Partners Dog Training School
News from Partners Dog Training School



We are so excited the New Year is finally here! The Holidays came and went and it is now time to get to work on our new and exciting projects. For those of you who still haven't heard, we just launched a brand new website-

in hopes of expanding our newest training division- training Personal Protection and Explosive Detection Canines.

With the New Year, it is always nice to make a 'fresh start' and new resolutions.. But this year let's expand the new beginnings and not forget about our furry friends by making some 'pet resolutions', and hopefully improving the lives of our beloved companions.



**Pet Related New Year's Resolutions- How to make 2011 an amazing year for your dog!


With each year most of us create New Year's resolutions. Unfortunately only a handful of us will stick with the new plans and promises.

But why not make this year a year to think about some resolutions for our pets!. There's a few simple changes we can all make to improve the quality of our dogs' lives.


Our busy lifestyle can often be a huge contributor to our pet's weight problems. Too little activity, too many unhealthy table scraps and maybe even dog food that's not properly suited for our dog's lifestyle can all make a huge impact on how our pet's weight is affected. Switching to healthy treats (carrots, frozen green beans, blueberries), adding an extra walk a few times a week or participating in various activities can not only reduce the risk of heart and joint problems, diabetes and other diseases, but also provide great bonding 'quality time' for us and our furry friends.

Mental exercise is also very important. Engaging our dogs in 'search' games by hiding their favorite toys or treats around the house and letting them 'hunt' and sniff them out or enrolling into Obedience or Agility classes to help stimulate their body AND mind at the same time can all make for one tired and fit dog!

Health Check Ups.

It is important that your pet visits their veterinarian for their regular vet check ups. Annual blood

work and examination of the full body condition can be a great way to prevent many medical problems. Looking into pet health insurance could also be a great option. If affording an ER visit or treating chronic or genetic conditions could become a financial challenge, purchasing an affordable health plan could be a great solution.

Insurance companies successfully used by Partners include:

VPI Pet Insurance  



Regular grooming can include bathing, toe nail clipping, teeth brushing, flea and tick preventative treatments and regular haircuts for our long hair canine companions. Making sure our pets are clean and well taken care of, will not only make them look and feel great but also a lot more pleasant to be around.


Microchipping our dogs should always be one of our biggest priorities. No matter how responsible the owner, any pet can become lost. And he or she is more likely to come home if properly microchipped and registered.

Partners is now going to be offering Microchipping clinics for our clients and their canine companions on a regular basis.

Click here for more info. 



classesenrollingnow**Classes enrolling now!


Level 1 Obedience Group Course

- Dogs and owners learning in a group setting (8 wk. course):


*March 5th, Saturday 8-9AM


*March 24th, Thursday 6-7PM


*April 9th, Saturday 9-10AM



Level 2 Obedience Group Course

- Learning Intermediate Level off-leash handling

(8 wk. course):


*February 12th, Saturday 8-9AM


*March 16th, Wednesday 7-8PM


*Thursday, 7-8PM- Date TBA



Level 3 Obedience Group Course

- Perfecting Intermediate Level off-leash handling with distractions

(8 wk. course):


*February 5th, Saturday 9-10AM



Level 1 Agility Group Course

-Teach your how to jump, run through tunnels, climb frames and have fun at the same time (8 wk. course):


*March 8th, Tuesday 7-8PM


*March 12th, Saturday 9-10AM



Level 2 Agility Group Course

-Learn how to run an off-leash Agility course around other dogs and distractions (8 wk. course):


*March 8th, Tuesday 6-7PM  



~~~ Upcoming event: Canine Good Citizen Evaluation (CGC)- Saturday, February 19th, at 11AM


            For more information and reservations please call at

                                   480-595-6700 or email: 




Partners Dog Training
4640 E Forest Pleasant Pl
Cave Creek, Arizona 85331

Partners School Bus

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microchipclinic**Microchip Clinic!!


Join us for our first ever Microchip Clinic, Saturday March 5th at 11AM!

The space is limited so call us to book yours.

The charge- $49.99 per dog.







microchipclinic**Microchip Clinic!!


Join us for our first ever Microchip Clinic, Saturday March 5th at 11AM!

The space is limited so call us to book yours.

The charge- $49.99 per dog.







Mention this e-mail and for a limited time save $20 on ANY of our Training Programs!

Offer Expires: 2/17/11