Question of the Month Are students in need of greater media literacy awareness training given the popularity of the internet and web 2.0 tools?

Publisher Podcast Podcast Interview with Jamie McNamara, Superintendent of Schools, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools, Alberta, Canada
Welcome to the November Mobile Learning -- Cross Canada Spotlight on Alberta special edition of the MindShare Learning Report.
This month's focus on Mobile Learning is in part a tribute to the recent passing of Apple's co-founder Steve Jobs and the impact he made in education. According to his new book,
Mr. Jobs may not have felt that his technology would be a game changer in education, however,
there is a school of thought that would beg to differ given the popularity of iPads and their impact
of on education in addition to their many other highly successful products: Case in point, the recent 60 Minute
feature on iPads and Autism featuring Toronto District's Beverley School.
Below are some of the highlights in this issue:
✓ Remembering Jim Egan, founder of Egan Teamboard and Interactive Whiteboard pioneer ✓ Canadian Education Association celebrate their 120th anniversary
✓ Canada slipping down the learning curve -- CCL Final Report
✓ Media Literacy Week Nov. 7-11 and thoughts from our Youth File
✓ Desire2Learn Receives Coveted Leadership Award at the 2011 Deloitte Technology Fast 50™ Awards
✓ MindShare Launches 4th Annual 21st Century Classroom Video Challenge
✓ Tim Gard blogs from South Africa on the Politics of Mobility in Education
Special thanks to our generous sponsors who make this report possible. Speaking of sponsors, MindShare Learning proudly sponsored this past month CUEBC, EdCampTO, Catholic Curriculum Cooperative WFMP conference and ECOO11. As I reflect on October, it was an amazing month for connecting with education leaders from across Canada via face-to-face conferences, twitter, and webcasts. Thanks to our outstanding education leaders for nourishing our minds!
Until next time, keep the learning curve steep! Cheers, R.
P.S. We have very limited space available for our MindShare Learning 21st CenturyEdTech Leadership Summit November 14th. Hope to see you there!

Follow us on Twitter @mindsharelearn
Robert Martellacci
M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™-- Connecting Education & Business to Support Student Success
Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser ą l'Environnement.
Advisory Board Members
The MindShare Report is grateful of the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board. Members include:
Dr. Greg Malszecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University
Dr. Ron Owston, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology, York University
Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of Education, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Cheryl Paige, Principal, Joyce Public School, Toronto District School Board
Jamie McNamara, Superintendent of Schools, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools, Leduc, Alberta
Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology), Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
Timothy Gard, Educator - Media Literacy & Technology, Toronto District School Board
Gary Kern, Principal, Technology & Innovation, West Vancouver School District
Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada
David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, Invesco
Chip Fesko, Sr. Director of Advertising & Strategic Alliances, George Lucas Educational Foundation, Edutopia Magazine
Title sponsor
Sir Ken on the role of system leaders: "Create a climate for innovation and get out of the way." #21LBanff via @gcouros
Ron Canuel (CEO, CEA) - if buying technology to replicate old practices it is a waste of money #21lbanff via @TDOttawa
Limited space still available! |

Remembering Jim Egan, founder of Egan Teamboard and Interactive Whiteboard pioneer Mr. James "Jim" Arthur Egan, inexhaustible entrepreneur, outdoor enthusiast, loving husband and father, passed away peacefully at Princess Margaret Hospital July 27th, surrounded by his loving family. |
Cross Canada Spotlight on Alberta
 Did you know? The Alberta's population of three million is one of the youngest in the world; one half of its people are under 30 years of age. And well-educated with more people per capita having university degrees than any other province in Canada.
Small Class Size Initiative - $228 million - Funding totals adjusted in the new school year will focus on maintaining a lower class size at the Kindergarten to Grade 3 level. Education continues to allocate enhanced funding levels for specific Career and Technology Studies courses to address safety and teacher/student ratios.
A total of 35 schools across Alberta will be built or modernized at an estimated cost of $550 million to cope with a student population expected to soar by about 100,000 new pupils before the end of the decade former Education Minister Dave Hancock estimates Alberta's student population in 2020 will be about 700,000 students compared to the current 600,000 students.
Source: Government of Alberta, Ministry of Education
 Alberta has a new Minister of Education
Hounorable Thomas Lukaszuk was sworn in as Minister of Education on October 12, 2011. He was elected to his third term as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta in Edmonton-Castle Downs since March 3, 2008. Read more about the new Minister.
