The Homeschool Minute

Tricia Goyer  


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"I so much appreciate receiving these "minutes"! They take a short time to browse through, and I am almost always left with a good 'take-away' thought to chew on. I enjoy the good ideas and insights, and always the encouragement from Todd to enjoy life and not feel guilty or overwhelmed or pressured."


-Debbie, THM Reader





"Thank you so very much! I so needed to read what was in today's newsletter and was encouraged by it indeed!" 


-Teresa, THM Reader 






"Keep up the great work! We need all the good tips and advice you ladies have to offer, but people like me need Todd's humor and reminders to relax sometimes too. You're all doing a great job and balance each other out nicely." 


-Krista, THM Reader   






"Thanks for talking about being weary! I needed to hear that I am not the only one. Thanks for being so encouraging and for the wonderful resources. I just wanted you to know that what you do makes a big difference!"


 -Rebecca, THM Reader    


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"I want you to know how much I appreciate the weekly Homeschool Minute. I absolutely

love it!!! It has given me such encouragement and direction. I look forward each week to see what the topic is."


-Carrie, THM Reader






"Happy birthday, TOS! Got our Spring issue this weekend . . . my first time reading it . . . all I can say is Wow! Wow! Wow! This is exactly what we needed! Thank you so much for all you do to encourage, educate, and support Christian homeschooling families all over the world!"

-Mary Joy, TOS Subscriber

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Molly's Money-Saving Digest for November 

E-Book: Molly Saves! In the Laundry Room - November 2011  


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If You Sailed the Mayflower in 1620 Lapbook 


The United States Air Force Project Pack   


E-Book: WannaBe™-When I Grow Up I Want to be in the Military  


Animated Inspiring Heroes™-George Washington DVD  

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine


November 9, 2011

Thankful for the Freedom to Homeschool


Deborah's  Picture    

One of the things our family is hugely thankful for is the freedom to educate our own children in our own home, in any manner we choose, and under our own biblical values and our own specific spiritual instruction. What a tremendous blessing. Although homeschooling is legal in many countries, there are still many that do not allow such freedom. We are indeed blessed.


Just as the Pilgrims carved out a place of freedom for many, pioneers of homeschooling paved the way for educational freedom. And just as the cost to the Pilgrims was heavy, the cost paid by those homeschooling pioneers was sometimes heavy. Some lived in fear of the authorities taking their children away, some spent a lifetime fighting the legal fight, some lived ostracized from society, and some quietly taught their children to love learning and love their enemies. Some were silent, but their fruit spoke loudly to onlookers, as their children beamed in excellence of character. Some were loud enough that people heard and listened: "Home education works!" To all of you who were pioneers and trailblazers, we want to say, "Thank you!" We are so grateful and thankful for the way that has been paved for us and for our future generations.


Historically, our forefathers set precedence in the giving of thanks to the Almighty God, who in His great Providence brought them here and kept them alive and prospering. He is the same God who ordained the biblical principles of family and of parents instructing their own children. Let's continue to pray together that the freedom of home education continues.


Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven! For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 136:26



TOS Senior Editor 


P.S. This week we celebrate Veterans Day, and we want to thank all of our military friends, family, and homeschoolers for their sacrifices in helping to retain the freedoms we enjoy in this nation. Thank you! Check out the tribute we have prepared for you and your loved ones. Also, if you haven't seen the digital Fall issue of the magazine, you may view it FREE HERE. PLEASE tell us what you think-email me with your comments: I am thankful for you!




November super savings in the Schoolhouse Store!


Save 75% off any Homeschooler Bundles package!

Go here to find out more!




It's a blast from the past . . .
back issues of TOS at yesterday's prices.

TOS Back issues Buy any 3 back issues for only $9.95--$29.70 value.  

Save nearly $20! OR

Buy any 10 back issues for only $19.95--$99 value.  

Save nearly $80.

Sale ends TOMORROW-November 10!



The Homeschool Dollar Store is exploding with 293 products that cost just $1 each! Shop now!Doller Store


That's not all!!
We have MORE sales and specials happening. Go here to check it out!  




