Question of the Month
What is your favorite technology tool that you can't do without this summer?
Feature Podcast Interview with the 2010/11
MindShare Learning Video Contest Winners at ISTE `11

Welcome to the Summer PD edition of the Mindshare Learning Report.
This is a great time of year to reflect, recharge and perhaps take advantage of the opportunity to augment your skills in preparation for your return to academia in September. Whether you're a classroom teacher, industry leader, or university administrator, it's a challenge to stay current and relevant with the ever-changing technology around us.
Speaking of PD, our team got a head-start at the International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) conference last week in Philadelphia. It was great to see so many Canadians represented, many of whom attended our Can/Am partnering reception in conjunction with the Canadian Consulate of Philadelphia, where we honoured our national Winners of the MindShare Learning 21st Century Classroom Video Contest (pictured right).
While at ISTE 2011, I spent my fair share of time taking in the SIGs (Special Interest Group) poster sessions....this is where the magic happens.
Enjoy this issue packed with ISTE 2011 coverage and PD opportunities and the latest and greatest news from across Canada and beyond.
Until next time, have a safe and enjoyable summer!

P.S. Checkout the Youth File Exclusive One on One Interview with Marc Keilbuger

Follow us on Twitter @mindsharelearn
Robert Martellacci
M.A. EdTech
Publisher & Managing Editor, The MindShare Learning Report™
President, MindShare Learning™-- Connecting Education & Business to Support Student Success
Before printing think about the Environment. Avant l' impression, il faut penser à l'Environnement.
Title sponsor
"Home from an amazing experience at #ISTE11. Sending a big shout out to @mindsharelearn for an unforgettable reception on Tuesday evening!"
-Devon Caldwell, Mindshare Learning National Video Contest Winner 2010/11
"Teachers need to be grounded in instruction, so they can figure out with students how best to engage technology.....but it will be a dramatic accelerator if we can put instruction and skilled and motivated teachers and students in the lead....once this instructional digital powerhouse gets underway, students will motivate teachers as much as the other way around."
-Dr. Fullan, Seminar Series: Choosing the wrong drivers for whole system reform April 2011
"We are extremely pleased that the Ontario government is investing in a technologicallyadvanced engineering complex at York University. Building on York's traditionalstrengths in the humanities, social sciences, law and business, this initiative, whilemeeting our aspirations to expand in applied science, will provide us with theopportunity to train future innovators who will develop solutions for our growingchallenges." -Mamdouh Shoukri, President Vice-Chancellor, York University
 ISTE Quick Facts ✓ Presenters: 1,152 ✓ Robots attending conference: 12 ✓ Countries represented among attendees: 68 ✓ Football fields that would fit in the exhibit hall: 9,869 (if you didn't train) ✓ Number of Attendees (unofficial): 12,996, plus some 5,000 vendors Source: ISTE Connect While interactive whiteboards are still hot...this was definitely the year of the tablet and cloud computing at ISTE 2011! Canada once again made its mark at the ISTE conference with some 400+ Canadian education and industry leaders in attendance and presenting at the Penn Convention Center in Philadelphia. This year's conference attracted record attendance with over 18,000 delegates and exhibitors, and positive over previous years with renewed sense of spirit and enthusiasm amongst the delegates and exhibitors. I personally enjoyed, once again, exploring the Special Interest Group (SIG) Poster Sessions, where we had the opportunity to experience first-hand the excellent work of educators and students. Some of my favourites include: Mobile Learning, Digital Equity, Games and Simulations, Online Learning, Digital Storytelling and Innovative Learning Technologies. One of the highlights at ISTE was our 3rd Annual Canadian Consulate - MindShare Learning Can/Am partnering reception sponsored by SMART Technologies, Global Scholar in association with ISTE at the Union League of Philadelphia. The VIP reception was attended by 100+ industry and education leaders from across North America. Another highlight was honouring our MindShare Learning national digital classroom contest winners, who each won an all-expenses paid trip as part of their winnings courtesy of ISTE. Special thanks to the Canadian Consulate team in Philadelphia for their partnership and support. And of course, thanks to our Can/Am event sponsors; SMART Technologies, Global Scholar and ISTE. From an exhibitor perspective, Canada was well represented with the likes of SMART Technologies, MediaX, Desire2Learn OpenText, CDI Computers and Faronics, to name a few. We hope you enjoy our digital retrospective of ISTE '11! R.M. P.S. If you missed ISTE here's a link to the webcast Opening Keynote Dr. Stephen R. Covey and Muriel Summers, with moderation by Boyd Craig. Click here Canadian Consulate - MindShare Learning Can/Am Partnering Reception "Celebrating Canadian EdTech Innovation" @ the Union League of Philadelphia  |
A spontaneous and unifying moment with the singing of both O'Canada and the Star Spangled Banner to cap of a joyous celebration of excellence
Hail to the Victors! Can/AM Recpetion sponsors SMART Technologies team pictured wtih MindShare National contest winners along with MindShare Learning publisher (2nd row L), Dr. Gary Bitter founding ISTE president (2nd row next to MSL publisher) and David Marshall Consul and Sr. Trade Commissioner Philadelphia (C)