Quick Alberta Learning Facts - What's New? Media Awareness Network Online UnitPrivacy Pirates: An Interactive Unit on Online Privacy (Ages 7-9) According to recent research, the average age at which children begin to use the Internet dropped from age ten in 2002 to age four in 2009. Recognizing this shift in technology use, Media Awareness Network released a new resource, Privacy Pirates: An Interactive Unit on Online Privacy (Ages 7-9), that introduces young children to the concept of online privacy and teaches them to distinguish between information that is appropriate to give out and information better kept private.
New E-Learning Website for School Staff supporting students with FASD and other disabilities
Mount Royal University, with support from Alberta Education, has developed the Positive Behaviour Supports website, This website is designed to enhance the capacity of school staff to promote positive behaviours and manage challenging behaviours to support students' learning and school success. The site also contains links to two related websites developed for use by families and aides, and includes video and interactivities to help choose the strategies that will work best with students, particularly those impacted by Fetal Alcohol Disorder Spectrum. For more information, contact Colleen McClure at 780-422-6523 (Dial 310-0000 first for toll free access in Alberta) or at One-to-One Mobile Media Tablet Project
Edmonton Public School District's Inclusive Learning Services Outreach, in partnership with Alberta Education, is conducting a one-to-one mobile media tablet project in four rural schools in Northern Alberta, and at the Alberta School for the Deaf in Edmonton. This one-year project will explore the use of tablets in the inclusive classroom.
The goals of this project are to improve student learning outcomes for students in heterogeneous classrooms, including students with low and high incidence disabilities; build teacher capacity to use educational and assistive technologies to differentiate instruction and realize learning objectives for all students; and identify promising practices for the implementation of iPads as a one-to-one device in inclusive classrooms.
For more information, contact Belina Pasula, Project Lead at or Pam Rannelli at or at 403-662-3636 (Dial 310-0000 first for toll-free access in Alberta).
Educational Technology Risk Assessment Webinars
The Calgary Board of Education and Alberta Technology Leaders in Education (ATLE) are hosting two webinars on Technology Risk Assessment. These webinars will advance the conversation at the Educational Technology Risk Assessment Framework session during the ATLE 2011 Conference.
November 3, 2011, 4:30 to 5:30 PM
Webinar with Guest Presenter Kevin Mitnick, Hacker
November 10, 2011, 4:30 to 5:30 PM
Webinar on Educational Technology Risk Assessment
For more information on the webinars or to register, visit

Our 4th annual 21st Century Classroom Video Challenge officially launched last month! Check out the live broadcast from Joyce Public School online. Last year's contest winners shared their experience creating their video and winning the technology prize package on the webinar. Thanks again to all of our wonderful sponsors this year!
Are you entering the video challenge? Join us on Monday, November 21st, 2011 from 12 - 1 PM EST for a check-in webinar for tips and tricks on how to submit a winning video.
Click here for registration and more information.
Applicants vie for MimioClassroom interactive tools and curriculum support DYMO/Mimio is pleased to invite all K-12 education (US/Canada) entities to apply for a competitive grant, Bridging the Gap. Apply here
$500 and $750 subsidies available for school-community social action projects! The Canadian Teachers' Federation in partnership with the Media Awareness Network is pleased to announce funding for projects to support a special initiative focusing on Digital Citizenship and Social Action. Learn more
Desire2Learn Receives Coveted Leadership Award 2011 Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Awards
D2L 24/10/11
Desire2Learn Incorporated ("Desire2Learn"), a leading provider of enterprise teaching and learning platforms today announced it is the recipient of a prestigious Leadership Award in the 2011 Deloitte Technology Fast 50™ Awards Program, Canada's pre-eminent technology awards program.
School inequality worries home and school
The P.E.I. Home and School Federation is calling for a fair distribution of technology in the province's classrooms because it says current inequalities have created have and have-not schools. Read more
Steve Jobs Had Hopes of Disrupting Textbook Market The Chronicle 25/10/11 The late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs had discussed plans to shake up the textbook industry, including an effort that would have included free textbooks with iPads, according to a biography released this week.
Canada: Driving the Differentiation Bus World University News 16/10/11 Differentiation of institutional mission in Canadian higher education seems inevitable and undisputed. But how to drive the "differentiation bus" across the sector was the question that framed discussions at an armchair panel session of the recent Stepford Universities? conference.
