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NewNew Trap and Lures (order by email, fax, or phone )
1.Alpha Scents UNI Trap (green) 2.Eastern Spruce Budworm Choristoneura fumiferana 3. Swede midge Contarinia nasturtii
       UNI-Trap        Eastern Spruce Budworm Lure     Swede Midge Lure 
                       Choristoneura fumiferana        Contarinia nasturtii
4.Spruce Budworm Choristoneura fumiferana
     Spruce Budworm Lure Choristoneura orae
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PTBflyerNew Peach Twig Borer (Anarsia lineatella) Flyer 
Peach Twig Borer damageClick here to download information about our lure that is part of the battle against this serious stone fruit and almond pest. 
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NewRedDeltaNewsletter Archives Now Online
Visit Alpha Scents Newsletter ArchiveAll of the Alpha Scents e-Newsletters since January, 2009, are now available online for you to revisit.  Simply click on the "Visit ARCHIVE" button that appears on any web page to access the Archives List Page where each newsletter title is listed along with a brief abstract.  Simply click on the title and read.
NewLibraryNew Online Document and Video Library 
In addition to the documents and videos featured on the home page, an all new Library section has been added to the web site.  Simply click on the [About Us | Document Video Library] button on any page.  This growing library contains all Alpha Scents, Inc. catalogs, flyers, MSDS documents, research papers and access to the video library.
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  Paper Delta Trap Assembly Movie
The No-Mess Sticky Traps Movie 
ACPresearchResearch Hopes to Reduce ACP Threat 
Asian Citrus PsyllidHave you seen many Florida Citrus TV ads lately?  Why?  As of this writing Florida experts are estimating Florida citrus crop size has shrunk by more than 30% due to Huanglongbing disease spread by the dreaded Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama.  Monies once allocated for advertising are being thrust into a desperate quest to save the Florida Citrus Industry from the kind of devistation that has already wreaked havoc on India and on Asia since the early 1900s. 
     Dr. Darek Czokajlo of Alpha Scents, Inc. is involved in a research project, led by Dr. Lukasz Stelinski, University of Florida, Citrus Research and Education Center, to identify psyllid specific attractants for use in monitoring and control of this species.  This research is funded by the Florida Citrus Advanced Technology Program.  Dr. Czokajlo and Alpha Scents have much experience working with formulating the attractant chemicals and designing traps used for control of many insect pests.  Others participants include Dr. Francis X. Webster, Ph.D., State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF), and Dr. Charles E. Lynn, Jr, Ph.D., Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences New York Agricultural Experiment Station. 
     Correct formulation where the chemical is emitted from an easily deployed lure in the correct dosage is essential to the success of program. Optimum trap design and development of "attract and kill" formulations will lead to a control method for growers which will be environmentally safe and help preserve natural predators and parasites of the psyllid. Success of this technology will reduce the threat of this insect and the deadly disease it vectors to the United States citrus industry.
     One of the most important pests of citrus worldwide is the Asian citrus psyllid,  Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, and the disease it vectors, citrus greening. Citrus greening is the greatest biotic threat to citrus production as it blocks the nutrient transport system and causes death of the trees. The psyllid was first reported in Florida in 1998, but has now invaded many more regions, which includes Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, California and Hawaii.  
See next article for ACP-Trap story and in the field capture photos.
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Improved Asian Citrus Psyllid Monitoring With Effective ACP-Trap
   Since its detected in Florida in 2005 and despite everyone's best efforts Huanglongbing disease (HLB), also known as Citrus Greening, now literally threatens the survival of Florida citrus and is a potential threat to the entire U.S. citrus industry.  A primary culprit in the spread of HLB is the Asian Citrus Psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama), short name ACP.  ACP appeared in Florida in 1998, Texas in 2001, and since then Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, California, Hawaii, and in the citrus growing regions of Mexico.  In independent research(1) conducted by Texas A&M Professor, Dr. Mamoudou Setamou, Ph.D(2) and Alpha Scents President, Dr. Darek Czokajlo, Ph.D(3), a novel unbaited trap was developed with consistently higher catches than Yellow-#3 traps.  The resultant ACP-Trap with our No-mess Sticky Card™ adhesive (video), both sides, may be purchased online through the Alpha Scents online store or by phone or fax (see contact information in the newsletter header).  
ACP caught on Alpha Scents ACP-Trap  Close up of ACP on Alpha Scents ACP-Trap
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1Detection And Monitoring Trap For The Asian Citrus Psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama Manuscript
Dr. Mamoudou Setamou, Ph.D, Assistant Professor Citrus Entomology, Texas A&M University-Kingsville Citrus Center
Dr. Darek Czokajlo, Ph.D, Forestry, Entomology, Chemistry, Adjunct Professor, State University of NY, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse.
CLMCLM A&K To Fight Canker 
Citrus Leafminer larve     Alpha Scents was recently awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the USDA-SBA to develop an Attract-and-Kill (A&K) product to control Citrus Leafminer.  CLM, which weakens trees making them more susceptable to Canker, is epidemic across America and Mexico.  A&K application will provide an environmentally friendly control of CLM.  Collaborating with Dr. Czokajlo, Ph. D., President of Alpha Scents are Dr. Lukasz Stelinski, Ph.D., of the University of Florida Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC-UF), and Dr. Mamoudou Setamou, Ph.D, Assistant Professor Citrus Entomology, Texas A&M University-Kingsville Citrus Center.  
     Available now through our online store, the Alpha Scents CLM lure, is a highly effective monitoring tool when properly deployed in a plastic or paper delta trap.  Testing is being conducted in small California backyard environs - from one tree to small groves - using the trap and lure to mass trap CLM.  Early indications are non-conclusive but yielding promise.
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Alpha Scents, Inc.