In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim - In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful 


Islamic Shura Council of So Cal

Aug. 22, 2012 | 4 Shawwal 1433H 

Newsletter Issue # 200

Abu Ayyoob (radhiya Allaahu 'anhu) reported that the Messenger of God (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam) said: "Whoever fasts Ramadaan and follows it with six days of Shawwaal, it will be as if he fasted for a lifetime." 

(Narrated by Muslim, Abu Dawood, al-Tirmidhi, al-Nisaa'i and Ibn Maajah).

Eid Prayer  

Shura Council extends its Eid greetings and sincerely appreciates the community for its support. May you continue to receive abundant blessings of Ramadan all your lives. We applaud our Mosques for their extraordinary work in organizing special prayers and offering various devotional programs during the month of Ramadan. And, we also extend our most heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our interfaith partners and friends for their solidarity and support, especially during this Ramadan when Islamophobia raised its ugly head again.


We thank God for allowing us to write this 200th edition of our weekly newsletter and we thank you for reading it. Do please keep your comments and suggestions coming to


walkathon flyerShura Council is pleased to announce and invite you to its first CommUNITY Walkathon on Sunday, Sept. 30th. The purpose of this walkathon is to lift up the poor and the homeless in Anaheim


The CommUNITY Walkathon welcomes people of all traditions and all ages, walking the route on closed streets and escorted by police. There will also be several activities for those who cannot walk at this event.  


For now, we urge you to do one of the following ...

Register online up to 10 people 

Register friends/family with a pledge form

Register as a team of your Masjid or Organization. Call Malek at (714) 239-6473

Forward this link to your friends


Sponsor as an individual or an organization  


Please announce at your Mosque/Church/Synagogue/Temple or any place of worship or at your organization and encourage your community to participate

Please include this event in your e-newsletter.


We know that your registering today will inspire many others to also join you to bring comfort and smile to others. Your efforts will help raise funds to alleviate poverty and homelessness in our communities. 


Only together we can help one person and/or a family by taking one step at a time. We sure hope that you will join us!

ps: We ask our Christian friends to forgive us for holding this event on Sunday morning but God willing next year we will make sure it doesn't conflict with the Sunday worship services.



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Majlis Members



Shakeel Syed

Executive Director 

 Elaine Younes

Office Manager
Malek Bendelhoum
Programs and Outreach Coordinator 
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Guidance Residential
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 Member Organizations

ChamAmerican Muslim
Islamic Education Center
Masjid Bilal Ibn Rabah
Masjid Qurturbah

"Only Together We Can Make a Difference"

Islamic Shura Council of Southern California

TEL:(714) 239-6473 | FAX:(714) 239-6493  


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The Islamic Shura Council is an umbrella organization of Mosques and Muslim organizations serving the Muslims of Southern California. Since 1995,  the Council continues to foster the spirit and culture of "working together" at all levels in one of the most diverse and largest Muslim populations in the country.