Join the ISfTeH
Are you are heading a national telemedicine/eHealth organization?
Do you offer telemedicine products and solutions?
Are you doing research on telemedicine and eHealth applications and technologies?
Does your organization provide (or wants to offer) care services by means of telemedicine/eHealth technologies?
Are you engaged in healthcare policy?
If so, you may be interested in joining the ISfTeH network to expand your global reach or to learn from existing experiences and best practices.
Or send an e-mail with your question or membership request.
Upcoming Telemedicine Events
Bioinformatics, Medical Information and Translational Medicine Workshop
Rabat, Morocco
Jan 2-7, 2012
Vth International Workshop on eHealth in Emerging Economies
Granada, Spain
Jan 11, 2012
3rd International eHealth Conference
Lahore, Pakistan
Jan 21-22, 2012
New Delhi, India
Jan 30, 2012
Valencia, Spain
Jan 30- Feb 04, 2012
International Congress on Telehealth and Telecare 2012
The King's Fund, London, United Kingdom
March 6-8, 2012
Telemedicine Experience@Prospects
Donetsk, Ukraine
March 19-20, 2012
Med-e-Tel 2012
April 18-20, 2012
ISPHT 2012
Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. May 14-16, 2011
World Health Care Congress Europe
Amsterdam, Netherlands
May 23-24, 2012
IFA 11th Global Conference on Ageing Prague, Czech Republic May 28 - June 1, 2012
3rd International Conference on Transforming Healthcare with IT
Hyderabad, India
August 31 - Sept 1, 2012 _____________
Health 2.0 Europe (2012)Berlin, Germany
Nov 6-7, 2012
ISfTeH Board Members
Dr. Andy Fischer
Vice President
Mr. Steven Normandin
Secretary and Treasurer
Mr. Frank Lievens
Other Members
Prof. Rupert Gerzer

Prof. Yogesan Kanagasingam
Dr. Moretlo Lynette Molefi
South Africa
Prof. Oleg Orlov

Dr. Andre Petitet
Dr. Adolfo Sparenberg
Executive Director
Prof. Yunkap Kwankam
ISfTeH New Members
Health Systems Consultants Ltd.,
Philippine Medical Informatics Society, Philippines
i2Cat Foundation, Spain
Jacques von Benecke, Austraila
A. Mukhopadhyay, India

