Question of the Month
How do we accelerate the integration of digital textbook resources for all Canadian students?
Podcast Interview with Heidi Siwak
Central Canada
Video Challenge Winner
 | Photo credit Ron Albertson/The Hamilton Spectator |
Welcome to the MindShare Learning Report 21st Century National Classroom Video Challenge winners Special Edition. Coincidentally, today marks Digital Learning Day (technically U.S. only) Hence, in honour of our contest winners I'm proposing we mark today 21st Century Learning Day! So, here's to a happy 21st Century Learning Day! Explore, engage, and share with your students, colleagues, family and friends innovative practices that enhance your ability to learn and be engaged. One of my highlights this time of year is contacting our national contest teacher winners and to hear the excitement and the cheering that goes on in the background. Besides, the $15,000 plus in prizes each teacher will receive, there's a tremendous sense of pride in being honoured for innovative teaching practices. My hope is that we embrace and cheer on all educators who strive to be their very best in the classroom. It reminds me of a recent tweet I can across, "Changing the way we teach is a lot easier than changing the way students learn." -@rkiker #educon via @tgwynn There were many outstanding video submissions, and I wish they could all be awarded a prize, however our winners were truly outstanding in their use of technology in the classroom. In fine tradition the quality of videos just keeps getting better--Here's a shout out to all those teachers who demonstrated their leadership in sharing their passion for 21st Century Learning and engaging students to enhance learning. I want to take this opportunity to thank our judges panel, our generous sponsors and all those teachers and students who participated in the 4th Annual MindShare Learning 21st Century Digital Classroom Challenge. - Celebrating our MindShare Learning 21st Century National Video Contest Winners
- Forty principals chosen as Canada's Outstanding Principals for 2012
- Montreal Company Creates World's Cheapest Tablet
- Conference Corner: CES, FETC, RCAC, Brock U EdTech Showcase
- Adaptive Curriculum Product Review
- C21 Canada to host national Summit this month
- Apple's iBooks 2 takes a bite out of education, MindShare Learning Interview
- National PBS Survey Finds Teachers Want More Access to Classroom Tech
Next month we celebrate our 5th year of publishing the MindShare Learning Report. To commemorate this milestone we'll be launching our MSL Report iPhone app. Watch for it! We're pleased to welcome Terri-Jo Fennell to our team. TJ is a new teacher candidate at York University, who will be sharing her experiences as a 21st Century learner and soon to be educator through a monthly blog post. Until next time, keep the learning curve steep! Cheers, 
Follow us on Twitter @mindsharelearn
Robert Martellacci
M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™-- Connecting Education & Business to Support Student Success
Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser à l'Environnement.
Advisory Board Members
The MindShare Report is grateful of the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board. Members include:
Chip Fesko, Sr. Director of Advertising & Strategic Alliances, George Lucas Educational Foundation, Edutopia Magazine
Timothy Gard, Educator - Media Literacy & Technology, Toronto District School Board Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of Education, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada Gary Kern, Principal, Technology & Innovation, West Vancouver School District Dr. Greg Malszecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, Invesco Jamie McNamara, Superintendent of Schools, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools, Leduc, Alberta Dr. Ron Owston, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology, York University Cheryl Paige, Principal, Joyce Public School, Toronto District School Board Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology), Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
Title sponsor

 "Parents are now asking how long before all students have ebooks?"
-- Chris Kennedy, Superintendent West Vancouver School District, MindShare Learning National Webinar: Digital Textbook Revolution, January 25, 2012
"Steve Jobs is the greatest inventor in our lifetime. He was not a great technologist. The iPad is a piece of crap technically."
-- Scott McNealy, Founder, Curriki, former, Co-founder, Sun Microsystems, Consumer Electronics Show, Higher Education Summit Keynote, January 2012
21st Century Classroom Video Challenge Winner's Circle

Western Winner
School: Cornerstone School Location: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! My students and I are incredibly excited to have our work recognized in this way. It's shown them that being globally connected really does matter!"
Central Winner
Teacher: Heidi Siwak School: Dundas Central Public School Location: Dundas, Ontario
"I'm so so excited...thank you very much, it is a great honor ....when I looked at the other video submissions, I didn't think we were going to win with such a competitive field"
Eastern Winner

Teacher: Seth Richardson
"At SJDA technology education is at the forefront of our 21st century learning initiative. We are committed to inspiring our future leaders to question, innovate and collaborate, using the skills necessary to succeed. On behalf of our school and community, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to MindShare Learning for recognizing our efforts and helping to further support our students." |
Thank you to our sponsors!
