Join the ISfTeH
Are you heading a national telemedicine/eHealth organization?
Do you offer telemedicine products and solutions?
Are you doing research on telemedicine and eHealth applications and technologies?
Does your organization provide (or wants to offer) care services by means of telemedicine/eHealth technologies?
Are you engaged in healthcare policy?
If so, you may be interested in joining the ISfTeH network to expand your global reach or to learn from existing experiences and best practices.
Or send an e-mail with your question or membership request.
Upcoming Telemedicine Events
Med-e-Tel 2012
April 18-20, 2012
ISPHT 2012
Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. May 14-16, 2011
World Health Care Congress Europe
Amsterdam, Netherlands
May 23-24, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
May 28 - June 1, 2012
3rd International Conference on Transforming Healthcare with IT
Hyderabad, India
August 31 - Sept 1, 2012 _____________
ICT4Health Conference
Capetown, South Africa
Sept 12-13, 2012
Health 2.0 Europe (2012)
Berlin, Germany
Nov 6-7, 2012
Abuja, Nigeria Nov 7-9, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Nov 25-28, 2012
eHealth & Telemedicine 2012
London, U.K.
Nov 26-27, 2012
ISfTeH Board Members
Dr. Andy Fischer
Vice President
Mr. Steven Normandin
Secretary and Treasurer
Mr. Frank Lievens
Other Members
Prof. Rupert Gerzer

Prof. Yogesan Kanagasingam
Dr. Moretlo Lynette Molefi
South Africa
Prof. Oleg Orlov

Dr. Andre Petitet
Dr. Adolfo Sparenberg
Executive Director
Prof. Yunkap Kwankam
ISfTeH New Members
Telehealth Society of Kenya - TSK,

Michele Griffith,
Mohamed -Faouzi Safraou,
Nicolaas Moens,
Isabel Amalia Costa Mendes,

Leah Costa,

Dimitrinka Tomova,
United Kingdom
Maria Auxiliadora Trevizan,
Adekunle Ajiboye,
Maria Cysne,
Praxedis Hwindingwi,
South Africa
 Mahsa Khabiri, Norway
Sarah Moroni,
Kenneth Nwosu, Canada Nadine Rosenhammer, Germany Miguel Taliana, Australia
A new section has been opened on the ISfTeH website:
Call for Consultants.
Please visit it regularly for possible new announcements:
Apollo Telehealth
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The ISfTeH Newsletter is published quarterly for members of the telemedicine community to provide up-to-date information regarding current happenings in the international telemedicine and e-Health industry.
Feel free to share this Newsletter with business colleagues by forwarding it to your associates.
If you would like to submit an article or be added to our email distribution list please email Aliana at
Letter from the Executive Director
Dear Reader,
How time flies. It seems only a short while ago we were in the process of relaunching the Newsletter. And here we are, already on our third edition of this quarterly bulletin. So, welcome again.
As many of you will know, the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH) has two major events every year. The movable event is the Annual Conference, which travels around the continents - this year we will be in Abuja, Nigeria, and next year the conference travels to Takamatsu, Japan. Our fixed event is Med-e-Tel, held in Luxembourg in April, around Easter. Med-e-Tel is celebrating a special anniversary and I have written a welcome message for this occasion. We hope to see very many of you in Luxembourg on April 18-20. But we know that the Newsletter reaches many more people than are able to be physically present at Med-e-Tel. So, let me share with you my message to participants at this special Med-e-Tel.
Welcome to this, the tenth edition of Med-e-Tel. This event, which started life in 2002 as the Telemedicine & Telecare International Trade Fair, continues to offer a unique opportunity to do business, to share ideas, and to view a wide range of telemedicine solutions currently available on the market. It was later rechristened Med-e-Tel. Through threats of war (the 2003 edition had to be cancelled as the invasion of Iraq loomed on the horizon) and ash clouds (the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland, which paralyzed air travel in most of Europe for six days, hit just as the 2010 edition entered its final day), Med-e-Tel has not only survived, but grown to be a meeting place for 400-600 participants every year. It is large enough to offer a broad spectrum of eHealth stakeholders, from academia, government, industry and civil society. They range from policy makers to designers and users; from chip manufacturers and micro-level engineering companies to systems integrators and satellite and space agencies. Med-e-Tel has even had sessions organized by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) over the years. However, the meeting is small enough so that there is time to engage more deeply with others, through a broad range of interesting presentations organized around thematic areas in specific sessions. And the sessions are not so packed that each presentation is reduced to a talking head.
