Join the ISfTeH
Are you are heading a national telemedicine/eHealth organization?
Do you offer telemedicine products and solutions?
Are you doing research on telemedicine and eHealth applications and technologies?
Does your organization provide (or wants to offer) care services by means of telemedicine/eHealth technologies?
Are you engaged in healthcare policy?
If so, you may be interested in joining the ISfTeH network to expand your global reach or to learn from existing experiences and best practices.
Or send an e-mail with your question or membership request.
Upcoming Telemedicine Events
Armtelemed - 1st Armenian International Congress on Telemedicine and eHealth
Yerevan, Armenia
Oct 14-16, 2011
World Health Care Congress Latin America
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Oct 24-25, 2011
2nd Annual Health 2.0 Europe
Berlin, Germany
Oct 27-28, 2011
Nationaler Fachkongress Telemedizin
Berlin, Germany
Nov 3-4, 2011
Telemedicon '11 - International Telemedicine Congress
Mumbai, India
Nov 11-13, 2011
2011 E-Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB)
Iasi, Romania
Nov 24-26, 2011
AFRIHealth 2011
Nairbi, Kenya
Nov 30 - Dec 1, 2011
2nd World Health Care Congress Middle East 2011
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Dec 11-13, 2011
Med-e-Tel 2012
April 18-20, 2012
World Health Care Congress Europe
Amsterdam, Netherlands
May 23-24, 2012
ISfTeH Board Members
Prof. Dr. Michael Nerlich
Vice President
Dr. Andy Fischer
Secretary and Treasurer
Mr. Frank Lievens
Other Members

Prof. Yogesan Kanagasingam
Dr. Moretlo Lynette Molefi
South Africa

Mr. Steven Normandin
Prof. Oleg Orlov
Dr. Jarmo Reponen
Dr. Adolfo Sparenberg
Executive Director
Prof. Yunkap Kwankam
ISfTeH New Members
Asociacion Chilena de Informatica en Salud - ACHISA, Chile

Morrocan Society for Telemedicine and eHealth, Morocco

Philippine Medical Informatics Society, Philippines
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia

Professor Malina Jordanova, Bulgaria
Dr. Ravinder Sachdev, Singapore
Mr. Robert Timm, Brazil
Ms. Robyn McGarvie, Australia

Mr. Joshua Ngwang Menang, Cameroon
Ms.Kerry Phelan, Australia

Mr. Robert Pyke, United States
Mr. Jose Angel Sanguino Rojas, Venezuela
Mrs. Lois Scott, Canada
Mrs. Michelle Y. Williams, United States

Mr. Samuel Adjorlolo
Mr. Amin Daneshmand Malayeri, Iran
Dr. Ahmad Samir, Egypt
Ms. Karishma Saran, United Kingdom