Cross Canada Spotlight: 21st Century Learning Initiatives in Eastern Canada
The following are a number of 21st Century Learning initiatives that we uncovered across the Eastern provinces.
New Brunswick
Learning: Everybody's Project An action plan that articulates a clear vision for learning in our province and the specific actions that will position New Brunswickers for success in the 21st century will be adopted at a Provincial Forum by a representative group of citizen leaders in Spring 2012.
Read more
21st Century Standards of Practice for Beginning Teachers in New Brunswick
These Standards of Practice describe the knowledge, skills, competencies, values and personal commitment expected of beginning teachers after having completed a teacher preparation program in order to teach in New Brunswick's inclusive public education system.
Read more
Technology for K-12 Schools Almost $11 million has been earmarked under the 21st Century Learning Strategy in Budget 2011 to purchase additional computers and interactive whiteboards for schools throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.
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Youth Innovation Grant Awarded to Goulds Elementary
An exciting announcement was made at Goulds Elementary on December 20. Innovation Minister Keith Hutchings and John Dinn, MHA for Kilbride, presented our school with a $20,000 grant under the Provincial Government's Youth Innovation Initiative.
Read more
Nova Scotia
Formed a committee to define the education requirements for the
21st century in partnership with the Department of Education.
Read more
Investing in 21st Century Schools
Nova Scotia Department of Education November 24, 2011
Nova Scotia is investing $15 million for the South Queens school construction project, with $8.5 million as part of the 2012-2013 capital plan. The school will be the first in Nova Scotia designed to support project-based learning, a modern and innovative method of teaching and learning.
Read more
Prince Edward Island
Project based learning prepares students for 21st century Education and Early Childhood Development
Students are diving deeper into creative problem-solving by focusing on project based learning, said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Doug Currie.
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Funding for the 21st century
The Guardian 31/01/12
It takes time to get it right, but it also takes time to totally redesign how education is taught to our children in P.E.I. The Minister's Summit on Learning held in 2010 laid the foundation where we must march towards 21st century learning, not just building institutions.
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If the number of EdTech conferences that keep popping up are any indication of where this sector is heading, then we're in for quite a ride for 2012!
CES (Consumer Electronics Show) Poste-Secondary/ K12 EdTech Summit in Las Vegas was my first and mind blowing with some 140,000 delegates attending the conference. I would describe this show as the Formula 1 event of consumer technology. This is where leading-edge innovations make it to the show floor. Case in point, Vego mobile telepresence (see photo and video interview below).
Apparently, the technology is being used for children in hospital as part of a virtual schooling initiative. The HED Summit panel I attended focused on challenges to deploying technology around cloud computing and the complexities with various systems for e-learning, course management, etc. One of the great challenges in the U.S. is student retention at the post-secondary level. There are opportunities for companies who specialize in solutions for this growing problem with respect to early warning provisioning for professors. On the K12 front, I really enjoyed Leslie Fisher's keynote ( who shared the practical side of the web and open learning tools for teachers.
Entrance to Arizona State University SkySong-Center for Innovation, Technology and Imagination which is home to Adaptive Curriculum that we visited while in Arizona
Scott McNealy's, Curriki founder and former Sun Microsystems co-founder, keynote enlightened the audience with his edgy entrepreneurial spirit. Mr. McNealy appeared to be a proponent of privatizing education. "Not sure education belongs in the public sector, "stated Scott McNealy. "Monopolies don't innovate very well." He further lamented about education in the U.S. spending $8-15 Billion annually on learning technology when Curriki, a search engine for learning resources, is Free. Mr. McNealy when on to pay tribute to Steve Jobs, "a great fashion designer of all-time," then proceeded to slam his iPad technology, "it's a piece of crap, technically."
Mark Carbone, CIO, Waterloo DSB shows off his @markwcarbone twitter tie at the recent RCAC conference in London, Ontario
My learning adventure continued on to Phoenix, Arizona where I connect with Dr. Gary Bitter from ASU for a campus tour and the folks at Adaptive Curriculum. I was fascinated to learn about the ASU SkySong Center for Innovation, Technology and Imagination. This partnership between the City of Phoenix, ASU and industry appears to be a model for success. The facilities are awe inspiring and serve to nurture innovative companies such as Adaptive Curriculum.