What best distinguishes Med-e-Tel, though, is the people - you the participants. Every year at least 50 countries are represented. So, on average, every tenth person you meet at Med-e-Tel is from yet another country. The message is clear. If you want to engage with eHealth practitioners from around the globe in a low-key, almost intimate, environment, Med-e-Tel is the place for you.
But, there is still room for growth. The vision of the Society, which took over legal ownership of Med-e-Tel in 2009, is to increase attendance to around 1,000 participants - to improve the chances of your making that networking connection which takes your business or personal eHealth work to another level. And to do so without losing the intimacy which has characterized the meeting so far. That way you can meet your eHealth soul-mates without you and them disappearing in the crowd. It is like having your very own professional networking Cloud. There is also a need to grow the number of exhibitors even further, so that there is more show and tell of the genius that people have in using ICT to address health challenges - locally, nationally, regionally and globally.
This year, in addition to the enticing content to which we have become accustomed, there will be an address on behalf of the new ISfTeH Board by our new President, Dr. Andy Fischer, CEO of Medgate - a sort of "State of the Society" address, and outlining a vision for the future of the Society through a new business plan. Med-e-Tel will also feature, for the first time, one of the Ambassadors of the Society's Global eHealth Ambassadors Program (GeHAP) which is chaired by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and was successfully launched in Rio de Janeiro on the 11th of November 2011. Lord Nigel Crisp, former Chief Executive of the NHS in the UK, will give a keynote address on Day 2 of the event.
A good way to reach the growth targets for Med-e-Tel, by no mean the only way - but a good way all-the-same - is by word of mouth. I recall a discussion with Geoff Parcel - co-author of the best-selling book on Knowledge Management "Learning to fly" when I was at WHO. He said their philosophy when he was at the oil giant, BP, was to promote sharing experiences. If, for example, you wanted to do a project, their thesis was that it was often more productive to hold just one conversation with someone who had done it or done something similar, than to read so many books and papers and do so many Internet searches on how to get it done. The people in your social/professional network are more likely to come to Med-e-Tel because you encouraged them to do so than because they had a Google hit on Med-e-Tel as a conference worth attending. I have often said that at conferences, the learning is incremental while the networking can grow by quantum leaps. One picks up an idea of two that could improve one's activities. But one can also make a single contact that transforms one's professional life. So, have a productive conference and let us together start a second decade of success at Med-e-Tel in April 2013, with you and five people from your social/professional network.
Prof. S. Yunkap Kwankam
ISfTeH Executive Director
Corporate Member Spotlight
SUNPA Image Tel Tech Co., Ltd is one of the biggest telemedicine companies in China, as well as one of the leading telemedicine companies in the world. Following the core idea of 'medical quality' and 'complete medical information', SUNPA has developed over 80 proprietary telemedicine equipments, including peripherals, related digital devices and medical tele-education systems for different specialties such as: tele-consultation, tele-pathology, tele-radiology, tele-ultrasound, tele-endoscope, tele-surgery and tele-ICU.
Teledigital Monochrome/Color Ultrasound Diagnosis System
SUNPA telemedicine systems can ensure complete medical information capture, compression, storage, transmission and display in accordance with the medical quality information standard, so as to create a virtual diagnosis environment just as in a hospital. We also have the ability to interface with medical devices like X-Ray, CT, and MRI which can meet the international standards of HL7 and DICOM 3.0.
SUNPA has also developed telemedicine system configurations for different levels of hospitals (including national, provincial, and county-level) as well as medical institutions to meet various requirements. In addition, SUNPA has developed and incorporated over a hundred medical information software solutions, including but not limited to: Hospital Information Systems, Electronic Medical Records, Lab Information Systems, Picture Archiving and Communication Systems, and Electronic Healthcare Records.
SUNPA Medicenter TH Series-Tele-high precision interactive consultation system
Throughout the years, SUNPA has successfully undertaken several telemedicine projects in China, South Africa and India, among which are:
- 2011, China National Telemedicine Engineering Center
- 2010, Joint Research project on Regional Healthcare Information Platform' with National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Health.
- 2009-present, 'Research and Industry of Telemedicine Intelligent Digital System Project',
- 2006, 'Sino-South Africa Telemedicine Collaboration Project'
- 2001, the Torch Plan from Ministry of Science and Technology --'Telemedicine and PACS System Project'.
- South Africa Limpopo Province Telemedicine Project
More information on SUNPA can be found at:
A different Corporate Member will be spotlighted each quarter.
