The Homeschool Minute

Homeschool Dollar Store


Get ready for Spring with the new March issue of The Old Schoolhouse� Magazine!
Read it  here !


TOS March  2012

Come Do Your Homework with TOS.

Homeschool Dollar Store

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We (the whole family) just love reading The Homeschool Minute 

While we always love and value what the ladies have to say on the various topics, we just LOVE what Familyman Todd Wilson has to say about "keeping it real". He's always very refreshing and keeps us in stitches. Please pass along the thanks to him!
Homeschooling for 11 years and loving it. 

--The Szymanski Family 





I'm bawling this morning. I know lack of sleep is part of it. But this Homeschool Minute is great. I have to confess to you that I nearly didn't open it. The last time the Homeschool Minute addressed this issue, it made me feel inadequate and then just angry. I know I should have written to you then . . . .This issue is phenomenal. Thank you for addressing struggling readers in such an understanding way.

--Debra Brinkman, Yoder, CO




This was JUST what I needed today. I'm sitting here crying over the first and last articles . . . I'm not sure I got past the tears in my eyes for the ones in between. (Okay, I just looked back, and they were advertisements I'd already had a chance to see the video of before, etc.).  

Just had to touch base with you and say thank you. They usually don't tug at my heart quite this much, but these have somehow struck a chord with me today. I appreciate your  

sending them.


Thank you so much. How timely! . . . You all work so hard year round to make our world such a better place! Thank you!! :))

--Beth Lilly, Bristol, PA



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Turning Points


Ready to Collapse

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine


March 7, 2012

I Want to Give Up (But I Won't)


Deborah's  Picture
Deborah Wuehler and family



Before you say, "I quit," I want to encourage you to think otherwise. Let me just say that there is probably at least one day a month or more that I want to say, "I quit!" to something in my life, whether it be teaching, cleaning, cooking, transporting, or disciplining a child. We all share the same thoughts and feelings. I think those feelings stem from a lack of peace. Because of the difficult, mundane, or tiring circumstances in our life, we lose our peace and therefore feel that if we quit, we will find that peace. Peace won't magically come in a change of circumstance, but I know just the place to find it! Here is what the living Word of God says:


Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the LORD forever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength. Isaiah 26:3, 4

  1. Our MINDs need to be stayed: focused, kept, continued on HIM. Take your mind off your circumstances and put it on HIM. Magnify Him and not your difficulty.
  2. Our minds are able to stay on HIM because we TRUST in HIM. Do not trust in what you see or feel. Trust in your God forever-he is the only unchanging thing in your life!
  3. In HIM is everlasting strength! Tired, weary, discouraged? You need strength, and you don't have it in yourself. In the Lord alone is everlasting strength.
Think about and memorize that Scripture in Isaiah; start putting it into practice and you will find peace. Don't put more things into practice until you put this into practice. In other words, don't try to find solutions to your problems until you find peace in HIM. Let me encourage you with 25 reasons not to give up:
  1. God's grace is sufficient.
  2. God gives us everything we need for life and godliness.
  3. God's mercy endures forever.
  4. It is God who works in us, both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
  5. Our children need godly parent mentors and teachers.
  6. Our children need their questions answered from a biblical worldview.
  7. Our children need and are permitted room to grow and time for creativity.
  8. Our children need and receive godly socialization.
  9. Our children learn to be unselfish and to serve others.
  10. Our children retain their innocence.
  11. Our children will have a lasting legacy of love and commitment.
  12. Our children and our children's children will be spared worldly indoctrination.
  13. We know where our children are at all times.
  14. We know what our children are being taught at all times.
  15. We know who our children's friends are and who their parents are.
  16. We retain our God-given right to educate our own children.
  17. Our children receive a superior education no matter what philosophy or curriculum we use.
  18. Homeschooled children receive one-on-one attention and specialized training.
  19. Homeschooled children can see and experience the world around them regularly.
  20. Homeschooling permits the teaching of important life skills.
  21. Homeschooling builds strong character and strong relationships.
  22. Our children will not have to walk in the counsel of the ungodly.
  23. Our children will not have to stand in the path of sinners.
  24. Our delight will be in the law of the Lord, and everything we do will prosper.
  25. Our God never gives up, and He gives us His strength to continue the journey.

Still want to quit? Here is an encouraging article called Before You Say, "I Quit!"


Hanging onto my Great God with you,





Bread provided 53%-75% of the daily intake for ancient civilizations. It nourished and literally sustained many generations. Yet bread is now considered to be unhealthy and even harmful. Wonder what happened? 

Explore the truth in the Guide to Bread: Unlocking the Mysteries of Grains, Gluten and Yeast.