L. Wikkeling-Scott, U.S.A.

Nazir Ahmed Vaid,

Isabelle Ellis, Australia
Marita Koivunen, Finland

Pirkko Kouri, Finland

Sally-Anne Pygall, United Kingdom
Kudakwashe Masarira,

Raphael Ferreira, Brazil
Ana Paula Finatto Canabarro,

Bartlomiej Lukasik, Poland
 Devan Manharlal,

Maicon Diogo Much, Brazil
 Jerzy Narloch,

Jefferson Rosario,

Anshul Shah,

Fatimatou Kuhmbou Wefuan,

Agnieszka Zukowska,

The ISfTeH Newsletter is published quarterly for members of the telemedicine community to provide up-to-date information regarding current happenings in the international telemedicine and e-Health industry.
Feel free to share this Newsletter with business colleagues by forwarding it to your associates.
If you would like to submit an article or be added to our email distribution list please email Kristen Deveau at
Letter from the Executive Director
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the second edition of our reborn newsletter. The first issue, in October 2011, was well received. Positive comments and encouragement came in from far and wide.
Two events have marked the life of the Society since the last issue of the newsletter. Firstly, there were Board elections in December. This is the final year in the transition period of the Board. Previously, the entire Board was up for election every three years. In moving from this to a system where one third of the Board is renewed every year- to allow not only for injection of new blood and ideas but also to provide some continuity - the terms of office of some Board members were extended. The elections in December of this year (2012) will end this transition period and launch the Society into the new phase.
The result of the elections saw the departure of Professor Michael Nerlich, our former President, who chose not to continue as a Board member. As President, he guided the ISfTeH from 2003, the year of its rebirth, until 2011. Under his leadership the Society has emerged as one of the pillars of the Telemedicine and eHealth profession, with recognition as an NGO in official relations with WHO, and close working ties with premier institutions in our industry, among its accomplishments. We owe Professor Nerlich a debt of gratitude and wish him well in his future endeavors. We also say goodbye to Dr. Jarmo Reponen, former Board member representing the Finish Society for Telemedicine and eHealth. Dr. Reponen also served on the Board from 2003 to 2011. We thank him for his years of dedicated service to the ISfTeH. But, to both of them it is not "adieu", but simply "au revoir", as we fully expect to call on them to continue to share their expertise and wisdom for the benefit of the Society, as they have for the past eight years.
As with every transition, there is the old and the new. The Board has welcomed, as a member for the first time, Professor Rupert Gerzer elected as representative of our member association from Germany. The elections also brought to the Board Dr. André Petitet, representing our French national member association. Dr. Petitet had previously served as a coopted member of the Board. To both of them we extend a warm welcome.
The new Board, as required by the constitution of the Society, elected from among its members a Bureau consisting of President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer. We therefore extend our hearty congratulations to Dr. Andy Fischer (President), Mr. Steve Normandin (Vice President) and Mr. Frank Lievens (Secretary/Treasurer). All three are old hands on the Board, with two of them having served on the Bureau, Dr. Fisher as Vice President and Mr. Lievens as Secretary/Treasurer. We, the entire ISfTeH family, look forward to supporting them in their leadership of the Society.
The second major activity in the life of the Society over the past three months was the launch of the Global eHealth Ambassador Program (GeHAP) on November 11, 2011. The date - 11.11.11 - was chosen for it uniqueness and, we trust, will bode well for the program. As you will have read on the Society's website, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Chair of the GeHAP, swore in five additional eHealth Ambassadors at the event held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The GeHAP Secretariat is busy fleshing out the program of work of the Ambassadors, as well as pursing the recruitment of more eHealth Ambassadors. The Ambassadors are there to support the goals of the Society and can serve at all events organized under the auspices of the ISfTeH, depending of course on their availability. So, contact the Secretariat ( to get an Ambassador at your event.
Finally, I would like to seize this opportunity to wish all of you, members of the ISfTeH family, a Year full of successes that bring us closer to our collective vision of a world where Telemedicine and eHealth are used judiciously to improve the health of all people.
Prof. S. Yunkap Kwankam
ISfTeH Executive Director
National Member Spotlight 
Armenian Association of Telemedicine (AATM) is a non-governmental, non-profit professional organization founded in December 2008.
The mission of AATM is to promote development of Health Information and Communication Technologies in Armenia, concurrently participating in and contributing to further advancements in the field worldwide.
The vision of AATM is development of a modern patient-centric healthcare system, supported by the use of Information and Communication Technologies, with a unified Health Information Exchange integrated into global networks, for benefit of the people and the society.
The major goal of AATM is to assist in increasing quality, accessibility and affordability of health services in Armenia via deployment of Health ICT / eHealth / Telemedicine tools and applications (below referred to as TM/eH) in the local healthcare system.
AATM has the following Objectives / Strategic Directions of activities:
- Centralized coordination of and support for Telemedicine and eHealth (TM/eH) initiatives, programs, applications, services and other activities in Armenia;
- Cooperation between various local stakeholders (institutions, organizations, regulatory bodies, companies, service providers and other structures) in the field of TM/eH;
- Cooperation with major international associations, institutions, agencies and industry groups working in the field of TM/eH;
- Development of educational activities in TM/eH and assistance in staff management;
- Cooperation with relevant central and local governmental and regulatory structures;
- Assistance in developments in the legislative area relevant to the field;
- Expansion and further development of the Association.