The ISfTeH Newsletter is published quarterly for members of the telemedicine community to provide up-to-date information regarding current happenings in the international telemedicine and e-Health industry.
Feel free to share this Newsletter with business colleagues by forwarding it to your associates.
If you would like to submit an article or be added to our email distribution list please email Kristen Deveau at |
Letter from the Executive Director
Dear reader,
It is a privilege for me to welcome you to this rejuvenated, (some might even say "resurrected"), newsletter of the ISfTeH. It is part of a revamping of the Society's Internet and overall media presence, coming shortly after the launch of the new website this summer. We hope to bring you news and updates on our organization and its activities through this medium.
Some of us recently attended the 16th Annual Conference of the ISfTeH at the Medical Research Council of South Africa (MRC) in Cape Town on September 14-15, 2011, with participants from more than ten countries on five continents. The conference itself was preceded by a successful workshop on mHealth, jointly organized by the MRC, the mHealth Alliance and Vodacom, South Africa. The Board of the Society also took advantage of the gathering to hold another session, to build on work done at the previous Board meeting in Luzern, Switzerland in July 2011.
It was great to be back in Cape Town, which holds an important place in our work. In November 2006 we held the 11th Annual Conference of the ISfTeH there - the first ever annual conference of the Society on the African continent. On that occasion, we persuaded Archbishop Desmond Tutu to accept to become the first eHealth Ambassador. And many of you would have noticed that his photo has been featured on the home page of our website since then. In two months time, on November 11,2011 the ISfTeH will launch its Global eHealth Ambassador Program in Rio de Janeiro, with the Archbishop, now Emeritus, still serving as Chair despite having retired earlier this year from most activities. And four years after the first ISfTeH Annual Conference in Africa, in October 2010, MEDINFO, the triennial congress of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), our sister federation in the eHealth space, was held for the first time in Africa, in Cape Town. So, in the space of the last five years the two international federations which hold the distinction of being the only NGOs in official relations with WHO in the field of ICT for health (ISfTeH and IMIA) have held three global events in Cape Town. And, the jewel in the crown, Archbishop Tutu chairs the Global eHealth Ambassador Program out of Cape Town.
The growth of eHealth in Africa mirrors the changes in the ISfTeH. In the five years since Cape Town I (the 11th Annual Conference) the Society has grown, - with national members almost doubling to 40 today and members of one category or another in a total of 68 countries and territories. This growth of interest in eHealth bodes well for health in general. The greatest potential of eHealth lies in its power to transform health systems, an assertion that is increasingly uncontested. But for eHealth to take root and thrive in countries, we need another transformation. eHealth must be transformed from the passion of a select few into a mainstream undertaking of the entire health sector. We must weave eHealth into the fabric of the health system.
And for that to happen, we must organize eHealth as a profession in countries. I strongly believe that we must organize the people in order to harness the power of eHealth. In the trinity of people, processes and technology, upon which the eHealth paradigm is predicated, people are the key. Although technology and processes can change people, the greater influence pathways are those of people changing processes and technology - through inventiveness, innovation and creativity. And professional entities, such as our member associations, institutional and corporate members, and you as individual members are the catalyst that supports the interactions among professionals in this transformation. National societies are stewards of the profession and guarantors of quality in the work of their members in this effort.
In 2007, WHO came up with a framework for strengthening health systems. The title of the publication is "Everybody's business: Strengthening health systems to improve health outcomes - WHO's framework for action". I have always thought that eHealth too should be everybody's business because, who among us in the heath field could not benefit from judicious use of ICT? So, eHealth is everybody's business, but somebody must mind it. We, eHealth professionals, are the custodians of the profession. We need to be the architect of that transformation. The newsletter can serve that purpose.
Tell us what is happening in your association, your institution, and your personal work. It may be routine to you - but it is news to those who are not aware of it. So, write it up and send it in to the Editor. If we do not support the newsletter with inputs, it will wither away and die. But if contribute to it with news, articles, opinion pieces, etc. it will grow into yet another forum for us to share ideas and bring about that transformation of eHealth into everybody's business, that weaving of eHealth into the fabric of the health system. I look forward to traveling this road with you.
Prof. S. Yunkap Kwankam
ISfTeH Executive Director
ISfTeH Launches a New Website
ISfTeH is pleased to announce the launch of its new and improved website. The updated site, located at, offers improved navigation and a more refined look. |
National Member Spotlight

Telemedicine Society of India
About Telemedicine Society of India (TSI ) : TSI was formed in 2001 by senior scientists of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO ) , senior doctors from various national level institutes & senior officials of the ministry of health & Ministry of Information Technology , Government of India . For the past ten years , TSI has done commendable work in promoting the practice of telemedicine , spreading awareness and updating the users , providers and patients on the benefits of using telehealth & mHealth in healthcare delivery . For more information, please visit

