
Unlocking Real Value Newsletter

Springing Forward Despite Uncertainty

It was a long, hard winter for most of us, and the thoughts of warmer times are indeed comforting. I took the opportunity to freshen-up the look of our newsletter as my way of celebrating - I hope you like it.

The markets and the economy are springing forward as well in spite of many headwinds. The resiliency of the markets was evident in March, when major indices quickly recovered from a pullback following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Even with growing international uncertainty in the Middle East, and the continuing nuclear problems in Japan, the markets bounced back more quickly than expected.

On the economic front, while the economic recovery is certainly not robust, the outlook has brightened somewhat - except for perhaps the housing market - even in the face of rising oil prices. There is reason for optimism that extends past the nicer weather.

In keeping with this theme, this quarter's White Paper - Create a Buzz to Grow Your Business - centers on getting your message out and reaching more people through proactive public relations. Take advantage of a more optimistic environment to grow your business. It's easier and less expensive than you might think.

Have a great quarter.

Andy Klausner
Founder & Principal

Create a Buzz to Grow Your Business


For many advisors, investment managers and RIAs the two words "Public" and "Relations" when put together are very scary. The perception is that the only way to become better known is to spend a lot of money; and it's true that if you hire a professional public relations firm it'll cost you.

The good news is that there are ways that you can act as your own publicist without spending a lot of money. In fact, the best publicity is often free, and easier to get than you might think. While hiring a public relations firm might make sense at a later date, there are steps you can take today to promote yourself and expand your public image. Greater public exposure will afford you the opportunity to speak to and meet new people, which will translate into new business.

Let's talk about some of the ways that you can create your own buzz now:
  • Focus on a Niche or Target Market
  • Be Proactive and Promote Yourself
  • Be Accessible and Newsworthy
  • Be "Social Media" Visible
  • Be Patient
Click here to read the complete White Paper.


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P3 - Adam


What happens if your CEO dies in a plane crash? A trusted employee embezzles money?


The manner in which such a crisis is handled can have permanent implications for your business.


Consult P3's crisis management training is a comprehensive readiness program for small- and medium-sized companies.


 Click here for more details.

(ConsultP3 is a partnership between AK Advisory Partners and Petey Parker & Associates.) 


The Resources page of our website has lots of great White Papers like The 10 Keys to 2011 Marketing Success and
The Importance of Your Brand.


The page also contains some value-added presentations and our archived newsletters.


Take a look today and get some great business-building ideas!


And let us know if there are topics that you would like to know more about. 




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Boston, MA 02118

(617) 990-6894

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AK Advisory Partners LLC is a consultancy to the financial services industry, providing advice and training to firms and individuals operating in the fee-based, investment management and wealth management areas.