A Free Gift to Military Families! 




Get Your Free Fall 2011 issue of  

The Old Schoolhouse� Digital Magazine!


  Some of the featured articles:  

Simply click here to begin reading this issue!



Schoolhouse Expo - Homespun Holidays


You're all invited to a holiday kick-off party! The Schoolhouse Expo has some exciting changes in store, and we're celebrating with an evening of inspiration and ideas for the holidays.


Homespun Holidays is a completely free event, and I hope that each one of you will come spend the evening with us as we share ideas for the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and hear from speakers who will talk about building family traditions and staying stress-free all season long.


November 10, 2011

5:30 - 9:00 p.m. EST

It's Free!


Click here to sign up now.




Gena Suarez


Hey from Gena          

Gena Suarez, Publisher of TOS     


Gena has been very busy with all of the new exciting changes going on with TOS. She'll be back soon. To keep updated on all of the current changes and special anouncements, please LIKE the TOS Facebook page.



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Creation Revolution  

Once again we have some evolutionists searching for the origins of life.  For years, many have said that we came from ocean slime or pond scum.  In more recent years it's been suggested we came from thermal vents in the oceans.  Others have looked to the stars and believe we came from meteorites or asteroids.  Better yet, some have even postulated that aliens seeded the earth with life or we are actually descendants of aliens that travelled here millions of years ago.


Read more from the article We're Not Slime, We're Mud People.



The FamilymanTodd Wilson
Todd Wilson, Familyman Ministries


Before I give my annual Familyman Christmas commercial, let me just say how thankful I am to God for allowing my wife and me the freedom to homeschool our children. He has placed us in a country, and in a state, in which homeschooling is accepted and allowed. I don't have to worry (too much) about going to jail or having someone show up at my door. I AM THANKFUL.


I am so thankful to those who have paved the way, been thrown in jail, had people show up at their doors . . . and have persevered so that we might have the right to teach our children at home. They suffered hardship so that we could enjoy the freedom. I AM THANKFUL and I pray that I never take it for granted.


I'm also thankful for great homeschooling products and Christmas . . . which is a great lead-in to the 2011 Familyman Christmas Products Announcement.


In our house, the Christmas countdown starts the weekend after Thanksgiving, when we harvest our family Christmas tree and begin our family Advent nights (when we read Scriptures, light a candle, read a Christmas book, and make a simple craft).


To help you have your own family nights, we've done the hard work for you and prepackaged four simple crafts ready for your kids to assemble each week from Thanksgiving to Christmas. They're available NOW for just $7.50! Order one kit per child, and we'll get them shipped right out to you.


Hot off the press is our NEWEST Christmas read-aloud, Harold Grubbs and the Christmas Vest, available as a book or instant PDF download. You can get all FIVE enchanting Christmas stories in the Familyman's Christmas Treasury for the price of 4! (Now I'm using my Ronco voice.) But wait, there's more . . .


Don't miss out on perhaps our most popular Christmas product of all, To Bethlehem, the Christmas game for the entire family. It's guaranteed to give you hours of meaningful family fun! And it makes a great gift for others too!


And last, but certainly not least, our best-selling 2012 You "da Dad Page-a-Day Calendar  is now available! Encourage all the dads in your office, men's group, or family with this awesome gift. It's a lot better than a fruitcake and will help them be better husbands and fathers . . . plus they'll love all the quotes, tips, and wacky info that only a dad could appreciate.


Now that should make your Christmas a little bit better!



Be real,




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It's Just Common Sense

Ruth Beechick, Curriculum Specialist 


Debbie Strayer, Homeschool Consultant  


There's nothing like a story to make a point. In our family, my children have often heard about our Uncle Arthur, who died on the sands of Iwo Jima. As a skilled builder, he did not have to enlist because his valuable skills were needed stateside. He also could have joined the Construction Battalion (or Seabees, as they were known) but chose to enlist with the Marines. Though he loved his family, he felt honor-bound to do what he considered his part to preserve our freedom.


