March 2012 | Web 2.0 Edition Spotlight on Saskatchewan Issue 1, Volume 5
Fill out our 1st Annual ICT Survey for Canadian Teachers`and qualify to WIN an iPad 3!
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Exclusive Publisher Vodcast interview with Professor Chris Tyler,Seneca College on the release of the $35 Computer, Raspberry Pi

We're thrilled to celebrate our 5th anniversary special edition of the MindShare Learning Report with you! It seems like just yesterday when I was being challenged to change the world at the Pepperdine University Masters in EdTech program convocation. I decided to start with one country at a time! Thanks to my alma mater for inspiring the creation of this report.
I want to especially thank you, our loyal readers and partner sponsors (many of who have been with us since the beginning) for your support. Together we've grown and are truly making a difference that enables us to share the amazing work by educators--through research and innovative practices across our vast Canadian landscape. While we've come a long way in transforming learning in the 21st Century in Canada, for the most part we are preaching to the converted; getting to the mid-adapters and beyond is truly the key to seeing widespread change in education.
The next five years promise to be an exciting time in education given the digital convergence and the emergence of the global knowledge based economy. The following are some of our key innovative initiatives in our roadmap for the coming year:
✓ Our first Canadian Teacher EdTech Survey in Schools Officially released in this issue ✓ ITunes App to read your MSL Report on the go! ✓ MindShare Learning Network of Innovative Teachers ✓ Webinar Series: Making Sense of the Digital eBook Revolution Part 11: Overcoming Barriers ✓ Watch for more details on our Fall EdTech Leadership Summit-Convergence in the Classroom
I want to give a warm welcome to our newest board members: Dr. Camille Rutherford, Brock University Faculty of Education, and Laurent Burman, Global Scholar, who will play a key role in helping us navigate the next five years along with our highly valued board members and growing team at MindShare Learning.
I feel extremely fortunate to be a part of an amazing community of leaders in both education and industry who share the same mission in supporting student success. We look forward to the next five years with great enthusiasm knowing the human spirit among Canadians remains a key part of the success equation.
This issue is packed with rich content that reflects the excellence that we see on a daily basis. Let's continue to break down the walls and nurture our future leaders to be ambassadors for our great country of Canada. Stay tuned for an amazing ride as we fly through the next phase of the millennium.
Until next time, keep the learning curve steep!
Cheers, R. 
Follow us on Twitter @mindsharelearn
Robert Martellacci
M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™-- Connecting Education & Business to Support Student Success
Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser à l'Environnement.
Advisory Board Members
The MindShare Report is grateful of the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board. Members include:
Chip Fesko, Sr. Director of Advertising & Strategic Alliances, George Lucas Educational Foundation, Edutopia Magazine
Timothy Gard, Educator - Media Literacy & Technology, Toronto District School Board Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of Education, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada Gary Kern, Principal, Technology & Innovation, West Vancouver School District Dr. Greg Malszecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, Invesco Jamie McNamara, Superintendent of Schools, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools, Leduc, Alberta Dr. Ron Owston, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology, York University Cheryl Paige, Principal, Joyce Public School, Toronto District School Board Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology), Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
MindShare Learning Welcomes Two New Board Appointments

Dr. Camille Rutherford is an Associate Professor of Education at Brock University. As a former educator and university administrator, her work with teacher candidates, teachers, and educational leaders explores the use of technology and social media to facilitate distributed leadership and enhance teaching & learning.
Laurent Burman is Vice President of Sales and Business Development of GlobalScholar. As one of the first employees at GlobalScholar, Laurent has held a variety of marketing, sales and business leadership roles at the company, helping drive its growth and leading to its acquisition by Scantron in early 2011. He has a passion for education and for helping build transformative new ventures. Prior joining, Laurent was the Vice President of Web for Helio, a highly innovative U.S. wireless service provider, where he built and managed the online brand, and e-commerce. Prior to Helio, Laurent was at, where he served as the General Manager of the retail Wireless business. He has also served as the Vice President of Business Development for GetConnected, a transaction service provider to the Wireless and Broadband industries, and worked in product development for Procter and Gamble and IBM. Laurent holds an MBA from the Harvard Business School and a BS in Engineering from Queen's University.
