Looking Forward! Job Posting, Women's Circle, a Rabbi and Imam at the Wild Goose Festival, and more!
June 30, 2011
Today is the last day of June and Faith House is full of news! We welcome a new member of our Board of Directors and have have just published a "flashback" from a founding Board member. Our amazing Community Development Administrator, Faigy Abdelhak, needs to step down at the end of the summer to focus on her studies and we are accepting applications to fill this position until July 20th. Our Women's Spirituality Circle is having its summer gathering on July 9th and art for "Under Abraham's Tent" is due July 17th.
We are also at the end of an important mid-year fund drive. If you have not yet made a donation to Faith House this year, your gift now will mean more than ever. There are many ways to donate listed below. Thank you to all who have contributed already!
Last week, Bowie, Samir, Faith House Advisory Board member Paul Knitter, our friends Rabbi Or Rose and Imam Abdullah Antepli, and other members of the Faith House Community were part of the first Wild Goose Festival. After years of dreams and hard work, the Wild Goose Festival is now on the map of the American religious landscape! Four days of exhilarating experiences, contemplative practices, rigorous thinking, inspiring art, new friendships, and unspeakable fun for everyone have left all of us with a desire for more. Faith House Manhattan successfully curated the interfaith track of the festival, once again extending its impact beyond NYC.
Many new things are brewing and we are thankful for an auspicious start of this summer. We have grown tremendously in the past year and give thanks for the part Faigy has played - and will continue to play in this growth through this summer. Please spread the word about our job posting to your own communities and networks!
The hunger for understanding how to practice one's own faith in a world of many religious paths is immense. We saw this at Wild Goose, we experience this in our Manhattan community, and hear it everywhere. Help us meet the needs of this city and world.
Please make your gift today...
SEND A CHECK written to "Faith House Manhattan" PO Box 552, New York, NY 10028 ONLINE through our Facebook Cause BUY books or merchandise "Shop in Good Faith" SPONSOR a Living Room on the topic of your choice. Email us for more information at info@faithhousemanhattan.org
As our way of saying "Thank You!" we will be giving a digital copy of our compilation, "Faith and Food: The Cookbook," to all donors and to all who give over $300, we will send a copy of 100 Graces: Mealtime Blessings signed by author Marcia Kelly.
Faith House Beyond NYC Wild Goose Festival 2011 Bowie & Samir Curate Interfaith Events!
Bowie, Samir, and other Faith House participants have just returned from the very first Wild Goose Festival!
Read About the Interfaith Events In the News!
"The Wild Goose Revival for Doubters and Jesus Victims (Like Me)" The Huffington Post
"Progressive Christians Flock to Wild Goose Festival"
The Associated Baptist Press
"Wild Goose Day 3: mingling of faith traditions" The National Catholic Reporter
2011 Interfaith Guests
 | Our interfaith panel at the festival! |
Imam Abdullah Antepli, Muslim Chaplain at Duke University and Adjunct Faculty of Islamic Studies; Rabbi Or N. Rose, Associate Dean and Director of Interfaith and Social Justice programs at Hebrew College; and Paul Knitter, Paul Tillich Professor of Theology, World Religions and Culture at Union Theological Seminary
2011 Interfaith Events
- "What Does God Whisper to Christians: Models of Living Passionately in a Pluralist World" With Paul Knitter and Samir Selmanovic
- "Kabbalah Beyond the Headlines" Rabbi Or N. Rose
- "A Conversation with Islam" With Abudullah Antepli
- "Walking More Than One Path: Is Religious Multiple Belonging Possible?" With Paul Knitter
- "Going Deeper Through Inclusion: Perspectives on Religious Pluralism" With Imam Abdullah Antepli, Rabbi Or Rose, and Paul Knitter. Moderated by Bowie Snodgrass.
Thank You Faigy Abdelhak
Faigy joined our team last July as the first Community Development Administrator, was quickly trained, and then helped Samir and the many volunteers who make up the Faith House community keep Faith House running while Bowie was out on maternity leave in September and October!