Learn more about Adaptive Curriculum's solution in the product review section, courtesy of Tim Gard. I would be re-missed if I didn't share that I attended RCAC11 in December and managed to take in Dr. Helen Barrett's keynote on Digital was outstanding! I've provided a couple of links courtesy of Doug Peterson, a key organizer, who continues to impress with his passion for learning and technology in the southwestern Ontario region and beyond.
Read more

Need investment in your life sciences company?
A new $7-million fund has been created by the Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation as part of the Ontario Life Sciences Commercialization Fund. The program helps accelerate the growth of life sciences companies established in Ontario. The fund invests up to $1 million in companies that have the potential to be global leaders in their field and provide sustainable economic benefits to Ontario. Read more
YOUR SCHOOL COULD WIN A $10,000 PRIZE PACK! FrontRow Every time a school takes advantage of our free evaluation program (i.e. trying a FrontRow system for 45 days without obligation) and then decides to PURCHASE the system, it will be entered into our exclusive $10,000 prize pack draw, including $5,000 in free cash plus $5,000 in free FrontRow product. This promotion will run throughout 2012, with the winner chosen at the end of the year. Learn more
Future Shop is giving away $500,000 in grantsEvery year the Future Generation Tech Lab program offers up to $500,000 in grants to upgrade Grade 9-12 classrooms with the latest equipment.Read more |
Montreal company creates world's cheapest tablet computer Geektown, 30/12/12 While thousands of Canadians packed store aisles to snag an iPad 2 or an Android-powered tablet, one Montreal company was busy creating a winning product, which would become the world's cheapest tablet.
LDAO supports increased access to special education for students with ADHD LDAO 10/01/12 The Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO) congratulates the Ministry of Education on the release of its December 19, 2011 Memorandum on Categories of Exceptionalities. Read more
New Inuit language app makes learning fun for little ones 09/01/12 Young Inuit children are growing up with fast-evolving technology, but some parents fear their traditional language skills just can't keep up.
New online material brings First Nations, Metis and Inuit histories, cultures and perspectives into the classroomGovernment of Alberta, 13/01/12"We are pleased to launch this valuable learning material as it adds a rich dimension to Alberta's curriculum," said Education Minister Thomas Lukaszuk. "Teachers will have historically accurate and culturally authentic information which they can share with their students."Read moreCanadian schools falling behind in online learning, report saysGlobe and Mail Update, 24/01/12Canadian schools have failed to embrace the internet and are falling behind in the number of online learning opportunities available to students, according a report released Monday.Read moreApple's iBooks 2 takes a bite out of educationNational Post, 19/01/12"it is innovations like iBooks 2 that "raise everyone's game," said Mr. Martellacci. "Apple has accelerated the process that will benefit all teachers and students in the longer term."Apple Inc. on Thursday launched iBooks 2, its long-awaited iPad-based platform designed to usher in the "digital destruction" of the multi-billion-dollar textbook industry - but critics suspect the tech giant's steep device costs will keep the platform out of reach for most school boards.Read more
New tools remind young internet users to protect privacy
CBC News, 24/01/12
Despite their media savvy, many Canadian teenagers do not fully understand the risks of revealing personal information online, said Privacy Commissioner, Jennifer Stoddart.
Location:...Toronto, ON
Event:........ICT Winter Workshop Date:..........February 29-Mar 2, 2012 Location:...Mississauga, Ontario
Date:..........March 1-2 Location:....Edmonton, Alberta
Event:........ERDI 2012 Spring Conference
Date:..........April 10 - 14, 2012
Location:....Montreal, Quebec
Date:..........February 29th, 2012
Location:...Saint-Léonard, Quebec
Event:........Leadership to Engage Change and Achieve New Learning Cultures
Date:..........February 10th, 2012
Location:...York University, Toronto, Ontario

Please share your conference news with us and we'll do our best to include your event, and/or reflections. Email:
CANARIE link to Huntsville centre boosts environmental research CANARIE, 17/01/12
In a move that will create even greater opportunities in environmental research, CANARIE, Canada's Advanced Research and Innovation Network, and the University of Waterloo today announced an extension of the ultra high-speed fibre optic network to the Waterloo Summit Centre for the Environment in Huntsville, Ontario.Read moreCNIE-RCIÉ's Green Aware conferenceGreen Aware as the theme of this year's CNIE-RCIÉ conference challenges us to think about education in green ways: as something we must protect to ensure quality, inclusiveness, and access for both learners and teachers.