Celebrating Success! Global Scholar (Sr.executives: Carmi Paris, William Zaggle and Allison Cornia) CanAm reception sponsors pictured with with MindShare National video contest winners and MindShare Learning Publisher
MindShare Learning Contest Winner Announced
The Winner is Douglas G. Sadler, Vice Principal Online Learning, St. Joseph's Catholic Secondary School "We are ecstatic to have the opportunity to use the MySpark Tablet and see how we can integrate it into our 21st Century Learning Plan! The MySpark Tablet is just the kind of innovative tool we are looking for to integrate our systems to reach our students more efficiently." -Douglas Sadler, mySpark QR Code Contest Winner
Special thanks to mySpark for donating their mySpark Learn Tablet at ISTE 2011. Learn more about the tablet here. 
A MindShare Learning moment at ISTE 2011 Fellow Canadian, Kent Manning on his new role facilitating the SIG Digital Storytelling group with over 3,000 members
21st Century PD Spotlight - Top 10 Tips to Augment your EdTech Skills
Government of Canada Invests in University Research
Canada 17/06/11 Over 3,800 scientists, engineers and students at universities across
Canada will receive support for research programs and advanced training, thanks to a new
investment by the Government of Canada.
Read more
Alberta gains multinational partner in medical research Health care innovations the focus of $1.5 million fund Albertans are now one step closer to receiving advanced, made-in-Alberta medical treatments, devices and therapies thanks to a new fund created in partnership with Pfizer Canada Inc. Read more McGuinty Government Invests In Colleges And Universities: UofT Mississauga Receives $52.5 million Ontario 20/06/11 Ontario buildings on the University of Toronto's Mississauga campus. Read more Ontario Invests $50 Million: New Engineering and Science Building for York University Students Ontario 20/06/11 Ontario science students at York University. Read more |

Samsung Windfall: All of South Korea's Textbooks to Go Digital by 2015 MIT Review 01/07/11 By 2014, all of South Korea's elementary-level educational materials will be digitized, and by 2015, the entire school-age curriculum will be delivered on an array of computers, smart phones and tablets. Read more
Spongelab Launches New Site Spongelab Beta - Global Science Community Spongelab 21/06/11 We are excited to introduce you to our new site, Spongelab (Beta) : a global science community with educational games, 3D animations, and beautiful images ALL in one place! Read more Alberta teachers stuck with budget cuts Edmonton Sun, 30/06/2011 Even with a $1.3-billion decrease in the 2010 deficit, the province says it won't restore $100 million to the education budget for teachers' salaries. Read more Demand for Online Learning Increases as More K-12 Students Deem it "Essential" PR Newsire 28/06/11 In just three years, the number of high school students who have access to online learning has tripled, while twice as many middle school students are now learning online according to a survey report from Project Tomorrow® and Blackboard Inc. Read more
Will iPad fail in school? ITWorldCanada 17/06/11 Ryan Lawson, director of technology, would like to get his hands on more than 700 iPads for the entire student body at Brother Rice High School, a private all-boys Catholic school in Bloomfield Hills, Mich. It would be a crowning achievement after five years of searching for the perfect laptop for students. Read more
2011 Summer Rejuvenation Guide: Ten Teacher Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Summer Edutopia 01/06/11 It's time for you! Time to relax, reflect, and recharge. Whether your summer plans call for a cool adventure or professional development, you'll find resource-packed ideas here. Take the time to learn about digital storytelling or join a site for bookworms and, most importantly, enjoy your summer! Read more
SMART Vantage Offers New Insight into Classroom Technology Use SMART Technologies Inc., a leading provider of collaboration solutions, announces SMART Vantage technology-management software, an easy-to-use software application that provides key data to administrators and technology directors so they can manage and understand how SMART Board™ interactive whiteboards and projectors are being used. Read more Epson offers FREE training resources for all BrightLink™ users! Epson has created a variety of interactive training tools for all BrightLink™ users. Learn more |

On the conference front, MindShare Learning had the good fortune of covering some 30 plus live and online conference events in the EdTech space, primarily in Canada and several in the U.S. this past academic year. While web conferencing is gaining traction, it does not replace the value of face2face live interaction and the value of forging human connections...those "mindshare" moments are irreplaceable. Special thanks to conference organizers who spend countless hours behind the scenes handling mundane tasks and finer details to enable us to enjoy the many benefits of engaging and interacting with our peers. Having hosted our inaugural MindShare Learning EdTech Leadership Summit last year, I know all too well, what it takes to make an event a success. Speaking of which please mark Monday, November 14th in your calendar as the new date for our upcoming Summit next Fall. Hope to connect with you at an upcoming conference! Cheers, R. P.S. Watch for Part II of our ISTE 2011 Coverage in our September Back2School Issue!