Telemedicon'11 : TSI is celebrating its 10 years of existence and organizing an International Telemedicine Congress featuring healthcare leaders from all over the world in the field of telehealth & mHealth . This is the 7th Congress being organized by Telemedicine Society of India .
The 7th annual Congress is a mega international event with the theme "Telehealth 2.0- Taking beyond the Pilot Phase". This International Congress is being supported by national telemedicine associations of over 32 countries including the American Telemedicine Association , ISfTeH , Care Continuum Alliance , Disease Management Association of India etc. The Congress is expecting over 600 delegates from over 30 countries.
For India , 2011 is a transforming year as it launched 3G & WIMAX technology. Also, that India has 1.21 billion people and more than 65 % people live in rural areas , where it is difficult to build and operate healthcare facilities . This calls for integrating telehealth & mHealth in the healthcare delivery . This international congress will feature special sessions on low cost healthcare models can increase the reach and address the issue of affordability of healthcare services to the masses using ICT in healthcare.
The three day congress will have speakers from the USA, Europe, the Middle East and India and will include over 600 practioners, providers, payers, patient groups and policy makers.
For more information on Telemedicon '11, please visit
A different National Member will be spotlighted each quarter.
Corporate Member Spotlight

The Swiss Center for Telemedicine MEDGATE is the leading telemedical company in Switzerland. It was founded in 1999 by air emergency doctor and surgeon, Andy Fischer, the economist, Lorenz Fitzi, and IT specialist, André Moeri.
A team of over 60 telemedical doctors, 50 telemedicine assistants (medical practice assistants and qualified nurses) and 60 call center agents provides advice and treatment around the clock for patients with general and urgent health queries. Also people with chronic illnesses benefit from comprehensive telemedical care programs. For all Medgate services, the requirements of patients for an improved quality of life and self-determination are what matters most.
Medgate's modern teleconsultation center is located in Basel. Equipped with the latest information and communication technology, the highest level of data security is key.
As the largest telemedical center in Europe run by medical professionals, the Medgate Team handles by telephone, the Internet, video-conferencing and telebiomonitoring up to 4,300 teleconsultations a day. Since the start, this has led to more than 2 million teleconsultations resulting in a vast expertise in telemedicine.
To learn more about Medgate, click here.
A different Corporate Member will be spotlighted each quarter.
ISfTeH Meetings and Conferences
Med-e-Tel 2012 (10th Edition)
6 - 8 April 2011
ISfTeH Member News
Armenian Association of Telemedicine
We are pleased and honored to invite you to the First Armenian International Congress on Telemedicine and eHealth "ARMTELEMED: Road to the Future", which will take place on October 14-16, 2011 in Yerevan, Armenia, under the auspices of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth (ISfTeH) and the Armenian Telemedicine Association (ATA). Click here to read more.
Estonia The Institute of Clinical Medicine opened the International Health Care Engineering Doctoral Subprogram in cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Industry Partners in Tallinn University of Technology. The programme will start in September 2011 and gradually will be taught in English. The objective of the programme is to prepare specialists who have profound knowledge in eHealth concepts and systems with the knowledge in healthcare and client and patient centered approach. For further information please contact Mariliis Sepper ( and visit
GNU Health and the United Nations University
After attending Med-e-Tel 2011 and meeting with members of the United Nations University, International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH), Luis Falcon, President of GNU Solidario, successfully conducted a GNU Health development workshop at UNU-IIGH in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
GNU Health (formerly known as "Medical") is a free (GPL license) Health and Hospital Information System with EMR and HIS functionality. GNU Health is part of GNU Solidario, an NGO that delivers education and health to emerging economies with free software. The GNU Health workshop at the United Nations University was held in the context of collaboration among UNU-IIGH and GNU Solidario to improve healthcare with free software and capacity building. Falcon trained the UNU-IIGH team in GNU Health concepts, both from the functional and technical point of view. The workshop focused on the installation and customization of GNU Health, as well as on implementation concepts and GNU Health on Tryton, a very solid, scalable and truly free, community-based platform. UNU-IIGH supports the usage of open source healthcare information systems in developing countries through capacity-building programs and technical consultancy as a tool to improve efficiency and quality of healthcare services.
Institute of Tropical Medicine - Antwerp (Belgium)
The Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp will host the 5th Telemedicine workshop for resource-limited settings, on September 28-30, 2011. Organized in collaboration with the NST WHO Collaborating Centre for Telemedicine in Tromsř (Norway), operators of several mature telemedicine networks have been invited to present the different tools/approaches currently used in resource limited settings (RLSs), summarizing their own experience for the benefit of potential users.
The workshop will be an interactive training event with a case-based approach and hands-on sessions. It will showcase a number of successful telemedicine implementations in low resource settings, in order to:
(1) describe the global experiences of telemedicine in RLSs (networks, caseloads, duration of operation, looking particularly at sustainable services); and
(2) give the participants an opportunity to compare and contrast the different networks in hands-on sessions in order to see which of them would be most suitable in their own settings.
The workshop will target participants from developing countries, who are responsible for newly started (or about to start) telemedicine projects and/or for coaching junior staff using ICT teleconsultations. To learn more please click here.
Intel Healthcare Innovation Summit: Technology Strategies to Transform Healthcare
Intel is bringing its trademark innovation and game-changing technologies to the challenges facing healthcare in the 21st century. Independently and through strategic ecosystem partnerships, Intel is helping enable trusted, community-based, personalized care to improve outcomes, lower costs, and promote global wellness.
Please join us for a series of leadership webcasts that address new models of delivering care using health IT as an enabler. Explore emerging infrastructure solutions that facilitate team-based care and real-time coordination across specialties, locations and skill sets.
Attend all three leadership webcasts or focus on a specific webcast that addresses your most pressing concerns. You will have an opportunity to ask questions of the panelists at the end of each webcast. Click here to register for the summit.
October 4, 19.00 UK | 20.00 CET - The Healthcare IT Innovation Imperative
October 5, 14.00 UK | 15.00 CET - Enabling Collaborative Healthcare Delivery: Care Coordination Strategies with 21st Century Technology
October 6, 14.00 UK | 15.00 CET - Where Information and Care Meet: Secure Mobile Healthcare Solutions that Drive Care Coordination
ISfTeH Students' Working Group
The ISfTeH Students' Working Group works to promote a free of charge participation of students (up to MSc degree) in Telemedicine and e-Health conferences and other related initiatives, as well as providing access to recognized experts in the field worldwide. The involvement of a new generation of professionals is considered a key component towards a successful implementation of new technologies in health assistance and education.
Since 2008, thanks to a partnership established between the ISfTeH and ElluminateŽ, a free of charge license allows the ISfTeH Students' Working Group to organize live webconferencing sessions for its student members.
The ISfTeH Students' Working Group is very proud to communicate that the "4th ISfTeH Students Videoconferencing Session", held at Med-e-Tel 2011 in Luxembourg, on April 08th, was a total success. The presentation made by Karolina Krawczak, from Poland, entitled "Willingness to attend Home based exercises supervised over the Internet" was distinguished with the 2011 students award.
Upcoming activities organized towards the ISfTeH Student Members!
The next and exciting opportunity to participate in an Official ISfTeH Students' Videoconferencing Session - via remote presentation - will be the 2012 edition of Med-e-Tel in Luxembourg (April 18-20, 2012). Additional information about Med-e-Tel 2012 can be found on the Website:
How to affiliate to the ISfTeH as Student member?
Please visit the ISfTeH Website ( ) where you will find the "Sign-up Request Form - Individual - Application for Student" for the interested students (undergraduate and postgraduate up to the level of MSc). This is a quite easy task, demanding a few minutes to be finished.
The ISfTeH Students WG is open to all Healthcare (Physicians, Nurses, Dentists) and IT Students!!! So, the doors are open to your active participation....
ISfTeH Students' Working Group Coordinators
Frank Lievens -
Adolfo Sparenberg -
Thais Russomano -
ISfTeH Telenursing Working Group
The new ICn eHealthProgramme, which was launched 6 May 2011 at the International Coucil of Nurses Conference in Malta, aims to transform nursing through the visionary application of information and communication technology. With policies and strategies applicable to ICN's internal programmes and external partnerships, the ICN eHealth programme seeks to advance nurses' knowledge of and involvement in eHealth worldwide. The program encompasses the International Classification for Nursing Practive (ICNP), a terminology that supports standard description and comparison of nursing practice locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, and the ICN Telenursing Network which aims to involve and support nurses in the development and use of telehealth technologies. The Telenursing Network, which was launched in 2009, now has more than 170 members representing more than 50 countries.