Event:........DEW Line Festival
Date:..........November 5-10, 2011 Location:....Toronto, ON
Event:........Science Teachers Association of Ontario (STAO2011)
Date:..........November 10, 11, and 12, 2011
Location:....DoubleTree by Hilton, Toronto, ON
Event:........MindShare Learning EdTech Summit 2011
Date:..........November 14, 2011
Location:...Toronto, Ontario, York University Research Tower
Event......Alberta Technology Leaders in Education (ATLE) Date........November 16th - 18th, 2011 Location..Capri Centre, Red Deer, Alberta
Discovery Education and Bring Your Own Devices: Learning Gone Mobile
Tuesday, November 15 @ 7 PM ET
Intrigued by this latest touch-based technology? Wondering how these new devices might reshape the learning landscape of our schools? Join us as we explore techniques for building a mobile learning toolkit powered by DiscoveryEducation content. We'll also highlight the DiscoveryEducation mobile site as we shift our focus from consuming content to creating content on the iPad.
iThink iNeed an iPad in the Classroom Featuring Steve Dembo
Wednesday, November 30 @ 7PM ET
Sure they're bright and shiny, but are they really learning devices? We'll take a close look at how exactly these technologies are being leveraged in the classroom and what the best Apps are for educational purposes. We'll also explore some creative ways that you can fund your own i-initiative!
Social Entrepreneurship E-course for Ontario High School Students!Change Inc.: Cultivating Young Social Entrepreneurs, led by TakingITGlobal and the Public Policy Forum, aims to develop the entrepreneurship skills of Ontario youth to imagine and create their own social change projects by facilitating learning, skill building and mentoring opportunities between outstanding youth and established social entrepreneurs. Through an interactive 9 week e-course from January - March 2012, Ontario youth aged 16-21 can take part in a unique opportunity to develop essential social entrepreneurship skills, including team building, project management, communications and leveraging technology to design social change projects.
Due to the generous support of the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Change Inc. e-course is being offered at a reduced rate of $20 per participant. Don't miss your chance to register by December 19th, 2011 at
Media Awareness Network and Canadian Teachers' Federation to Focus on Digital Citizenship for Media Literacy Week 2011 Media Awareness Network (MNet) and the Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) today unveiled the theme for this year's annual Media Literacy Week - Digital Citizenship - calling on Canadians to encourage young people to reflect on their online lives, and their rights and responsibilities as they navigate the digital world.
Media Literacy Week 2011: Digital CitizenshipUnder the theme Digital Citizenship, Media Literacy Week (November 7-11, 2011) encourages parents, teachers and community leaders across Canada to join together to help youth explore the many opportunities digital media offer for advocacy, creative expression and civic engagement. The week is also a time to remind young people of their rights and responsibilities as digital citizens.
Please share your conference news with us and we'll do our best to include your event, and/or reflections. Email:
Dell's Connected Classroom Tour
Dell would like to extend an invitation to your Administrative, Instructional and IT staff (i.e. CIO's, IT Directors, IT Managers, Superintendents, Principals, Academic Coordinators, Academic Consultants, etc.) to explore how you can Impact Learning with Dell's Connected Classroom solution at our exclusive events across the country!
Join us and other education technology leaders as we highlight how products and services included in our Connected Classroom solution are designed to impact teaching and learning, with our partners such as Microsoft, eInstruction, FrontRow, AVerMedia, Lifesize and Pearson.
There will be a draw for the NEW Dell Latitude 10" tablet for one lucky organization at the event!
Email to register. Cities include Winnipeg, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary |
 | Congratulations Cathy Novosad, Upper Grand District School Board (L) Winner of the MindShare Learrning Flip HD Video Camera contest at ECOO '11, Brenda Sherry, Conference Chair (C), Robert Martellacci, MindShare Learning, Presdient (R) |
Video interview with Sublime Learning's Kendra Grant - Chief Education Officer and Co-Founder at ECOO 2011
 Exclusive interview with Dr. Leslie Conery, ISTE CEO at ECOO 2011
Podcast interview with Joe Jamieson, Deputy Registrar, Ontario College of Teachers
Robert Martellacci has a MindShare Learning moment with Joe Jamieson, the Deputy Registrar for the OCT, on the College's Professional Advisory on Social Media and electronic communication.

 | Tim King from Centre Wellington District High School, Upper Grand District School Board won the EPSON BrightLink! EPSON created tonnes of excitement from their t-shirt promotion at ECOO 2011 |
 MindShare Learning moment with Paul Shuster, Media-X Interview with Rob Martellacci at ECOO 2011 on mobile learning, teaching with iPads and the idea behind "edu-tainment."