AATM is a national member representing Armenia within the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH), and has formal partnership relations with the American Telemedicine Association (ATA), Union of Information Technology Enterprises of Armenia (UITE), and variety of local and international professional unions, academic institutions, medical centers, industry leaders and R&D groups. AATM's mission and vision are formally recognized by the country's regulatory and governmental bodies (the Government, the Ministries of Health, Economy, Transport and Communications, Education and Science).
Since creation in 2008 AATM has established partnership relations with major local and international organizations, structures and companies related to the field of Telemedicine and eHealth; performed extensive evaluation of the field and consultations necessary to initiate relevant activities; worked out field development strategy, presented it to the responsible governmental bodies, and obtained their support for proposed activities; participated in a series of local and international scientific and working meetings (conferences, seminars and business forums); successfully conducted several pilot telehealth projects and other initiatives (including "Capacity Building of Armenian Association of Telemedicine to Result in Improved Primary Healthcare Services in Armenia", 2010, funded by USAID); and designed concepts of several long-term programs intended to improve healthcare functionality and outcomes via development of Telemedicine and eHealth in Armenia (eHealth program for the country; integrated nationwide telemedicine and eHealth network; mobile health applications, among others).
On October 14-16, 2011 AATM for the first time in the country and region hosted a major international conference - the First Armenian International Congress on Telemedicine and eHealth "ARMTELEMED: Road to the Future" (

More information on the association can be found at
A different National Member will be spotlighted each quarter.
Corporate Member Spotlight
AMD Global Telemedicine, the world's leading supplier of complete telemedicine solutions with installations in 83 countries. AMD has served the telemedicine global community since 1993 and built its reputation on quality and performance ever since then.
AMD begins with a complete line of medical devices for telemedicine for every medical specialty. We provide store and forward systems solutions and we have the ability to interface smoothly with store and forward systems provided by others. AMD partners with every leading video conferencing manufacturer and our technology is pre-integrated and tested with these systems to make the job of building your telemedicine network as easy as possible. AMD also provides systems that can help you share images, integrate other systems and even manage the entire encounter with your patient.
Twenty (20) years ago AMD pioneered some of the very first clinical telemedicine systems. These systems were used to allow the virtual treatment of patients residing in some the most remote areas of the world by doctor's residing in the comfort of their office or Emergency Room thousands of miles away. In many cases, these systems provided these patients access to healthcare for the first time in their lives.
Throughout the past two decades, AMD's solutions have been installed at application sites ranging from NASA's Space Shuttle, to the North Pole, to cross-town Manhattan. Having grown to over 6,600 installations in 83 countries around the globe, AMD has delivered readily accessible healthcare for the first time to places like Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Greenland and the Maldives.
AMD leads the field in the advancement of telemedicine applications by developing new solutions as the need arises and new technology becomes available.
As an example, in 2010, AMD released it AGNES Medical Gateway, a telemedicine device aggregation appliance responsible for gathering and distributing patient medical information in real time and independent of any video conferencing system network. AGNES is a product which allows clinical telemedicine to be deployed easier, more widely and at unprecedented lower costs thus providing better, more accessible and lower cost care to millions.
To learn more about AMD, please visit

A different Corporate Member will be spotlighted each quarter.
Board Member Spotlight