"Best of Green Schools 2011"
Center for Green School 14/12/11
The U.S. Green Building Council's Center for Green Schools, working in conjunction with its founding sponsor, United Technologies Corp., today released its inaugural Best of Green Schools 2011 list recognizing school administrators and government leaders in 10 categories for their efforts to create sustainable learning environments.
York University Greenest In Canada, Again
Canadian Press, 10/01/12
York University has ranked first among Canadian universities for the second year in a row in a global campus sustainability survey. Read more
Online Resource Review: Adaptive Curriculum
By Timothy Gard, Educator, Toronto District School Board
 Prepare. Teach. Analyze. That's pretty much what teachers do every day; in fact, these three words are the sine qua non of a teacher's practice. And anytime you can find that sort of clear construction built into an online teaching and learning resource, then one should sit up and take notice, and take note. The notice and the note that one should take regards Adaptive Curriculum and their well-constructed, robust and highly effective online curriculum resource for 21st Century teaching and learning. This resource is both dynamic and interactive and I believe with a proper implementation strategy will produce a deeper understanding of science or mathematics for students using this resource. That's certainly a tall order! After spending time working my way through various components of Adaptive Curriculum's product however I would be more than surprised if regular use of this resource didn't produce solid achievement results. It's simply that good.  Let me give a general overview so that you become more acquainted with this Arizona-based company's potent learning portal. To note, it does help that Adaptive Curriculum has a research partnership with Arizona State Universities Technology based Learning and Research Centre. Good practice comes out of good theory! Read more |
Web 2.0 Technology Spotlight
Are you a visual person? Well, really, who isn't? Check out the Search Engine for Visual People - Oolone. This visual search engine is even more appealing because it works well with touch devices, like an iPad or other tablet or smartphone of your choice.
I love this social note-taking site. And to top it off they've also created an app for the Apple touch device of your choice whether it's an iPhone, iPad or iPod. Great way to share notes on-the-go and to empower your students to share their ideas whenever they may come and wherever they may be - worth a visit and worth the time to explore and introduce to your students!

I'm a bit of a photo junkie and I'm always looking for that one great photo that could enhance a presentation or a blog post. No doubt, there are many great photos on the web, but a vast majority of them are not free. If you're looking for photos that you can use for your blog or in your classroom with your students then give a look. To be clear, most photos from require an acknowledgement, and there are opportunities to peruse commercial photos as well. That's a good thing however because if you plan to use this site in your classroom you can introduce it in conjunction with a lesson on the appropriate use of web media. A great site for photos and a great lesson idea all rolled into one! I'm sure you'll bookmark this one!

35 Fast Tips to Make This Your Best Year Yet
I'm sitting on an airplane thinking about what the best performers and most successful people do to continually outperform everyone around them.
As we enter what I hope will be the single best year of your life yet, I've come up with 35 Tips that I invite you to concentrate on.
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Connect. Learn. Teach.
A New Teachers Guide to EdTech
By T.J. Fennell, Jr. Digital Educaiton Consultant, MindShare Learning
Hello EdTech World! I have finally arrived and it is great to be here. As a new member of the MindShare Learning Team and a new teacher I am excited to connect with other EdTech advocates, to share and learn with members in the education community, and to bring new 21st century pedagogy into my teaching practice.
For any new teacher, it should not be our focus to re-invent the wheel as we learn to integrate technology into our classrooms, but to use what has already been created in the foundation blocks of teaching and build upon it. This means learning the fundamentals of teaching, but with 21st century pedagogy as the focus. With this in mind, some experienced teachers may not be excited to embrace these new technological changes in the classroom. Perhaps teachers feel overwhelmed with the wealth of information or of learning something new when their current methods are efficient.
