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May 2012 
Global Learning Edition

Spotlight on Manitoba
Issue 2, Volume 5   
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Pepperdine University

Interview with Mike Doyle, Special Skills Development Coordinator at DSBN

Taking It Global


The Learning Partnership

York IRLT  

Suggested Reading
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Interview with Mike Doyle, Special Skills Development Coordinator at DSBN
Interview with Mike Doyle, Special Skills Development Coordinator at DSBN  
Interview with Mike Doyle, Special Skills Development Coordinator at DSBN  

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Exclusive publisher podcast with Terry Godwaldt

Founder and director of the Centre for Global Education.  





Dear Thought Leader,  


Welcome to the MindShare Learning Report May Global Learning edition -- Cross Canada spotlight on Manitoba.

The digital revolution is clearly upon us. With Apple, Google and Facebook announcing education technology focused initiatives in 2012, I can safely say we've surpassed the classic "tipping point" as described by Canadian author, Malcolm Gladwell. Technology in education can no longer be ignored as we're surrounded by it in every facet of our lives.

To be clear, while I have a passion for technology, it's really the teachers that make the magic happen for students. If used effectively, technology can engage students thereby enhancing their learning and presumably lead to greater success.
A case in point is found in my exclusive podcast interview with educator,Terry Godwaldt, Founder and Director of the Centre for Global Education, Queen Elizabeth High School, Edmonton School District. The Centre engages thousands of students with real learning experiences that leverage technology and innovation. It was through Terry's innovative problem solving spirit that he established the Centre.

In conjunction with the ISTE 2012 "Expanding Horizons" conference scheduled for June 24-27 in San Diego, we're thrilled to be hosting our 4th Annual Mindshare Learning Can/Am partnering reception. The event will be held in collaboration with the Canadian Consulate in San Diego and will honour our national classroom video contest winners!

Be sure to check out our Cross Canada spotlight on the province of Manitoba, a hot-bed for innovation in education. Internationally respected CIO Don Reece shares some great insights to successfully embedding ICT in education in his podcast.

In closing, I bid a fond farewell to two legendary giants in the EdTech space that are truly world class and proudly Canadian. Nancy Knowlton and David Martin, co-founders of a global success story in SMART Technologies recently announced they are stepping down from their executive roles. Understandably, after 20 years of building the largest and most successful interactive whiteboard company, it's time to begin a new chapter in their lives. Ms.Knowlton will continue to sit on the board of directors in the new role of Vice-Chair and Mr. Martin will continue as Chairman of the Company.

We trust you will enjoy our "new look" and EdTech start-up section in keeping with the emerging trends in our space. Watch for our Canadian version of EduBlogger Awards next month!

Thanks for your loyal support and inspiring feedback that we receive on a regular basis. I couldn't do it without our awesome team and generous sponsors, who are truly committed to excellence in education.

Until next time, keep the learning curve steep!

Cheers, R.

P. S. It's not too late to complete our national EdTech teacher survey! Qualify to WIN an iPad!


Follow us on Twitter @mindsharelearn  


Robert Martellacci

M.A. EdTech

Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™

President, MindShare Learning™-- Connecting Education & Business to Support Student Success 

Go Green
 Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser � l'Environnement

Advisory Board Members 


The MindShare Report is grateful of the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board.  Members include: 


Laurent Burman, M.B.A., Vice President of Sales and Business Development, GlobalScholar 

Chip Fesko, Sr. Director of Advertising & Strategic Alliances, George Lucas Educational Foundation, Edutopia Magazine

Timothy Gard, Educator - Media Literacy & Technology, Toronto District School Board
Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of Education, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada
Gary Kern, Principal, Technology & Innovation, West Vancouver School District
Dr. Greg Malszecki, Professor, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University
David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, Invesco
Jamie McNamara, Superintendent of Schools, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools, Leduc, Alberta
Dr. Ron Owston, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology, York University
Cheryl Paige, Principal, Joyce Public School, Toronto District School Board