MindShare Learning Moment with ECOO President Bill McKenzie, president, ECOO board has a fireside chat with MindShare Learning Publisher while at the COCA/RCAC Workshop last month. 
Faronics Power Save case study is featured on Climate Savers Computing website
under "enterprise case studies" Read more
Ontario's Commitment to a Greener Future has Stimulated Investment andCreated Jobs
Electrical Line Magazine 18/05/11
The Ontario Government's commitment to renewable energy is serving Ontarians well - and jobs are the
result, notes the Canadian Solar Industries Association. Read more
Pedagogy Leading Technology: Plan for It!
Timothy Gard Educator, Toronto District School Board
There are a number of reasons why Finland's education system scores either number one or two in international testing. And one of these reasons is because they place a huge value on recruiting, training and sustaining their most valuable resource - teachers!
Time and time again we hear that teachers have the single greatest impact on learning in a classroom, and yet we don't always give teachers the time to collaborate with their colleagues to plan their teaching day and this has a significant impact on student performance. In Finland teachers spend far less time with their students than teachers in the U.S. do, and presumable this would be true in Canada as well, however their students are obviously seriously outperforming their American counterparts.
What does this have to do with the focus of this piece? A great deal! Read on!
Web 2.0 Technology Spotlight
 Gliffy comes from the word glyph, a symbol or character that imparts information non-verbally. Gliffy is an online diagramming service that helps users communicate with a combination of shapes, text, and lines. Extremely flexible with plugins that allow it to work with just about any program, and publish to the web too!
 Capture, connect and share ideas easily! SpiderScribe is an online mind mapping and brainstorming tool. It lets you organize your ideas by connecting notes, files, calendar events, etc. in free-form maps. You can collaborate and share those maps online! intends to be a unified resource space for anyone interested in the visualization of complex networks. The project's main goal is to leverage a critical understanding of different visualization methods, across a series of disciplines, as diverse as Biology, Social Networks or the World Wide Web. I truly hope this space can inspire, motivate and enlighten any person doing research on this field.
 The Power of Daily Practices By Robin Sharma Success, world-class health, internal fulfillment and sustained happiness don't just happen. These elements of your best life are created. All too often we look at a human being playing their best game on the playing field of life and assume they got lucky or were born into their lofty condition. What we don't see is all the devotion and discipline that went into crafting the extraordinary results we see. Read more
Post-Secondary Feature Headlines

Blackboard to be Acquired by Providence Equity Partners for $45.00 Per Share in Cash or $1.64 Billion Blackboard 01/07/11 Blackboard Inc. today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement under which Blackboard will be acquired by an investor group led by affiliates of Providence Equity Partners ("Providence") in an all-cash transaction valued at approximately $1.64 billion, plus the assumption of approximately $130 million in net debt. Read more Burnaby SFU 'star' touts free university plan BURNABY NOW, 29/06/2011 Simon Fraser University senior lecturer Kate Tairyan's pitch to help develop the world's first free university has won her a $100,000 grant and the title of a 'Rising Star' in Canada.' Read more
Government of Canada Helps Science and Engineering Graduates Enter the Workforce Canada 01/06/11 An investment by the Government of Canada will give young researchers in universities across the country an opportunity to expand their skills and help them transition from trainees to productive employees in the Canadian workforce. Read more Canadian education is going global The Globe & Mail 09/06/11 A Canadian business school took an important step toward a truly global orientation on Thursday in agreeing to operate a campus in India, beginning in the fall of 2013. Read more Blind Florida State U. Students Sue Over E-Learning Systems The Chronicle of Higher Education 29/06/11 Two blind students at Florida State University have sued the institution and its Board of Trustees for discrimination, arguing that a mathematics course at the university relied on e-learning systems that were not accessible to the disabled. Read more UofW Stratford Campus announces approval of Master of Digital Experience Innovation program UofW 20/06/11 Set to begin this fall, the Master of Digital Experience Innovation program will see students work on various digital media projects with both faculty and industry mentors over the course of a