However, with each new generation, humans evolve simultaneously with technology. It is our mandate as educators to set children up for success and by integrating technology into the classroom we can meet both curriculum expectations and create a future of digitally-literate, tech-savvy citizens. New teachers: MindShare Learning is your new information source to achieve these goals. Read more
Terri-Jo Fennell Bio:
Terri-Jo Fennell is a History and English major in the Concurrent Education program at York University and will be graduating in June 2012. As an advocate of educational technology, she is dedicated to promoting new educators to learn the fundamentals of teaching with a focus on 21st century EdTech pedagogy. She is a mother, triathlete, and life-long learner who loves animals and the outdoors. She will be continuing her academic journey at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology in the Digital Technology Master of Education program on a part-time basis in September 2012.
Post-Secondary Feature Headlines
Initiative to create more high-tech companiesSimon Fraser University is launching entrepreneurship@SFU, a new high-tech entrepreneurship initiative, thanks to a $210,000 donation from SFU alumnus Ken Spencer and a matching contribution from the Province of B.C. through the B.C. Innovation Council(BCIC).Read more
Student site shares lecture notes and class materialsUMFA has learned of a website called LocAZu that allows students to trade textbooks, share study materials, lecture notes, course information, past and sample exams, as well as make professor and course reviews. This site is available across Canada, and is run by students from various universities. Read moreAccess Copyright seizes copyright infringing coursepacks from York University area copy shopAccess Copyright, 19/01/12
Access Copyright, The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency, announced today that it confiscated unlawfully photocopied coursepacks from Keele DigitalPrinting and Copying Services (formerly operating as Keele Copy Centre), a copy shop located near York University's Keele campus. Read more
Turnitin Recognized for Product Innovation and Impact On Education by Leading Awards Programs
PRNewswire, 29/01/12
iParadigms, creators of Turnitin and the leader in originality checking and online grading, has been named the winner of the eSchool Media 2012 Readers' Choice Award and the 2011 EdTech Digest Cool Tool Award. Turnitin's award-winning online program engages students in the writing process and teaches them proper citation, while providing instructors with a robust, yet streamlined, plagiarism prevention and grading application.
BCIT and WhistlerU join forces!
WhistleU 13/12/11
BCIT and WhistlerU are pleased to announce their agreement to explore bringing a strong tourism based program to the proposed WhistlerU learning campus. The initial offerings will be based upon the BCIT School of Business Tourism Management program and will be designed for Whistler's unique environment.
iPad Textbooks: Reality Less Revolutionary Than Hardware
WIRED, 26/01/12
Much as tablet computers went mainstream in the iPad's wake, Apple's latest educational project heralds an age of tablet-based schoolbooks.
Read more
Post Secondary Education: Upcoming Events
Event:........Ontario Library Association Super Conference
Date:..........February 1-4, 2012
Location:....Toronto, ON
Event:.........Education Technology Strategies for K-12, Colleges and UniversitiesÂ
Date...........February 28-19, 2012
Location:....Toronto, ON
Event:........Canada 3.0 Digital Media Forum
Date:..........April 24 - 25, 2012
Location:....Stratford, Ontario
Event:........The Bridges to Learning Date:..........May 10-12, 2012 Location:...University of Toronto Mississauga
2012 International E-Learning Awards - Business Division is Now Open for Submissions
CeLEA 04/12/11
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The Education Technology Strategies Summit is an industry-vetted program designed to lead institutions towards creating a 21st Century education model.
To view the agenda, please visit:
As friends and clients of Mind Share, we have secured a 20% discount for you to attend the event off of the regular investment rate. To take advantage of this discount, enter VIP code "MSL20" when registering online, or mention it when calling in.
Registrations can be made:
Online Telephone: 1-866-298-9343 Ext. 200
Podcast Interview with Kate Gatto, TakingITGlobal for Education's Program Officer
By Aislinn Malszecki, Digital Media Specialist, MindShare Learning

I recently had the chance to catch up with the TakingItGlobal team down at their Toronto offices to find out more about TakingItGlobal for Educators (TIGed).
TIGed has been running for six years. They can be summed up as a community of globally-minded educators, global resource hub, and a virtual classroom for teachers and students connecting about global issues. Teachers truly have the ability to power their students to shape a better world. It is technology to explore and facilitate global learning experiences.
