June  12, 2012
In This Issue
Addictions as Symptoms
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Are You Ready??!!
How many days, weeks, months or even years have you said to yourself, "I'm done with this, never again!!" Only to find yourself back in the same situations, habits, frame of mind that you had experienced days, weeks, months, and years before.

Are You Really Ready?
 If you are, contact me for a FREE 20 minute introductory session to see if I can assist you in any way.


Who Wants More Drama? 




Check out this video from Belgium advertising a new TV channel.


Push Button for Drama
Push Button for Drama



This an amusing video showing how if you just tune to the new channel, you get drama! 


Some say life would be boring without the excitement and drama that life has to offer. Every time you think:


      Circumstances should be different than they are.

      People should behave any differently than they do. 


Just step up and Push the Button and watch the Drama unfold!!


I am not saying you cannot change your life, but you have very little control over people and circumstances. We say we don't want the drama, but we create it without awareness and we are the ones to suffer.


So ask yourself to tune to a new channel: Awareness. This will reduce the drama in your life and create a happy and more peaceful life.


If you have any questions, please drop me an email at [email protected]


Make it a great day, they don't just happen!!

Bill Clark
Warrior Addiction Recovery
Check out this show on Sunday's. It is quite interesting as people change their lives over a year. Even though it is based on losing weight, these people face their fears and their beliefs to lead totally different lives.
Addictions as Symptoms


During the year, many people experience the flu. They have symptoms which include congestion, fever, physical exhaustion, and a general feeling of BLAH!!!


These symptoms are not the flu, but an indication that your body is dealing with an influenza virus. These symptoms are really a blessing as your body is trying to deal with the virus. If the symptoms did not appear, you would never know you had the flu and for a rare few, they would not survive.


Another example would be chicken pox. The sores that appear on the skin are not chicken pox, but only a symptom of chicken pox.


Now let's consider addictions as symptoms. Drinking, using drugs, shopping, internet/porn, gambling, or any other habit that brings you pain and suffering can be considered a symptom of possibly a larger problem.


As stated prevoiusly, these symptoms are blessings or signals of something larger. I never had gratitude for my addictions until I started seeing them as symptoms that my beliefs were creating a life of pain and suffering.  


Addiction is not the issue; only a symptom of a life of pain and suffering. Are you ready to dig down deep and start looking at the real issues?  


Visit our site at Warrior Addiction Recovery and see how we can create change by focusing on the issues behind your addiction.