year, the University said in a release Monday. Read more Canada-India Education Summit at Carleton Produces Course for Collaboration Carleton University 20/06/11 A meeting of minds occurred when over 40 university presidents and vice chancellors from Canada and India came together last week at Carleton University to concentrate on solving the very real problems which present roadblocks to greater collaboration in research and academic programs. Read more Tech leaders offer career advice to grads ITWorldCanada 10/05/11 Earlier this month, Cisco CEO John Chambers delivered a commencement speech at Duke, while Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak did the same at Michigan State and Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer did likewise at USC Read more Desire2Learn Announces Acquisition of Metranome Inc. and Availability of Mobile Developer Program Desire2Learn, 22/06/2011 Desire2Learn Mobile Developer Program enables third-party developers to integrate their mobile applications, products or services, into Desire2Learn Campus Life, a product of Desire2Learn's acquisition of Metranome Read more |
Post Secondary Education: Upcoming Events
Event:........EDUCAUSE Institute Leadership Program
Date:.........July 11 - 15
Location:....Boulder, Colorado
Event:........The Fourteenth Cambridge International Conference on Open, Distance and e-Learning 2011
Date:.........September 25 - 28, 2011
Location:.... Cambridge, UK
Event:........MindShare Learning EdTech Summit 2011
Date:..........November 14, 2011
Location:...Toronto, Ontario, York University Research Tower
Interview with Marc Kielburger By Aislinn Malszecki, Digital Media Specialist, MindShare Learning
This month in the Youth File, I interviewed Marc Kielburger with a focus on technology, youth empowerment and how teachers can help guide students to live an inspired life, instep in the world of social change.
Marc is a Canadian author, speaker, humanitarian and activist for children's rights. He and his brother Craig Kielburger co-founded Free The Children, an international development and youth empowerment organization.
Marc spoke at the Toronto District School Board's Social Justice Fair inspiring our team to get in touch with him to answer a few questions. Here's what transpired:
1. When you talk to school kids at the age you were when you first became a social activist for human rights, do you see differences in the kids now than when you were the same age especially because they're deeply connected to the world via the Internet?
Youth today have an incredible opportunity to access an entire network and world of knowledge available at their fingertips. A few years ago, students were only able to connect others who shared similar passions in their local schools or community. Through Free The Children, an entire support network has been created for students to share ideas and stories from all around the world. Social networking allows Free The Children and Me to We to reach thousands of students each day - within minutes. We share updates about the amazing work young people are doing around the world and keep them motivated through fundraising tips and inspirational stories.
2. What do you wish teacher's knew about kids in their classrooms?
Students have some of the most imaginative and driven minds out there. Many teachers definitely know this, but I wish more would recognize the unique perspectives kids have. When faced with a challenge, students will respond with some of the most amazing solutions and rarely give up until a solution has been discovered. Each student is unique, so we recommend a simple equation: gift + issue = change. Students have unlimited potential when they match their passion - sports, baking, singing, writing, etc - with an issue they are passionate about, It may be homelessness, education, animal rights, or anything they want to take action on. When students realize that fundraising and awareness building can be much more than just selling chocolate bars door to door, they will take action like never before.
Read Full Interview
 Free the Children is a charity and an educational partner, I encourage you to get involved in their community and help support their incredible cause to educate, engage and empower youth globally.
CEA launches new infographic on student engagement
CEA 22/06/11
What did you do in school today? Has provided CEA with insights into how more than 63,000 Canadian students feel about their experiences of engagement in school and learning.
Read more
Education Indicators in Canada: Fact Sheets
Spending on Postsecondary Education
StatsCan June 2011 In Canada, a public education is available free to all residents until the end of secondary school (up to a certain age depending on the province or territory).
Read more
Infographic: Children's Future Requests for Computers and the Internet
SLIDESHOW: 15 ideas from Canada 3.0 ITWorld 08/06/11
Eight Tech Trends for Librarians (and Teachers too!)
