
Unlocking Real Value Newsletter

Here We Go Again

The market gets off to a great start for the year, despite the head winds. Then, in the course of less than a month, as summer nears, we're pretty much back where we started.

2011? Yes - but 2012 as well. While the market gyrations have been less severe this year, the results had been equally troubling, although June brought a pleasant upward surprise.

So what's the outlook for the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, June notwithstanding? Against a backdrop of continuing European ills, a slowing domestic economy and uncertainty over the quickly approaching Presidential election, your guess is as good as mine!

While we can speculate about which events will have the largest impact on the economy and the markets, one thing seems certain - for those of us in the financial services industry, the ongoing JP Morgan trading scandal will continue to negatively affect us.

One of the the discouraging things about what has happened at JP Morgan is that it once again tarnishes all of us in the industry - we're guilty by association. This is especially the case in today's  "Wall Street" v. "Main Street" environment.

How best to react? Focus on your clients and focus on what you can control. Positively, you can control how your client's perceive you and the value that you provide.

Take advantage of the usual summer lull to fine-tune your menu of offerings and your client servicing strategy. Make sure that you're giving your clients what they want - or someone else will.

Best regards,

Andy Klausner
Founder & Principal

It's All About Your Clients


It's time to focus on your client relationships and reinforce in their minds why they hired you in the first place. Let them hear from you, lest they focus on the negative press about JP Morgan.


We have two White Papers that can help you in this endeavor:


Creating a Compelling Client Experience


Take a fresh look at your business and make the necessary adjustments to solidify your position as a true long-term and trusted partner. This White Paper lays out the steps to developing a compelling client experience, which are to:

  • Define your own unique compelling client experience;
  • Develop a process to make the experience repeatable;
  • Execute on your plan flawlessly; and 
  • Leverage your success to turn clients into advocates.

Click here to download the White Paper.


On-Line and On-Point: A Guide to Social Media Success


The real power of social media is that it allows you to remain top of mind with existing clients while developing and building new relationships.


 This White Paper will:

  • Define what a social media strategy is;
  • Describe how you can create an effective social media strategy; and 
  • Provide tips for social media success.

Click here to download the White Paper.


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  Andy Klausner is a contributor to's Advisor Network.

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 We welcome your questions and comments. Please contact us at:

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Suite 11C  
New York, NY 10010

(617) 990-6894

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AK Advisory Partners LLC is a consultancy to the financial services industry, providing advice and training to firms and individuals operating in the fee-based, investment management and wealth management areas.