Concurrent with the launch of the new programme, the first issue of the ICN eHealth Bulletin was distributed in June 2011. A major goal of the bulletin is to inform readers about developments, issues, products, publications and conferences. The new bulletin can also support nurses and others to meet their ICT challenges and demonstrate leadership in the application of ICT to healthcare. Contact us at if you would like to be on the email list for the bulletin.
ISfTeH "Collaborative Care Team in Open Source" Working Group
To learn more about the Collaborative Care Team in Open Source working group, click here.
Japanese Telemedicine and Telecare Association Annual Conference
Title: JTTA2011 Asahikawa; At the Front of the Telemedicine
Date: Friday 14 - Saturday 15 October 2011
Venue: Asahikawa Grand Hotel, 6 Jo 9 Chome, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, 070-0036 Japan
Chairman: Akitoshi Yoshida PhD, President of Asahikawa Medical University
Chairman's lecture: Telemedicine - Fusion of ICT and medicine
To learn more about this conference click here.
Med-e-Tel 2012
The 2012 edition of Med-e-Tel, an ISfTeH event, is scheduled for 18-20 April 2012 in Luxembourg. This marks the 10th anniversary edition of the event which started out in 2002 under the name "Telemedicine & Telecare International Trade Fair" and grew out to become the most international Telemedicine and eHealth networking event around the world, bringing together every year in Luxembourg healthcare providers, industry representatives, policy makers and researchers from over 50 countries around the world.
Through an extensive conference program and an industry exhibition, Med-e-Tel provides access to real life experiences as well as academic research and showcases the latest products and technologies.
Med-e-Tel encourages healthcare providers, medical practitioners, nursing professionals, government officials, researchers, educators, and industry representatives to submit presentation proposals for the Med-e-Tel 2012 conference program. Med-e-Tel especially encourages the submission of contributions on practical experiences and research activities providing evidence for the efficiency, effectiveness and user acceptance of telemedicine and eHealth applications, as well as presentations of successful business cases, project results, national and international policy guidelines, service and technology standards, which will all be of particular interest to the Med-e-Tel audience.
More information about opportunities to participate and get involved in Med-e-Tel 2012 can be found at
Dr. Alvin Marcelo, Philippines
Freedom and Focus, Passion, Integrity, Respect, and Teamwork drive the UP Manila National Telehealth Center to develop technologies that are accessible, affordable,appropriate, and culturally acceptable for Filipinos. With a pool of dynamic, creative, and talented individuals, doctors, nurses, and IT professionals, it is no wonder why the the Center remains steadfast working for its four-point programs on eLearning, eRecords, eMedicine and eHealth policy advocacy for 13 years. The strength of free and open-source software makes it possible for NTHC to collaborate with like-minded institutions to harness support for better health care for all. By trusting individual's capacities, the center believes that people can use information and technology for sound decision making for better health care. What's more exciting about NTHC is its homegrown innovation, the internationally acclaimed* Community Health Information Tracking System (CHITS), the first ever electronic medical record for health centers in the Philippines.*CHITS is one of the finalist in the Stockholm Challenge award in 2006; recognized by the Center of Health Market Innovations.
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Chartered in 1982, the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (UMNG) is a national public institution that develops the functions of teaching, research and extension. Promotes dialogue an interaction of knowledge, building academic community. It has a commitment with the permanenet self- assessment in the context of a globalized world, in order to form integral and responsible citizens. Individuals that promote justice, equity, respect for human values and that contribute to the progress of the defense sector and society general. In 1978, as a result of the idealistic conception of a sector of the medical staff at the Central Military Hospital, the School of Medicine and Health Sciences was founded, beginning its labor in the first semester of 1979. The UMNG has been recognized for their high quality and excellence in national and international levels by encouraging reflection, creativity, continous learning, research and innovation from a global perspective. In compliance with social responsibility that allows us to anticipate, propose and develop solutions that meet the needs of society and the defense sector.
All information of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada as a state entity is available at:
Administrative Branch
Carrera 11 No. 101-80, Bogotá, Colombia.
PBX: (571) 2 757300 - (571) 6 343200
Fax: (571) 2 147280
Working hours : 08:00 to 17:00.