The Evolution of Classroom Technology
Feature Jobs
Education Canada Network and MindShare Learning Report are proud to bring you the following featured job opportunities.
Director of Education Services
Cree School Board/Commission Scolaire Crie
Come and discover a unique way of living...a new way of teaching...the natural beauty of James Bay...a place where you'll have an immediate impact and receive so much in return. The Cree School Board provides pre-primary through secondary and adult education services in Cree, French and English in nine communities. Join our team and make a personal commitment to an experience that will change your life.
Learn more and Apply
Director of Education Services
Portage College
The College is known for its broad range of programming in both academic upgrading and career training, and for the quality of our programs and instructors. We offer academic upgrading and career programs at the main campus in Lac La Biche and academic upgrading programs in many northeastern Alberta communities.
Learn more and Apply
Executive Director
Northern Nishnawbe Education Council
The Northern Nishnawbe Education Council (NNEC) is a First Nation Education Authority established by 23 Northwestern Ontario First Nation Communities approximately 25 years ago to oversee and manage High School education programs and services.
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"The Connectors, Leaders and People on the Move"

What a memorable 2010-2011 academic year it's been! Full of learning & innovation, inspiration, perspiration and sometimes pain. What's crystal clear is that nothing replaces hard work and focus when it comes to achieving excellence. With that I'm pleased to share news from across our Canadian landscape. Congratulations on a successful year!
MindShare's friend and colleague, Dr. Stan Shapson, VP of Research and Innovation at York University recently retired from his position after serving two 5-year terms. We were fortunate to attend a wonderful tribute reception for Dr. Shapson last month. York University president, Dr. Shoukri thanked Stan Shapson for his dedication and service to the university. "I would like to thank Stan Shapson for his outstanding leadership and friendship," Shoukri said. "During his time at York, Stan was instrumental in advancing York's research and innovation mandate, as well as raising the university's profile externally. Among his many contributions, Stan helped to oversee the launch of the Markham Convergence Centre, an important research initiative in the provincial government's ONE Network."
The MindShare Learning 21st Century EdTech Leadership Summit, has a new date: Monday, November 14, 2011 and is shaping up very nicely with the recent keynote addition of Chris Kennedy, Superintendent, West Vancouver School District. Other keynote presenters include, Dr. Ron Canuel, CEO, Canadian Education Association and Dr. Eric Hamilton, Pepperdine University, School of Education and Psychology.
Congratulations to MindShare Learning advisory board member, Dr. Ron Owston, Director of the Institute for Research on Learning Technologies at York University. He recently received a two-year, $72,000 grant from the Insight Development Program of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. The purpose of the grant is to study the accessibility for persons with disabilities of the Open Virtual Usability Lab (OpenVULab), an online tool designed to research the usability of websites. Collaborating with Dr. Owston is Dr. Melanie Baljko from the York Department of Computer Science as well as several doctoral students. For information about OpenVULab.
Great to see my former Pepperdine University prof, the always provocative Dr. Gary Stager at the ISTE conference in Philadelphia last week. As a tribute to Dr. Seymour Papert, he's now publishing The Daily Papert. I'm pleased to share a link to an exclusive interview I had with Dr. Papert while completing my master's in EdTech prior to his accident in 2006. Speaking of Pepperdine, it was great to connect with Dr. Margaret Riel, MALT Program Director and my former thesis advisor. I understand Cadre 13 students survived their thesis defense presentations-Congratulations!
Kudos to Pearson in their quest to transform from a traditional book publisher to digital in the 21stt Century. They certainly lead the way with the recent news in signing on Sir Michael Barber to join Pearson as Chief Education Advisor. Did you know Pearson's original core business was building construction?
Congratulations to the 2011 Distinguished Achievement Award Winners. For more than four decades the AEP (Association of Education Publishers) Awards have honored outstanding resources for teaching and learning.
Just in....McGuinty Government Continues To Support Pathways to Education A high school graduation rate of 81 per cent in 2009-10, is up from 68 per cent in 2003-04. This puts Ontario in the Top 10 in the world rankings.
Great to hear from my former Pepperdine classmate and MindShare HED editor, Mitchel N. Townsend recently who shared....his doctoral thesis at UofC is focused on Social Learning and 21st Century collaborative knowledge building. Mitchel also serves as the Co-President of the consolidated Faculty of Education, Graduate Programs Education Student Association (GPESA) where he'll oversee all related Graduate Student issues, including the two main Faculty of Education Conferences (Faculty and Student Research).