CEO, the Swiss Center for Telemedicine MEDGATE
Andy Fischer studied medicine in Basel before training in surgery and emergency medicine. Until 2006 he was a helicopter-borne emergency doctor with the Swiss air rescue service Rega. In 1999 he founded the Swiss Center for Telemedicine MEDGATE with economist Lorenz Fitzi and IT specialist André Moeri and has held the position of CEO ever since.
Andy Fischer is a founding member and board member of the Swiss Association for Telemedicine and eHealth (SATMeH) and was elected President of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH) in January 2012.
Swiss Center for Telemedicine MEDGATE
provides round-the-clock advice and treatment - by telephone, internet and video - to patients anywhere in the world who have urgent or general health issues. With up to 4,300 telemedical patient contacts per day from all over Switzerland and over 2.5 million teleconsultations to date, Medgate is Europe's biggest doctor-run telemedicine center. Over half of its patients can be comprehensively treated by Medgate doctors.
18 - 20 April 2012
17th ISfTeH International Conference
Abuja, Nigeria November 7-9, 2012
The annual ISfTeH Conference is held each Fall.
For updated information on this event, please visit
Working Groups
We would like to report in this section about some of the activities of the ISfTeH current Working Groups.
In this edition, please already find the list of the coordinators :
- Education and eJournal : Prof. Maurice Mars (South Africa) and Prof. Richard Scott (Canada)
- Students : Dr. Adolfo Sparenberg (Brazil) and Prof. Thais Russomano (Brazil)
- Telenursing : Dr. Claudia Bartz (USA), Diane Castelli (USA), Loretta Schlachta-Fairchild (USA), Lois Scott (Canada), Bob Pyke (USA)
- eHealth Economics : Prof. Masatsugu Tsuji (Japan and Prof. Maurice Mars (South Africa)
- Communication : Steve Normandin (USA), Kristen Deveau (USA), Prof. Yogesan Kanagasingam (Australia)
- Collaborative Care Team in Open Source : Etienne Saliez (Belgium), Thomas Karopka (Germany), Luis Falcon (Argentina)
If you wish to contact any of these coordinators and/or get involved in the activities of a given Working Group, please send your request to
Reports will follow from next Newsletter onward.
Launch of the Global eHealth Ambassadors Program
The International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH) is engaged in a new and exciting initiative called The Global eHealth Ambassadors Program (GeHAP), with seed funding from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Gulbenkian Foundation.
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu will chair an invitation-only meeting to launch the GeHAP at the premises of the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN) in Rio de Janeiro, on the 11th of November 2011.
The purpose of the GeHAP program is to raise the profile of eHealth worldwide, through advocacy activities. Advocacy plays a particularly important role within the broad framework of using ICT to strengthen health systems, especially in the Global South.
Chaired by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the eHealth Ambassadors are globally recognized personalities who serve as high-level advocates for eHealth. They articulate consistent, ethical and evidence-based policy and advocacy positions with regard to the use of ICT in health; promote the development of integrated eHealth systems in countries; and advocate a higher profile for eHealth in health development activities, country budgets, bi-, and multi-lateral partnerships, and aid and development programs.
So far, six of the invitees have accepted to become eHealth Ambassadors. They are:
- Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
- Prof. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Former President of Brazil
- Dr. Emilio Rui Vilar, President of the Gulbenkian Foundation
- Lord Nigel Crisp, former CEO of the NHS, UK.
- Peter Gabriel, Eminent musician
- Strive Masiyiwa, Founder and CEO, Econet Wireless Group
The GeHAP is supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, which provided seed funding for exploratory work on the idea of such a program and the Gulbenkian Foundation which is supporting program activities. Microsoft Corporation has pledged to provide the communications platform, which will enable the Ambassadors to communicate with one another as well as with the program Secretariat. Imperial College, London, will provide a secretariat for the program. A second secretariat will be located in South Africa. Other major players in the eHealth space have been approached to provide both in-kind and other support to the program.
ISfTeH Member News
Prof. Branimir RELJIN, Serbia
Announcement of two significant events which can be of interest for ISfTeH members and friends :
Prof. Abdel-Badeeh SALEM, Egypt
Announcement of the following event :
Mini Conference on Biomedical Informatics and eHealth as part of the 8th Annual Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science.
Athens, Greece - May 21-24, 2012
Telemedicine South Africa
Telemedicine Africa is proud to announce that Dr Moretlo Molefi, managing director of Telemedicine Africa was presented with the award for Techology for Women in Business last night by the South African Department of Trade and Industry. In addition to the overall award, Dr Molefi was also presented with the categroy award for medium sized companies at the glamorous ceremony hosted by the DTI in Bloemfontein last night. Dr Molefi was honoured to be recognised by the department and her peers. "it is critical that as much support as possible be given to entreupreneurs so that they can grow their ideas into sustainable ventures that can make a positive contribution to our country" Dr Molefi aims to make the most of her award to further the awareness and use of Telemedicine in South Africa. She remains committed to the use of technology as the key to unlock many of the healthcare delivery challenges that we currently face both in our country and across the African continent. Click here to read more about Dr. Molefi and this award.