Dr. Camille Rutherford, Associate Professor, Education at Brock University
Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology), Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools

Title sponsor

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Quotes of the Month


MSL Logo "Canada is the top place in world to start a tech company" 

     - John Chambers, CEO and Chairman of Cisco 


"Changing the world doesn't happen in a textbook"

     - Marc Kielberger, Co-Founder, Free The Children, ERDI Canada conference keynote


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Quick Facts on Manitoba 


Total Student Population: 1,235,400
Capital City: Winnipeg (population 753,600)

Minister of Education:Honourable Nancy Allan
Graduation rate: 82.7%
Students enrolled in public schools (2010): 179 975

MSL LogoK-12 Technology upgrades for 2012-13
  • $750,000 for technical equipment upgrades
  • $100,000 for professional development
  • $60,000 per school for equipment upgrades
Largest university: University of Manitoba

Smartpark is a university-owned company that provides lease space in a community environment to 30 growing companies in high-tech sectors, including several companies in the eureka project: Smartpark's Incubator

Exclusive Publisher podcast interview 
with Don Reece 
Don Reece, Chief Information Officer at EKB Consulting Inc. Don shares his deep knowledge as an educator and technology expert to deploying ICT successfully across school districts.

Official opening of the ARTlab at the University of Manitoba
12/04/12, U of M
The Art Research Technology (ART) lab is a multidisciplinary art and technology centre, for both the School of Art and the Faculty of Music.
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MSL LogoManitoba-based Eureka Project wins the prestigious "Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition" with Project Whitecard
The competition was held at the DML MacArthur Digital Media and Learning Conference where the attendees create digital badge systems and explore the ways badges can be used to help people learn as well as demonstrate skills and knowledge. Project Whitecard worked with their partner, NASA, to pull out the win along with 30 others  from a pool of 91 competitors.
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Manitoba Scientists in the Classroom Grants
Manitoba Education is introducing Scientists in the Classroom grants to support teachers in their efforts to collaborate with scientists who agree to engage with students in the classroom. The grants, of up to $1,000, will cover expenses such as teacher release time for planning, professional development and teaching/learning resources.
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Plant your green idea. We'll help it grow!
WWF-Canada is proud to announce the fifth cycle of the Green CommUnity School Grants Program. Through the generous support of Loblaw Companies Limited, WWF-Canada will grant $600,000 over three years, up to $200,000 a year, to Canadian elementary and secondary schools.
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You heard it here first! Momentum continues to build in establishing Canada's first national K20 conference for Teaching & Learning. Spearheaded by DSBN, Brock University and MindShare Learning, Niagara Falls is the proposed site of Canada's first ever national event. We'll keep you posted on details.

ERDI Canada Spring Conference in Montreal a Success! MindShare Learning ventured off to Montreal last month where we participated in the Education Research and Development Institute (ERDI) spring conference. This semi-annual 'think-tank' attracts education district CEOs and industry leaders from across Canada. Our highly focused panel explored MindShare's innovation road map to better serve our consulting clients and subscriber base. One of the BIG ideas that emerged is MindShare Learning WebTV. Stay tuned!

I continue to be inspired by the incredible dedication and passion displayed by the Canadian education community at this gathering. Kudos to the the principals of ERDI Canada: Chris Kelly, Bill Hogarth and Michael Lee for an outstanding Spring session!

Canada 3.0 Rocks! If you missed Canada's premier digital media forum last week, you can simply click on the twitter feed link below to catch a glimpse of recorded webcasts of Canada's innovators and leaders in the digital space. While we participated from afar, watching the webcast and following the twitter feed was almost a powerful as being there at the conference. Checkout the the following link to view the recorded webcasts. 

As always, we're happy to provide coverage and/or sponsorship for your conference. Please drop us a note! R.M.


If you have an upcoming conference that you'd like us to share, cover, or sponsor, please drop us a note as we're happy to amplify your message. 