National Member Spotlight
Society for Telemedicine and eHealth in Nigeria (SFTeHIN) Strategy and Programme
Introduction of Telemedicine and creation of eHealth network in Nigeria for the aim of providing the national medical community and the general population with a rapid, reliable and cost effective way of healthcare delivery services; medical education including research, development, practical application and supplementary training to promote national health telematics particularly telemedicine and e-Health.
Technology for Improving National Health
- How to achieve our Mission
- Support co-operation between non-governmental organizations/ institutions and governmental institutions/organizations in implementing national telemedicine and e-Health strategy in Nigeria.
- Support national telemedicine and e-Health programs
- Promote the cause of telemedicine and e-Health within public and private health institutions within Nigeria and other International Institutions/organizations.
- Contribute initial and supplementary theoretical training in the field of telemedicine and e-Health, including its application throughout the health sector regardless of professional or geographical limits.
- Bring together telemedicine and e-Health users, Scientists, researchers, sponsors, advisers, manufacturers, distributors and their scientific personnel.
- Promote the formulation and publication of rules for good practice and guidelines and information on the course of action.
- Support activities relating to establishment of appropriate legal outline, conditions for telemedicine and e Health applications in Nigeria.
- Networking with international telemedicine and e-Health communities.
- Dissemination of information and creation of awareness on telemedicine and e-Health issues in Nigeria via the society's websites
- Participation in working groups in Nigeria to promote extensive use of existing standards such as DICOM, HL7
- Offering assistance on legal matters bordering on telemedicine and e-Health.
- Open dialogue and co-operation between industry in Nigeria to promote the development of innovative products, solutions, and services in telemedicine and e-health.
- Offering special discounts for adverts and publications in the Society's official scientific Journal 'The Nigerian Journal of Telemedicine & eHealth'.
- If the decision makers in government institutions in Nigeria will take into account e-Health services within the framework of National health policy
- SFTeHIN can play a role through its objectives/activities in implementing national e-Health strategy that will yield results nationally;
- To improve the quality, efficiency of healthcare services
- To reduce the cost of healthcare services
- To improve access to medical knowledge-makes the patient to become an educated and informed consumer, effective & economic tool to train and educate medical students / doctors and healthcare professionals with international standard.
- To reinforce national Health structures.
Critical Success Factors
- Strong commitment of members of the society, partners, collaborators and participating institutions
- Availability of resources to fund activities
- Demonstrated benefit to members, participating institutions and the entire nation
- Evidence of the objectives/ activities
To learn more about SFTeHIN, please visit
 | ISfTeH World Congress Comes To Nigeria! |
With excitement and anticipation, SFTeHIN welcomes you to the upcoming 17th World Congress of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth. This is the first time this conference is coming to Nigeria and as previously documented in the history of the ISfTeH congress, it promises to be another platform for charting a course for the improvement of health care delivery world over and to demonstrate to budding nations like Nigeria what has been proven to work without being unbearably expensive, what is sustainable and what results to expect. It is to this we welcome you and hope that while you share your experience, you will also learn from the experiences of others. We urge you to make yourself at home and enjoy the hospitality offered by the people of Nigeria while you savour the diversity of the culture of the Nigerian people.
Click here for more information on the 17th ISfTeH International Conference in Abuja 2012
A different National Member will be spotlighted each quarter.
Board Member Spotlight
Dr. Med. Adolfo Sparenberg
Head, eHealth Centre of the Instituto de Cardiologia, RS - Brazil
Adolfo L. F. Sparenberg, MD, graduated from the Medical School of the Federal University of Pelotas/Brazil in 1985. He is a cardiologist and MSc in Biomedical Engineering as well as Head of the eHealth Centre of the "Instituto de Cardiologia" of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. He is also a former president of the Medical Association of Sao Lourenço do Sul (SOMESUL) RS/Brazil. Since its foundation in 1999, SOMESUL has been a leading medical institution in the field of eHealth projects implementation including telecardiology, teleradiology and telepsychiatry.
Since 2008, Dr. Sparenberg has been one of the Coordinators of the ISfTeH Students' Working Group, whose major responsibility is promoting eHealth activities internationally while focusing on a new generation of professionals. As part of this strategy, the ISfTeH's Students' Working Group organizes a series of multi-seat web conferencing sessions, traditionally held during some of the ISfTeH officially supported meetings. In Jan 2011, Adolfo Sparenberg was elected as a Board Member of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH), for the period 2011-2013.
eHealth Centre - Instituto de Cardiologia (Porto Alegre/Brazil)
Starting its activities in 2007, the eHealth Centre of the Instituto de Cardiologia RS, is in charge of providing a 24/7-telecardiology service to remote towns. Established through a partnership with the State Government, the method offers: immediate ECG analysis, videoconferencing and telephone based specialized second opinion for critical cases and a qualifying program, composed of both presence mode and multi-seat web-conferencing training sessions.