Uncle Arthur was my mother's older brother. Though we never met, he has taught my family the value of our freedom. He considered it worth his very life. He gave his service to our country with his usual good nature and boldness, never thinking of himself as heroic. I have read his letters to my mother and seen the photographs of the handsome young man who was a wonderful big brother, always looking out for those less able to take care of themselves. I can't tell his story without tearing up at the thought of our loss as a family, but even more, the tremendous inspiration of his sacrifice.


How can we raise children who answer such a call to service? Whether it is on a battlefield, mission field, factory, or stage, we can share with our children the stories of the great and selfless lives that have gone before us, as well as those who stand before us today. History is filled with those who heard a call to serve and gave it their all, resulting in untold blessings for us as a nation. These are the lives we can hold up for our children to see. Second only to the Bible, there is nothing more important to the continuation of freedom in our nation than to glimpse the inspiration of those who sacrificially serve.


This Veterans Day, read your children a biography of a great soldier or freedom fighter. Find one, like Alvin York or Dwight Eisenhower, Harriet Tubman or Stonewall Jackson, who loved our nation and its principle of freedom more than their own lives. Take the time to bless those around you who have served or are serving now, thanking them for their sacrifice through not only word, but deed.


Every year on Mother's Day, my grandmother received a card from one of my uncle's closest buddies in the Marines. He paid my uncle this honor for more than 50 years, until my grandmother's death. Let our gratitude toward those who serve be not only with easily offered words, but let it be with the persevering action of those who carry on.


~ Debbie


Homeschool Blogger Free Classes
Upcoming classes: 

How to Make Sure Your Child Is Not Among the 34%
That Struggle with Reading.


  Schola Publication - 3rd Webinar

Contest Central  

For the month of November, 2011   


Point to Happy: A Book for Kids on the Autism Spectrum  


This is such a fun book! It is a large board book. We have a child living with us at present who has a probable diagnosis of autism, and we are looking for ways to improve her language and communications skills. This book comes with a pointer that reminds me of an old-fashioned back scratcher, but the handle isn't that long. It's a colorful plastic hand on a short extension to use for pointing.


The book contains large photographs of children in different moods and situations, different foods (apples, pretzels, raisins, pizza, etc.), and other familiar objects. The idea is to have the children point to what they are feeling, what they want, or what interests them. Just the act of pointing at the objects and connecting them in their minds helps them to learn to focus. We are just learning some of the ways of engaging this child, but I can see this book being a very helpful tool in this endeavor. It would be wonderful if Workman Publishing would come out with some similar flashcards (heavy cardboard like the board book) to accompany this so that the child could actually hold each one in his or her hand.


We will use this book a lot, and I recommend it to others who need this type of resource. It could be a useful tool in improving the communications skill of your very special child.


Read more Learning Styles/Special Education product reviews here.


Win this resource for your family!



Email Deb with your name, mailing address, and phone number for contact purposes, with the subject line, "Point to Happy" for a chance to win* this book!


2011-12 Schoolhouse Planners  

*Disclaimer and Legal Notice:
The Old Schoolhouse
Magazine, LLC ("Company") is sponsoring the November Contest Central contest running from November 1, 2011, to November 30, 2011. You must be 18 years of age or older and follow all rules to participate. Entering the contest constitutes full and complete acceptance of, and a warranty that the entrant has read, understands and agrees to, all contest terms and conditions, including without limitation all of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, LLC Contest Rules ("Official Rules") and The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Writer Guidelines and Terms and Conditions for Submitting Queries. All Official Rules apply. Entry also constitutes full consent and unlimited permission for Company to print, publish, broadcast and use all intellectual property and personal information submitted as part of the Contest entry on the Internet and in any and all Company publications in accordance with the Rules. Entries become the sole property of Company and will not be returned. Employees and independent contractors of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, LLC, Contest sponsors, individuals or entities furnishing Contest prizes and their family members may not participate in this contest. Company reserves the sole, discretionary right to determine contest winners and to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the contest or the Rules at any time with or without notice or cause, subject to applicable law. See Official Rules for details.

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