Lifemoves at Steve Nash Fitness World
Get Moving - Newsletter                        November 2010 
In This Issue
What's Moving? News
5 Stress Busters to Clear Your Mind
Excercise Therapy vs Cortisone
8 Reasons Trigger Points Develop
Quick Poll
Previous Quick Poll: 
What is a "compensatory movement pattern?

Limping on your left leg because your right hip is sore is a great example of a compensatory movement pattern.
If an area on our body is sore, tight, or uncomfortable to move, we often overuse another body part to make up for what the other is not capable of doing.
Not only does this lead to improper mechanics, and bad habits, but can potentially lead to further injury due to the added stress on the overused body part. We can help you get rid of the compensation pattern by teaching proper exercise techniques.

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We are located inside Steve Nash Fitness World
(members and non-members welcome)

1989 Marine Drive
North Vancouver, BC
V7P 3G2   
t: 604.283.1858 

Discover More About Our Kinesioloigsts 


Leah Grossmith
Leah Grossmith
Alfred Ball 2010 
Alfred Ball
Nicola Faloon
Practicing Members of



Our subscriber list is growing. We are working on ways to provide more specific content with different lists, stay tuned. 

Winter is here and Christmas is coming up soon. At the end of the year I take some time off to reflect and plan for the new year. These are not resolutions, however January 1st does lend itself well as a nice clean starting point.

Why wait until January to start your fitness program? Stay on track. Book sessions in December with Leah or Nicola. Consider the gift of health and wellness this year we have gift certificates available. Lifemoves is booking into January and Feburary. In December we are also giving back to our existing clients.

Scroll down to the bottom to find our December Special.

These past couple of weekends have been busy with continuing education courses and discussions with other health, fitness and wellness professionals.   

In this Issue: Leah discovers that exercise therapy is a better option than cortisone. I outline 5 stress busters to help you clear your mind during the busy month of December. As a follow-up from last month, our stretching tip helps you find ways to prevent trigger points from developing.

We want to develop a dialogue with our readers. Please leave your comments on each blog article and we will respond. Let us know what you enjoy and what you would like to know more about.

Please forward our newsletters to anyone you think may benefit from the knowledge.
Thank you for continuing to subscribe. We hope that everyone stays safe and active during the winter.
Alfred Ball's Signature 
Alfred Ball
President | Founder
Lifemoves Health and Rehabilitation
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What's Moving?  News

Alfred Idea Storms At Can-Fit Pro 2010   

 Can-Fit Pro Vancouver 2010 was hosted this year at the beautiful Vancouver Convention Center overlooking the snowy North Shore Mountains. Lifemoves® Kinesiologists believe that continuing education is an important part of maintaining high professional standards while enabling us to bring the most current information to our sessions with our rehabilitation clients. 

Read Full Article


Lifemoves is Now on LinkedIn

We have several ways you can connect with us via social media. Alfred and Leah have joined LinkedIn and Lifemoves now has a company profile.  If you are on this professional network please follow Lifemoves and leave your recommendations.


View our profile on LinkedIn 


Spreading the Word to Medical and Health Professionals

Kinesiologists are part of your medical and allied health team. We often hear from new clients that they are unsure of how to exercise safely with their injury or condition once they are discharged from treatment or told to exercise by their Doctor. We work closely with Chiropractors, Physiotherapists,  Massage Therapists and others to provide that information and give you guidance.


We are now reaching out further to all the Practitioners on the North Shore to let them know how we help them with patient care. Last week we started by sending letters to Doctors in North Vancouver. 


Please help us by spreading the word to the rest of your health team that you are training with a Lifemoves Kinesiologist. Tell them how we are helping you keep moving for life. We can also provide you with brochures to hand them during your next visit. 


5 Stress Busters to Clear Your Mind
by  Alfred Ball
Finding ways to slow down, reduce stress and relax are imperative to staying focused, productive, engaged, creative and healthy. During times of high stress I tend to work more, worry more, exercise less and put more effort into to achieving results which negatively impacts my health.

Exercise Therapy is More Effective than Cortisone Shots for Tendinopathies

by Leah Grossmith

Overuse injuries are common in this day and age given that most of our jobs demand repetitive movement. Tendonopathies (more commonly known as "tendonitis") occur when the tendon is overused and therefore becomes inflammed, painful and sometimes tethered or torn. Those who suffer from these injuries usually take anti-inflammatory medicine to manage the pain, seek physiotherapy, and some even look to getting a cortisone shot into the tendon to manage the pain.

Read Full Article.

Stretching Tip - 8 Reasons Trigger Points Develop by Alfred Ball
Limiting trigger point development will help you move more freely due to greater flexibility and range of motion. Last month we outlined 8 Steps to Unlocking Restricted Movements , but how do we prevent myofascial trigger points from developing in the first place?

About Lifemoves Health & Rehabilitation 
   We are a Metro Vancouver based health, fitness, lifestyle and rehabilitation company located in the Steven Nash Fitness World in North Vancouver. Our Kinesiologists are practicing members of the British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists.

  We work with other health care and disability management professionals to improve the quality of life of clients with clinically documented medical conditions, musculoskeletal injuries and/or disabilities. 

  Visit us at today to learn how you can:
Get Moving For Life. 

3 Sessions for $199

Looking for a great gift idea this season? Give the gift of the expertise of a Lifemoves Kinesiologist.  We have three sessions for an incredible $199+HST. Get your loved one set-up on a physical activity program that is specific to them.


Call 604.283.1858 for details


Why Hire a Kinesiologist? Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Kinesiologist

Offer Expires: December 23rd, 2010. New Clients Only. Existing Clients Add 3 Sessions to a Renewal of 12 or more sessions.