Catholic schools can now track energy consumption
Inside Halton 17/10/11
Halton Catholic District School Board students and staff can now track their school's energy consumption - with the hope it will spark discussion and, ultimately, conservation efforts. Since late September, the board's 50-plus schools - but not yet Lumen Christi, the new elementary school in Milton - have been utilizing energy-saving software.
Top 4 IT Concerns For EducatorsFaronics 16/10/11 If you are attending EDUCAUSE this year, you are likely to have some of the IT issues identified in the 2011 survey. EDUCAUSE surveyed CIOs of EDUCAUSE members to come up with the top 10 issues in edtech.
Faronics, a global leader in PC power management software, has received a 2010 Energy Savings award from Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) for its innovative solution that allow end users to manage PC energy consumption and pare costs.
Read more
Sir Ken Robinson started the forum with a keynote calling for educators to create the Learning Revolution. As he has done in his other presentations, he challenged educators to recognize the strengths of those who are skilled in disciplines other than Science, Technology and Math.

The Politics of Mobility in Education
By Timothy Gard, Educator, Toronto District School Board @soligard
As I write this piece at the end of my time with an ICT in Education delegation in South Africa I've been caused to think about the true state of mobile computing in education. Here in South Africa where the infrastructure is in need of some serious funding so as to catch up with the modern world so too we are in need of some serious funding, among other things, to build an infrastructure that will be robust enough to incorporate true mobility in the classroom an across districts in Ontario, if not across Canada. Currently in South Africa there are very few classrooms equipped to handle the wireless invasion but that's not necessarily an issue simply because most students don't have a device that could make use of wireless technology. In both Johannesburg and Cape Town they're squeezing just about everything they can from their mobile networks because according to the Department of Basic Education in South Africa this type of signal is available country-wide - though I did come across some 'dead zones' - and most people have access to a mobile phone. Why do I bring South Africa into this discussion about mobile computing? The answer is simply because the similarities between the South African context and our context are startling. |

The Responsibility Meter
By Robin Sharma
Imagine a dashboard with a dial or meter on it. At one end is the word "freedom". At the other the word "responsibility." To me, leadership and living a great life is striking the delicate balance between both. In other words, your needle - on your Responsibility Meter - should ideally stay in the middle. Ideally.
Life's all about a balance. And one of the most vital of all balance points is the one involving freedom and responsibility. Yes, be free. Enjoy the moment. Have a good time. Live in the now. And, yet, be responsible. Set your goals. Keep your promises. Get important things done.
Read more
Post-Secondary Feature Headlines
UNB, Cisco Canada team up for innovative technology partnerships Daily Gleaner 26/10/11 The University of New Brunswick is hoping two new collaborations with Cisco Canada will help the school expand the use of innovative technologies for research and learning. Read more
2011 CEA Pat Clifford Award Winner: Positive teacher-student relationships play a unique role for students with special needs 10/11/2011, CEA The Canadian Education Association (CEA) is pleased to recognize Dr. Jessica Toste, postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Special Education at Vanderbilt University and adjunct professor in the Department of Educational & Counselling Psychology at McGill University, for showing how teacher-student relationships can make a significant contribution to student success, particularly among those with special needs. Read more
The Canadian Education Association Celebrates 120 Years of Leadership and Innovation in Public Education 10/24/2011, CEA Originally called the Dominion Educational Association, the Canadian Education Association (CEA) held its first annual meeting in Montreal in July 1892, at a time when free and compulsory public education was just gaining a foothold in Canada. Read more
Teachers bemefot from quick hands-on training and short learning curve When the tech training group at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) decided to install 100 new Epson BrightLink interactive projectors at their Edmonton campus over the summer, they thought they had their work cut out for them in training the staff who would use the projectors starting in the fall. Read more |
Post Secondary Education: Upcoming Events
Event:........MindShare Learning EdTech Summit 2011
Date:..........November 14, 2011
Location:...Toronto, Ontario, York University Research Tower
Event:........Higher Education Summit
Date:..........November 27-28, 2011
Location:...Sheraton Centre Toronto
Inspire digital discovery with video for Media Literacy Week
By Aislinn Malszecki, Digital Media Specialist, MindShare Learning
It's Canadian Media Literacy Week Nov. 7 - 11, 2011. And I wanted to highlight several interesting video and animation resources to help connect your classroom to the positive, creative and pleasurable dimensions of the moving image, including our own 21st Century Classroom Video Challenge. Media-production skills are essential in this pop-culture world we live in to fully understand media and or digital literacy, so get inspired and discover your inner filmmaker with these resources.
