Monday, February 6, 2012

9:30 a.m. (2 hours)

Adults only - please do not bring children

Call 772-287-6975 for more information


Sacred Heart School (Lake Worth)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

3:30 p.m. (2½ hours)

Adults only - please do not bring children

The workshop will be held in the school library


St. Joan of Arc School (Boca Raton)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

11:00 a.m. (2½ hours)

Adults only - please do not bring children

The workshop will be held in the Art Room

Call 561-391-4345 for more information

You can also go to www.virtus.org to register for a workshop.

Click on "Registration" to begin the registration process.

Anastasia's Attic Thrift Store News 
When cleaning out those closets and toy boxes, be sure to remember Anastasia's Attic Thrift Store for your donations. Our Thrift Shop helps St. Anastasia School in many different ways. Funds from the Attic help with the school's budget, provide scholarships and help the teachers with items they would otherwise have to purchase. 
The Attic is located at 3901 Okeechobee Road across from Dale's BBQ West in Fort Pierce. Pick up service for large items may also be arranged. The shop is open 7 days a week. For information or to schedule a pick up, please call 467-1444. 
St. A's Wish List 
We are still making progress on our "Wish List," but still need additional AV systems in several classrooms. If you are interested in donating items to your child's classroom, please contact either Mrs. Trabulsy at ltrabulsy@stanna.org or Dr. Hoeffner at khoeffner@stanna.org to discuss.
  • Four (4) Polevault (AV) systems for Ms. Smith, Mrs. Odom, Mrs. D'Amato, and the Multipurpose Room (M-211 in the Media Center) at $20,000.
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FB Like St. Anastasia Catholic School is now on Facebook. If you use Facebook, then be sure to "like" us and keep up to date with daily updates.

Click here to find St. Anastasia Catholic School.
January 2012

January 27 - New Student Registration

January 29-February 3 - Catholic Schools Week

January 30 - CSW Grandparent Mass (5th-8th)

February 2012

February 1 - CSW Grandparent Mass (Pre-K -4)

February 3 at 7:30 a.m. - School Advisory Council Meeting

February 6-21 - Band Candy Sale

February 7 at 7:45 a.m. - PTO Meeting

February 10 - 6th-8th Grade Dance

February 14 - 3rd Grade Parent Mass

February 16 - 6th Grade Retreat

February 17 - No School, Teacher Professional Day, Matthew Kelly Presentation 

February 20 - No School, President's Day

February 22 - Ash Wednesday

February 25 - 4th Annual Run for the Son 5K Run/Walk 

February 27-March 2 - Iowa Testing for 2nd-8th Grades

March 2012

February 27-March 2 - Iowa Testing for 2nd-8th Grades

March 2 at 7:30 a.m. - School Advisory Council Meeting

March 6 at 7:45 a.m. - PTO Meeting

March 8 - KidsArt Fair & PTO Ice Cream Social

March 9 - No School, Teacher Work Day, End of 3rd Quarter

March 9-18 - Spring Break

March 28 - Principal's List Free Dress Day

March 29 - Pre-K and Kindergarten Portfolio Night

Join Our Mailing List!
Feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone who might be interested in the information by clicking on the "Forward this e-mail" button on the left. To sign up for this newsletter, please e-mail me at LTrabulsy@stanna.org or click on the "Join Our Mailing List!" tab on the left.
Thank you for your support of St. Anastasia Catholic School. We appreciate your support and feedback! Be sure and visit the school's website where all previous newsletters are archived for your reference at www.stanna.org. God Bless!
Linette Trabulsy
Development Director
St. Anastasia Catholic School
Mission Statement

The St. Anastasia School and Church Community believe each student is a unique child of God, called to achieve excellence by nurturing the mind, body and spirit in the image and likeness of God.