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The Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy (CSID) and Al-Jahedh Forum are pleased to invite you to attend a National Dialogue to strengthen national unity and clarify a road map to achieve free and fair elections in Tunisia:

National Conference on 

Conditions for A Successful Electoral Process  


Saturday, August 6, 2011

10:00 AM to 1:30 PM

Salle du Palais de Congres, Tunis


We have invited several political and NGO leaders to participate in this important debate on how to create the necessary conditions for free, fair, and credible elections on Oct. 23.  Among the invitees:

Kamel Jendoubi - Independent Election Commission

Abdessalem Jrad - UGTT

Maya Jribi - Progressive Democratic Party

Hamadi Jebali -  Al-Nahda Party


   Moustapha Ben Jaafar - Democratic Forum For Work and Freedoms 


Ahmed Ibrahim - Al-Tajdeed Party  

Hamma Hammami - Tunisian Workers Communist Party


Samir Ben Amor - Congress for the Republic






We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at this important event and Long Live Freedom and Democracy in Tunisia.



Slaheddine Jourchi                                                                     Radwan A. Masmoudi

Al-Jahedh Forum                                     Center for the Study of Islam & Democracy