The National Film Board of Canada (NFB) has some fantastic resources for Media Literacy Week including Out My Window: Interactive views from the global high-rise, a 360-degree interactive "documentary" inviting students to hear stories of those who live in the high rises of four cities. Emphasising the concept of Digital Citizenship, a theme of this year's Media Literacy Week. This resource will help students explore the hopes and challenges of the inhabitants of high-rises and the experience surrounding the rapid urbanization phenomena. The NFB created a PDF to help guide teachers through the project.
Deconstruct complicated Shakespeare plot-lines with Comics and Animation! CliffNotes Films recently launched with animated interactive video summaries of Shakespeare. So far they have Hamlet, Othello, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet, and Julius Caesar each 6-minutes in length, created to help students understand the plot-lines of the classics. A perfect supplement to the readings. Produced by the Survivor creator Mark Burnett, nonetheless. Also check out BitStips to create your own inspired comic strips on Shakespeare.
On November 11th, (11/11/2011), across the Earth, documentary filmmakers, students, and others will record the human experience over a 24-hr period and contribute their voice to the 2nd annual global day of media creation called One Day on Earth. It's about people in nearly every country on the planet pointing a camera at that day in their lives, things that mattered the most. Last year over 3,000 hours worth of footage was recorded from thousands of participants. The project lives online as a social network for filmmakers of all ages and background. The organizers call One Day on Earth, "the amazing diversity, conflict, tragedy, and triumph that occur in one day."
Check out the Media Literacy Week website for more information and resources.
Preliminary results for the Campus Computing project survey Dr. Tony Bates 30/10/11 The preliminary results for the 2011Campus Computing Project survey shows big gains in campuses going mobile but a much slower development in cloud computing, and continuing churn in the LMS market. Read more
The Big Shift: Curriculum and Technology Leaders Advancing Digital Learning Only by building a common understanding of how students learn best and a shared vision for technology's role in supporting such learning, can curriculum and technology leaders collaborate to create effective 21st century learning environments. Read more
What is the Future of Learning in Canada? Canadian Council on Learning, CCL's final report reveals to Canadians that Canada is slipping down the international learning curve. Canada is falling behind competitor countries and economies. This troubling state of affairs is caused by the fact that provincial, territorial and federal governments have failed to work together to develop the necessary policies and failed to exhibit the required collective political leadership. Read more
Canada's Education System is Failing First Nations Kids: Report to the UN
CBC Strombo 25/10/11
Here's a tough statement from a report that was just delivered to the UN: "a disproportionate number of First Nations people still lack the most basic services that other Canadians take for granted." The report is called "Honour the Children", and it focuses on the access to educational funding that First Nations children can expect: on average, a child on a First Nations reserve receives between $2,000 and $3,000 less per year in government funding than children at other Canadian schools do.
Read more
10 Unique Lesson Ideas for BYOD and BYOT October 18, 2011 - by Sarah Cargill Bring your own device (BYOD) and bring your own technology (BYOT) policies are growing in education and the workplace. Teachers are taking advantage of mobile devices for "m-learning," putting those mini computers in kids' backpacks and pockets to use. Here are 10 lesson ideas for BYOD and m-learning in the classroom. Read more
Ontario needs a strong RIM Maxim Jean-Louis is president and CEO, of Contact North To show leadership in the development of mobile learning, our post-secondary sector and our province need RIM. It is time to focus our efforts, show support to our flagship technology company and demonstrate our willingness to develop partnership and alliances that work. Read more |
Feature Jobs
Education Canada Network and MindShare Learning Report are proud to bring you the following featured job opportunities.
Associate Regional Director - Student & Family Services
The College of New Caledonia The College of New Caledonia is a partnership of staff, faculty, administration, and the College Board. It is recognized that all members of the College community play important roles in the overall success of students at the institution. As members of this community, we respect the needs of others and recognize that we all have jobs to perform, work under pressure, have timelines to meet, and restrictions to endure. We pledge to treat each other with respect, courtesy, and dignity in the conduct of our duties. Learn more & Apply
Director of Canadian Education Programs
City University of Seattle We can help you get ready for every educational opportunity around - from teaching pre-school to overseeing an entire school district. Our certificate, undergraduate and graduate degree programs can set you up with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed at every level. Over 500 students each year choose CityU to start or advance their careers in education. Learn more & Apply
Project Manager ExploreLearning offers the world's largest library of interactive online simulations for math and science education in grades 3-12. We call these simulations Gizmos. Learn more & Apply
Get your job featured!