Title sponsor

MindShare Learning's 5th Anniversary Quotes of the Month
"Congratulations on 5 years of publishing the MindShare Learning Report. You are living what you are preaching - keep the learning curve steep. Here's to continued growth and measurable impact."
- David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, Invesco
"The Mindshare Learning Report grew out of a desire on the part of Robert Martellacci to put e-learning in Canada on the international map. On its 5th anniversary his vision has come true-the MSL Report is a now a must read for all leaders who want to keep up-to-date with the latest educational technology developments, ideas, and trends. Congratulations!"
- Ron Owston, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology, York University
"I believe that we finally have a national voice bringing together a common mission of improving the quality of education for all Canadians. Way to go Mindshare!"
- Gary Kern, Principal, Technology & Innovation, West Vancouver School District
"Congratulations Robert and to the entire Mindshare Learning team on the achievement of your first five years of the Mindshare Learning Report. The report provides an invaluable service to Canada's education community. More importantly, Mindshare Learning has become a constant source of inspiration for those educators who won't accept the status quo and who recognize the imperative to adapt our educational policies and practices to reflect the dynamic environment in which we live. Keep up the good work. The next five years should see some dramatic changes and I am confident Mindshare will be a key catalyst and contributor."
- Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada

Beverley Public School Wins Special MindShare Learning 21st Century Spirit Award for its innovation and impact on learning and the human spirit "Our greatest accountability is the sheer joy on the faces of our students as they use technology to learn and grow." says Principal Alana Grossman |
Cross Canada Spotlight on Saskatchewan
Podcast interview with Shelley Wright, MindShare Learning 21st Century National Classroom Video Contest Winner (Western Canada) 2012 Shares her transformational teaching with Technology Secrets to Success
Shelley Wright is a teacher/education blogger living in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan in Canada. She teaches high school English, science and technology. Her passion in education is social justice, global education and helping her students make the world a better place. She blogs at Wright's Room. Follow her on Twitter at @wrightsroom
02/29/2012, Estevan Mercury Nothing illustrates the growth of the South East Cornerstone Public School Division better than the information systems and technology arm of this educational business that serves over 8,150 students and more than 1,100 teachers, support staff and administrators.
02/10/2012, Marketwire The Government of Canada is partnering with SaskTel and the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN) to enhance Internet services in 68 communities. Read more
21st Century Spotlight: C21 Canada Hosts Inaugural 21st Century Summit
C21 Canada-Canadians for 21st Century Learning & Innovation, a newly formed not-for-profit organization comprised of education organizations and knowledge sector companies hosted a Summit on 21st century learning and officially launched the organization this past February 15th at the Kingbridge Centre, King City. The Summit, entitled "Shifting Minds," brought together 50 Canadian leaders to help C21 Canada create a national vision and framework for 21st century models of learning in Canada.
"As Canadians are increasingly concerned about the future for our children, there is now a need to inject a sense of urgency in the work to transform education. If not, thousands of children will continue to lose out on opportunities to grow and be successful," says Ron Canuel, CEO, Canadian Education Association. "Our membership to C21Canada reflects our shared vision to tackle this issue head on."
 | Interview with Naomi Johnson at the C21 Canada Launch Summit 2012 |
MindShare Learning played a key role envisioning the organization in collaboration with John Kershaw, former deputy minister from New Brunswick and his new company 21st Century Learning Associates. "It's truly rewarding to see it all come together. It would not have been possible without the generous support of founding members from both education and industry. The collaboration we experienced at the Summit was powerful and the best is yet to come!" says Robert Martellacci, president & Publisher, MindShare Learning. Read more

To learn more about how you can become engaged with C21Canada, go to

Interview with Dino Miele, Chief Information Officer at District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) at the EdTech Strategies Summit, Toronto
2012 marks our busiest year yet on the Conference/Events Corner Front. To date we've been supporting partners of the following conferences/Webinars: BrockU EdTech Showcase, C21 Canada Summit & launch, MindShare Learning Webinar "Making Sense of eTextbook Digital Revolution," ABEL Summit, EdTech Strategies Summit as well as attended the Seneca College Raspberry Pi $35 computer launch.
Interestingly, despite the growing use of technology in education and the availability of webinar tools , we haven't seen a slowdown in the number of educational technology conferences. People still very much feel a need to connect and forge professional learning networks (PLNs). I suspect as costs continue to escalate, we'll see a move to more of a blended learning environment where web streaming becomes more pervasive.