UP Manila-National Telehealth Center
Bangkok, Thailand-The National Telehealth Center (NTHC) of the University of the Philippines Manila lead in convening eHealth experts from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam to strengthen country-wide health information systems (HIS) and lay strategic plans for the creation of the Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN). The workshop is a response from recent eHealth initiatives spearheaded by the World Health Organization and partners in assessing eHealth capacities the region. Dr. Alvin Marcelo, eHealth consultant of the NTHC, led the drafting of AeHIN's raison d' etre and activities of the network this 2012. Participants presented status and trends of eHealth systems in their communities. eHealth experts from Cambodia reported that the number of health facilities submitting timely reports in their country have increased by 32% upon government's support to their Health Information Management System. Political support to HIS are also increasing in Thailand with the creation of the National Health Information Committee (NHIC) and in Vietnam, with their Ministry of Health prioritizing issues on HIS interoperability in their health sector. In Indonesia, it was reported that though IT use in hospitals remains a challenge, HIS implementations are not derailed. They have initiated workshops and fora on health informatics which are said to be Indonesia's bold steps to achieve universal health care by 2014. In Malaysia, eHealth systems focus on engaging more private sectors to improve their HIS. In the afternoon, eHealth experts study existing networks which can strengthen AeHIN's potential and reach in the region. This includes plans for collaborating with the International Open Source Committee (IOSN), Pacific Health Information Network (PHIN), Joint Learning Network, PANACeA, Virtual Leadership Program Development, ISFTeH, and WHO ITU.
Yunnan SUNPA Image Tel Tech Co., Ltd (Corporate Member - P.R.China)
SUNPA recently held its 4th annual International Training Workshop on Telemedicine Network Design, Development and Application between 17th October and 28th October 2011 in Kunming, China.
This Workshop was organized by SUNPA, in cooperation with the ISfTeH and is an international cooperation project for training high-tech telemedicine human resource.
In attendance were medical doctors, government executives, IT specialists, hospital chief operating officers and marketing and communication experts.
Please click here to read more.
International Organizations News Dr Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization, addresses the participants of the 62nd session of the Regional Committee of the WHO Western Pacific Region Office. The meeting was attended by ministers of health from the region with representatives from other countries such as France and the US. The International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth, an NGO in official relations with WHO, was represented in this conference by Dr. Alvin Marcelo (Philippines). WHO - World Conference on Social Determinants of Health
The October 19-21, 2011 conference was considered the most important meeting of WHO organized in the last 30 years, counting on participation from more than 120 countries. The final report, "Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants on Health," containing relevant conclusions from the meeting, will be presented to the 65th World Health Assembly (click here to read the declaration). As part of this declaration, a "Call for Global Action" is claimed, requiring the engagement of both the international community, government sectors and segments of the society, aiming to achieve the goals of "All for Equity" and "Health for All". Also on page 7, it contains a paragraph the pledges to "Improve universal access to and use of inclusive information technologies and innovation in key social determinants of heath." This WHO conference was definetly a successful meeting. We hope it results in actions that can bring positive results towards improving world health (well being for all, peace and security...). Dear Participants of the World Conference on Social Determinants of Health, On behalf of the Conference Secretariat and its Organizing Committee,
I would like to thank you for your participation at the Conference last week in Rio de Janeiro. Delegations from 125 WHO Member States and overallapproximately 1000 participantsattended the Conference,making it one of the largest meetings in WHO's history since the International Conference on Primary Health Care in 1978. Thank you for contributing your energy, experience and passion to the cause of reducing health inequities by addressing social determinants of health. The Conference was successful in highlighting experiences on how action on social determinants can be implemented, but most of all, in bringing Member States, civil society, UN agencies and academia together to commit to meaningful action to reduce health inequities. The agreement of so many Member States to these actions by endorsing the Rio Political Declaration on Social Determinants of Healthmarks a significant milestone in the struggle against health inequities.Undoubtedly, the political bar of Member States committing to increased action to reduce health inequities has been raised. The Declaration is available from I encourage you now, wherever you work, to use this Declaration and help transform it into action, as its success depends on all of you. At WHO, we look forward to continuing to work together torealize our vision ofa world where health equity is a reality, rather than merely a utopian dream. With best regards, Dr Rüdiger Krech Director, Department of Ethics, Equity, Trade and Human Rights World Health Organization |