Lifemoves at Steve Nash Fitness World
Get Moving - Newsletter                        December 2010 
In This Issue
What's Moving? News
Stretching Tip - 3 Quick Office Stretches to Improve Your Concentration
Prevent Lower-Back Pain by Learning Four Movements
Is Your Gym Exercise Contributing to Lower- Back Pain?
Why Our Balance Changes with Age
3 Exercises to Prevent a Rotator Cuff Injury
Quick Poll
Previous Quick Poll: 
Power training is important for preventing falls in the older exerciser? T/F

Given our lack of response to this quick poll question, we are assuming that we have finally managed to stump you all!
Power training is absolutely important to include in a training regime in attempts to work muscles that help us to recover from un-suspecting situtations that lead us to fall. Power training targets fast-twitch muscle fibers which are recruited first in any movement, and need to be highly active when reacting to tripping or slipping in order to keep us balanced.
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Steve Nash Fitness World

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We are located inside Steve Nash Fitness World
(members and non-members welcome)

1989 Marine Drive
North Vancouver, BC
V7P 3G2   
t: 604.283.1858 

Discover More About Our Kinesioloigsts 


Leah Grossmith
Leah Grossmith
Alfred Ball 2010 
Alfred Ball
Nicola Faloon
Practicing Members of



Thank you for reading our newsletters and blogs over the last year.  We recently received an encouraging email from Best Health Magazine letting us know that we made their editors' list of favourite Canadian health blogs.

Please spread the word and nominate us for 2011 Best Canadian Health blog.

Many people are taking time off during this time of year  or find it difficult to fit physical activity in due to increased demands on their time. Unfortunately this also often means time away from their exercise programs.  Did you know that you start to lose fitness after two weeks off? It doesn't take a lot of effort to maintain your current level of fitness.

If you have trouble keeping a schedule and need a workout we have time for you.

Leah is available from Dec 27th to December 31st
Alfred is on holiday from Dec 24th to January 2nd.

Remember: We are booking up quickly for January and February, so book your sessions soon, call 604.283.1858.

Have you ever wondered what the differences between a Personal Trainer and  a Kinesiologist are? Click here to find out.

In this Issue:  Learn 3 quick office stretches to improve concentration and reduce stress. Leah explains why we start to lose our balance as we age and Nicola devels into rotator cuff injuries.  While many people experience back pain during their lifetime, we have two articles to help you prevent  it.

January is the time when people make their resolutions to change their health, find out to  how to choose your health and fitness professionals in eight steps by reading - here.

Thank you for your readership and business over the last year. We wish you a merry christmas and happy holidays with friends and family.
Alfred Ball's Signature 
Alfred Ball (on behalf of Leah and Nicola) 
President | Founder
Lifemoves Health and Rehabilitation
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What's Moving?  News

Nominations for Best Health Blog Awards

Our Get Moving For Life blog was started in June, 2009 and we have since written nearly 60 articles on diverse topics about health, rehabilitation, staying active with chronic medical conditions and disability management.


Recently, editors of Best Health Magazine has recognized our efforts. We made the editors' list of favourite blogs.


Best Health wants blog readers to tell them about their favourite blogs in four categories; Get Moving For Life falling under the Get Healthy Category.


We would greatly appreciate your nomination (before January 30th, 2011).


It will only take a few minutes to nominate at: Thank you for your continued support to help this company grow and reach new readers!


New Videos Coming in 2011 

Did you know Lifemoves has a YouTube channel? We will be adding a lot of new content in 2011 as part of education mandate. We want you to contribute your ideas.

If you have been or are a client of Lifemoves we will be sending out a request for client  video testimonials. As, well we hope that you will let us know what you want to learn about (after all  the videos are for you).

Watch our YouTube channel  

Email your  content suggestions to


Stretching Tip - 3 Quick Office Stretches to Improve Your Concentration
by  Alfred Ball
Did you know myofascial pain can reduce your ability to concentrate? Headaches are often caused by trigger points. Prolonged postures such as being forward at a desk, anxiety and stress are perpetuating factors that lead to the inability to focus. I find that I am easily distracted and have a great deal of difficulty being engaged and focused on tasks that require some level of detail when my chest, shoulders and neck are tight.
Prevent Lower-Back Pain by Learning Four Movements
by Alfred Ball
About 80% of people will experience lower-back pain in their lifetime, which can last a few weeks up to several years. Many clients we see with lower-back pain are unable to distinguish between hip extension/flexion and spine flexion/extension during movement. They also have poor core activation and spinal stabilization strategices even after their initial injury has healed.

Read Full Article.

Is Your Gym Exercise Contributing to Lower-Back Pain?
 by Alfred Ball
The leg press, seated row, lat-pulldown, seated leg curl and shoulder press have been favourite exercises of thousands of gym enthusiasts for many years. However, when done improperly they can lead to lower-back pain.

Why Our Balance Changes with Age
by Leah Grossmith
Like it or not, as we age our balance decreases. It is a natural result of many other changes that are occurring within the body. Keeping our balance is an essential component of our lives; whether it is being able to recover after slipping, or having to stand on our tippy-toes and reach for an item on that top shelf.

Read Full Article
3 Exercises to Prevent a Rotator Cuff Injury
by Nicola Faloon
Rotator cuff injuries are the most common of all shoulder injuries. The rotator cuff consists of four muscles, the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis. Each of these muscles assists in holding the shoulder joint in place, by wrapping around the front, back and top of the shoulder.

Read Full Article
About Lifemoves Health & Rehabilitation 
   We are a Metro Vancouver based health, fitness, lifestyle and rehabilitation company located in the Steven Nash Fitness World in North Vancouver. Our Kinesiologists are practicing members of the British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists.

  We work with other health care and disability management professionals to improve the quality of life of clients with clinically documented medical conditions, musculoskeletal injuries and/or disabilities. 

  Visit us at today to learn how you can:
Get Moving For Life. 

3 Sessions for $199

Looking for a great gift idea this season? Give the gift of the expertise of a Lifemoves Kinesiologist.  We have three sessions for an incredible $199+HST. Get your loved one set-up on a physical activity program that is specific to them.


Call 604.283.1858 for details


Why Hire a Kinesiologist? Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Kinesiologist

Offer Expires: December 23rd, 2010. New Clients Only. Existing Clients Add 3 Sessions to a Renewal of 12 or more sessions.