The best way to catch our conference coverage and reflections is via twitter @mindsharelearn. If you have yet to discover twitter, I highly recommend it as a powerful collaborative learning tool. I connect with colleagues, stay up to date with the latest news and share our own news stories.
Second ABEL Leadership Summit video available
The second in a series of ABEL Leadership Summit videos is now available online. To watch George Couros' presentation (WMV for non iOS/Mac users). The first video in the series is also available.Watch Alec Couros engaging presentation. (WMV for non iOS/Mac users).
 Interview with Ron Canuel, CEO, Canadian Education Association (CEA) at the EdTech Strategies Summit, Toronto
If you have an upcoming conference that you'd like us to share, cover, or sponsor, please drop us a note as we're happy to amplify your message. Microsoft Partners in Learning 2012 Innovative Teacher Award Program has Officially Launched Click here to Learn More |
Grants for Teachers - Curriculum Services Canada Curriculum Services Canada's (CSC) affiliate and charitable arm, The Curriculum Foundation (TCF) supports a Grants for Educators Program through which educators are provided a professional growth opportunity. Canadian educators can apply their professional knowledge and skills as they participate in a learning community with their peers. Read more
School in-service training grants for grades prek-12 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics The purpose of this grant is to provide financial assistance to elementary and high-school schools for in-service education in mathematics. For 2012-2013, grants of a maximum of $4,000 each will be awarded to elementary schools. Read more
Intel International Education Grant Our primary giving focus is education. We have a strong interest in supporting education and community programs that help prepare students to succeed in the 21st century. Intel vigorously supports education through donations and grants for programs that advance science, math, and technology education. Read more
Gale/Library Media Connection - TEAMS Award - Teachers and media specialists influencing student achievement The Gale/Library Media Connection TEAMS Aware recognizes and encourages the critical collaboration between the teacher and media specialist to promote learning, increase student achievement and develop 21st century skills. Read more
Computers in schools: money well-spent, Concordia University study says 02/21/2012, Montreal Gazette Concordia University researchers set out to answer a "big picture" question: Does computer technology have a positive effect overall on learning in the classroom? Read more
Education For Tomorrow, Transformations + Technology Update 2012/13 The transformation of B.C.'s education system has one main goal: improving student success. All our plans, from the BC Education Plan to this Transformation and Technology Plan, align with that goal and together focus on making sure that we have what we need for the future, as learners, educators and supporters of B.C.'s education system. Read more
TechKNOWLEDGEy - TechnoSAVOIR 02/22/2012, Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers' Association Education Week in Newfoundland and Labrador is scheduled for March 4-10, 2012. This year's theme is techKNOWLEDGEy * technoSAVOIR. Read more
March Break Camps to Ignite Student Interest in Science and Technology DSBN - Aboriginal new school Aboriginal students in Grades 4 - 8 have the opportunity to spend March Break immersed in robotics, electronics and digital media. The IGNITE camp program aims to spark student interest in engineering, science and technology. Read more
Discovery Education Canada welcomes Dean Shareski as new community manager - Renowned expert on education and technology, Dean Shareski will support educators to leverage digital media to enhance learning - 03/24/2012, DiscoveryEd Discovery Education has named Dean Shareski community manager of the Canadian Discovery Educator Network (DEN), a community of educators who are passionate about teaching with digital media, sharing resources, collaborating and networking. Read more
Canarie helps take students to the ocean floor 02/28/2012, Canarie, Canada's Advanced Research and Innovation Network, today spread the word that students - and the general public - can delve hundreds or thousands of metres below the surface of the Pacific Ocean, using a technically sophisticated web portal that brings the magic of marine life to the desktop. Read more
Event:........EdCamp WaterlooDate:..........March 31, 2012 Location:...Waterloo, ON
Please share your conference news with us and we'll do our best to include your event, and/or reflections. Email:
Frugal innovation: Green ink 03/01/2012, The Economist By 2017 printing presses around the world will lap up 3.7m tonnes of ink, worth some $18 billion. Most of it will contain hydrocarbon-based solvents resulting in emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), an undesirable by-product of the manufacturing process. But not all. EnNatura, a company spun out of the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi has created a formula for making ink that is environmentally friendly. Read more
Canada places 7th in creating green tech firms 02/26/2012, The Globe and Mail Canada ranks among the top 10 countries worldwide when it comes to spawning clean technology companies, despite scant support for the sector from the federal government. Read more
Smart gains int'l nod for green initiatives 03/04/2012, The Philippine Star Leading wireless services providerSmart Communications, Inc. (Smart) received two prestigious awards in 2011 for programs that support the preservation of the environment, one from the Asia Communication Awards and the other from the World Communications Awards. Read more
Web 2.0 and the Effective Classroom: Some Thoughts
By Timothy Gard, Educator, Toronto District School Board
Debates rage in the field of education about whether educational technology can make a real difference in student achievement. Point-blank: Can student achievement be increased by using technology?