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Harvard study finds the iPad can be a pain in the neck L.A. Times, 25/01/12 A new study published by researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health, in conjunction with researchers at Microsoft (a long-time Apple rival), is the first of its kind to examine the physical effects on the head, neck and shoulders of spending time staring at a tablet. Read more
CFI releases strategic road map and seeks feedback from community CFI, 16/10/12 At its November meeting, the Board of Directors of the Canada Foundation for Innovation adopted a road map that outlines the strategic direction of the CFI as it looks ahead at the changing needs of Canada's research enterprise. Read more
Arizona State University Study Shows the Effectiveness of Conceptual Learning in Math among Middle School Students
Study shows how Adaptive Curriculum's real-world, active learning approach helps students achieve higher scores than students using traditional instructional method Read more
2012 International E-Learning Awards - Business Division is Now Open for Submissions We are pleased to announce that submissions are open for the 2012 International E-Learning Awards - Business Division, presented by the International E-Learning Association (IELA). The Entry Submission Page is posted on the IELA site and the deadline for submission is March 1, 2012! Submissions for our Academic categories will be accepted beginning in March 2012 with a deadline of June 1, 2012. We are currently accepting only entries in the Business division. Read more
Digital Technology Adoption Pilot Program (DTAPP) As part of the Government of Canada's Digital Economy Strategy, NRC-IRAP has been selected to deliver the Digital Technology Adoption Pilot Program (DTAPP) from October 2011 to March 31, 2014. DTAPP represents a significant investment into the Canadian economy in an effort to increase the productivity growth of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Canada across all sectors through the adoption of digital technologies. Read more
Supporting the Generation of Guidelines for Online Courses Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society The research on online teaching is a demanding field that requires an innovative point of view to support courses in this context. There are multiples approaches to design, implement or deliver online courses. Read more
SMART Introduces its First Interactive Projector for Education SMART Technologies Inc., 11/01/12, A leading provider of collaboration solutions, announces the release of the LightRaise 40wi interactive projector. Read more
Attracting, preparing, and retaining under-represented populations in rural and remote Alberta-North communities For several years, the government of the western Canadian province of Alberta has drafted policies and conducted research on the problem of populations under-represented in adult education. This Alberta-North and Athabasca University study, funded by the Alberta government's Innovation Fund, uses the advice and educational experiences of northern former and present students, and of other community members, to identify ways of better attracting, preparing, and retaining under-represented populations in northern Alberta communities through provision and training in the use of distance delivery methods. Read more
Brighter Futures, Big Benefits....From Epson When educators join Brighter Futures, they get big benefits from Epson. Take part in Brighter Futures today to receive:
* The latest product news from Epson
* Consistent budget-stretching discounts * Standard 3-Year Limited Warranty with FREE replacement coverage anywhere in Canada and return shipping! Learn more
National PBS Survey Finds Teachers Want More Access to Classroom
TechTech & Learning, 23/01/12 PBS LearningMedia announced today findings from a national survey of teachers grades pre-K-12 that sheds light on the rising role of technology in America's classrooms, as well as barriers teachers face to accessing the "right" digital resources.Read more
The Connectors, Leaders and People on the Move

MindShare Musings
It's been a fascinating start to 2012 in the EdTech space. We have Apple announcing its entering the eTextbook game (sure to spur on innovation across the sector) and reaching new market cap heights with another 15 million plus iPads sold last quarter. By contrast we have RIM in Canada trying to avoid the same fate Nortel.
Regardless of the success of these two titans, we are reminded that it's not about technology and nothing lasts forever-it's about learning, leadership and anticipating the future. Speaking of which the following is a Harvard Business Review blog entitled What do Great Leaders Do? . . . . It's a "must read" Blog. The quote that caught my attention, "These leaders make people feel emotionally engaged and inspire them to walk the extra mile."

On the leadership front, watch for the official launch of C21 Canada this month. I was fortunate to partner up with former New Brunswick, deputy education minister, John Kershaw and his associate, David Roberts in establishing this fledgling organization. The new Coalition for 21st Century Learning and Innovation (C21 Canada) will be a not for profit organization with a mandate to advocate for 21st Century models of learning in public education. The coalition wishes to see 21st Century competencies, such as creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration and culture, infused into curriculum, and an accelerated pace of integrating digital technology into Canadian classrooms in an effort to more fully engage students, the digital generation, in their learning.
It's great to see it all coming together, thanks in large part to the founding education and industry partners. Watch for more details on how you can get involved.