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Marc Kielberger, Co-Founder, Free The Children, inspires the ERDI Canada conference delegates with an engaging keynote focused on global awareness, social justice and making a difference (Photo credit: Marie Cresswell, Thomas Cole Inc)
On to a new Chapter in his life! Dennis Pottage, Superintendent/CEO, River East Transcona School Division (Centre) honoured as a retiring Superintendent at ERDI by the exec team (L-R) Chris Kelly, Bob Lee, Bill Hogarth, Michael Lee (Photo credit: Marie Cresswell, Thomas Cole Inc)
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K12News2SMART announces leadership transition
SMART Technologies 26/04/12
SMART Technologies, a leading provider of collaboration solutions, today announced pending executive management changes. Nancy Knowlton, Co-founder, President and CEO, and David Martin, Co-founder and Executive Chairman are leaving their executive management roles as of April 30, 2012.

Creative spaces: Schools that don't suck!   
Huffington Post Canada 24/04/12
I hated school! There, I said it. My husband is a professor and several of my family members are elementary and high school teachers.

Teen sues Facebook bullies for libel
27/04/12, Globe & Mail
A 14-year-old girl is suing two classmates for libel after they created a bogus Facebook account in her name that painted her as racist and sexually obscene,according to news reports.

Optimizing conditions of teachers' professional practice to support students with special educational needs
13/04/12, Canadian Teachers' Federation
Teachers are called to adapt their lessons to meet the learning needs of all of their students - a task that becomes more complex for students with identified exceptionalities.


Amidst a mobile revolution in schools, will old teaching tactics work?
30/04/12, MindShift
Just a few years ago, the idea of using a mobile phone as a legitimate learning tool in school seemed far-fetched, if not downright blasphemous.     
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More choice, flexibility for B.C.'s education system
26/04/12, British Columbia Ministry of Education
Bill 36, the School Amendment Act 2012, gives students and families increased choice in educational programs by extending the ability to take a mix of online and traditional school courses to students in kindergarten through Grade 9. 
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Ultimate Gaming Challenge Niagara | May 5-6, 2012 | Niagara Falls, Ontario  


OASBO 69th Annual Conference and Education Industry ShowMay 9-11, 2012 | Ottawa Convention Centre


Canadian Principal Association National Conference
Leadership Under Construction: Tools for the 21st Century | May 24-26, 2012 | Montreal, Quebec


IT4K12 2012 IT: Supporting 21st Century Learning | June 12-13 , 2012 | Richmond, British Columbia  


Canada International Conference on Education June 18-21, 2012 | Guelph, Ontario 


ISTE 2012: Expanding Horizons | June 24-27, 2012 | San Diego, California 


Unplug'd International | Aug 9-12, 2012 | Northern Ontario 


IPN Conference 2012 | September 25-28, 2012 | Durban, South Africa




Please share your conference news with us and we'll do our best to include your event, and/or reflections. 

Email: robert @

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MSL LogoWhy we need teacher-innovators    
By Timothy Gard, Educator, Toronto District School Board 
Twitter @MindShareK12
Part 1 of 3  
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Howard Gardner in his book entitled, Five Minds for the Future, writes about what he thinks will be the kinds of minds that are most important today and even more so tomorrow. This book has a lot to say about each 'type' of mind however it's two particular types of mind that I'm interested in bringing to the fore in this short article - The Synthesizing and The Creating Mind. If you understand that innovation is really a symphony of those two types of minds then you'll readily understand the purpose of understanding these two 'minds' with regards to innovation. To innovate at its very basic level means to 'renew' or to alter so as to make something new. It can also mean to introduce something that is new. In short, an innovator is someone who introduces a new idea, or recreates or repackages an old idea so as to effect change in any given context.  

Most everyone would agree that education seems to be in a constant flux of change. You can either 'go with the flow' or get swallowed up in the tsunami of change that is happening, and is going to happen at a much faster rate than it is now. We need teacher-innovators. These teacher-innovators are the individuals who adapt to change. I would argue that in many regards these individuals flow seamlessly with change because change is by nature disruptive and innovation lives alongside disruption.

