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In This Issue
Quote of the Month
Little Things Make Lasting Impacts
Your Body Speaks: What Is It Saying to You?
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Quote of the Month

One's feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.

 Florence Nightengale
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Corporate Seminars

Could your company or group benefit from increased communication and understanding of others? 
Contact me for seminar possibilities based on the DISC and Motivators assessments.  They are fun, beneficial and transformational! Click here or contact me for more information.
Contact Info
Janna Rust
14543 Chadwick St.
Leawood, KS 66224
Purposeful News
September 2009
This month, I've been enjoying watching the Kansas City Chiefs' new coaching staff attempt to change their organizational culture. I sure hope they do! From what I can tell, they place great emphasis on the fundamentals. I'm glad for this because the little things often make the most impact in sports as well as in life.
I've always believed in the little things.  After all the little things are those things I CAN control! Playing smart has helped me win throughout my life when I may not have been the most talented or had the most talent on my team.
Join me this month as we examine how recognizing the importance of the little things can make a big impact in the way we live and lead. Are you ready?
Live, learn & lead, 

Janna Rust
Coach & Founder
Little Things Make Lasting Impacts
Have you ever thought about how much the little things you do impact someone else's opinion of you? For better or for worse, the little things matter and send more of a message than you may realize. 
First, let's take a look at one common mistake many people make - that of mispelling someone's name.
I can relate to this one personally because more often than not, I find my name spelled wrong on websites, correspondence, meeting agendas, nametags and even speaking engagement announcements. 
A misspelled name might convey any or all of the following messages to the person whose name is misspelled:
1) You don't care enough to get it right.
2) You aren't capable of getting it right.
3) You might not get other things right.
How often do people correct you regarding spelling errors of this nature? Keep in mind that fewer people correct you than the number of mistakes you make!
Can you see how such a seemingly small thing might have huge implications to your personal and professional relationships? What other examples can you think of where a small mistake might communicate a bigger problem? What should you change to leave a better impression?
On the flip side of mistakes, encouraging words,  kind gestures and getting details correct,  leave lasting positive impressions. We can be seen as outstanding by merely being proactive in getting the little things right.
We are all in the people business whether we realize it or not.  They are watching, listening...and thinking. What do you want them to think about you?
Your Body Speaks: What is It Saying to You?
Our body speaks to us through our emotions. How well we understand what our emotions say impacts our level of success in many facets of life. How well do you understand your body's language?
From my own personal experience in Corporate America as well as from discussions with other executive/leadership coaches, I've learned that self-awareness is probably the most lacking essential leadership skill among top-level leaders. Self-awareness is the ability to perceive your emotions in the moment and understand your tendencies in all types of situations. 
In essence, self-awareness is understanding your own body's language! Why is this important? Because self-awareness leads to better self-management. Excellent self-management skills translate into higher Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and more success at home and in the workplace. Unfortunately, most people don't take the time to get to know themselves through adequate self-examination.
One way to increase your self-awareness is through professional assessments from a qualified distributor. Utilizing a personal coach along with the assessments will help you learn even more in "real time" and move forward with what you learn.
Remember, emotions aren't bad. They are just your body's language. Learn your language and see how much more effective you can be.
NOTE: For a real life example of emotional unintelligence, check out my recent blog post here entitled "Emotional Intelligence?: Rep. Joe Wilson's Outburst".
Want more information on Emotional Intelligence and how you can benefit from increased self-awareness? Contact me at 913-219-7844 for your complimentary consultation.
As a Certified Professional Behavior, Values & TriMetrix Analyst, I can help you or your organization develop leadership skills that will contribute to the "bottom line" through the use of the DISC, Motivators, Personal Talent Skills Inventory and TriMetrix Benchmarking assessments.  Contact me for details at 913-219-7844.