To learn more, visit:
A different Board Member will be spotlighted each quarter.
18 - 20 April 2012
17th ISfTeH International Conference
Abuja, Nigeria November 7-9, 2012
The annual ISfTeH Conference is held each Fall.
For updated information on this event, please visit
10th Edition Med-e-Tel Conference in Luxembourg

The 10th edition of the Med-e-Tel conference is set for 18-20 April in Luxembourg. The annual networking event and meeting place for Telemedicine and eHealth stakeholders from 50 countries around Europe and the world is an event of the International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth (ISfTeH).
The Med-e-Tel forum is the ideal opportunity to follow up on the latest developments and initiatives in Telemedicine and eHealth and to exchange ideas and experiences related to ICT applications in healthcare with your colleague ISfTeH members and to drive one of the main aims of the Society forward, i.e. sharing knowledge and information through cross-border and international networking and cooperation.
Meet with ISfTeH officials and national member associations, as well as other technology and solution providers, on the Med-e-Tel expo and network with some 500 participants and speakers throughout the conference. Companies participating at Med-e-Tel include: Accenture, Aerotel Medical Systems, AMD Global Telemedicine, Andago, Cardiocom, Contec Medical Systems, eWaveMD, GlobalMed, HOPI, Intel, Leuven Medical Technology Centre, Medweb, Neolinks, Nonin, Orange Healthcare, SUNPA, Wielkopolska Center of Telemedicine, as well as many other national and international organizations.
Register now and secure your place for THE ISfTeH event of the year, that will put you in touch with other ISfTeH members as well as other Telemedicine and eHealth providers and experts from around the world. Full registration provides you with access to all conference sessions, expo area, receptions and more!
Special hotel rates have been negotiated through the Luxembourg Convention Bureau. Click here for more details and to book a room.
Discounted airfares are available via the AIR FRANCE/KLM group for travel to Med-e-Tel. Click here for more details and to book flights.
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Working Groups
Virtual Education Session
A virtual education session for the TWG was held on 18 January 2012, 1300-1400 UTC, supported by the ISfTeH Blackboard Collaborate system. Two presentations were made; one was about nursing education and eHealth, the second was about using wireless technology for nursing documentation in critical care. Eight people were able to participate in the session. A good discussion period followed the presentation. Robert Timm, from Brasil, provided the technical support for the session.
The next virtual education session for the TWG is planned to take place during the Med-e-Tel Conference, Luxembourg, 18-20 April 2012. The Telenursing Working Group has 30 members, representing 17 countries. We welcome more nurses to join ISfTeH and participate in traditional and virtual conferences.
International Council
International Council for Nurses Congress 2013 The Congress will be held in Melbourne Australia, 18 - 23 May 2013 with the theme of Equity and Access to Health Care. The Congress will provide a global platform for the dissemination of nursing knowledge and leadership across specialities, cultures and countries via the ICN scientific programme.
The main objectives of the Congress are:
1. To advance and improve equity and access to health care.
2. To demonstrate the nursing contribution to the health of individuals, families and communities.
3. To provide opportunities for an in-depth exchange of experience and expertise within and beyond the international nursing community.
Key dates
16 April 2012
Online submission of abstracts opens
14 September 2012
Online submission of abstracts closes (midnight CET)
14 September 2012
Registration opens
Please see for more complete information about the ICN Congress.
The Global eHealth Ambassadors Program
The purpose of the GeHAP program is to raise the profile of eHealth worldwide, through advocacy activities. Advocacy plays a particularly important role within the broad framework of using ICT to strengthen health systems, especially in the Global South.
Chaired by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the eHealth Ambassadors are globally recognized personalities who serve as high-level advocates for eHealth:
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
Dr. Emilio Rui Vilar, President of the Gulbenkian Foundation
Peter Gabriel, Eminent Musician
Prof. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Former President of Brazil
Lord Nigel Crisp, Former CEO of the NHS, UK
Strive Masiyiwa, Founder and CEO of Econet Wireless Group
ISfTeH Lifetime Achievement Award
A first ever Telemedicine/eHealth Lifetime Achievement Award will be given at Med-e-Tel 2012 in Luxembourg at the Opening Session on Wednesday, April 18th.
Find out more in our next Newsletter!
