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In This Issue
July Anniversaries
Technologies to grow your business
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BNI 2009
BNI is the largest business networking organization in the world. We offer members the opportunity to share ideas, contacts and most importantly, business referrals.
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Allworx VoIP Communication Systems save SMB's time and money!!!
Allworx Conference Center
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VoIP Services
  • Hosted VoIP
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Sales: 215-348-4195 Ext 200
On-line Survey and E-Mail Marketing
Constant Contact
Email Marketing by Constant Contact� makes it easy, effective, and highly affordable to connect with your audience and build strong, successful, lasting relationships with them.

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Network Solutions
Solutions To Get Online
Domain Names
Web Hosting
Web Site Builder
Web Design
Email Hosting

Jove-Tech is authorized reseller of Network Solutions products

Network Solutions

PAETEC's data and voice products - and our unique value-added offerings - help customers achieve cost-effective personalized communications solutions.

Jove Tech Newsletter Vol 2. No. 5
Old Glory

"Believe me, dear Sir: there is not in the British empire a man who more cordially loves a union with Great Britain than I do. But, by the God that made me, I will cease to exist before I yield to a connection on such terms as the British Parliament propose; and in this, I think I speak the sentiments of America."
-Thomas Jefferson, November 29, 1775[1]

We are fast approaching the celebration of two very American events. One, of course, is the celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. This is perhaps the most American of holidays and is one of the largest celebrations of the year. Whatever your tradition of celebration, please make it a safe and memorable event.

We are indeed blessed to be able to live in a county founded by men of such great wisdom and vision and "sacred honor".

"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Another event, one with a four decade milestone is the Apollo 11 Moon landing.
It will be the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11"One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." The purpose of the Apollo 11 mission was to land men on the lunar surface and to return them safely to Earth. The crew was Neil A. Armstrong, commander; Michael Collins, Command Module pilot; and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., Lunar Module pilot.

The NADC Science museum will be celebrating this event on Sunday July 19, 2009. This should be a fun and memorable event for those who witnessed this historical event and those young enough for whom it is only history.

Please consider attending this fund raising event for the New NADC Science Museum. The Naval Air Development Center was home to many important science and technical developments including the Space Race.

Details on this exciting event will be forthcoming!!!

1 Hazelton, Declaration History, 19.

"Good Business is, well, Good Business"

Contact Jove Tech for information on our services and products today!

Sales: 215-348-4195 Ext 200
Jove-Tech can provide the Expertise and Knowledge to apply metrics to your Sales and Marketing campaigns:

Jove-Tech can provide tools and services to gather metrics on you Marketing and Sales campaigns. One of the biggest advantages of Constant Contact E-Mail marketing is ability to easily gather statistics on the effectiveness of your E-Mail campaign. We can show you how to convert that activity into highly qualified leads for you next step ..... the sales cycle. More info ......
Network Solutions
We E-mail marketing combined with a good WEB presence is vital for today business of all sizes. Jove-Tech can apply Network Solutions technologies to your needs to provide statistics on the effectiveness of your Search Engine optimization and hit rates with surprising detail. The tools provide for real-time analysis of where your site ranks in the search algorithm and who is using your web site including their use pattern. More info ......

allworx resellrJove-Tech can provide VoIP oriented products which provide for metric collection on your voice traffic. This data can then be converted into information to keep current customers happy and bring need new business into your customer base. More info .....

To help with your Internet based Marketing needs Jove-Tech can provide the following services:
  • Marketing Strategy and Planning Services
    • Services include evaluation of existing communication activities and technologies.
    • Development of strategy document with implementation plan and time line.
  • VoIP and WEB based Sales and Marketing Launch Services
    • Quick start service
    • Campaign creation
    • Template creation
  • Build, Operate and Transfer
    • Jove-Tech will build the campaign and install technologies
    • Begin operation
    • Transfer operation to client
  • Comprehensive Campaign Management
    • Technology set-up
    • Campaign creation and on-going consultations
    • Campaign Analysis and Report generation
    • Statistics gathering and analysis of E-mail marketing, WEB statistics and VoIP call center data.
  • Monthly Quarterly Coaching
    • Review of strategy / Marketing goals
    • List maintenance; imports, bounces, unsubscribes
    • Content development
    • campaign analysis and reporting
    • plan revisions
Let Jove-Tech put the power of statistics to work for you.

Sales: 215-348-4195 Ext 200
A study by the Kauffman Foundation, "The Economic Future Just Happened," found that more than half of the companies on the 2009 Fortune 500 list were launched during a recession or bear market, along with nearly half of the firms on the 2008 Inc. list of America's fastest-growing companies.

"Follow your dreams."

Jove Tech Information Center
Jove Technologies, LLC
Jove Technologies, LLC strives to provide ethical and professional services and markets products of vendors who share the same level of commitment to our clients and customers. If you are dissatisfied with any product or service at any time contact Jove Technologies, LLC at 215-348-4195 Ext 100. We strive to see your satifaction is met.
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