October 2011 Contents
Optimization of Laminated Composite Aircraft Structures
Optimization Viewpoints: Forgotten Reasons
Have you attended a HUG?
HEEDS Training Classes
Optimization of Laminated Composite Aircraft Structures
Application Brief

AircraftIn this application brief, a new strategy is presented for using HEEDS MDO to optimize composite aircraft structural components.  


This approach yielded designs that were lighter and higher performing than those found with a manual design process. The systematic approach to the setup and solution ensured that the final design was efficient and conformed to the manufacturability constraints.


The result was a lighter aircraft design, with mass savings of 3% in the tail, 12% in the wing and 9% in the fuselage.     


Read the entire brief   


Forgotten Reasons
Optimization Viewpoints Blog

by Ron Averill

 Grandma cooking

You may have heard the story about the woman who always sliced about one inch off the end of a large roast before placing it in the pan to be cooked. When asked why she did this, she did not know the reason. But she was sure that it was important, because her mother always did exactly the same thing.

A phone call to the woman's grandmother revealed the true reason why two subsequent generations of cooks always cut off the end of a roast before cooking it. The grandmother explained, "A long time ago, the only size of roast at the local store was too large to fit in my pan. So I had to cut a bit off the end in order to cook it. I haven't had to do that in years!"

I'll bet the entire family had a good laugh about this situation. Many years ago, there was a really good reason to cut off the end of the roast, but that reason didn't exist anymore. Yet that step in the process was passed down to future generations, as though it were crucial to the success of the meal.

There are probably many situations in which current limitations give rise to a process that continues to be used long after those limitations are gone. Often the facts become blurred and the philosophical reasoning becomes stronger, so no one questions whether the process is valid.  A paradigm is created that is not easily broken.

For example, it is still common today to perform a sensitivity study prior to numerical optimization. This process has existed for several decades and has been passed down through generations of engineers. The goal of a sensitivity study is to identify the variables that have the most influence on the performance of the system being optimized. The standard reasoning is that these variables are the ones that should be used during the optimization study, while the others can be neglected. Let's explore the soundness of this process.  


Read the entire post     


Have you attended a HUG yet?


Did you know that HEEDS User Group (HUG) meetings are held every quarter for Europe (EHUG), North America (NAHUG) and Asia (AHUG)?


All of our HUGs have the same mission: to help customers from different companies make personal connections and learn from one another how best to implement design optimization.


The groups gather by Webinar, and discussions include HEEDS success stories, development updates, and presentations by featured partners.


We look forward to your attendance and participation in these interesting and informative Webinars! There is no cost to attend.   


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View Past HUG Presentations 

If you missed the most recent HUG in your area, or you just want to see the kinds of topics presented at a typical meeting, you can view recordings of past meetings on our Web site.



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HEEDS MDO Training
Register Today!

You've chosen the most powerful optimization software available, and we want to ensure that you get the maximum value from your investment.

We offer basic and advanced HEEDS MDO training at our East Lansing, Michigan headquarters.

Enjoy small class sizes and individual attention from our expert instructors - sign up today!

HEEDS MDO 101:  Introduction to Parametric Optimization
This class provides a basic introduction to using HEEDS MDO for parametric optimization studies. Learn how to set up, run, and view the results from a general HEEDS MDO study. Click on a date below for more information:


HEEDS MDO 201: Advanced Optimization, Sensitivity and Reliability Studies 

This class provides advanced training in using HEEDS MDO for parallel design, Design of Experiments (DOE), sensitivity, and robustness and reliability studies. Click on a date below for more information:


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