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RI2MIT OpenCourseWare teams up with Flat World Knowledge to combine free texts and free course materials
29/04/12, MITNews
MIT OpenCourseWare and textbook publisher Flat World Knowledge have teamed up to provide free, high-quality textbooks to learners accessing OCW's innovative OCW Scholar courses.
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The Stratford Report 2012 - Arts and Culture at the Digital Crossroads
Canada 3.0 2012, Stratford Institute
The Stratford Declaration, adopted by the Canada 3.0 Conference in 2009, embodied
the commitment of the participants to help Canada succeed in the rapidly changing,
highly competitive global economic environment.
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StartupWe're beginning to see the EdTech start-up trend emerging in Canada. After a dozen or so years in this space, it's rewarding to finally see the sector gaining the respect it deserves and going beyond the tipping point. When Google, Facebook  and Apple declare they're venturing into the EdTech space, we know it's one that cannot be ignored. This especially presents opportunities for the vast number of unemployed aspiring new educators to explore other career options. 

Best cities for startups: Toronto ranks 4th on global list of best places to launch a tech company
13/04/12, Huffington Post Canada
California's Silicon valley is still the world's best -- and most renowned -- place to start a tech company, but Canada's largest city is giving it a run for its money, according to a new survey.
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University of Waterloo awarded $1.6 million to establish virtual incubation program
17/04/12, University of Waterloo
The Conrad Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology Centre (Conrad) at the University of Waterloo today received a US$1.6 million grant that will boost countless student businesses.
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The great disconnect: Funding fails to keep pace with start-ups
27/04/12, Globe & Mail
It's a simple supply and demand problem: As more startups are created, the amount of financing to support them has not kept pace. It means there are many promising startups that struggle to succeed or, for that matter, survive.
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Ameresco Canada - Solar Projects with Grand Erie DSB, CEPEO and Loretto College 

New International School Grounds Alliance forms to enrich lives of children through outdoor learning

24/04/12, Evergreen
Leaders in the school ground movement from Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States have formed the non-profit International School Grounds Alliance (ISGA), which brings together a wealth of experience in the fields of school ground use, design, education and management around the globe.

Resources for rethinking
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) encourages us to explore the profound interdependencies of environmental, social, and economic systems.
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Eight from York University to receive diamond jubilee medals   

Eight members of the York University community are among the early recipients of a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in honour of their achievements and significant contributions to Canada.
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Seneca ranked among the top 100 schools in the world for animation, gaming and design
23/04/12, Seneca College
Animation Career Review has released its list of the Top 100 Schools for Animation, Gaming and Design and Seneca is ranked among the best schools on the planet.
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New mobile app lab is the first in Canada
09/04/12, University of Toronto News
A recently opened laboratory in the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering invites members of the University of Toronto community to explore the new possibilities smart applications for smartphones and tablets can offer.
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Huge delegation of university presidents off to Brazil to sell Canadian education
22/04/12, TheChronicleHerald
Governor General David John�ston is leading a group of 30 university presidents to Brazil - the biggest such delegation ever sent abroad to promote the benefits of Canadian education.
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Employers continue to hire Ontario college graduates
18/04/12, CNW
New statistics show 83 per cent of Ontario college graduates found jobs within six months of graduation, despite the difficult economy.
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Harper government invests in universities to create value-added jobs through innovation 20/04/12, FedDev Ontario
Seven universities in southern Ontario will soon be using high performance and cloud computing infrastructure for research to help solve the world's most complex problems, including resource management, urban infrastructure, and neurological disorders, thanks to a Government of Canada investment of up to $20 million.