I'm not going to write about that per se however I am going to write briefly about the effective use of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom environment and then give you some of my insights into various considerations you should take before launching into the planning and implementing of any one of these online tools in your classroom.
The connection with whether educational technology can make a difference with regards to achievement gains is caught up in the effective use of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom. It's caught up in a meta-sense because to use Web 2.0 tools effectively requires skilled planning, teaching and assessing. There's no 'magic bullet'. Web 2.0 tools however can easily help you create a 'flipped classroom' that empowers both you and your students and show that in a very real way effective use of educational technology as related to the field of Web 2.0 tools can have a real impact on student achievement. Read on!
Web 2.0 Technology Spotlight
Easy to post-it, see it, and peel it off. lino is a free sticky & canvas service that requires nothing but a Web browser. Access lino from your from anywhere and post a sticky note online whenever you need!
Jog the Web is a web-based tool that allows anyone to create a synchronous guide to a series of web sites. Its step by step approach of taking viewers through web sites allowing the author to annotate and ask guiding questions for each page is unique.
EasyBib is an automatic bibliography composer. When you have sources you need to cite properly for your research paper, EasyBib will help you format your sources quickly and accurately. Millions of students a month use EasyBib to cite sources for their papers.
 ThingLink lets users add interactive links to any photo and turn them into fun web experiences that drive engagement. ThingLink's exclusive Rich Media Tags feature popular media players and apps from YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, Google Maps, Flickr, Facebook, Twitter.  Teachers sign up to use PenPal News for six-week sessions. We match students with a partnering class, and each week, students are assigned or choose news stories to discuss. Assignments include prompts for students to answer. For the final assignment, students complete a journalistic project of their own to share with their penpal. |

Grow Leaders Fast By Robin Sharma
Your enterprise's ultimate competitive advantage comes down to a single imperative-your ability to grow and develop leaders faster than the competition. The more quickly you can get every single person in the company demonstrating leadership behavior-regardless of their position-the more quickly you will lead the field. Your race is to grow leaders fast and to develop a leadership culture before your competition does.
Read more
Learn by collaborating. Learn by doing. Find the power-button and go.

A New Teachers Guide to EdTech
By T.J. Fennell, Jr. Digital Educaiton Consultant, MindShare Learning
As a passionate advocate for 21st century learning and teaching, I thought it might be smart to pick the brain of someone who is not only tech savvy, but someone who is a leader in providing a vibrant school community with a pathway to success using technology in education.
Ken Pettigrew, Principal at Roy H. Crosby Public School (K-6) in Markham, shared with me some fundamental tips every teacher should know as they begin to successfully integrate technology. Read more
Post-Secondary Feature Headlines
Cutting Edge Tech Support Now A Reality at University of Alberta 02/03/2012, University of Alberta The discussion around technology in relation to education is everywhere. A quick survey of Twitter reveals several conversations spanning the globe, all centered on how technology can empower both students and teachers. Read more
Ontario universities urged to move more classes online 02/23/11,CBC A report before the Ontario government is calling for universities and colleges to move a third of their courses online - a proposal that's received a failing grade from a prominent students' organization
We're ripe for a great disruption in higher education01/02/12, Globe& MailHow would you like to go to MIT - for free? You can now. Read moreCanarie's new content delivery service gives universities more bang for their buck02/21/2012, Universities and colleges connected to the CANARIE network can now have faster and less expensive access to content on the Internet, CANARIE, Canada's Advanced Research and Innovation Network, announced today. |
Post Secondary Education: Upcoming Events
Event:........Canada 3.0 Digital Media Forum
Date:..........April 24 - 25, 2012
Location:....Stratford, Ontario
Event:........The Bridges to Learning Date:..........May 10-12, 2012 Location:...University of Toronto Mississauga
2012 International E-Learning Awards - Business Division is Now Open for Submissions
CeLEA 04/12/11
Read more
Podcast Interview with Dr. Jeremy Friedberg, Co-Founder Spongelab Interactive
By Aislinn Malszecki, Digital Media Specialist,
MindShare Learning Find me on Twitter @MindShareYouth

Dr. Jeremy Friedburg, trained in molecular genetics and biotechnology, and now a long-time game-based learning educator for the sciences as a founding partner of Spongelab Interactive. We met at his offices in downtown Toronto.