She recently realized that she would need to take five classes in the fall semester and do a year-long intensive internship in order to graduate on time (keep her in your prayers!), coming to conclusion that she will need to step down from her work with Faith House on August 31.
Faigy has been a powerhouse this past year and has greatly increased our infrastructure, improved our social media presence and communications, organized financial data, coordinated volunteers, and this summer is building a new website!
She created our Community Database using Salesforce, the Shop in Good Faith portal, and Cafe Press store (where you can buy Faith House t-shirts, mugs and more!). She opened a new Facebook Fanpage, kept our Twitter and MeetUp accounts current, set up our new EventBrite RSVP system, responded to general email inquiries, and suggested Living Room topics and hosts, including Ari Hart and Chris Stedman. We look forward to launching the new Faith House Manhattan website she is working on now!
We are deeply indebted to her and will miss her. You can continue to reach her... or send her a note to say Thanks! through the end of the summer at faigy@faithhousemanhattan.org |
Job Posting Community Development Administrator
Please share this job posting with your communities and networks!
Applications Due: July 20, 1011
Start Date: September 1, 2011
Faith House Manhattan, an inter-religious community that works collaboratively with congregations and other organizations at the forefront of the interfaith movement, seeks a part-time Community Development Administrator to help build our community and develop our young organization. Must be an organized, timely administrator, who is self-motivated and proactive with strong communication and information technology skills.
The primary roles of this position include:
- Interacting with people about the community, participation, and donations
- Editing and distributing/posting of communications, via eNewsletters, mailings, and other social media outlets
- Tracking and reporting financial data (expenses, donations, etc.)
- Managing a web-based database of participants and donors
- Maintaining the Faith House calendar of events and meetings
- Responding to public inquiries (mostly through email)
- Maintaining and expanding our website
Recommended skills include:
- Social skills with diverse constituents
- Tech savvy, with knowledge of Salesforce, CMS platforms like Wordpress, Google AdWords and Analytics
- Experience in social media engagement and marketing
- Financial experience with bookkeeping and accounting
- Strong writing abilities for blog posts, letters, and eNewsletters
This person will minimally have a bachelor's degree with background in community development and an avid interest in faith-based communities and/or the interfaith movement.
The Community Development Administrator will attend weekly staff meetings and participate in two to three Faith House programs each month in the evenings or weekend. The person contracted for this position will work primarily from home with the ability to travel throughout Manhattan for meetings and events.
Please visit our website, www.faithhousemanhattan.org, to learn more about our community and our programs.
Job Type & Compensation: This is a part-time position that will require 50 hours per month (averaging 12 hours per week). Payment will be $1000 per month ($20 per hour). Hours and pay may increase as organization grows.
To apply for this opportunity, send a cover letter, resume, and list three references by Wednesday, July 20, 2011 to Bowie Snodgrass, Executive Director, bowie@faithhousemanhattan.org. Interviews will be scheduled in August. Requests for additional information may also be sent to this email address.
Looking Forward
Welcome to our newest Board Member, Mairim Pina!
Please donate today
SEND A CHECK written to "Faith House Manhattan" to
PO Box 552, New York, NY 10028
Thank you for making your donation. Now we are in this together! Please drop us a note of encouragement, a prayer, or an idea. We would love to hear from you.
Women's Spirituality Circles

A new community of women who are learning and practicing and experimenting what it looks like, and smells like, and feels like, to learn, grow, and practice together... not regardless of spiritual background, but out of the backgrounds that have spiritually formed us and create us into the women that we find ourselves to be. Read more about the winter and spring circles
Summer Circle! July 9th, 3-6 pm in Riverdale, Bronx RSVP to Jill Minkoff as soon as possible! |
Under Abraham's Tent Online Art Exhibtion
Check out books by our interfaith guests at the Wild Goose Festival, Rabbi Or N. Rose and Paul F. Knitter. Click on any book to find out more.

Flashback to January 2009:
by Bill Ashlock, Board Member
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We live in a world with unlimited views of God. I was tugged into experiencing and learning from Another. Everyone involved knew that we had differing views. There was no attempt to change my perspective. I found myself saying yes to an invitation to walk with someone.
Read full post