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EdTech cohort develops future edtech leaders
21/03/2012, Brock University
As the education community continues to struggle with making 21st century teaching and learning a reality, the need for teacher leaders that understand the challenges and benefits of using technology in the classroom grows.
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GameCon 2012 presents to an animated crowd
23/04/12, UOIT
UOIT was filled with hundreds of gaming enthusiasts as the Faculty of Business and Information Technology (FBIT) students from all four years of the Game Development and Entrepreneurship program showcased their video games created in the Game Development Workshop (GDW).
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TED-Ed's commitment to creating lessons worth sharing is an extension of TED's mission of spreading great ideas. Within the growing TED-Ed video library, you will find carefully curated educational videos, many of which represent collaborations between talented educators and animators nominated through the TED-Ed platform. This platform also allows users to take any useful educational video, not just TED's, and easily create a customized lesson around the video. Users can distribute the lessons, publicly or privately, and track their impact on the world, a class, or an individual student.  Visit  

Mathaliciousprovides teachers with lessons that help them teach math in a way that engages their students-in a way that helps students understand how the world works. This site is created for an American audience which means you'll have to sift through the content that is not metric however it's a great inspiration for 'spicing' up your math teaching. It contains some great ideas and wonderful interactive content and media to stimulate your classroom instruction and increase student achievement. This is a pay site but the cost is very reasonable. Visit

I can't think of a better way - at least online - of allowing students to explore 3D creation in a simple, easy to use environment.  I think Tinkercard's explanation of their service is apropos: Learn to design the products of your life.Design in 3D what you've always dreamed of, but never thought possible. With Tinkercad you'll be designing your dream products within minutes. Just drag and drop basic shapes on the workplane. Combine and carve them with holes to form 3D objects. Visit
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BCNET | May 1-3, 2012 | Simon Fraser University Harbour Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia 


The Bridges to Learning | May 10-12, 2012 | University of Toronto, Mississauga, Ontario


World Congress 2012 | May 26-29, 2012 | Halifax, Nova Scotia 


CANHEIT: Building the Digital University | June 10 - 13, 2012 | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


2012 International E-Learning Awards - Business Division is Now Open for Submissions

CeLEA 04/12/11

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Twitter @TeacherTeej

This past month I have been completing my final York University Faculty of Education practicum requirements by teaching for 20 consecutive days. This experience has been absolutely spectacular! However, there have been some less-than-spectacular moments while integrating technology into my (borrowed) classroom. I thought I would share them here and include some ways to proactively and actively deal with them shall they arise; hopefully helping you to avoid a headache or two in your own classroom as well. 

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Moonwalking with Einstein

Author: Joshua Foer   

Book review by David Marsi

Neuroscience, neurobics, memory...this is certainly trending in the learning & development field -- understanding how the latest science of the brain can improve human and organizational performance.  (Below is a snapshot I took in Chapters bookstore earlier this year that validates the focus and attention being given to this topic.)  I'm of the belief that you can positively impact your presentation, sales & ability to influence by leveraging memory principles (knowing what and how people remember) in your approach.  While this is not the focus of this book, it does provide revealing insight into how we remember, and how to learn how to remember better - as stated, "on average, people squander 40 days annually compensating for things they've forgotten". Imagine that!
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Entrepreneurship: An essential skill for young grads 

By Aislinn Malszecki, Digital Media Specialist, MindShare Learning  

Twitter @MindShareYouth  file


MSL Logo Albert Einstein once said "I never worry about the future. It comes soon enough."

In times when the future is uncertain or even ambiguous, many young Canadians are embracing Einstein's attitude by preparing themselves for careers in flux. Their difficulty is clear: the next generation of young workers are graduating from schools that have structures and processes still designed to accommodate the obsolete industrial age. Don`t get me wrong, students do learn valuable information and a body of knowledge but the skills that were reinforced in traditional classrooms have limited value in helping find balance in creating their own career paths rather than simply finding a job. In the industrial era, efficiency and function was the principal trait for workers but adaptability was almost non-existent: one had a single set of job-skills and that defined what work one did--for life.

