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Moving to End Sexual Assault (MESA)

appalled at t-shirt sold by Amazon

Boulder, Colorado (July 2, 2008) selling t-shirts promoting Date Rape

Anti-Abortion but Pro Date Rape T-shirt

In 2006, there were 272,350 victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault. (These figures do not include victims 12 years old or younger.)

Every 2 minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted. Here's the math. According to the U.S. Department of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey - the country's largest and most reliable crime study - there were 272,350 sexual assaults in 2006 (the most recent data available).  There are 525,600 minutes in a non-leap year. That makes 31,536,000 seconds/year. So, 31,536,00 divided by 272,350 comes out to 1 sexual assault every 116 seconds, or about 1 every 2 minutes.

1 out of every 6 American women have been the victims of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime (14.8% completed rape; 2.8% attempted rape).

About 3% of American men - or 1 in 33 - have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.

And with those statistics, felt that it was appropriate to sell this t-shirt online.   The t-shirt is still on-line although no longer available for sale. The mere presence of this t-shirt on the web available for viewing by millions of individuals is dentrimental to the movement to help prevent sexual assault. We encourage you to take a stand and let know that this is not acceptable.   Here is how you can help:

  1. Demand that 100% of the profits that were made from these t-shirts be sent to the local rape crisis centers.   The proceeds should be sent to the areas where the purchaser of the t-shirt resides.
  2. Do not make purchases from until a public apology has been made to the survivors of sexual assault
  3. Demand the immediate removal of the image from their website

Send your communication to to:
Investor Relations
P.O. Box 81226
Seattle, WA 98108-1226
Phone: (206) 266-2171
Fax: (206) 266-1355

And here is a list of their officers and their Board of Directors.

Jeffrey P.  Bezos
President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board

Jeffrey M. Blackburn
Senior Vice President, Business Development

Sebastian J. Gunningham
Senior Vice President, Seller Services

Andrew R. Jassy
Senior Vice President, Web Services

Steven Kessel
Senior Vice President, Worldwide Digital Media

Marc A. Onetto
Senior Vice President, Worldwide Operations

Diego  Piacentini
Senior Vice President, International Retail

Shelley L. Reynolds
Vice President, Wordwide Controller and Principal Accounting Officer

Thomas J. Szkutak
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

H. Brian Valentine
Senior Vice President, Ecommerce Platform

Jeffrey A. Wilke
Senior Vice President, North America Retail

L. Michelle  Wilson
Senior Vice President, General Counsel

Jeffrey P.  Bezos
President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board

Tom A.  Alberg
Madrona Venture Group

John Seely Brown
Visiting Scholar and Advisor to the Provost at USC

L. John  Doerr
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers

William B. (Bing) Gordon
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers

Myrtle Potter
Myrtle Potter and Company, LLC

Thomas O. Ryder
Reader's Digest Association, Inc.

Patricia Q.  Stonesifer
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Use your voice today to make a difference.   You can help prevent sexual assault by being heard. 

About Moving to End Sexual Assault

MESA was formed in 1972 in response to the abduction, rape and shooting of two young girls.  The organization was originally called Humans Against Rape and Molestation (HARM) and then Boulder County Rape Crisis Team.  In 2001, the agency's name was changed to Moving to End Sexual Assault in order to better reflect the organization's mission - "We are moving to end sexual assault and the suffering it causes in our community.  Every person has the right to live free of sexual assault.  We challenge all forms of oppression and recognize their connection to sexual violence."  MESA staff and volunteers work to achieve the mission statement by providing treatment for sexual assault and by providing prevention education. Moving to End Sexual Assault is a team of the Mental Health Center Serving Boulder and Broomfield Counties, Inc., a private, non-profit organization.

24 Hour Rape Crisis Hotline

Moving to End Sexual Assault

Janine D'Anniballe ( )
Executive Director
Deirdre Moynihan (
Development Director