Christian does the Brazilian Arabica coffee belt- Part II

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Sundown at Fazenda Monte Alegre-MG (Brazil)

It's now late harvest season in Brazil, 80% of the Arabica and Conilon coffees are home and this crop will prove to be of the highest quality Ever! The single intense flowering of last spring followed by unprecedented ideal climatic conditions and the vision and high skilled management practices of the Brazilian producers are the fundamental combination of factors to this successful outcome.


On the other hand, the yield is smaller due to the bi-annual productivity cycle. The lower volume harvested, is at least 20 % less by region compared to last year. 17/18 screen beans are only 25%, instead of the usual 35% historic average, pea berries have increased from 10% to 18% per running lot nationwide.



Coffee tree ranks Boa Esperanca-MG (Brazil)

Pulped Naturals in different versions are going to rule this year, "De-musilated, Honeyed and Raisin Stage Cherries" are the newest hit for Arabica producers. This trend will continue while high premiums are paid by North American and European Roasters.



Natural preparation coffees are also benefiting from the perfect weather and improved preparation structures at the farms, Brazil will deliver the sweetest, most chocolaty and intense caramel tasting naturals in its history.


Different verities in different altitudes have ripened in the same manner and period. Prolonged lower average temperatures since late May, have kept fruits in a stable full mature cherry state for a much longer time, this has promoted logistics at the patios, dryers and resting bins, only winning influences!




We, at the Wolthers Companies, believe that Brazil will produce between 5 and 6 million bags of Arabica Pulped Naturals, another 22 million Natural Arabicas of different quality standards and 13 million Robusta Conilons, totaling 41 million bags for this 2011/12 crop.



The low temperatures and  frost that happened last week, struck Pocos de Caldas, Areado and Guaxupe in the South of Minas Gerais. Lower areas of plantations suffered damage and at least 1 million bags can be considered lost for next crop.


This loss also takes into consideration the first frost in July over Parana, Sao Paulo and the same areas above mentioned in Minas Gerais where the frost hit twice this season.




Veloso Farms Natural preparation patio

New crop samples of different preparations and screen sizes from will start to arrive by early September, very high scoring Nano and Micro-lots, outstanding 17/18 and 14/15/16 screen container loads will arrive at US ports by Early October.




Ripe cherries drying over tarp improvised patio in South Minas Gerais


Call us at Wolthers America for the different samples you may need. We expect a rather limited amount of availability this year so the earlier, the better.






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Enjoy your late summer,


Christian Wolthers

President/CEO Wolthers America


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Wolthers America Inc.

P#954-7970078 / F#954-3219266