Spongelab Interactive is an educational gaming company that produces content to communicate science to many different audiences; they also examine the interactive design of the environments or simulations they create, and look to the theory of learning and behaviour change as to "what works and what doesn't work."
Read more
$35 computer 'Raspberry Pi' readies for launch 02/24/2012, CBC An ultra-cheap computer with made-in-Canada software is launching next week with the goal of rekindling children's interest in computer programming.
02/20/2012, Concordia University researchers set out to answer a "big picture" question: Does computer technology have a positive overall effect on learning in the classroom?
National PBS Survey Finds Teachers Want More Access to Classroom
Tech & Learning Media announced today findings from a national survey of teachers grades pre-K-12 that sheds light on the rising role of technology in America's classrooms, as well as barriers teachers face to accessing the "right" digital resources.Read more
Product Announcements: SMART Vantage Offers Insight Into Classroom ICT Use 02/28/2012, SMART SMART Technologies Inc., a leading provider of collaboration solutions, announces that SMART Vantage technology-management software, an easy-to-use application that gives administrators and technology directors access to key usage data, is now available. Read more
Epson Introduces Next Generation 64-Inch Solvent Printer - SureColor S30670 02/15/2012, EPSON Epson today introduced its next generation 64-inch solvent printer - the EPSON® SureColor™ S30670. Incorporating Epson's latest technological breakthroughs, the SureColor S30670 is the first ever solvent-based printer to use Epson's MicroPiezo® TFP® print head, bringing a new level of quality, performance and value to the signage, vehicle graphics and fine art markets. Read more
Each month MindShare Learning, in partnership with Education Canada Network, features 3 employment opportunities from education employers from around the country. For more information on each feature oppotunity click on the following links. If you would like to search for further opportunities we encourage you to visit Education Canada Network at
Director, Innovation & Technologies Toronto French School As a member of the Schools senior leadership team and reporting to the Deputy Head Operations, the Director of Innovation and Technology will take overall responsibility for the integration of technology in the curriculum and throughout the school. -- Learn more and apply |
Bilingual Education Consultant for Ottawa and Gatineau Advanced Education Advanced Education is seeking a bilingual educator to deliver SMART Board professional development and training in the Ottawa area. This position is ideal for an educator who is a enjoys working with teachers to support the effective use of SMART boards and related software. -- Learn more and apply |
Education Partnerships Program Regional Counsellor First Nations Education Council Under the direct supervision of the Assistant Director of the First Nations Education Council, the Education Partnerships Program (EPP) Regional Counsellor is responsible for the implementation of regional activities under the EPP Action Plan. The EPP Regional Counsellor provides technical and administrative support to the Regional Coordinating Committee. -- Learn more and apply |
If you are an employer and would like to have your job featured in our next issue email |
The Connectors, Leaders and People on the Move

Dundas Central Gets top prize for innovation and hospitality too! I visited MSL contest winner Heidi Siwak's School recently and was pleasantly surprised by a gym full of teachers and students to say thank you to MindShare Learning and celebrate the achievements of Heidi Siwak and her students in winning our national contest.
I was totally surprised (not to mention late) and didn't expect such a warm welcome. The sense of community, teacher and student engagement was most evident at Dundas Central. Perhaps there are lessons to be learned from this small town humble school just outside Toronto. Here's a little trivia that Heidi shared. Dundas Central which was built in 1857 is the home to North America's first kindergarten class. My tour of the school was very cool ..... amazing architecture...classrooms with floor to ceiling windows and lots of space for the kids. Teachers and students were so proud to share their various projects from robotics to blogging. My time at Dundas Central was not long enough to really appreciate the powerful learning community that Mr. Barry Morlog, Principal, has nurtured. Congratulations and thank you Dundas Central for a memorable afternoon. You are most certainly a school on the move!