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New versions of SMART Notebook and SMART Repsonse now available
23/04/12, SMART Technologies
SMART Notebook 11 collaborative learning software, SMART Response assessment software 2012 and the Mac edition of 3D Tools for SMART Notebook software are now available for customer download.
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Discovery Education launches Discovery Education Higher Ed
Discovery Education has announced the launch of Discovery Education Higher Ed, a new digital content service specifically designed for community college instructors and students.
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Tech4Learning has released Frames 5
An upgrade to the award-winning Frames animation and digital storytelling software, users can now capture of images for time-lapse, path animate frame objects, easily match frame duration to audio, collaborate on projects in real-time, and much more.
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New From Epson! The New PowerLite X15 is now Shipping!
Perfect for any educational setting and easy to use, the EPSON PowerLite X15 projector offers bright, clear image quality at an affordable price.
Learn more

GoVenture  amazing new APP for iPad and Android devices. Free and paid versions available
GoVenture MAPme: Learn letters, numbers, words, geography, science, and health all at the same time with this fun game designed for kids and adults. Includes marvelous maps of the World, US states, Canadian provinces, Europe, Middle East, Space, Shapes, Colors, Letters, Numbers, and Anatomy.
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Each month MindShare Learning, in partnership with Education Canada Network, features 3 employment
opportunities from education employers from around the country. For more information on each feature
opportunity click on the following links. If you would like to search for further opportunities we encourage
you to visit Education Canada Network at

Diversity, Equity and Human Rights Advisor

Vancouver Island University
Provide leadership to the University in relation to diversity, educational equity and human rights initiatives and programs and ensure the University is in accordance with human rights and equity legislation. In collaboration with the President's Committee on Diversity, Equity and Human Rights, assist the University to meet the goals outlined in the Human Rights, Personal Harassment and Educational Equity policies. - Learn more and apply

Head of Academic Studies
Bronte College
Bronte College is an independent multi-cultural day and boarding high school in Mississauga, Ontario founded in 1991. Bronte College offers academic high school courses from Grades 9 to 12, the Advanced Placement (AP) Program, English as a Second Language (ESL).- Learn more and apply

Senior/Physics/ Math / Computer Teacher
Catholic Independent Schools of Nelson Diocese (CISND)
There is one high school in operation in the Diocese of Nelson along with six elementary schools. The diocese is located in the beautiful Okanagan and Kootenay regions of British Columbia. Applications are invited at this time for a - Senior Physics/Math/Computer teacher at Immaculata High School in Kelowna beginning the 2012-13 school year. - Learn more and apply 

If you are an employer and would like to have your job featured in our next issue email [email protected]

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Bridging the skills gap
3/04/12, OECD
If you were to ask someone which countries tend to bear the brunt of a shortage of skills in this era of globalised trade, you couldn't fault them for thinking of developing countries.
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The Connectors, Leaders, and People on the Movemusings


 I feel blessed to do what I do for a living. I like to say that every day is a learning day for me. While I'm immersed with technology on a daily basis, I'm also surrounded by incredibly smart and successful people...hopefully it's rubbing off on me! I'm seeing a trend when it comes to leadership skills, be it in education, or industry. Striking a balance in how one uses tech to teach and work is extremely challenging and and a key ingredient to leading successfully.

The awards keep piling up for Joyce Public School. The were recently the recipients of the TDSB award of Excellence for Teachers helping Teachers. Cheryl Paige, Principal is a great case study for a high performing leader who empowers her teachers to perform at their best while providing essential classroom tools to support teaching and learning.

Speaking of tools, SMART Technologies veteran western Canada regional manager, Darcy Ling, my conference buddy, shared some exciting news while we were recently at ERDI in Montreal. He's been promoted to western regional manager in California. Congrats Darcy...I look forward to visiting in your new surroundings!   

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California Dreamin'. Darcy Ling, SMART Technologies, is all smiles as he shares with MindShare's Publisher, Robert Martellacci, his new post as SMART's regional manager covering California.

Staying with SMART... they recently announced the New Vice President Marketing appointment of Jeff Lowe as Vice President, Marketing.

On the University front, UOIT Faculty of Education welcomes Dr. Suzanne de Castell from Simon Fraser University.