The Old Schoolhouse� Magazine this month unveils a brand new, a membership program for homeschoolers worldwide who can log in daily and collect their assignments and hear from "Teachers" who are providing maps, writing prompts, history and music lessons, with dozens more new Schoolhouse Teachers joining the TOS team over the next months. And this is only the beginning--month after month you'll see even more content, lesson plans, assignments and projects you can do with your children, not to mention unique Teacher greetings. Come do your homework with us!


Everything for your daily to monthly curriculum needs will be at your fingertips, available 24/7/365, unlimited use, including old favorites like the Schoolhouse Kitchen menus (yes--plans for every day!) and This Day in History--log in every day and do your history assignment! You'll love the new site, brought to you by your friends at TOS Magazine and we can't wait to see what you think about it. Hundreds have already signed on and it's been live for less than a week. Come on over, dig in, and start working.


Be amazed this month, but then be prepared to be absolutely astounded on April 1 when rolls out even more homeschool helps with the latest Teachers coming on board to serve YOU. Projects like lapbooks, history figures, hands-on-learning--doing your homework has never been so much fun! Come try it for the first month for just a dollar. Unlimited use all month long!


Join us today!


Note: if you are a TOS subscriber, you are already a member of If you haven't received your log-in information, contact



Are you an organized, detailed networker? 


SchoolhouseTeachers.comAmerican Home Life International wants to equip and contract YOU to place international students in Christian homestays in your area! 


If you can fit paid work into your schedule and want to help minister to foreign students, check us out HERE! Or email:



TOS has entered the digital age with gusto! Now you can not only read the magazine on your desktop, laptop, and Android-based smartphone or Apple mobile devices, but now you can connect with TOS on many social networking sites. Choose one or all of these ways to get homeschool advice, encouragement, and support from TOS:

Follow The Old Schoolhouse� on Pinterest! You'll find pins to educational apps, helpful homeschool websites, and more--all nicely categorized by topics! Look for us here. Share the link with your friends and ask them to follow us, too. See you at Pinterest!

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Own a Kindle Fire? The wait is nearly over! The Android App is available at Amazon, and soon the new Kindle Fire app will be available too! You'll be the first to know when the app is available if you follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, or our Homeschooling with Heart blog.

Connect with TOS today!




Hey from Gena 

Gena Suarez
Gena Suarez

Gena Suarez, Publisher of TOS     


Gena is taking a break to concentrate on TOS business. Veteran homeschool parents will be filling in for her from time to time. This week's article is by Colleen Berry. Colleen  is a native Floridian, wife, and mother of two. She homeschools her children, Holly and Elijah, now in middle school and high school. She fills those few and unpredictable moments of "free time" with reading, scrapbooking, and family travel. She likes to write and to teach. She gave her heart to Jesus at the age of 3 and has a love for young children and teens. You are invited to check out her blog, Colleen's Quest, where she keeps curriculum reviews and thoughts about the Christian homeschool life in general.




Colleen Berry
Colleen Berry

Have you ever looked with envy at the neighborhood school bus, wishing your children were climbing aboard? You are not alone. Many homeschooling moms have this fantasy. They feel dry, bored, and boring. They feel stressed out by a lack of discipline, lack of knowledge, or lack of time for self. The easy answer seems to be: "Ship 'em off! Let them be someone else's problem today!"


For these moments of doubt and insecurity, I am armed. The year we started homeschooling (10 years ago!), I made a list--a letter to my future self-reminding me of all the reasons we began this journey in the first place.


Among them is the ability to protect our children. In one Florida county, in this school year alone, 17 children have been injured or have died while waiting for that big yellow bus! This is just one way homeschooling shielded our children. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually, our two beloved students have benefited. They have not been bullied or belittled. They have moved along at their own academic pace. They have been well-grounded in their faith. And they know for certain they are loved, because they are so cherished and protected.


But, that is just one of our reasons. When I read over my list, I am reminded of the benefit of one-on-one instruction, the freedom to teach what we choose, and the reduction of peer pressure. We have the flexibility to be sick, go on vacation, or take field trips when we choose. We have the pleasure of spending time with our kids, knowing what they do all day. And we have the joy of watching them progress every season.


Besides developing our list of reasons, we need to convince ourselves to relax. If we are stressed out, it really is okay to take a day off to think or plan or pray-or to not think, but to rejuvenate, take a bath, read a book, or get together with friends. Public school teachers have sick days, vacation days, holidays, weekends, in-service training days, teacher workdays, and summers off. We need breaks.


And we need to remember the Hebrews who spent 40 years in the desert. They were dry. And probably bored. And probably kind of boring. And they felt, I'm sure, that they were making no progress. But, they could look up and see the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. They were never alone in that desert. God was always with them, and He was always leading them. He fed them, He clothed them, and He sheltered them. And, eventually, they made it to the Promised Land. If God has led you to homeschool, then He can see you through to the end: the Promised Land of graduation! So, when you want to give up, remember your reasons for homeschooling-and don't!


