In the Name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful 

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim - In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful 


Islamic Shura Council of So Cal  

July 3, 2012 | 13 Sha'ban 1433H 

Newsletter Issue # 193

"O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of God is the most righteous of you. Indeed, God is Knowing and Acquainted" ~  Holy Qur'an 49:13

Upcoming events

July 6 - A Country called Syria. Free cultural tour of Syria in Huntington Beach.


July 6-8 - Muslim Legal Fund of America sponsors Lauren Booth visit to Southern California. Click here to see her appearance schedule.


July 7 - Tickets still available for Al-Shifa Clinic's 8th Annual fundraising banquet in Anaheim.


July 7 - Orange County Islamic Foundation is holding a Table Tennis Tournament.


July 8 -  Registration deadline for MAS Greater LA's I.Q.R.A. competition. 


July 14 & 15 - Usul al-Fiqh intensivive at Masjid Omar Al-Farouk.


July 15 - Intro to Islamic Economic System at Islamic Center of San Gabriel Valley/Majid Quba.


Click here for July's events. We invite you to share your event here


News & ActionsSave the Date for Shura Council's 1st Annual commUNITY walkathon. Information can found here.  


ACLU-Southern California invites the community for a court hearing of Naji Hamdan versus Department of Justice on Monday July 9th at 2pm in Los Angeles at the Edward Roybal Federal Building, 255 E Temple Street. This case alleges the role of the United States in the detention and torture of Naji Hamdan, a US citizen, in the United Arab Emirates.


Anaheim citizens sued the City of Anaheim alleging a violation of voters rights and for better representation of Latinos. Click here to learn about the exclusion of Latinos from the leadership positions in Anaheim. 


Shura Council thanks the Sikh Coaliton for its leadership in passing AB 1964, the Workplace Religious Freedom Act. When fully enacted into law, AB1964 will sharply reduce job discrimination against Sikhs and other religious minorities in California. Shura Council is a proud signatory in support of AB 1964 and we urge the community to sign the petition until AB 1964 becomes a law.


Some Physicians cautiously applaud the Affordable Healthcare Act and others consider it unhealthy while a great many insist for single-payer insurance program  for all Americans.  To learn more, click here about how the new individual mandate health law affects you. Whether you support or oppose the new law on healthcare, watch SICKO, a documentary about health care or lack there of in the United States.


First Joint Masajid Volleyball TornamentShura Council congratulates IECOC for winning the First Joint Masajid volleyball tournament and appreciates the participating Masajid and thanks the organizers.  



Declaration of Independence

While celebrating the independence week, let's learn its history and a historical perspective. Also learn more historical fun facts and the realities of the day during this week of celebrations. In the interim, let us remember those whose independence remains in jeopardy.  




Lauren Booth

July 6 - 8, 2012


Garden Grove | Claremont | Fontana | Reseda


Majlis Members



Shakeel Syed

Executive Director 

 Elaine Younes

Office Manager
Malek Bendelhoum
Programs and Outreach Coordinator 
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Member Organizations

ChamAmerican Muslim
Islamic Education Center
Masjid Bilal Ibn Rabah
Masjid Qurturbah

"Only Together We Can Make a Difference"

Islamic Shura Council of Southern California

TEL:(714) 239-6473 | FAX:(714) 239-6493  


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The Islamic Shura Council is an umbrella organization of Mosques and Muslim organizations serving the Muslims of Southern California. Since 1995,  the Council continues to foster the spirit and culture of "working together" at all levels in one of the most diverse and largest Muslim populations in the country.