Canada's national science and technology museums are now on Canada's fastest digital network
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CIX Top 20 - Canada's Innovation Leaders - Clean Tech - Read more

The Canadian School Boards Association (CSBA) is pleased to announce the election of its new President, Sandi Urban Hall of the Saskatchewan School Boards Association. Presidents of the eight provincial school board associations participated in the election at the Board of Directors Spring Meeting in Montreal, where they unanimously selected Ms. Urban Hall to a one-year term, effective July 4th, 2012.

Here's an interesting stat: IWBs Used in 29.5% of Classrooms for At Least 5.1 Hours (U.S.). I'm told by my friend and colleague, Anita Townsend, consultant and former Superintendent in Simcoe County District School Board shared a very exciting international initiative she's currently working on. The Global Teenager Project (GTP) is a dynamic online resource which provides students with the opportunity to research curriculum-connected topics using Learning Circles and Web 2.0Tools. The Learning Circle is a methodology designed and researched by Dr. Margaret Riel of Pepperdine University in California. There are two Learning Circles in a year, commencing in September and again in February, lasting for ten weeks each. These are created by connecting groups of 8 to 12 classes from all over the world online in a Wiki environment. Participating teachers select a theme which connects to their curriculum from the circle topics listed on the GTP website. These topics enable cross curricular study and are those which impact the lives of most students around the world such as the millennium development goals.

Teachers are able to choose appropriate curriculum topics for students to become more globally aware and create 21 century learning experiences. Visit the website at and contact [email protected] for more information. 



They've got the spirit!  An amazing visit to Beverley Public School, Winners of the MindShare Learning Digital Classroom Challenge Spirit Award. Featured on 60 Minutes this past year, it was incredible to see the magic of students with disabilities using iPads for various learning activities and to communicate with teachers. Principal Alana Grossman (pictured left with students for the cake cutting ceremony), was most welcoming and toured me around the school situated in downtown Toronto. Thanks so much and congratulations once again for the excellent work of the teachers and Ms. Grossman.

Top Tweet! Asking "why" you want iPads is a critical question... - iPads in Education | via @GMontgomery10

Late breaking news

This just in! StatsCan: Education Matters: Insights on Education, Learning and Training in Canada, May 2012  

Until next time, walk the digital talk! Cheers, R.M.

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Buyers2Be sure to check out our featured suppliers in our Buyer's Guide on the MindShare Learning website.    
About Usabout

The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:


Robert Martellacci,  M.A. Ed Tech., Publisher and Managing Editor, contact: [email protected]

Timothy Gard, M.A., B.Ed K-12 Editor, contact: [email protected]

Aislinn Malszecki, B.A. Hons., Digital Media Specialist, contact: [email protected]  

Valerie Rusnov, B.A. Hons., B.Ed., Editor

Terri-Jo Fennell, B.A., B.Ed, Jr. Digital Education Consultant



About The MindShare Learning Report™ -- Canada's Leading, Learning & Technology eMagazine.   
Our mission is to transform education by sharing knowledge of 21st Century innovative best practices and success stories in the
Canadian education market space and beyond. We harness the power of Web 2.0 technologies to feature engaging Vodcasts,
podcasts, polling, Canadian educational technology news headlines & upcoming strategic industry events in the K-12, Higher Ed
and corporate eLearning market segments. Other elements of the MSL Report eMagazine include: successful practices, ask an
educator, ask a professor, research & tech tools, GreenIT and career listings, to support educators and educational technology
providers in maintaining a pulse for emerging trends in Canada.


Editorial content for the monthly issue is due the third week of each month.



Please forward your news releases as web links to

info @

Advertising opportunities are available, please contact,

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Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN 


About MindShare Learning 


MindShare Learning is a privately held company based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic
marketing solutions to learning & technology solution providers in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets, to support new
market expansion and revenue growth. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc.,
EPSON, GlobalScholar,, RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, netTrekker, IMSI (, CERC (Canadian
Education Resources Council), Tech4Learning, Xoolon, NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada.


Inquire about our EdTech Strategy Consulting Services.