From the @mindsharlearn Tweetdeck
RT @crutherford: 8 Great TED Talks About The Future Of Education And Teaching
RT@KeithHampson: People Are Spending More Time In Mobile Apps Than On The Web via @alleyinsider courtesy of @colleengauthier: 5 tips for a successful product launch-courtesy of Chuck Norris | Articles
100 Highest Ranking Websites in eLearning, Training and Development via @celea #elearning
New edu #tablet maker @mySparkTech appoints MindShare Learning Founder Robert Martellacci to its advisory board
Last but not least in the achieving academic and athletic excellence department....
York University Basketball coaching legend Bob Bain (L) retires after a record breaking 38 years at the helm. President emeritus, H. Ian MacDonald (R) shares in the celebration. The duo are teammates on the York Faculty hockey team.
In closing, I was inspired watching a news report on CBC News recently that featured interviews with graduating College and University students. I was struck by their enthusiasm and the great hope that they conveyed during challenging economic times.
It's the human spirit that remains the cornerstone of innovation. Here's wishing you a safe and enjoyable summer!
Cheers, R.
Product News
The Ultimate All-in-One Classroom Projection Surface and Dry-erase Board from Epson. Epson now offers a combined projection and dry-erase surface in 90" and 96", the ultimate projection partner for classrooms. Featuring Egan Versa Surface (EVS)™ technology, the Whiteboard's matte-white, low-gloss surface provides quality projection with minimal glare or reflection. Designed for everyday use, the 90" / 96" Whiteboard is the perfect solution for classroom presentations that need a large, multipurpose projection surface. Learn more
Top of page
Advisory Board Members
The MindShare Report is grateful of the guidance and support provided by our esteemed advisory board. Members include:
Dr. Greg Malszecki, Department of Kinesiology & Health Sciences, York University
Dr. Ron Owston, Director, Institute for Research on Learning Technology, York University
Dr. Eric Hamilton, Associate Dean of Education, Pepperdine University, Graduate School of Education and Psychology
Cheryl Paige, Principal, Joyce Public School, Toronto District School Board
Jamie McNamara, Superintendent of Schools, St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools, Leduc, Alberta
Joni Turville, B.Ed, M. Ed (Instructional Technology), Educator, AISI Coordinator, St. Albert Protestant Schools
Timothy Gard, Educator - Media Literacy & Technology, Toronto District School Board
Gary Kern, Principal, Technology & Innovation, West Vancouver School District
Ron Sedran, MD, Equity Capital Markets, Canaccord Adams
Marty Keast, President, Pearson Learning K-12 Canada
David Marsi, AVP, Learning & Development, Invesco Trimark
Chip Fesko, Sr. Director of Advertising & Strategic Alliances, George Lucas Educational Foundation, Edutopia Magazine
About Us
The MindShare Learning Report team is made up of the following individuals:
Robert Martellacci, M.A. Ed Tech., Publisher and Managing Editor, contact:
Timothy Gard, M.A., B.Ed K-12 Editor, contact:
Aislinn Malszecki, B.A. Hons., Digital Media Specialist, contact:
Valerie Rusnov, B.A. Hons., B.Ed., Editor
About The MindShare Learning Report™ -- Canada's Leading, Learning & Technology eMagazine.
Our mission is to transform education by sharing knowledge of 21st Century innovative best practices and success stories in the Canadian education market space and beyond. We harness the power of Web 2.0 technologies to feature engaging Vodcasts, podcasts, polling, Canadian educational technology news headlines & upcoming strategic industry events in the K-12, Higher Ed and corporate eLearning market segments. Other elements of the MSL Report eMagazine include: successful practices, ask an educator, ask a professor, research & tech tools, GreenIT and career listings, to support educators and educational technology providers in maintaining a pulse for emerging trends in Canada.
Annual subscriptions to the MindShare Learning Report can be purchased at $99 CDN
About MindShare Learning
MindShare Learning is a privately held company based in the Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Its hallmark is providing strategic marketing solutions to learning & technology solution providers in the K-12, HED and corporate learning markets, to support new market expansion and revenue growth. MindShare Learning's partial client list includes: Adobe (Macromedia), Blackboard Inc., EPSON, GlobalScholar,, RM PLC UK, Softease Ltd. UK, netTrekker, IMSI (, CERC (Canadian Education Resources Council), Tech4Learning, Xoolon, NECTAR Foundation and ERDI Canada.