For more information click here or email for more information. Education Canada Network is the country's leading source for education employment opportunities.
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The Connectors, Leaders and People on the Move

It was an honour to be interviewed by Larry Jacobs of Education Talk Radio from Boston this past week. You can listen to the recorded version on All About EdTech in Canada.
Kudos to Brenda Sherry and her team for taking the Educational Computing Organization of Ontario Conference (ECOO 2011) to new heights! Bill Mackenzie, ECOO, president shared that Alison Slack of eLearning Ontario will be taking on the reins as ECOO 2012 Chair. Congrats Alison!
Check out how the Internet is Revolutionizing Education: Trends | Infographic: Best Education Sites: Schools (Higher Ed) that Rule the Web
John Palbom touched base recently to give me a heads up that he appeared on Rogers Cable 10 in Durham to discuss SMARTboards and how to support people with disabilities.
Lots of good stuff coming from Apple in education: Apple's iPad grabs education lead, says survey. Apps for learning
Not to ignore Apple's arch rival: Microsoft's Acquisition of Skype Is Now Official. Lots of good stuff to come for education-
Thanks to Forbes magazine for Ranking Canada #1 place in the World to do Business ....Wow what an honour! If you lead an education company looking to expand into Canada. We're happy to discuss how we can help you to navigate the complex channels to gain a footprint in the Canadian education space.
Also south of the boarder, Dr. Eric Hamilton, MindShare Learning Advisory Board member and Associate Dean of the School of Education and Psychology at my Pepperdine University alma mater shared they have just received a new NSF grant to focus on teacher creativity and intergenerational work on teachers and students. TechSmith has also been supporting the work. Most of their work is in LA, and are working some partnerships in Chicago and have some established partnerships in Mexico City and Nairobi. Dr. Hamilton gave a workshop talk on this with one of his teachers, at CSCL in Hong Kong. The workshop paper is on his dropbox.
Read more
 | Congratulations! Advanced Presentation team present Lorne Hillier, St. Michael's Secondary School, Huron Perth DCSB with a Samsung Galaxy tablet at ECOO 2011 |
Product News
Epson Helps Make Every Dollar Count with Budget-Friendly Products Offering smart value for K-12 classrooms, Epson is pleased to announce the new PowerLite® X12 and PowerLite® S11 projectors. These affordable classroom projectors deliver ease of use, reliability, and support that provide you with peace of mind.
With entry level HDMI digital connectivity, this affordable XGA projector is perfect for producing crisp, bright presentations in any environment.
A bright SVGA multimedia projector with flexible connectivity, the PowerLite S11 is a budget friendly option to help you create captivating lessons.
To learn more about these new projectors and explore other Epson options, visit Epson Canada
Epson offers FREE BrightLink™ Training Resources! Get more from your BrightLink! Educators, sign up for weekly BrightLink webinars and request a BrightLink User Toolkit and learn how to quickly and easily use BrightLink Interactive Tools to engage students and create illuminating lessons.
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About Us
The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:
Robert Martellacci, M.A. Ed Tech., Publisher and Managing Editor, contact:
Timothy Gard, M.A., B.Ed K-12 Editor, contact:
Aislinn Malszecki, B.A. Hons., Digital Media Specialist, contact:
Valerie Rusnov, B.A. Hons., B.Ed., Editor
About The MindShare Learning Report™ -- Canada's Leading, Learning & Technology eMagazine.
Our mission is to transform education by sharing knowledge of 21st Century innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond. We harness the power of Web 2.0 technologies to feature engaging Vodcasts, podcasts, polling, Canadian educational technology news headlines & upcoming strategic industry events in the K-12, Higher Ed and corporate eLearning market segments. Other elements of the MSL Report eMagazine include: successful practices, ask an educator, ask a professor, research & tech tools, GreenIT and career listings, to support educators and educational technology providers in maintaining a pulse for emerging trends in Canada.
Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN
About MindShare Learning
MindShare Learning is a privately held company based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic marketing solutions to learning & technology solution providers in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets, to support new market expansion and revenue growth. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc., EPSON, GlobalScholar,, RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, netTrekker, IMSI (, CERC (Canadian Education Resources Council), Tech4Learning, Xoolon, NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada.