THE DAY OF ARAFAH ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH AND EID AL ADHA ON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 16TH, INSHA'ALLAH. SHURA COUNCIL WISHES HAJJ MABRUR TO EVERYONE IN ARAFAH AND A JOYOUS EID AL ADHA TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. The Islamic Shura Council of Southern California is pleased to announce the celebration of Eid al Adha on Tuesday the 16th of November, following the day of Arafah on Monday the15th of November.
Hajj Mabrur to all the pilgrims and Eid Saeed to Southern California with special prayers for His mercy, peace and happiness for everyone and everywhere.. Ameen! Sincerely, Dr. Maher Hathout Chairman Islamic Shura Council of Southern California
Islamic Shura Council of Southern California
The Islamic Shura Council is an umbrella organization of Mosques & Muslim organizations serving the Muslims of Southern California. Since 1995, the Council continues to foster the spirit and culture of "working together" at all levels in one of the most diverse and largest Muslim populations in the country.