Things really do happen in 3's The Canadian Education Association announced recently that the Heidi Siwak's Dundas Central elementary school class has won this year's Ken Spencer Award for Innovation in the classroom, courtesy of the CEA. The other award came from the Globe & Mail recognizing Heidi as one of the country's most innovative teachers.
 Congratulations to my inspirational colleague, Dr. Don Knezek, CEO, ISTE, who announced recently that he is retiring. Don has been has been a global leader in pushing the 21st century learning paradigm. Don has been a friend and great supporter of MindShare Learning, keynoting at our conference and co-hosting our Can/Am receptions with the Canadian Consulate. Don, we greatly appreciate your thought leadership in transforming learning. Thank you again for your ongoing support of MindShare Learning. We look forward to catching up with you at ISTE 2012!
Anne Kerr, Toronto DSB Superintendent, and longtime friend of MindShare Learning caught up with us at the ABEL Summit and shared she's soon to be retiring from the TDSB. Congratulations on a successful career and for your ongoing innovative spirit! I'm sure we'll cross paths again soon!
The Tech Awards - 2012 Nominations Now Open
The Tech Awards program inspires global engagement in applying technology to humanity's most pressing problems by recognizing individuals, organizations, and companies that use innovative technology solutions.
It was great catching up with Lia De Cicco-Remu from Microsoft at the C21 Summit recently. Thanks for sharing news about their Partners in Learning YouTube Channel. Check out the awesome YouTube video of Ian Fogarty, Innovative Teacher Winner, and The New Maryland School/Partner School Winner. Awesome work Ian! I had the good fortunate of presenting with Ian last year at the SMART Tech Global Conference. Nominations for the 2012 INNOVATIVE TEACHER Awards are now open.
In case you missed it, the Fraser Institute recently released their annually school performance results along with compare the academic performance of your child's school website. The following is the link to do your comparisons.
MindShare's friend, Dr. Tony Bates, professor emeritus UBC, recently recommended graduate programs in alma mater Pepperdine University makes the grade! If you're considering a graduate degree, it's a great list.
| MindShare Learning 21st Century Classroom Contest Winner Heidi Siwak pictured centre with School board Trustee Jessica Brennan (L-R), John Laverty Superintendent, Barry Morlog, Principal, Robert Martellacci, President, MindShare Learning |
As I reflect back on our first issue of the MSL Report, I continue to strive to retain the human side of the education sector and the passionate leaders that I have the good fortunate of connecting with from both education and industry. It makes the many long hours and late nights burning the midnight oil to meet our deadline that much more rewarding. Thanks to our loyal readership for your continuing inspiration!
Until next time, walk the digital talk!
Cheers, R. M.
About Us
The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:
Robert Martellacci, M.A. Ed Tech., Publisher and Managing Editor, contact:
Timothy Gard, M.A., B.Ed K-12 Editor, contact:
Aislinn Malszecki, B.A. Hons., Digital Media Specialist, contact:
Valerie Rusnov, B.A. Hons., B.Ed., Editor
Terri-Jo Fennell, B.A., B.Ed, Jr. Digital Education Consultant
About The MindShare Learning Report™ -- Canada's Leading, Learning & Technology eMagazine.
Our mission is to transform education by sharing knowledge of 21st Century innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond. We harness the power of Web 2.0 technologies to feature engaging Vodcasts, podcasts, polling, Canadian educational technology news headlines & upcoming strategic industry events in the K-12, Higher Ed and corporate eLearning market segments. Other elements of the MSL Report eMagazine include: successful practices, ask an educator, ask a professor, research & tech tools, GreenIT and career listings, to support educators and educational technology providers in maintaining a pulse for emerging trends in Canada.
Editorial content for the monthly issue is due the third week of each month.
Please forward your news releases as web links to
info @
Advertising opportunities are available, please contact,
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Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN
About MindShare Learning
MindShare Learning is a privately held company based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic marketing solutions to learning & technology solution providers in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets, to support new market expansion and revenue growth. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc., EPSON, GlobalScholar,, RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, netTrekker, IMSI (, CERC (Canadian Education Resources Council), Tech4Learning, Xoolon, NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada.
Inquire about our EdTech Strategy Consulting Services.