ISfTeH Member News
i2CATfoundation, Spain 
i2CATfoundation is a research and innovation center placed in Barcelona (Spain), which focuses its activities on development of the future Internet. The domains where i2CAT focuses its activities are diverse: audiovisual, education, ehealth & ageing, distributed applications on network services, industry, Living Labs and ubiquitous technologies.
i2CAT's eHealth and Department is devoted to spread ICT into the health and well-being sectors. From 2005 it has participated in various European, national and local projects.The research focuses on telemedicine, telecare, medical learning, collaborative systems, telediagnostic and medical imaging.
During Med-e-Tel 2012, the eHealth Department will present two initiatives:the results of project AFA-ConnectAlzheimer and ongoing tasks of FP7 Help4Mood.
AFA-ConnectAlzheimer is a telepsychology platform in form of a web application that allows psycho-social attention to caregivers of dementia patients through a video-conference service with a user friendly approach. Caregivers can interact easily with the platform with a low cost all-in-one tactile computer and receive support by psychologists or by other caregivers with the video-conference service. Other relevant services for caregivers such as an agenda service and a training resources section are included in the web platform.
On the other hand, FP7 Help4Mood project proposes a new Personal Health System to support the treatment of Major Depression and allows the patients recovering at their own home. The main aim of the system is to monitor the adherence to the therapy in hope of reducing depressive symptoms and preventing relapse. For achieving that goal, the Help4Mood is composed by a Personal Monitoring System, which allows collecting all relevant data using a set of sensors devices, and a human Virtual Agent, that interacts with patients in order to obtain an effective behavior in users during sessions. Finally, all collected data from sensor devices and from Virtual Agent is managed by a Decision Support System with the aim to interpret the data and manage the treatment.
We will be pleased to provide you with more information at Med-e-Tel conference. AFA-Connect Alzheimer project will be present during "Homecare and telemonitoring" session at April 19th and the first release of Help4Mood will be present during "Innovative Technologies for Mental Healthcare" session at April 18th.
We hope to see you soon at Med-e-Tel 2012!
Click here to read about the i2Health Sant Pau Presentation that occurred on March 13th, 2012
Australasian Telehealth Society
Following on from the success of Global Telehealth 2010, the Australasian Telehealth Society is pleased to announce Global Telehealth 2012, an international scientific meeting covering the full breadth of Telehealth with tutorial sessions, peer reviewed paper presentations on current topics of interest, and a range of invited international experts as keynote speakers. This conference will be held in central Sydney, Australia's largest and most vibrant city 26-28 November 2012.
Contributions of Full Paper or Short Papers are sought addressing current research and practice in Telehealth, including (but not limited to):
- clinical applications for telemedicine
- teleconsultation and telecollaboration
- teleprocedures and robotic surgical methods
- telecare and remote patient monitoring
- tele-education and clinical training
- evaluation and benefits of telehealth
- web services for telehealth
- mobile telehealth and wireless applications
- telehealth software and systems
- telehealth technologies and methodologies
- telehealth for remote areas
- telehealth in emerging countries
- telehealth policy and governance
- international trends and perspectives for telehealth
Original unpublished contributions in all fields of Telehealth (and closely related areas of eHealth) are invited.
For more information, see the conference web site: or the Australasian Telehealth Society web site:
Slovenian Association for Medical Informatics Call for Resources
In Slovenia, a working group was mandated by the Slovenian Medical Informatics Society Board (ASIMIA, ISfTeH Member) to prepare a draft document for a national telehealth strategy. Literature resources on national strategies are limited, so I'd appreciate very much if any of you could advice us. So far we've identified two resources: the Malaysian strategy on telemedicine (1997) and a telehealth strategy of the province of New Brunswick, Canada (2005).
Many thanks in advance for your support, Dr. Drago Rudel
Initiative Coordinator
Malaysia's telemedicine blueprint: Leading health care into the information age, Ministry of Health, 1997.
Telehealth Working Group. New Brunswick Strategic Plan for Telehealth 2005-2010, Canada, 2005.
International Organizations News
Global Observatory for eHealth Call for Innovative Health Technologies and eHealth Solutions for Low Resources Settings This is a new initiative undertaken by the eHealth and Essential Health Technologies units of WHO. The project goal is to publish a Compendium of innovative health technologies and eHealth solutions 2012 which can be applied to low-resource settings in particular. The call has recently been launched and submissions are accepted until the end of April 2012. Full details are available at
Website News
A new section has been opened on the ISfTeH website titled "Call for Consultants".
Please visit it regularly for possible new announcements: