Wyoming Pride Newsletter

Summer 2012

Newsletter Articles
WSF is grateful to our Corporate In Kind Sponsors for helping in our mission to supoort the Wyoming City Schools.  These sponsors donated significant benefits or cost savings throughout the fisal year:
Global Cloud
courtesy of Todd Levy
NewsBank, Inc
courtesy of Dan Jones '56
Professional Payroll Services, Inc
courtesy of Jeff Pass
Letter from the President 

       As my tenure as the President of the Wyoming School Foundation Board winds down, I want to express my sincere gratitude to my fellow board members past and present for their collaborative approach in fulfilling the Wyoming School Foundation mission.  It has been an honor to work beside this talented group and to achieve new outcomes in educational awareness, brand identity and dollars raised at our fundraising events.

     It has been a privilege to set in motion the strategic plan the trustees will be using over the next several years to grow our funding base and provide more opportunities for our students and faculty to continue the Excellence that we know is the foundation of the Wyoming Schools.

     I leave confident that the work of growing our mission will continue on a positive road and enlist even more community members to support Wyoming School Foundation.

     It has been humbling to see the results of all the community support: that we can provide programs, educational opportunities, new technologies and scholarships for our students and faculty.

     I hope you will continue to attend Cowboy Up, run in our March 5K, support our Annual Campaign and leave a legacy with a planned gift.  Wyoming is a great community to raise a family, and Wyoming City Schools are among the best in the State in part because of your continued commitment to the schools.  Thanks again for all you do to support us!

        Dwight L. Moody, President

  Wyoming School Foundation


Annual Campaign 2012

An education opens doors, brightens futures, and changes a life forever.


The results are in!  This year, with your support, the Annual Campaign raised $54,478 - that's  99% of our goal.  You helped us continue to change the lives of our students with advanced coursework, innovative technology, inspiring artwork and meaningful volunteerism opportunities.  You Rock!


Cowboy Up 'South of the Border' Fiesta
      Hola Amigos! It's Fiesta Time!  We are making plans for a festive fun evening of food, music and dancing.  
CU cowboy icon
Saturday, September 15th
Mayerson JCC
7pm to 11:30pm
$75 per person

Eric Mooney '78 is 2012 Distinguished Alumnus
Dr. Mooney addresses the all school assembly

  Foundation Day Wows Wyoming Once Again

Article written by Ellie Lebuhn, class of 2012


Monday May 21st brought a buzz of excitement to Wyoming High School thanks to a few distinguished alumni. Dr. Eric Mooney was this year's recipient of the Wyoming School Foundation's Distinguished Alumni Award, and as he spoke to the student body, both in smaller classroom sessions and during an all-school assembly, it was evident why he was selected for this honor.

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Congratulations to our 2012 Scholarship Winners

Molly Felner                     Allanah Jackson

Michelle Jolson                Meagan Lawler

Brooke Duncan                Adam Crider

Carly Heuer                        

                                          Photos and Awards

Water at Graduation
In true Wyoming tradition,  graduation was once again held on the front lawn in front of the Pendery Center. It was a beautiful, warm sunny day. To help keep waiting families, faculty, administration and our graduates fully hydrated, the Wyoming School Foundation provided cool bottled water to drink as a service for our community. More than 1200 bottles of water were given out at the event. Our thanks to Kate Rummer, Peter, Susie, Carly, Kyle and Dylan Guggenheim and Kim, Marta and Haley Stewart.


Alumni News

Calling Out of Town Wyoming Graduates...
Wyoming High School graduates gathered in Columbus recently for an evening of reminiscing and idea sharing.  The group met at Levels, Short North, for appetizers and drinks.  Everyone enjoyed catching up.  Promises were made to expand their numbers when we meet again next year.  Over the last year or so, Wyoming School Foundation has traveled to Chicago and New York to bring many alumni together for an evening of fun.  If you would be interested in having a gathering in your city, contact Pat Seuberling, Executive Director. patseub@wyomingschoolfoundation.org 



Did you know...

Looking for class representatives!  We need your help to contact your classmates! Our alumni are a valued asset to the Foundation and Wyoming community. We are looking for representatives who are willing to share our good news, encourage attendance at our events, and maybe challenge other classes for fun, funds and future frivolity.  Please contact our office if you are interested.


Class Gift...

Is your class interested in honoring or memorializing a special teacher or classmate?  Why not create a Class Gift.  It's the gift that keeps on giving to ensure our current and future students have the same access to quality education, interesting enrichment programs, and incredible opportunities for years to come.  Let us help! Contact Pat Seuberling, if you have ideas or want more information.


Alumni Appeal...

August is the Kick Off of our Alumni Appeal for the 2013 Annual Fund Drive.  This year, Peter Guggenheim, Class of 1975, is hoping more alumni will help support the good work the Foundation does.  Our Alumni goal is to raise $4000.  Your help is vital for the students of today to continue to receive a quality Wyoming education.


Class of 2012.. gives the gift of time

To help express their appreciation for all that the Foundation has given them through the years, seven high school graduates joined together for the Foundation's annual Thankathon held on the evening of June 13th at the Board of Education offices. Team members made approximately 250 phone calls to thank our donors for their Annual Campaign support. Each caller was rewarded with pizza and sodas for the evening. Thank you to our fabulous volunteers: Mary Tess Irvine, Cory Macke, Travis Courtney, Emily Hughes, Allee Martin, Sam Rominger and Eric Lethander.


Class of 2012...And the winner is? 

Wyoming School Foundation announces the winner of the Apple IPAD, senior Elana Miller. Elana will be attending a Leadership program in Israel next year after which she will be attending the University of Michigan to study Elementary Education. Seniors were asked to enter our drawing by entering their e-mail address on an entry form. Our goal is to inform the graduates of upcoming events, gatherings and other Wyoming happenings and keep them connected after they leave for college, the service or for parts unknown.


Faculty Appeal

This year we are asking Wyoming City Schools to participate in our Annual Campaign. As recipients and beneficiaries of the funds distributed by the Foundation we hope they will have 100% participation with a monthly payroll gift. As they learn of the many things the Foundation has supported in the past, we want to hear their ideas for classroom, faculty and administrative items wanted and needed. We're also sure there are programs and services we could explore. Additionally, with faculty and administrations support the Foundation will be better able to secure national, state and local grant funding.


 Chat with Pat
Dear Wyoming School Foundation Community, 

Pat SeuberlingSummer is almost over and soon the sound of children's laughter will be heard on the playgrounds again. Here at the Foundation, we are gearing up for another year of opportunities and adventures.  It has been very rewarding to work with Wyoming community members that stand on tradition.   I am excited to be among the many that are ready to begin "building" on our students educational experiences and providing faculty development for our schools future.

I'm humbled by the amount and depth of support that is given to Wyoming School Foundation, the schools and the business community.  Once a Cowboy always a Cowboy! With a new strategic plan in place, I am eager to begin working with an incredible team of Trustees and volunteers to accomplish our hopes and goals that support students success. I look forward to exploring new ideas for student enrichment, for creating and defining Excellence in Education and working in collaboration with district administration to make dreams come true.

In our efforts to be accountable and transparent,  we  have contracted with Barnes Dennig for our first ever  full audit of our books. This will enable us to enhance our revenue stream by securing outside funding from other grant makers. I look forward to sharing the results with you.

Whether you live here now or come back for a visit, join us in our efforts by attending our events, financially support our campaigns, include us in your estate plans or volunteer to support our mission. Wyoming School Foundation is worthy of your support.

My door is always open. I welcome your ideas and thoughts.

Go Cowboys!


Pat Seuberling

Executive Director

Wyoming School

420 Springfield Pike
Suite K
Wyoming, Ohio 45215

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The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Don't know what to give that special someone who has everything? Want to honor someone with a unique gift that can benefit others? Do you have a special event coming up and don't know what to bring or give? Please consider a gift to Wyoming School Foundation in honor of or in memory of a loved one, a graduate, wedding, anniversary, or birthday . Your honorarium or memorial gifts will be acknowledged with a card informing the recipient of your generous donation! For more information contact our office or donate online