And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9


~Colleen Berry 


Creation Revolution   

A seemingly plain-looking group of fish lives in the ocean between 160 feet and 3,300 feet down. These fish live so far down in the ocean depths that they never see the sun or its light. Viewed in daylight, these fish aren't much to look at; put them in the dark, though, and watch their eyes glow.


Read "Fish With the Fluorescent Eyes" to learn more about these fish and how the greenish glow of their eyes helps them navigate the murky darkness of the ocean.


The Familyman
Todd Wilson
Todd WIlson

Todd Wilson, Familyman Ministries  


Let me just say that when you want to give up . . . you're not alone. Oh, I know you think you are. You can't imagine anyone feeling as down in the dumps as you do. You can't bring yourself to believe that others feel like tossing in the towel, too.


In fact, you're convinced that your perky homeschool friend, Little Miss What's-Her-Name, NEVER feels like you. The Greek word for that is BALONEY!


EVERY homeschool mom feels like giving up now and then. It comes with the territory. That's what comes when you're doing something GOOD.


It's okay and normal to FEEL like giving up, but the important thing is to NOT GIVE UP.


That's what Paul was saying when he wrote, Let us not become weary in doing good (and stop), for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up (and throw in the towel). (Galatians 6:9).


So go ahead and rant and rave--maybe even threaten to put the kids in boarding school--BUT DON'T STOP.


Be real . . . painfully real,




P.S. INTRODUCING The World's FIRST Homeschool NOVEL--The Homeschool Experiment


Speaking of giving up . . . Familyman Ministries is pleased to announce The Homeschool Experiment, a novel by Charity Hawkins. Not only will it encourage your socks off, but it will also give you an inside look into the life of Julianne Miller, a mom who decides God wants her to homeschool her children even though she has no idea what she's doing.


You'll become good friends with her as she navigates through a hard but humorous year of diapers, dinners, husbands, meltdowns, and math lessons. And that's just September.


To sweeten the deal, we're offering FREE SHIPPING on all orders placed in the next 24 hours. Just use this promo code when checking out: THE24.


Contest Corner 

For the month of March, 2012  


The Boy Who Changed the World


Do you believe that every single thing you do matters? I do and always have. It's a concept I've been trying to teach my children since they were very small. Whether it's picking up a piece of trash in the street or donating allowance to a family in need, it's all significant in God's eyes. Everything we do has the potential to affect someone else in either a positive or negative way.


I was so thrilled when chosen to review The Boy Who Changed the World, by Andy Andrews, since I'd already seen such amazing reviews on a couple of blogs. Just by looking at Philip Hurst's gorgeous cover and artwork throughout the book, I knew this was going to be a great story to share with my kids, who are 11, 9, and 5.


New York Times bestselling author Andy Andrews tells the story of Norman Borlaug, an ordinary boy with a big dream. Though it seems impossible at the time, as he stands amidst his family's endless rows of corn, he dreams of feeding the world's hungry. Eventually, his childhood dream becomes a reality, but not without a lot of hard work and help from many others who'd paved the way. Norman's success can be traced all the way back to a kindhearted man and his wife, who rescued and raised a slave's child as their very own. You'll definitely want to read the book to discover all of the characters who played an important role in helping Norman become the boy who changed the world.*


Win this resource for your family!



with your name, mailing address, and phone number for contact purposes, with the subject line "The Boy Who Changed the World" for a chance to win* this great resource!
[*Our website is being revamped, we'll let you know when and where you can read the rest of the review. Thanks for your patience.] 

2011-12 Schoolhouse Planners  

*Disclaimer and Legal Notice:
The Old Schoolhouse
Magazine, LLC ("Company") is sponsoring the March Contest Corner contest running from March 1, 2012, to March 31, 2012. You must be 18 years of age or older and follow all rules to participate. Entering the contest constitutes full and complete acceptance of, and a warranty that the entrant has read, understands and agrees to, all contest terms and conditions, including without limitation all of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, LLC Contest Rules ("Official Rules") and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Writer Guidelines and Terms and Conditions for Submitting Queries. All Official Rules apply. Entry also constitutes full consent and unlimited permission for Company to print, publish, broadcast and use all intellectual property and personal information submitted as part of the Contest entry on the Internet and in any and all Company publications in accordance with the Rules. Entries become the sole property of Company and will not be returned. Employees and independent contractors of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, LLC, Contest sponsors, individuals or entities furnishing Contest prizes and their family members may not participate in this contest. Company reserves the sole, discretionary right to determine contest winners and to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the contest or the Rules at any time with or without notice or cause, subject to applicable law. See Official Rules for details.

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