I had the good fortune of connecting with Dr. Gary Bitter from ASU, who was the founding president of ISTE and a legend in the learning technology space. Besides touring me around the ASU campus and enjoying some amazing authentic Mexican food in Scottsdale, he shared some the following free PD video apps for teachers that his team created, thanks in part to grant funding. One of Dr. Bitter's video libraries (DVL/PT3-integrating technology into the curriculum) on line as an app for free. See Teachw/technology(iPad) and PT3 (Android) - there are 22 videos of classroom instruction modeling technology integration each lesson includes all the artifacts. They also have several other iPad/iPhone and Android app (search under Arizona State University). I encourage you to connect with Dr. Bitter directly at
Speaking of ASU, one of the most innovative companies in K12 based out of SkySong is Adaptive Curriculum. On my recent visit I learned my former TLC colleague, Melinda Cook, was recently promoted to new VP of Sales. Congrats Melinda!
Doug Connolly, President, Distribution Access dropped me a note recently to share the news Distribution Access signed Definitive Agreement to Acquire Jobs People Do Inc. Read more
I'm pleased to share that the great folks at ERAC (B.C. Ministry of Education) launched their Commons ( | ERAC I don't get out to the western Canada enough but I plan to do some this spring.
Staying on the western theme. There's lots of exciting things coming from Calgary based SMART Technologies in 2012. Among them are:
- SMART's first interactive affordable option that enables you to add interactivity to almost any surface. Read more
- SMART Notebook 11....many more capabilities, even more intuitive and easy to use. Learn more
On the Discovery Education Canada front, Tom Metuzals, shared the news that rock star EdTech leader from Saskatchewan, Dean Shareski, is the newest addition to the Discovery Canada team.
Be Inspired! This is a conference I would love to attend next year with some amazing speakers. Learning without Frontiers conference that took place recently in the UK.
I tuned into Don Tapscott's CBC Radio show this past weekend ReCivilization it was outstanding!
Tania Sterling shared she is making a big leap from her classroom teaching position to join Pearson Canada effective February 1st, 2012. She has assumed an exciting role as Pearson's Digital Learning Consultant/Research and Communications Manager. It is a secondment until August 31, 2013. Congratulations Tania!
Last but not least, in case you missed it! MindShare Learning Report Top 12 Canadian EdTechPredictions for 2012
My other passion besides EdTech is playing and coaching hockey. It was great to be a part of the 50 years of hockey celebration at York University recently as chair of the varsity hockey alumni chapter. Alumni, coaches and friends gathered following the York vs. UOIT game recently to share, reflect and re-connect. It was great to see so many familiar faces and to learn how many alums went on to lead very successful careers. Something to be said about the pursuit of academic and athletic excellence! Did I mention that the home team won too!
Until next time, walk the digital talk! Cheers, RM
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About Us
The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:
Robert Martellacci, M.A. Ed Tech., Publisher and Managing Editor, contact:
Timothy Gard, M.A., B.Ed K-12 Editor, contact:
Aislinn Malszecki, B.A. Hons., Digital Media Specialist, contact:
Valerie Rusnov, B.A. Hons., B.Ed., Editor
Terri-Jo Fennell, B.A., B.Ed, Jr. Digital Education Consultant
About The MindShare Learning Report™ -- Canada's Leading, Learning & Technology eMagazine.
Our mission is to transform education by sharing knowledge of 21st Century innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond. We harness the power of Web 2.0 technologies to feature engaging Vodcasts, podcasts, polling, Canadian educational technology news headlines & upcoming strategic industry events in the K-12, Higher Ed and corporate eLearning market segments. Other elements of the MSL Report eMagazine include: successful practices, ask an educator, ask a professor, research & tech tools, GreenIT and career listings, to support educators and educational technology providers in maintaining a pulse for emerging trends in Canada.
Editorial content for the monthly issue is due the third week of each month.
Please forward your news releases as web links to
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Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN
About MindShare Learning
MindShare Learning is a privately held company based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic marketing solutions to learning & technology solution providers in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets, to support new market expansion and revenue growth. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc., EPSON, GlobalScholar,, RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, netTrekker, IMSI (, CERC (Canadian Education Resources Council), Tech4Learning, Xoolon, NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada.
Inquire about our EdTech Strategy Consulting Services.